###### Easily put your screenshots into the right device frames _frameit_ allows you to put a gorgeous device frame around your iOS, macOS and Android screenshots just by running one simple command. Use _frameit_ to prepare perfect screenshots for the App Store, your website, QA or emails. -------


frameit is part of fastlane: The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps.
# Features ## Frame screenshot Put a gorgeous device frame around your iOS, macOS and Android screenshots just by running one simple command. Support for: - iPhone, iPad and Mac - Set of Android devices - Portrait and Landscape modes - Several device frame colors The complete and updated list of supported devices and colors can be found [here](https://github.com/fastlane/frameit-frames/tree/gh-pages/latest) Here is a nice gif, that shows _frameit_ in action: ![img/actions/FrameitGit.gif](/img/actions/FrameitGit.gif?raw=1) ## Advanced Features - Put framed screenshot on colored background, define padding - add text above or under framed screenshot - keyword + text - choose text font and color - multi line text - "intelligent" positioning of text that always looks good(ish) ## Results ![img/actions/ScreenshotsBig.png](/img/actions/ScreenshotsBig.png?raw=1) ------- ![img/actions/ScreenshotsOverview.png](/img/actions/ScreenshotsOverview.png?raw=1) ------- ![img/actions/MacExample.png](/img/actions/MacExample.png?raw=1)
The frameit 2.0 update was kindly sponsored by MindNode, seen in the screenshots above.
The first time that _frameit_ is executed the frames will be downloaded automatically. Originally the frames are coming from [Facebook frameset](http://facebook.design/devices) and they are kept on [this repo](https://github.com/fastlane/frameit-frames). More information about this process and how to update the frames can be found [here](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/frameit/frames_generator) # Usage ## Basic Usage Why should you have to use Photoshop, just to add a frame around your screenshots? Just navigate to your folder of screenshots and use the following command (iOS and Mac OS are default platforms for backward compatibility): ```no-highlight fastlane frameit ``` To frame Android screenshots: ```no-highlight fastlane frameit android ``` To use the silver version of the frames: ```no-highlight fastlane frameit silver ``` To download the latest frames ```no-highlight fastlane frameit download_frames ``` Note: When using _frameit_ without titles on top, the screenshots will have the full resolution, which means they can't be uploaded to the App Store directly. They are supposed to be used for websites, print media and emails. Check out the section below to use the screenshots for the App Store. ## Advanced Usage (optional) ### Text and Background With _frameit_ it's possible to add a custom background and text below or above the framed screenshots in fonts and colors you define. A working example can be found in the [fastlane examples](https://github.com/fastlane/examples/tree/master/MindNode/screenshots) project. ### `Framefile.json` The Framefile allows to define general and screenshot specific information. It has the following general JSON structure: ```json { "device_frame_version": "latest", "default": { ... }, "data": [ ... ] } ``` ### General parameters The general parameters are defined in the `default` key and can be: | Key | Description | Default value | |-----|-------------|---------------| | `background` | The background that should be used for the framed screenshot. Specify the (relative) path to the image file (e.g. `*.jpg`). This parameter is mandatory. | NA | | `keyword` | An object that contains up to 3 keys to describe the optional keyword. See [table](#keyword-and-title-parameters) below. | NA | | `title` | An object that contains up to 3 keys to describe the mandatory title. See [table](#keyword-and-title-parameters) below. | NA | | `stack_title` | Specifies whether _frameit_ should display the keyword above the title when both keyword and title are defined. If it is false, the title and keyword will be displayed side by side when both keyword and title are defined. | `false` | | `title_below_image` | Specifies whether _frameit_ should place the title and optional keyword below the device frame. If it is false, it will be placed above the device frame. | `false` | | `show_complete_frame` | Specifies whether _frameit_ should shrink the device frame so that it is completely shown in the framed screenshot. If it is false, clipping of the device frame might occur at the bottom (when `title_below_image` is `false`) or top (when `title_below_image` is `true`) of the framed screenshot. | `false` | | `padding` | The content of the framed screenshot will be resized to match the specified `padding` around all edges. The vertical padding is also applied between the text and the top or bottom (depending on `title_below_image`) of the device frame.

There are 3 different options of specifying the padding:

1. Default: An integer value that defines both horizontal and vertical padding in pixels.
2. A string that defines (different) padding values in pixels for horizontal and vertical padding. The syntax is `"x"`, e.g. `"30x60"`.
3. A string that defines (different) padding values in percentage for horizontal and vertical padding. The syntax is `"%x%"`, e.g. `"5%x10%"`.
**Note:** The percentage is calculated from the smallest image dimension (height or width).

A combination of option 2 and 3 is possible, e.g. `"5%x40"`. | `50` | | `interline_spacing` | Specifies whether _frameit_ should add or subtract this many pixels between the individual lines of text. This only applies to a multi-line `title` and/or `keyword` to expand or squash together the individual lines of text. | `0` | | `font_scale_factor` | Specifies whether _frameit_ should increase or decrease the font size of the text. Is ignored for `keyword` or `title`, if `font_size` is specified. | `0.1` | | `frame` | Overrides the color of the frame to be used. (Valid values are `BLACK`, `WHITE`, `GOLD` and `ROSE_GOLD`) | NA | | `title_min_height` | Specifies a height always reserved for the title. Value can be a percentage of the height or an absolute value. The device will be placed below (or above) this area. Convenient to ensure the device top (or bottom) will be consistently placed at the same height on the different screenshots. | NA | | `use_platform` | Overrides the platform used for the screenshot. Valid values are `IOS`, `ANDROID` and `ANY`. | `IOS` | | `force_device_type` | Forces a specific device. Valid values are: Huawei P8, Motorola Moto E, Motorola Moto G, Nexus 4, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime, Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Samsung Galaxy S Duos, Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S9, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone XS Max, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 4, iPad Pro, MacBook, Google Pixel 3, Google Pixel 3 XL, HTC One A9, HTC One M8 | NA | ### Specific parameters The screenshot specific parameters are related to the keyword and title texts. These are defined in the `data` key. This is an array with the following keys for each screenshot: | Key | Description | |-----|-------------| | `filter` | This is mandatory to link the individual configuration to the screenshot, based on part of the file name.

If a screenshot is named `iPhone 8-Brainstorming.png` you can use value `Brainstorming` for `filter`. If there are more than one `filter` matching an entry, they will all be applied in order (which means that the last one has the highest precedence). All other keys from that array element will only be applied on this specific screenshot. | | `keyword` | Similar use as in `default`, except that parameter `text` can be used here because it is screenshot specific. | | `title` | Similar use as in `default`, except that parameter `text` can be used here because it is screenshot specific. | | `frame` | Overrides the color of the frame to be used. (Valid values are `BLACK`, `WHITE`, `GOLD` and `ROSE_GOLD`) | NA | | `use_platform` | Overrides the platform used for the screenshot. Valid values are `IOS`, `ANDROID` and `ANY`. | `IOS` | | `force_device_type` | Forces a specific device. Valid values are the same as for the general parameter. | NA | ### Framefile `keyword` and `title` parameters The `keyword` and `title` parameters are both used in `default` and `data`. They both consist of the following optional keys: | Key | Description | Default value | |-----|-------------|---------------| | `color` | The font color for the text. Specify a HEX/HTML color code. | `#000000` (black) | | `font` | The font family for the text. Specify the (relative) path to the font file (e.g. an OpenType Font). | The default `imagemagick` font, which is system dependent. | | `font_size` | The font size for the text specified in points. If not specified or `0`, font will be scaled automatically to fit the available space. _frameit_ still shrinks the text, if it would not fit. | NA | | `font_weight` | The [font weight for the text](https://imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#weight). Specify an integer value (e.g. 900). | NA | | `text` | The text that should be used for the `keyword` or `title`.

Note: If you want to use localised text, use [`.strings` files](#strings-files). | NA | ### Example ```json { "device_frame_version": "latest", "default": { "keyword": { "font": "./fonts/MyFont-Rg.otf" }, "title": { "font": "./fonts/MyFont-Th.otf", "font_size": 128, "color": "#545454" }, "background": "./background.jpg", "padding": 50, "show_complete_frame": false, "stack_title" : false, "title_below_image": true, "frame": "WHITE", "use_platform": "IOS" }, "data": [ { "filter": "Brainstorming", "keyword": { "color": "#d21559" } }, { "filter": "Organizing", "keyword": { "color": "#feb909" }, "frame": "ROSE_GOLD" }, { "filter": "Sharing", "keyword": { "color": "#aa4dbc" } }, { "filter": "Styling", "keyword": { "color": "#31bb48" } }, { "filter": "Android", "use_platform": "ANDROID" } ] } ``` You can find a more complex [configuration](https://github.com/fastlane/examples/blob/master/MindNode/screenshots/Framefile.json) to also support Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. The `Framefile.json` should be in the `screenshots` folder, as seen in the [example](https://github.com/fastlane/examples/tree/master/MindNode/screenshots). ### `.strings` files To define the title and optionally the keyword, put two `.strings` files into the language folder (e.g. [en-US in the example project](https://github.com/fastlane/examples/tree/master/MindNode/screenshots/en-US)) The `keyword.strings` and `title.strings` are standard `.strings` file you already use for your iOS apps, making it easy to use your existing translation service to get localized titles. **Notes** - These `.strings` files **MUST** be utf-8 (UTF-8) or utf-16 encoded (UTF-16 BE with BOM). They also must begin with an empty line. If you are having trouble see [issue #1740](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/1740) - You **MUST** provide a background if you want titles. _frameit_ will not add the titles if a background is not specified. ### Screenshot orientation By default _frameit_ adds a frame to your screenshot based on an orientation you took it. For a portrait (vertical orientation) it is going to add portrait frame and for a landscape (horizontal orientation) - landscape left (= [Home button on the left side](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiinterfaceorientation/landscapeleft)). One way to override the default behavior is editing the file name by adding `force_landscaperight` to the end. ### `force_orientation_block` If the default behavior doesn't fit your needs and you don't want or can't rename your screenshots, you can customize _frameit_'s orientation behavior by setting a `force_orientation_block` parameter. The valid values are: `:landscape_left` (home button on the left side), `:landscape_right` (home button on the right side), `:portrait` (home button on the bottom), `nil` (home button on the right side). ### Examples ```ruby # It matches the filename to the framed device orientation frameit( path: "./fastlane/screenshots", force_orientation_block: proc do |filename| case filename when "iPad Pro (12.9-inch)-01LoginScreen" :landscape_right when "iPhone 6 Plus-01LoginScreen" :portrait # and so on end end ) ``` ```ruby # It frames the screenshots in landscape right whenever the filename contains `landscape` word frameit( silver: true, path: "./fastlane/screenshots", force_orientation_block: proc do |filename| f = filename.downcase if f.include?("landscape") :landscape_right end end ) ``` # Mac With _frameit_ it's possible to also frame macOS Application screenshots. You have to provide the following: - A (relative) path to a `background` image file, which should contain both the background and the Mac. - The `offset` information so _frameit_ knows where to position your screenshot on the `background`: - `offset` : A string that specifies the horizontal and vertical offset in pixels, with respect to the top left corner of the `background` image. The syntax is `"++"`, e.g. `"+200+150"`. - `titleHeight` : The height in pixels that should be used for the title. ## Example ```json { "default": { "title": { "color": "#545454" }, "background": "Mac.jpg", "offset": { "offset": "+676+479", "titleHeight": 320 } }, "data": [ { "filter": "Brainstorming", "keyword": { "color": "#d21559" } } ] } ``` Check out the [MindNode example project](https://github.com/fastlane/examples/tree/master/MindNode/screenshots). # Tips ## Generate localized screenshots Check out [_snapshot_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/snapshot/) to automatically generate screenshots using ```UI Automation```. ## Resume framing Framing screenshots is a slow operation. In case you need to resume framing, or just frame a couple updated screenshots again, you can rely on the `--resume` flag. Only screenshots which have not been framed yet – or for which there isn't an up-to-date framed image – will be framed. This feature uses the file modification dates and will reframe screenshots if the screenshot is newer than the framed file. ## Upload screenshots Use [_deliver_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/deliver/) to upload iOS screenshots to App Store Connect, or [_supply_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/supply/) to upload Android screenshots to Play Store completely automatically 🚀 ## Use a clean status bar You can set `override_status_bar` to `true` in snapshot to set the status bar to Tuesday January 9th at 9:41AM with full battery and reception. ## Gray artifacts around text If you run into any quality issues, like having a border around the font, it usually helps to just re-install `imagemagick`. You can do so by running ```sh brew uninstall imagemagick brew install imagemagick ``` ## Uninstall - `gem uninstall fastlane` - `rm -rf ~/.frameit`