# # = Ruby Whois # # An intelligent pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser. # # # Category:: Net # Package:: Whois # Author:: Simone Carletti <weppos@weppos.net> # License:: MIT License # #-- # #++ require 'ipaddr' require 'whois/server/adapters/base' require 'whois/server/adapters/arpa' require 'whois/server/adapters/afilias' require 'whois/server/adapters/formatted' require 'whois/server/adapters/none' require 'whois/server/adapters/not_implemented' require 'whois/server/adapters/pir' require 'whois/server/adapters/standard' require 'whois/server/adapters/verisign' require 'whois/server/adapters/web' module Whois class Server @@definitions = {} # Searches the /definitions folder for definition files and loads them. # This method is automatically invoked when this file is parsed by the Ruby interpreter # (scroll down to the bottom of this file). def self.load_definitions Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/definitions/*.rb'].each { |file| load(file) } end # Returns the active definition list. # If <tt>type</tt>, returns only the definitions matching given type or # nil if no definition exists. # # Whois::Server.definitions # # => { :tld => [...], :ipv4 => [], ... } # Whois::Server.definitions(:tld) # # => [...] # Whois::Server.definitions(:invalid) # # => nil # def self.definitions(type = nil) if type.nil? @@definitions else @@definitions[type] end end # Defines a new server for <tt>:type</tt> queries. # # == Parameters # # type:: # The type of whois server to define. # Allowed values are :tld, :ipv4, :ipv6. # allocation:: # The allocation, range or hostname this server is responsible for. # host:: # The server hostname. # options:: # Additional options to customize Adpter behavior. # # ==== Examples # # # Define a server for the .it extension # Whois::Server.define :tld, ".it", "whois.nic.it" # # Define a new server for an range of IPv4 addresses # Whois::Server.define :ipv4, "", "whois.nic.ad.jp" # # Define a new server for an range of IPv6 addresses # Whois::Server.define :ipv6, "2001:2000::/19", "whois.ripe.net" # def self.define(type, allocation, host, options = {}) @@definitions[type] ||= [] @@definitions[type] << [allocation, host, options] end # Creates a new server adapter from given arguments # and returns the server instance. # # By default returns a new Whois::Servers::Adapter::Standard instance. # You can customize the behavior passing a custom adapter class as :adapter option. # # Whois::Server.factory :tld, ".it", "whois.nic.it" # # => #<Whois::Servers::Adapter::Standard> # Whois::Server.factory :tld, ".it", "whois.nic.it", :option => Whois::Servers::Adapter::Custom # # => #<Whois::Servers::Adapter::Custom> # def self.factory(type, allocation, host, options = {}) options = options.dup (options.delete(:adapter) || Adapters::Standard).new(type, allocation, host, options) end # Parses <tt>qstring</tt> and tries to guess the right server. # # It successfully detects the following query types: # * ipv6 # * ipv4 # * top level domains # * emails # # ==== Raises # # ServerNotFound:: # When unable to find an appropriate whois server for <tt>qstring</tt>. # def self.guess(qstring) # IPv6 address (secure match) if valid_ipv6?(qstring) return find_for_ipv6(qstring) end # IPv4 address (secure match) if valid_ipv4?(qstring) return find_for_ipv4(qstring) end # Email Address (secure match) if qstring =~ /@/ return find_for_email(qstring) end # TLD if server = find_for_tld(qstring) return server end # Gave Over raise ServerNotFound, "Unable to find a whois server for `#{qstring}'" end private def self.find_for_ipv6(qstring) ip = IPAddr.new(qstring) definitions(:ipv6).each do |definition| if IPAddr.new(definition.first).include?(ip) return factory(:ipv6, *definition) end end raise AllocationUnknown, "IP Allocation for `#{qstring}' unknown." + "Server definitions might be outdated." end def self.find_for_ipv4(qstring) ip = IPAddr.new(qstring) definitions(:ipv4).each do |definition| if IPAddr.new(definition.first).include?(ip) return factory(:ipv4, *definition) end end raise AllocationUnknown, "IP Allocation for `#{qstring}' unknown." + "Server definitions might be outdated." end def self.find_for_email(qstring) raise ServerNotSupported, "No whois server is known for email objects" end def self.find_for_tld(qstring) definitions(:tld).each do |definition| return factory(:tld, *definition) if /#{Regexp.escape(definition.first)}$/ =~ qstring end nil end def self.valid_ipv4?(addr) if /\A(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\Z/ =~ addr return $~.captures.all? {|i| i.to_i < 256} end false end def self.valid_ipv6?(addr) # IPv6 (normal) return true if /\A[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*\Z/ =~ addr return true if /\A[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*::([\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?\Z/ =~ addr return true if /\A::([\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?\Z/ =~ addr # IPv6 (IPv4 compat) return true if /\A[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*:/ =~ addr && valid_ipv4?($') return true if /\A[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*::([\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*:)?/ =~ addr && valid_ipv4?($') return true if /\A::([\dA-Fa-f]{1,4}(:[\dA-Fa-f]{1,4})*:)?/ =~ addr && valid_ipv4?($') false end end end Whois::Server.load_definitions