* DOMUtils.js
* Released under LGPL License.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* Utility class for various DOM manipulation and retrieval functions.
* @class tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
* @example
* // Add a class to an element by id in the page
* tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
* // Add a class to an element by id inside the editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
define("tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", [
], function(Sizzle, $, Styles, EventUtils, TreeWalker, Range, Entities, Env, Tools, StyleSheetLoader) {
// Shorten names
var each = Tools.each, is = Tools.is, grep = Tools.grep, trim = Tools.trim;
var isIE = Env.ie;
var simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i;
var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/;
function setupAttrHooks(domUtils, settings) {
var attrHooks = {}, keepValues = settings.keep_values, keepUrlHook;
keepUrlHook = {
set: function($elm, value, name) {
if (settings.url_converter) {
value = settings.url_converter.call(settings.url_converter_scope || domUtils, value, name, $elm[0]);
$elm.attr('data-mce-' + name, value).attr(name, value);
get: function($elm, name) {
return $elm.attr('data-mce-' + name) || $elm.attr(name);
attrHooks = {
style: {
set: function($elm, value) {
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
if (keepValues) {
$elm.attr('data-mce-style', value);
$elm.attr('style', value);
get: function($elm) {
var value = $elm.attr('data-mce-style') || $elm.attr('style');
value = domUtils.serializeStyle(domUtils.parseStyle(value), $elm[0].nodeName);
return value;
if (keepValues) {
attrHooks.href = attrHooks.src = keepUrlHook;
return attrHooks;
function updateInternalStyleAttr(domUtils, $elm) {
var value = $elm.attr('style');
value = domUtils.serializeStyle(domUtils.parseStyle(value), $elm[0].nodeName);
if (!value) {
value = null;
$elm.attr('data-mce-style', value);
function nodeIndex(node, normalized) {
var idx = 0, lastNodeType, nodeType;
if (node) {
for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling; node; node = node.previousSibling) {
nodeType = node.nodeType;
// Normalize text nodes
if (normalized && nodeType == 3) {
if (nodeType == lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length) {
lastNodeType = nodeType;
return idx;
* Constructs a new DOMUtils instance. Consult the Wiki for more details on settings etc for this class.
* @constructor
* @method DOMUtils
* @param {Document} doc Document reference to bind the utility class to.
* @param {settings} settings Optional settings collection.
function DOMUtils(doc, settings) {
var self = this, blockElementsMap;
self.doc = doc;
self.win = window;
self.files = {};
self.counter = 0;
self.stdMode = !isIE || doc.documentMode >= 8;
self.boxModel = !isIE || doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" || self.stdMode;
self.styleSheetLoader = new StyleSheetLoader(doc);
self.boundEvents = [];
self.settings = settings = settings || {};
self.schema = settings.schema;
self.styles = new Styles({
url_converter: settings.url_converter,
url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope
}, settings.schema);
self.events = settings.ownEvents ? new EventUtils(settings.proxy) : EventUtils.Event;
self.attrHooks = setupAttrHooks(self, settings);
blockElementsMap = settings.schema ? settings.schema.getBlockElements() : {};
self.$ = $.overrideDefaults(function() {
return {
context: doc,
element: self.getRoot()
* Returns true/false if the specified element is a block element or not.
* @method isBlock
* @param {Node/String} node Element/Node to check.
* @return {Boolean} True/False state if the node is a block element or not.
self.isBlock = function(node) {
// Fix for #5446
if (!node) {
return false;
// This function is called in module pattern style since it might be executed with the wrong this scope
var type = node.nodeType;
// If it's a node then check the type and use the nodeName
if (type) {
return !!(type === 1 && blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]);
return !!blockElementsMap[node];
DOMUtils.prototype = {
$$: function(elm) {
if (typeof elm == 'string') {
elm = this.get(elm);
return this.$(elm);
root: null,
fixDoc: function(doc) {
var settings = this.settings, name;
if (isIE && settings.schema) {
// Add missing HTML 4/5 elements to IE
('abbr article aside audio canvas ' +
'details figcaption figure footer ' +
'header hgroup mark menu meter nav ' +
'output progress section summary ' +
'time video').replace(/\w+/g, function(name) {
// Create all custom elements
for (name in settings.schema.getCustomElements()) {
clone: function(node, deep) {
var self = this, clone, doc;
// TODO: Add feature detection here in the future
if (!isIE || node.nodeType !== 1 || deep) {
return node.cloneNode(deep);
doc = self.doc;
// Make a HTML5 safe shallow copy
if (!deep) {
clone = doc.createElement(node.nodeName);
// Copy attribs
each(self.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
self.setAttrib(clone, attr.nodeName, self.getAttrib(node, attr.nodeName));
return clone;
return clone.firstChild;
* Returns the root node of the document. This is normally the body but might be a DIV. Parents like getParent will not
* go above the point of this root node.
* @method getRoot
* @return {Element} Root element for the utility class.
getRoot: function() {
var self = this;
return self.settings.root_element || self.doc.body;
* Returns the viewport of the window.
* @method getViewPort
* @param {Window} win Optional window to get viewport of.
* @return {Object} Viewport object with fields x, y, w and h.
getViewPort: function(win) {
var doc, rootElm;
win = !win ? this.win : win;
doc = win.document;
rootElm = this.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : doc.body;
// Returns viewport size excluding scrollbars
return {
x: win.pageXOffset || rootElm.scrollLeft,
y: win.pageYOffset || rootElm.scrollTop,
w: win.innerWidth || rootElm.clientWidth,
h: win.innerHeight || rootElm.clientHeight
* Returns the rectangle for a specific element.
* @method getRect
* @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
* @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with x, y, w, h fields.
getRect: function(elm) {
var self = this, pos, size;
elm = self.get(elm);
pos = self.getPos(elm);
size = self.getSize(elm);
return {
x: pos.x, y: pos.y,
w: size.w, h: size.h
* Returns the size dimensions of the specified element.
* @method getSize
* @param {Element/String} elm Element object or element ID to get rectangle from.
* @return {object} Rectangle for specified element object with w, h fields.
getSize: function(elm) {
var self = this, w, h;
elm = self.get(elm);
w = self.getStyle(elm, 'width');
h = self.getStyle(elm, 'height');
// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
if (w.indexOf('px') === -1) {
w = 0;
// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
if (h.indexOf('px') === -1) {
h = 0;
return {
w: parseInt(w, 10) || elm.offsetWidth || elm.clientWidth,
h: parseInt(h, 10) || elm.offsetHeight || elm.clientHeight
* Returns a node by the specified selector function. This function will
* loop through all parent nodes and call the specified function for each node.
* If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for, the loop execution will then end
* and the node it found will be returned.
* @method getParent
* @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
* @param {function} selector Selection function or CSS selector to execute on each node.
* @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
* @return {Node} DOM Node or null if it wasn't found.
getParent: function(node, selector, root) {
return this.getParents(node, selector, root, false);
* Returns a node list of all parents matching the specified selector function or pattern.
* If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for and that node will be collected.
* @method getParents
* @param {Node/String} node DOM node to search parents on or ID string.
* @param {function} selector Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern.
* @param {Node} root Optional root element, never go below this point.
* @return {Array} Array of nodes or null if it wasn't found.
getParents: function(node, selector, root, collect) {
var self = this, selectorVal, result = [];
node = self.get(node);
collect = collect === undefined;
// Default root on inline mode
root = root || (self.getRoot().nodeName != 'BODY' ? self.getRoot().parentNode : null);
// Wrap node name as func
if (is(selector, 'string')) {
selectorVal = selector;
if (selector === '*') {
selector = function(node) {
return node.nodeType == 1;
} else {
selector = function(node) {
return self.is(node, selectorVal);
while (node) {
if (node == root || !node.nodeType || node.nodeType === 9) {
if (!selector || selector(node)) {
if (collect) {
} else {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return collect ? result : null;
* Returns the specified element by ID or the input element if it isn't a string.
* @method get
* @param {String/Element} n Element id to look for or element to just pass though.
* @return {Element} Element matching the specified id or null if it wasn't found.
get: function(elm) {
var name;
if (elm && this.doc && typeof elm == 'string') {
name = elm;
elm = this.doc.getElementById(elm);
// IE and Opera returns meta elements when they match the specified input ID, but getElementsByName seems to do the trick
if (elm && elm.id !== name) {
return this.doc.getElementsByName(name)[1];
return elm;
* Returns the next node that matches selector or function
* @method getNext
* @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
* @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
* @return {Node} Next node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
getNext: function(node, selector) {
return this._findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');
* Returns the previous node that matches selector or function
* @method getPrev
* @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from.
* @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function.
* @return {Node} Previous node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found.
getPrev: function(node, selector) {
return this._findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');
// #ifndef jquery
* Selects specific elements by a CSS level 3 pattern. For example "div#a1 p.test".
* This function is optimized for the most common patterns needed in TinyMCE but it also performs well enough
* on more complex patterns.
* @method select
* @param {String} selector CSS level 3 pattern to select/find elements by.
* @param {Object} scope Optional root element/scope element to search in.
* @return {Array} Array with all matched elements.
* @example
* // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the currently active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
* // Adds a class to all spans that have the test class in the currently active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('span.test'), 'someclass')
select: function(selector, scope) {
var self = this;
/*eslint new-cap:0 */
return Sizzle(selector, self.get(scope) || self.settings.root_element || self.doc, []);
* Returns true/false if the specified element matches the specified css pattern.
* @method is
* @param {Node/NodeList} elm DOM node to match or an array of nodes to match.
* @param {String} selector CSS pattern to match the element against.
is: function(elm, selector) {
var i;
// If it isn't an array then try to do some simple selectors instead of Sizzle for to boost performance
if (elm.length === undefined) {
// Simple all selector
if (selector === '*') {
return elm.nodeType == 1;
// Simple selector just elements
if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
selector = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
elm = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
for (i = selector.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (selector[i] == elm) {
return true;
return false;
// Is non element
if (elm.nodeType && elm.nodeType != 1) {
return false;
var elms = elm.nodeType ? [elm] : elm;
/*eslint new-cap:0 */
return Sizzle(selector, elms[0].ownerDocument || elms[0], null, elms).length > 0;
// #endif
* Adds the specified element to another element or elements.
* @method add
* @param {String/Element/Array} parentElm Element id string, DOM node element or array of ids or elements to add to.
* @param {String/Element} name Name of new element to add or existing element to add.
* @param {Object} attrs Optional object collection with arguments to add to the new element(s).
* @param {String} html Optional inner HTML contents to add for each element.
* @param {Boolean} create Optional flag if the element should be created or added.
* @return {Element/Array} Element that got created, or an array of created elements if multiple input elements
* were passed in.
* @example
* // Adds a new paragraph to the end of the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.add(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody(), 'p', {title: 'my title'}, 'Some content');
add: function(parentElm, name, attrs, html, create) {
var self = this;
return this.run(parentElm, function(parentElm) {
var newElm;
newElm = is(name, 'string') ? self.doc.createElement(name) : name;
self.setAttribs(newElm, attrs);
if (html) {
if (html.nodeType) {
} else {
self.setHTML(newElm, html);
return !create ? parentElm.appendChild(newElm) : newElm;
* Creates a new element.
* @method create
* @param {String} name Name of new element.
* @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
* @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
* @return {Element} HTML DOM node element that got created.
* @example
* // Adds an element where the caret/selection is in the active editor
* var el = tinymce.activeEditor.dom.create('div', {id: 'test', 'class': 'myclass'}, 'some content');
* tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setNode(el);
create: function(name, attrs, html) {
return this.add(this.doc.createElement(name), name, attrs, html, 1);
* Creates HTML string for element. The element will be closed unless an empty inner HTML string is passed in.
* @method createHTML
* @param {String} name Name of new element.
* @param {Object} attrs Optional object name/value collection with element attributes.
* @param {String} html Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element.
* @return {String} String with new HTML element, for example: test.
* @example
* // Creates a html chunk and inserts it at the current selection/caret location
* tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.createHTML('a', {href: 'test.html'}, 'some line'));
createHTML: function(name, attrs, html) {
var outHtml = '', key;
outHtml += '<' + name;
for (key in attrs) {
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attrs[key] !== null && typeof attrs[key] != 'undefined') {
outHtml += ' ' + key + '="' + this.encode(attrs[key]) + '"';
// A call to tinymce.is doesn't work for some odd reason on IE9 possible bug inside their JS runtime
if (typeof html != "undefined") {
return outHtml + '>' + html + '' + name + '>';
return outHtml + ' />';
* Creates a document fragment out of the specified HTML string.
* @method createFragment
* @param {String} html Html string to create fragment from.
* @return {DocumentFragment} Document fragment node.
createFragment: function(html) {
var frag, node, doc = this.doc, container;
container = doc.createElement("div");
frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
if (html) {
container.innerHTML = html;
while ((node = container.firstChild)) {
return frag;
* Removes/deletes the specified element(s) from the DOM.
* @method remove
* @param {String/Element/Array} node ID of element or DOM element object or array containing multiple elements/ids.
* @param {Boolean} keepChildren Optional state to keep children or not. If set to true all children will be
* placed at the location of the removed element.
* @return {Element/Array} HTML DOM element that got removed, or an array of removed elements if multiple input elements
* were passed in.
* @example
* // Removes all paragraphs in the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.remove(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'));
* // Removes an element by id in the document
* tinymce.DOM.remove('mydiv');
remove: function(node, keepChildren) {
node = this.$$(node);
if (keepChildren) {
node.each(function() {
var child;
while ((child = this.firstChild)) {
if (child.nodeType == 3 && child.data.length === 0) {
} else {
this.parentNode.insertBefore(child, this);
} else {
return node.length > 1 ? node.toArray() : node[0];
* Sets the CSS style value on a HTML element. The name can be a camelcase string
* or the CSS style name like background-color.
* @method setStyle
* @param {String/Element/Array} elm HTML element/Array of elements to set CSS style value on.
* @param {String} name Name of the style value to set.
* @param {String} value Value to set on the style.
* @example
* // Sets a style value on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyle(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'background-color', 'red');
* // Sets a style value to an element by id in the current document
* tinymce.DOM.setStyle('mydiv', 'background-color', 'red');
setStyle: function(elm, name, value) {
elm = this.$$(elm).css(name, value);
if (this.settings.update_styles) {
updateInternalStyleAttr(this, elm);
* Returns the current style or runtime/computed value of an element.
* @method getStyle
* @param {String/Element} elm HTML element or element id string to get style from.
* @param {String} name Style name to return.
* @param {Boolean} computed Computed style.
* @return {String} Current style or computed style value of an element.
getStyle: function(elm, name, computed) {
elm = this.$$(elm);
if (computed) {
return elm.css(name);
// Camelcase it, if needed
name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b) {
return b.toUpperCase();
if (name == 'float') {
name = Env.ie && Env.ie < 12 ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';
return elm[0] && elm[0].style ? elm[0].style[name] : undefined;
* Sets multiple styles on the specified element(s).
* @method setStyles
* @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set styles on.
* @param {Object} styles Name/Value collection of style items to add to the element(s).
* @example
* // Sets styles on all paragraphs in the currently active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setStyles(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
* // Sets styles to an element by id in the current document
* tinymce.DOM.setStyles('mydiv', {'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'green'});
setStyles: function(elm, styles) {
elm = this.$$(elm).css(styles);
if (this.settings.update_styles) {
updateInternalStyleAttr(this, elm);
* Removes all attributes from an element or elements.
* @method removeAllAttribs
* @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to remove attributes from.
removeAllAttribs: function(e) {
return this.run(e, function(e) {
var i, attrs = e.attributes;
for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Sets the specified attribute of an element or elements.
* @method setAttrib
* @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attribute on.
* @param {String} name Name of attribute to set.
* @param {String} value Value to set on the attribute - if this value is falsy like null, 0 or '' it will remove
* the attribute instead.
* @example
* // Sets class attribute on all paragraphs in the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttrib(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'class', 'myclass');
* // Sets class attribute on a specific element in the current page
* tinymce.dom.setAttrib('mydiv', 'class', 'myclass');
setAttrib: function(elm, name, value) {
var self = this, originalValue, hook, settings = self.settings;
if (value === '') {
value = null;
elm = self.$$(elm);
originalValue = elm.attr(name);
if (!elm.length) {
hook = self.attrHooks[name];
if (hook && hook.set) {
hook.set(elm, value, name);
} else {
elm.attr(name, value);
if (originalValue != value && settings.onSetAttrib) {
attrElm: elm,
attrName: name,
attrValue: value
* Sets two or more specified attributes of an element or elements.
* @method setAttribs
* @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attributes on.
* @param {Object} attrs Name/Value collection of attribute items to add to the element(s).
* @example
* // Sets class and title attributes on all paragraphs in the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setAttribs(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
* // Sets class and title attributes on a specific element in the current page
* tinymce.DOM.setAttribs('mydiv', {'class': 'myclass', title: 'some title'});
setAttribs: function(elm, attrs) {
var self = this;
self.$$(elm).each(function(i, node) {
each(attrs, function(value, name) {
self.setAttrib(node, name, value);
* Returns the specified attribute by name.
* @method getAttrib
* @param {String/Element} elm Element string id or DOM element to get attribute from.
* @param {String} name Name of attribute to get.
* @param {String} defaultVal Optional default value to return if the attribute didn't exist.
* @return {String} Attribute value string, default value or null if the attribute wasn't found.
getAttrib: function(elm, name, defaultVal) {
var self = this, hook, value;
elm = self.$$(elm);
if (elm.length) {
hook = self.attrHooks[name];
if (hook && hook.get) {
value = hook.get(elm, name);
} else {
value = elm.attr(name);
if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
value = defaultVal || '';
return value;
* Returns the absolute x, y position of a node. The position will be returned in an object with x, y fields.
* @method getPos
* @param {Element/String} elm HTML element or element id to get x, y position from.
* @param {Element} rootElm Optional root element to stop calculations at.
* @return {object} Absolute position of the specified element object with x, y fields.
getPos: function(elm, rootElm) {
var self = this, x = 0, y = 0, offsetParent, doc = self.doc, body = doc.body, pos;
elm = self.get(elm);
rootElm = rootElm || body;
if (elm) {
// Use getBoundingClientRect if it exists since it's faster than looping offset nodes
// Fallback to offsetParent calculations if the body isn't static better since it stops at the body root
if (rootElm === body && elm.getBoundingClientRect && $(body).css('position') === 'static') {
pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
rootElm = self.boxModel ? doc.documentElement : body;
// Add scroll offsets from documentElement or body since IE with the wrong box model will use d.body and so do WebKit
// Also remove the body/documentelement clientTop/clientLeft on IE 6, 7 since they offset the position
x = pos.left + (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - rootElm.clientLeft;
y = pos.top + (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - rootElm.clientTop;
return {x: x, y: y};
offsetParent = elm;
while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
x += offsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
y += offsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
offsetParent = elm.parentNode;
while (offsetParent && offsetParent != rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType) {
x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft || 0;
y -= offsetParent.scrollTop || 0;
offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
return {x: x, y: y};
* Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
* merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non-hex
* colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
* @method parseStyle
* @param {String} cssText Style value to parse, for example: border:1px solid red;.
* @return {Object} Object representation of that style, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
parseStyle: function(cssText) {
return this.styles.parse(cssText);
* Serializes the specified style object into a string.
* @method serializeStyle
* @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string, for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
* @param {String} name Optional element name.
* @return {String} String representation of the style object, for example: border: 1px solid red.
serializeStyle: function(styles, name) {
return this.styles.serialize(styles, name);
* Adds a style element at the top of the document with the specified cssText content.
* @method addStyle
* @param {String} cssText CSS Text style to add to top of head of document.
addStyle: function(cssText) {
var self = this, doc = self.doc, head, styleElm;
// Prevent inline from loading the same styles twice
if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
var addedStyles = DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles;
addedStyles = addedStyles || [];
if (addedStyles[cssText]) {
addedStyles[cssText] = true;
DOMUtils.DOM.addedStyles = addedStyles;
// Create style element if needed
styleElm = doc.getElementById('mceDefaultStyles');
if (!styleElm) {
styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
styleElm.id = 'mceDefaultStyles';
styleElm.type = 'text/css';
head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (head.firstChild) {
head.insertBefore(styleElm, head.firstChild);
} else {
// Append style data to old or new style element
if (styleElm.styleSheet) {
styleElm.styleSheet.cssText += cssText;
} else {
* Imports/loads the specified CSS file into the document bound to the class.
* @method loadCSS
* @param {String} url URL to CSS file to load.
* @example
* // Loads a CSS file dynamically into the current document
* tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
* // Loads a CSS file into the currently active editor instance
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
* // Loads a CSS file into an editor instance by id
* tinymce.get('someid').dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css');
* // Loads multiple CSS files into the current document
* tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css,somepath/someother.css');
loadCSS: function(url) {
var self = this, doc = self.doc, head;
// Prevent inline from loading the same CSS file twice
if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
if (!url) {
url = '';
head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
each(url.split(','), function(url) {
var link;
url = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
if (self.files[url]) {
self.files[url] = true;
link = self.create('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', href: url});
// IE 8 has a bug where dynamically loading stylesheets would produce a 1 item remaining bug
// This fix seems to resolve that issue by recalcing the document once a stylesheet finishes loading
// It's ugly but it seems to work fine.
if (isIE && doc.documentMode && doc.recalc) {
link.onload = function() {
if (doc.recalc) {
link.onload = null;
* Adds a class to the specified element or elements.
* @method addClass
* @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
* @param {String} cls Class name to add to each element.
* @return {String/Array} String with new class value or array with new class values for all elements.
* @example
* // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
* // Adds a class to a specific element in the current page
* tinymce.DOM.addClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
addClass: function(elm, cls) {
* Removes a class from the specified element or elements.
* @method removeClass
* @param {String/Element/Array} elm Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs.
* @param {String} cls Class name to remove from each element.
* @return {String/Array} String of remaining class name(s), or an array of strings if multiple input elements
* were passed in.
* @example
* // Removes a class from all paragraphs in the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.removeClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass');
* // Removes a class from a specific element in the current page
* tinymce.DOM.removeClass('mydiv', 'myclass');
removeClass: function(elm, cls) {
this.toggleClass(elm, cls, false);
* Returns true if the specified element has the specified class.
* @method hasClass
* @param {String/Element} elm HTML element or element id string to check CSS class on.
* @param {String} cls CSS class to check for.
* @return {Boolean} true/false if the specified element has the specified class.
hasClass: function(elm, cls) {
return this.$$(elm).hasClass(cls);
* Toggles the specified class on/off.
* @method toggleClass
* @param {Element} elm Element to toggle class on.
* @param {[type]} cls Class to toggle on/off.
* @param {[type]} state Optional state to set.
toggleClass: function(elm, cls, state) {
this.$$(elm).toggleClass(cls, state).each(function() {
if (this.className === '') {
$(this).attr('class', null);
* Shows the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
* @method show
* @param {String/Element/Array} elm ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to show.
show: function(elm) {
* Hides the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
* @method hide
* @param {String/Element/Array} elm ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to hide.
* @example
* // Hides an element by id in the document
* tinymce.DOM.hide('myid');
hide: function(elm) {
* Returns true/false if the element is hidden or not by checking the "display" style.
* @method isHidden
* @param {String/Element} elm Id or element to check display state on.
* @return {Boolean} true/false if the element is hidden or not.
isHidden: function(elm) {
return this.$$(elm).css('display') == 'none';
* Returns a unique id. This can be useful when generating elements on the fly.
* This method will not check if the element already exists.
* @method uniqueId
* @param {String} prefix Optional prefix to add in front of all ids - defaults to "mce_".
* @return {String} Unique id.
uniqueId: function(prefix) {
return (!prefix ? 'mce_' : prefix) + (this.counter++);
* Sets the specified HTML content inside the element or elements. The HTML will first be processed. This means
* URLs will get converted, hex color values fixed etc. Check processHTML for details.
* @method setHTML
* @param {Element/String/Array} elm DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set HTML inside of.
* @param {String} html HTML content to set as inner HTML of the element.
* @example
* // Sets the inner HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.setHTML(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'some inner html');
* // Sets the inner HTML of an element by id in the document
* tinymce.DOM.setHTML('mydiv', 'some inner html');
setHTML: function(elm, html) {
elm = this.$$(elm);
if (isIE) {
elm.each(function(i, target) {
if (target.canHaveHTML === false) {
// Remove all child nodes, IE keeps empty text nodes in DOM
while (target.firstChild) {
try {
// IE will remove comments from the beginning
// unless you padd the contents with something
target.innerHTML = '
' + html;
} catch (ex) {
// IE sometimes produces an unknown runtime error on innerHTML if it's a div inside a p
would produceabc
. * * @method split * @param {Element} parentElm Parent element to split. * @param {Element} splitElm Element to split at. * @param {Element} replacementElm Optional replacement element to replace the split element with. * @return {Element} Returns the split element or the replacement element if that is specified. */ split: function(parentElm, splitElm, replacementElm) { var self = this, r = self.createRng(), bef, aft, pa; // W3C valid browsers tend to leave empty nodes to the left/right side of the contents - this makes sense // but we don't want that in our code since it serves no purpose for the end user // For example splitting this html at the bold element: //text 1CHOPtext 2
// would produce: //text 1
CHOPtext 2
// this function will then trim off empty edges and produce: //text 1
CHOPtext 2
function trimNode(node) { var i, children = node.childNodes, type = node.nodeType; function surroundedBySpans(node) { var previousIsSpan = node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN'; var nextIsSpan = node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'SPAN'; return previousIsSpan && nextIsSpan; } if (type == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') { return; } for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { trimNode(children[i]); } if (type != 9) { // Keep non whitespace text nodes if (type == 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) { // If parent element isn't a block or there isn't any useful contents for example "" // Also keep text nodes with only spaces if surrounded by spans. // eg. "
a b
" should keep space between a and b var trimmedLength = trim(node.nodeValue).length; if (!self.isBlock(node.parentNode) || trimmedLength > 0 || trimmedLength === 0 && surroundedBySpans(node)) { return; } } else if (type == 1) { // If the only child is a bookmark then move it up children = node.childNodes; // TODO fix this complex if if (children.length == 1 && children[0] && children[0].nodeType == 1 && children[0].getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') { node.parentNode.insertBefore(children[0], node); } // Keep non empty elements or img, hr etc if (children.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) { return; } } self.remove(node); } return node; } if (parentElm && splitElm) { // Get before chunk r.setStart(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm)); r.setEnd(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm)); bef = r.extractContents(); // Get after chunk r = self.createRng(); r.setStart(splitElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(splitElm) + 1); r.setEnd(parentElm.parentNode, self.nodeIndex(parentElm) + 1); aft = r.extractContents(); // Insert before chunk pa = parentElm.parentNode; pa.insertBefore(trimNode(bef), parentElm); // Insert middle chunk if (replacementElm) { pa.insertBefore(replacementElm, parentElm); //pa.replaceChild(replacementElm, splitElm); } else { pa.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm); } // Insert after chunk pa.insertBefore(trimNode(aft), parentElm); self.remove(parentElm); return replacementElm || splitElm; } }, /** * Adds an event handler to the specified object. * * @method bind * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to bind events to. * handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents. * @param {String} name Name of event handler to add, for example: click. * @param {function} func Function to execute when the event occurs. * @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the function in. * @return {function} Function callback handler the same as the one passed in. */ bind: function(target, name, func, scope) { var self = this; if (Tools.isArray(target)) { var i = target.length; while (i--) { target[i] = self.bind(target[i], name, func, scope); } return target; } // Collect all window/document events bound by editor instance if (self.settings.collect && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) { self.boundEvents.push([target, name, func, scope]); } return self.events.bind(target, name, func, scope || self); }, /** * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from an element or collection of elements. * * @method unbind * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array} target Target element to unbind events on. * @param {String} name Event handler name, for example: "click" * @param {function} func Function to remove. * @return {bool/Array} Bool state of true if the handler was removed, or an array of states if multiple input elements * were passed in. */ unbind: function(target, name, func) { var self = this, i; if (Tools.isArray(target)) { i = target.length; while (i--) { target[i] = self.unbind(target[i], name, func); } return target; } // Remove any bound events matching the input if (self.boundEvents && (target === self.doc || target === self.win)) { i = self.boundEvents.length; while (i--) { var item = self.boundEvents[i]; if (target == item[0] && (!name || name == item[1]) && (!func || func == item[2])) { this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]); } } } return this.events.unbind(target, name, func); }, /** * Fires the specified event name with object on target. * * @method fire * @param {Node/Document/Window} target Target element or object to fire event on. * @param {String} name Name of the event to fire. * @param {Object} evt Event object to send. * @return {Event} Event object. */ fire: function(target, name, evt) { return this.events.fire(target, name, evt); }, // Returns the content editable state of a node getContentEditable: function(node) { var contentEditable; // Check type if (!node || node.nodeType != 1) { return null; } // Check for fake content editable contentEditable = node.getAttribute("data-mce-contenteditable"); if (contentEditable && contentEditable !== "inherit") { return contentEditable; } // Check for real content editable return node.contentEditable !== "inherit" ? node.contentEditable : null; }, getContentEditableParent: function(node) { var root = this.getRoot(), state = null; for (; node && node !== root; node = node.parentNode) { state = this.getContentEditable(node); if (state !== null) { break; } } return state; }, /** * Destroys all internal references to the DOM to solve IE leak issues. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { var self = this; // Unbind all events bound to window/document by editor instance if (self.boundEvents) { var i = self.boundEvents.length; while (i--) { var item = self.boundEvents[i]; this.events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]); } self.boundEvents = null; } // Restore sizzle document to window.document // Since the current document might be removed producing "Permission denied" on IE see #6325 if (Sizzle.setDocument) { Sizzle.setDocument(); } self.win = self.doc = self.root = self.events = self.frag = null; }, isChildOf: function(node, parent) { while (node) { if (parent === node) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; }, // #ifdef debug dumpRng: function(r) { return ( 'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName + ', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset + ', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName + ', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset ); }, // #endif _findSib: function(node, selector, name) { var self = this, func = selector; if (node) { // If expression make a function of it using is if (typeof func == 'string') { func = function(node) { return self.is(node, selector); }; } // Loop all siblings for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) { if (func(node)) { return node; } } } return null; } }; /** * Instance of DOMUtils for the current document. * * @static * @property DOM * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils * @example * // Example of how to add a class to some element by id * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass'); */ DOMUtils.DOM = new DOMUtils(document); DOMUtils.nodeIndex = nodeIndex; return DOMUtils; });