# Custom fields title: "AskClass Course Theme" description: > Organize your analog or digital course using this template to make the syllabus and content easy to read and mobile. acc: date_format: "%b %d, %y" short_name: "AC Course" color: theme: "#ffc100" bg: "#222" url: "https://acc.askclass.com" categories: - education social: twitter: "askclass_com" logo: image: "logo-icon.svg" size: 70 height: 70 alt_image: "logo.svg" alt_size: 200 sizes: [ 48, 96, 144, 192, 300, 512 ] meta: apple_icon: "logo-300.png" og_image: "logo-square-512.png" shortcut: favicon: "favicon.ico" type: "image/png" image: "logo-96.png" keywords: > edtech, education, technology, learning, teaching, student, educator, university footer: - icon: "copyright" href: "https://askclass.com" text: "AskClass" - icon: "newspaper" href: "https://news.askclass.com" text: "News" - icon: "toys" href: "https://app.askclass.com" text: "Icebreakers" # Donot change the below (will figure something out later) font_families: - Teko - Open+Sans - Josefin+Sans - Share+Tech+Mono - Material+Symbols+Outlined:opsz,wght,FILL,GRAD@20..48,100..700,0..1,-50..200 collections_dir: content collections: session: output: true segment: output: true defaults: - scope: path: "" values: layout: "default" - scope: type: "session" values: layout: "session" - scope: type: "segment" values: layout: "segment" sass: style: compact include: - index.html - 404.html - pwabuilder-sw.js - content exclude: - README.md - LICENSE - Gemfile - askclass-course-theme.gemspec - CNAME - runme.sh