if ENV['COVERAGE'] || ENV['TRAVIS'] begin require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_filter "/spec/" end # Work correctly across forks: pid = Process.pid SimpleCov.at_exit do SimpleCov.result.format! if Process.pid == pid end if ENV['TRAVIS'] require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear! end rescue LoadError warn "Could not load simplecov: #{$!}" end end require "bundler/setup" require "pry" require "async/dns" require "pp" RSpec.shared_context "reactor" do let(:reactor) {Async::Reactor.new} around(:each) do |example| result = nil reactor.run do result = example.run # Force the reactor to stop running if the result was an error. if result.is_a? Exception reactor.stop end end reactor.close result end end # abort "Warning, ulimit is too low!" if `ulimit -n`.to_i < 10000 RSpec.configure do |config| # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status" config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.syntax = :expect end end