module NoCms::Menus class MenuItem < ActiveRecord::Base include NoCms::Menus::Concerns::TranslationScopes extend Enumerize enumerize :rel, in: ['', :alternate, :author, :bookmark, :help, :license, :next, :nofollow, :noreferrer, :prefetch, :prev, :search, :tag] translates :name, :external_url, :draft, :leaf_with_draft accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations delegate :leaf_with_draft?, to: :translation acts_as_nested_set belongs_to :menu, inverse_of: :menu_items, class_name: "::NoCms::Menus::Menu" belongs_to :menuable, polymorphic: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :children, allow_destroy: true validates :name, :kind, :menu, presence: true before_validation :copy_parent_menu after_save :set_leaf_with_draft after_save :set_default_position after_save :set_draft_by_kind scope :leaves_with_draft, ->() { where_with_locale leaf_with_draft: true } scope :active_for, ->(options = {}) do # Now we search the active menu item. First we search for the any active for the current object, then the action and then an static url # If there's no param (object, action or url) or an active item for the param then we search the next one return active_for_object(options[:object]) unless options[:object].nil? || !active_for_object(options[:object]).exists? return active_for_action(options[:action]) unless options[:action].nil? || !active_for_action(options[:action]).exists? return active_for_external_url(options[:url]) unless options[:url].nil? return none end scope :active_for_object, ->(object) { where menuable_type: object.class, menuable_id: } scope :active_for_action, ->(action) { where menu_action: action } scope :active_for_external_url, ->(external_url) { where external_url: external_url } scope :drafts, ->() { where_with_locale(draft: true) } scope :no_drafts, ->() { where_with_locale(draft: false) } def active_for?(options = {}) return active_for_object?(options[:object]) unless options[:object].nil? return active_for_action?(options[:action]) unless options[:action].nil? return active_for_external_url?(options[:url]) unless options[:url].nil? false end def active_for_object? object !object.nil? && (menuable == object) end def active_for_action? action !action.nil? && (menu_action == action) end def active_for_external_url? external_url !external_url.nil? && (self.external_url == external_url) end def url_for case when !menu_kind[:object_class].nil? menuable.respond_to?(:path) ? menuable.path : menuable when !menu_kind[:action].nil? controller, action = menu_action.split('#') # When we are inside an engine we need to prepend '/' to the controller, or else it would search the controller in the current engine locale = NoCms::Menus.localize_urls ? {locale: I18n.locale.to_s} : {} { controller: "/#{controller}", action: action }.merge locale else external_url end end def route_set menu_kind[:route_set] end def position self[:position] || 0 end def menu_kind NoCms::Menus.menu_kinds[self.kind] end def copy_parent_menu = unless parent.nil? end def set_leaf_with_draft translations.each do |translation| I18n.with_locale(translation.locale) do previous_leaf_flag = translation.leaf_with_draft translation.update_column :leaf_with_draft, !draft && (leaf? || !descendants.no_drafts.exists?) self.parent.set_leaf_with_draft unless root? || (previous_leaf_flag == self.leaf_with_draft) end end end def draft menu_kind[:hidden] ? true : translation.draft end def draft? draft end private def set_default_position self.update_attribute :position, ((menu.menu_items.pluck(:position).compact.max || 0) + 1) if self[:position].blank? end def set_draft_by_kind translations.each do |t| t.update_attribute :draft, true if !t.draft && menu_kind[:hidden] end end end end