# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # Exports setups with tracker naming that works with the Action bilinears class Tracksperanto::Export::FlameStabilizer2014Cornerpin < Tracksperanto::Export::FlameStabilizer2014 def self.desc_and_extension "flamesmoke_2014_cornerpin.stabilizer" end def self.human_name "Flame/Smoke 2D Stabilizer setup (v. 2014 and above) for corner pins" end # The trackers for cornerpins should go in Z order, but now # in N order, unline it did previously. Like so: # # TL(1) TR(3) # ˆ \ ˆ # | \ | # | \ | # | \ | # BL(0) BR(2) # # This "kinda tool" ensures that this is indeed taking place class Sorter include Tracksperanto::SimpleExport # so that it calls OUR methods def initialize(exporter) @exp = exporter end def start_export(w,h) @width, @height = w, h @corners, @four_done = [], false end def start_tracker_segment(name) @four_done = (@corners.length == 4) return if @four_done @corners.push(Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => name)) end def export_point(f, x, y, r) return if @four_done @corners[-1].keyframe! :frame => f, :abs_x => x, :abs_y => y, :residual => r end def end_tracker_segment # Just leave that end def end_export # We will have problems sorting if we have too few trackers return @exp.just_export(@corners, @width, @height) unless @corners.length == 4 # Sort the trackers, first in Y of the first keyframe in_y = sort_on_first_keyframe(@corners, :abs_y) # then on the X for the two separate blocks for top and bottom tl, tr = sort_on_first_keyframe(in_y[2..3], :abs_x) bl, br = sort_on_first_keyframe(in_y[0..1], :abs_x) bulk = [bl, tl, br, tr] # New Flame 2014 order @exp.just_export(bulk, @width, @height) end private def sort_on_first_keyframe(enum, property) enum.sort{|a, b| a[0].send(property) <=> b[0].send(property) } end end # Initialize the exporter with a preconfigured sorter around it. # When this object receives the commands they will come from the Sorter instead, # and the trackers will already be in their Z-order def self.new(*arguments) object = super Sorter.new(object) end # Now instead of names we got vague indices. YAY for Rue Duc! CORNERPIN_NAMING = %w( none tracker0_0 tracker0_1 tracker1_0 tracker1_1 ) # Overridden to give the right names to trackers def prefix(tracker_channel) tracker_name = CORNERPIN_NAMING[@counter] [tracker_name, tracker_channel].join("/") end def start_tracker_segment(tracker_name) if (@counter == 4) @skip = true else super end end def export_point(frame, abs_float_x, abs_float_y, float_residual) return if @skip super end def end_tracker_segment return if @skip super end end