module Liquid # A Liquid file system is way to let your templates retrieve other templates for use with the include tag. # # You can implement subclasses that retrieve templates from the database, from the file system using a different # path structure, you can provide them as hard-coded inline strings, or any manner that you see fit. # # You can add additional instance variables, arguments, or methods as needed. # # Example: # # Liquid::Template.file_system = # liquid = Liquid::Template.parse(template) # # This will parse the template with a LocalFileSystem implementation rooted at 'template_path'. class BlankFileSystem # Called by Liquid to retrieve a template file def read_template_file(template_path, context) raise FileSystemError, "This liquid context does not allow includes." end end # This implements an abstract file system which retrieves template files named in a manner similar to Rails partials, # ie. with the template name prefixed with an underscore. The extension ".liquid" is also added. # # For security reasons, template paths are only allowed to contain letters, numbers, and underscore. # # Example: # # file_system ="/some/path") # # file_system.full_path("mypartial") # => "/some/path/_mypartial.liquid" # file_system.full_path("dir/mypartial") # => "/some/path/dir/_mypartial.liquid" # class LocalFileSystem attr_accessor :root def initialize(root) @root = root end def read_template_file(template_path, context) full_path = full_path(template_path) raise FileSystemError, "No such template '#{template_path}'" unless File.exists?(full_path) end def full_path(template_path) raise FileSystemError, "Illegal template name '#{template_path}'" unless template_path =~ /^[^.\/][a-zA-Z0-9_\/]+$/ full_path = if template_path.include?('/') File.join(root, File.dirname(template_path), "_#{File.basename(template_path)}.liquid") else File.join(root, "_#{template_path}.liquid") end raise FileSystemError, "Illegal template path '#{File.expand_path(full_path)}'" unless File.expand_path(full_path) =~ /^#{File.expand_path(root)}/ full_path end end end