// Row Start & End // =============== // Row // --- // Apply to any layout element that should force a new layout row. // - [$flow] : ltr | rtl @mixin row( $flow: susy-get(flow) ) { @include susy-clearfix; clear: both; } // Unrow // ----- // Cancel the row() effect, e.g. when using media queries. // - [$flow]: ltr | rtl @mixin unrow { clear: none; &:after { content: none; display: inline; clear: none; } } // Full // ---- // - [$span]: @mixin full( $span: $susy ) { $span: parse-span($span); @include row(susy-get(flow, $span)); @if is-split($span) and not susy-get(is-container, $span) { @include gutters($span); } float: none; width: auto; } // First // ----- // - [$grid]: @mixin first( $grid: $susy ) { $grid: parse-grid($grid); $flow: susy-get(flow, $grid); $split: if(susy-get(gutter-position, $grid) == split, true, false); @if not $split { @include float-first($flow); } } @mixin alpha( $grid: $susy ) { @include first($grid); } // Nth-First // --------- // - [$value] : first | last | only | // - [$type] : child | last-child | of-type | last-of-type @mixin nth-first( $value: first, $type: child, $grid: $susy ) { &:#{format-nth($value,$type)} { @include first($grid); } } // Nth-Alpha // --------- // - [$value] : first | last | only | // - [$type] : child | last-child | of-type | last-of-type @mixin nth-alpha( $value: first, $type: child, $grid: $susy ) { @include nth-first($value, $type, $grid); } // Last // ----- // - [$grid]: @mixin last( $grid: $susy ) { $grid: parse-grid($grid); $output: ( flow: susy-get(flow, $grid), margin: if(susy-get(gutter-position, $grid) == split, gutters($grid), 0), ); @include float-last($output...); } @mixin omega( $grid: $susy ) { @include last($grid); } // Nth-Last // -------- // - [$value] : first | last | only | // - [$type] : child | last-child | of-type | last-of-type // - [$grid] : @mixin nth-last( $value: last, $type: child, $grid: $susy ) { &:#{format-nth($value,$type)} { @include last($grid); } } // Nth-Omega // --------- // - [$value] : first | last | only | // - [$type] : child | last-child | of-type | last-of-type // - [$grid] : @mixin nth-omega( $value: last, $type: child, $grid: $susy ) { @include nth-last($value, $type, $grid); }