require 'thor' module Kytoon class ThorTasks < Thor desc "create", "Create a new server group." method_options :group_type => :string method_options :group_config => :string def create(options=(options or {})) begin ServerGroup.init(options[:group_type]) sg = ServerGroup.create(options[:group_config]) puts "Server group ID #{} created." rescue KytoonException => ke puts ke.message exit 1 end end desc "list", "List existing server groups." method_options :group_type => :string method_options :remote => :boolean, :default => false def list(options=(options or {})) begin ServerGroup.init(options[:group_type]) ServerGroup.index({:remote => options[:remote]}) rescue KytoonException => ke puts ke.message exit 1 end end desc "show", "Print information for a server group." method_options :group_id => :string method_options :group_type => :string method_options :remote => :boolean, :default => false def show(options=(options or {})) begin ServerGroup.init(options[:group_type]) sg = ServerGroup.get(options[:group_id], {:remote => options[:remote]}) sg.pretty_print rescue KytoonException => ke puts ke.message exit 1 end end desc "delete", "Delete a server group." method_options :group_id => :string method_options :group_type => :string method_options :remote => :boolean, :default => false def delete(options=(options or {})) begin ServerGroup.init(options[:group_type]) sg = ServerGroup.get(options[:group_id], {:remote => options[:remote]}) sg.delete SshUtil.remove_known_hosts_ip(sg.gateway_ip) rescue KytoonException => ke puts ke.message exit 1 end end desc "ip", "Print the IP address of the gateway server" method_options :group_id => :string method_options :group_type => :string method_options :remote => :boolean, :default => false def ip(options=(options or {})) begin ServerGroup.init(options[:group_type]) sg = ServerGroup.get(options[:group_id], {:remote => options[:remote]}) puts sg.gateway_ip rescue KytoonException => ke puts ke.message exit 1 end end desc "ssh", "SSH into a group." method_options :group_id => :string method_options :group_type => :string method_options :remote => :boolean, :default => false def ssh(*) begin ServerGroup.init(options[:group_type]) args=ARGV[1, ARGV.length].join(" ") sg = ServerGroup.get(options[:group_id], {:remote => options[:remote]}) arg_count = 1 arg_count +=1 if args =~ /--group_type/ arg_count +=1 if args =~ /--group_id/ arg_count +=1 if args =~ /--remote/ args=ARGV[arg_count, ARGV.length].join(" ") exec("ssh -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" root@#{sg.gateway_ip} #{args}") rescue KytoonException => ke puts ke.message exit 1 end end end end