# OpenStudio® Measure Tester [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/NREL/OpenStudio-measure-tester-gem.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/NREL/OpenStudio-measure-tester-gem) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/openstudio_measure_tester.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/openstudio_measure_tester) The OpenStudio Measure Tester is a rubygem that exposes rake tasks for testing OpenStudio measures. ## Installation * Add the following code to the Gemfile and Rakefile of a measure repo you desire to test. * Gemfile ```ruby gem 'openstudio_measure_tester', '~> 0.1' # or gem 'openstudio_measure_tester', github: 'NREL/openstudio_measure_tester_gem' # or gem 'openstudio_measure_tester', path: '../' ``` * Rakefile ```ruby require 'openstudio_measure_tester/rake_task' OpenStudioMeasureTester::RakeTask.new ``` * Run `bundle update` * run `bundle exec rake -T` to see the new tests that are available. * In existing measure directory, run `bundle exec rake openstudio:test` ## Disclaimer This project is under active development and will be changing significantly. ## Potential Issues Currently, the project downloads the rubocops from the OpenStudio-resources Github repo and saves them to the gem's installation location. This may be write protected on some machines. # TODOS * Callbacks to gather results * MiniTest results to JSON (currently only stdout) # Testing in Docker ```bash apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl curl -sLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NREL/OpenStudio-server/develop/docker/deployment/scripts/install_ruby.sh curl -sLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NREL/OpenStudio-server/develop/docker/deployment/scripts/install_openstudio.sh chmod +x install_ruby.sh chmod +x install_openstudio.sh ./install_ruby.sh 2.2.4 b6eff568b48e0fda76e5a36333175df049b204e91217aa32a65153cc0cdcb761 ./install_openstudio.sh 2.4.0 f58a3e1808 export RUBYLIB=/usr/Ruby ```