// Container Syntax
// ================

// Container [mixin]
// -----------------
// Set a container element
// - [$layout]  : <settings>
@mixin container(
  $layout: $susy
) {
  $layout     : parse-grid($layout);

  $width      : get-container-width($layout);
  $justify    : parse-container-position(susy-get(container-position, $layout));
  $property   : if(susy-get(math, $layout) == static, width, max-width);

  $box        : susy-get(box-sizing, $layout);

  @if $box {
    @include output((box-sizing: $box));

  @include float-container($width, $justify, $property);
  @include show-grid($layout);

// Container [function]
// --------------------
// Return container width
// - [$layout]  : <settings>
@function container(
  $layout: $susy
) {
  $layout: parse-grid($layout);
  @return get-container-width($layout);

// Get Container Width
// -------------------
// Calculate the container width
// - [$layout]: <settings>
@function get-container-width(
  $layout: $susy
) {
  $layout         : parse-grid($layout);
  $width          : susy-get(container, $layout);
  $column-width   : susy-get(column-width, $layout);

  @if not $width or $width == auto {
    @if $column-width {
      $columns        : susy-get(columns, $layout);
      $gutters        : susy-get(gutters, $layout);
      $spread         : if(is-split($layout), wide, narrow);
      $width          : column-sum($columns, $gutters, $spread) * $column-width;
    } @else {
      // if we have nothing, default to 100%
      $width: 100%;

  @return $width;

// Parse Container Position
// ------------------------
// Parse the $container-position into margin values.
// - [$justify]   : left | center | right | <length> [<length>]
@function parse-container-position(
  $justify: map-get($susy-defaults, container-position)
) {
  $return: if($justify == left, 0, auto) if($justify == right, 0, auto);

  @if not index(left right center, $justify) {
    $return: nth($justify, 1);
    $return: $return if(length($justify) > 1, nth($justify, 2), $return);

  @return $return;