{ "id": "princeton-02870w62c", "dct_identifier_sm": [ "http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/02870w62c" ], "dct_title_s": "The provinces of New York and New Jersey, with part of Pensilvania, and the Province of Quebec : drawn by Major Holland, Surveyor General, of the Northern District in America. Corrected and improved, from the original materials, by Governr. Pownall, Member of Parliament, 1776", "dct_description_sm": [ "Partly colored. Relief shown pictorially. Shows administrative divisions. From Thomas Jefferys's The American atlas, or, A geographical description of the whole continent of America (London : Printed by R. Sayer and Bennett, 1778). Insets: A chart of the mouth of Hudson's River, from Sandy Hook to New York. A plan of the city of New York. Plan of Amboy, with its environs, from an actual survey." ], "dct_language_sm": [ "English" ], "dct_creator_sm": [ "Rogers, Henry Darwin", "Pownall, Thomas" ], "dct_publisher_sm": [ "London, Robt. Sayer & John Bennett" ], "schema_provider_s": "Princeton", "gbl_resourceClass_sm": [ "Datasets" ], "gbl_resourceType_sm": [ "Raster data" ], "dct_subject_sm": [ "New York (State)‒Maps", "New Jersey‒Maps" ], "dct_temporal_sm": [ "1778" ], "dct_issued_s": "1778", "gbl_indexYear_im": [ 1778 ], "dct_spatial_sm": [ "New York (State)", "New Jersey", "Pennsylvania" ], "locn_geometry": "ENVELOPE(-76.3394, -72.1916, 46.5798, 38.6693)", "dcat_bbox": "ENVELOPE(-76.3394, -72.1916, 46.5798, 38.6693)", "dct_accessRights_s": "Public", "dct_format_s": "Raster", "gbl_wxsIdentifier_s": "02870w62c", "dct_references_s": "{\"http://schema.org/url\":\"http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/02870w62c\",\"http://schema.org/thumbnailUrl\":\"https://libimages.princeton.edu/loris2/pudl0076%2Fmap_pownall%2F00000001.jp2/full/50,/0/default.jpg\",\"http://iiif.io/api/image\":\"https://libimages.princeton.edu/loris/pudl0076/map_pownall/00000001.jp2/info.json\",\"http://schema.org/downloadUrl\":[]}", "gbl_mdModified_dt": "2014-10-09T18:00:18Z", "gbl_mdVersion_s": "Aardvark" }