#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/checksums' describe Puppet::Util::Checksums do include PuppetSpec::Files before do @summer = Object.new @summer.extend(Puppet::Util::Checksums) end content_sums = [:md5, :md5lite, :sha1, :sha1lite] file_only = [:ctime, :mtime, :none] content_sums.each do |sumtype| it "should be able to calculate #{sumtype} sums from strings" do @summer.should be_respond_to(sumtype) end end [content_sums, file_only].flatten.each do |sumtype| it "should be able to calculate #{sumtype} sums from files" do @summer.should be_respond_to(sumtype.to_s + "_file") end end [content_sums, file_only].flatten.each do |sumtype| it "should be able to calculate #{sumtype} sums from stream" do @summer.should be_respond_to(sumtype.to_s + "_stream") end end it "should have a method for determining whether a given string is a checksum" do @summer.should respond_to(:checksum?) end %w{{md5}asdfasdf {sha1}asdfasdf {ctime}asdasdf {mtime}asdfasdf}.each do |sum| it "should consider #{sum} to be a checksum" do @summer.should be_checksum(sum) end end %w{{nosuchsum}asdfasdf {a}asdfasdf {ctime}}.each do |sum| it "should not consider #{sum} to be a checksum" do @summer.should_not be_checksum(sum) end end it "should have a method for stripping a sum type from an existing checksum" do @summer.sumtype("{md5}asdfasdfa").should == "md5" end it "should have a method for stripping the data from a checksum" do @summer.sumdata("{md5}asdfasdfa").should == "asdfasdfa" end it "should return a nil sumtype if the checksum does not mention a checksum type" do @summer.sumtype("asdfasdfa").should be_nil end {:md5 => Digest::MD5, :sha1 => Digest::SHA1}.each do |sum, klass| describe("when using #{sum}") do it "should use #{klass} to calculate string checksums" do klass.expects(:hexdigest).with("mycontent").returns "whatever" @summer.send(sum, "mycontent").should == "whatever" end it "should use incremental #{klass} sums to calculate file checksums" do digest = mock 'digest' klass.expects(:new).returns digest file = "/path/to/my/file" fh = mock 'filehandle' fh.expects(:read).with(4096).times(3).returns("firstline").then.returns("secondline").then.returns(nil) #fh.expects(:read).with(512).returns("secondline") #fh.expects(:read).with(512).returns(nil) File.expects(:open).with(file, "rb").yields(fh) digest.expects(:<<).with "firstline" digest.expects(:<<).with "secondline" digest.expects(:hexdigest).returns :mydigest @summer.send(sum.to_s + "_file", file).should == :mydigest end it "should yield #{klass} to the given block to calculate stream checksums" do digest = mock 'digest' klass.expects(:new).returns digest digest.expects(:hexdigest).returns :mydigest @summer.send(sum.to_s + "_stream") do |checksum| checksum.should == digest end.should == :mydigest end end end {:md5lite => Digest::MD5, :sha1lite => Digest::SHA1}.each do |sum, klass| describe("when using #{sum}") do it "should use #{klass} to calculate string checksums from the first 512 characters of the string" do content = "this is a test" * 100 klass.expects(:hexdigest).with(content[0..511]).returns "whatever" @summer.send(sum, content).should == "whatever" end it "should use #{klass} to calculate a sum from the first 512 characters in the file" do digest = mock 'digest' klass.expects(:new).returns digest file = "/path/to/my/file" fh = mock 'filehandle' fh.expects(:read).with(512).returns('my content') File.expects(:open).with(file, "rb").yields(fh) digest.expects(:<<).with "my content" digest.expects(:hexdigest).returns :mydigest @summer.send(sum.to_s + "_file", file).should == :mydigest end end end [:ctime, :mtime].each do |sum| describe("when using #{sum}") do it "should use the '#{sum}' on the file to determine the ctime" do file = "/my/file" stat = mock 'stat', sum => "mysum" File.expects(:stat).with(file).returns(stat) @summer.send(sum.to_s + "_file", file).should == "mysum" end it "should return nil for streams" do expectation = stub "expectation" expectation.expects(:do_something!).at_least_once @summer.send(sum.to_s + "_stream"){ |checksum| checksum << "anything" ; expectation.do_something! }.should be_nil end end end describe "when using the none checksum" do it "should return an empty string" do @summer.none_file("/my/file").should == "" end it "should return an empty string for streams" do expectation = stub "expectation" expectation.expects(:do_something!).at_least_once @summer.none_stream{ |checksum| checksum << "anything" ; expectation.do_something! }.should == "" end end {:md5 => Digest::MD5, :sha1 => Digest::SHA1}.each do |sum, klass| describe "when using #{sum}" do let(:content) { "hello\r\nworld" } let(:path) do path = tmpfile("checksum_#{sum}") File.open(path, 'wb') {|f| f.write(content)} path end it "should preserve nl/cr sequences" do @summer.send(sum.to_s + "_file", path).should == klass.hexdigest(content) end end end end