module Incline class CLI class Prepare private def user_process_list(shell, user) shell.sudo_exec_ignore_code("pgrep -u #{@options[:deploy_user]}").to_s.split("\n").map(&:strip).reject{|s| s == ''} end def kill_processes(shell, user, signal) if user_process_list(shell, user).any? shell.sudo_exec_ignore_code "pkill -#{signal} -u #{user}" et = + 5 while < et return true if user_process_list(shell, user).empty? sleep 1 end user_process_list(shell,user).any? else true end end def add_deploy_user(shell) # clean up first unless shell.get_user_id(@options[:deploy_user]) == 0 shell.with_stat('Removing previous deploy user') do unless kill_processes(shell, @options[:deploy_user], 'TERM') unless kill_processes(shell, @options[:deploy_user], 'KILL') raise CliError, "Failed to kill all processes owned by #{@options[:deploy_user]}." end end # remove crontab for user. shell.sudo_exec_ignore_code "crontab -u #{@options[:deploy_user]} -r" # remove at jobs for user. shell.sudo_exec_ignore_code "find /var/spool/cron/atjobs -name \"[^.]*\" -type f -user #{@options[:deploy_user]} -delete" # remove the user. shell.sudo_exec "userdel -r #{@options[:deploy_user]}" # remove the main user group. shell.sudo_exec_ignore_code "groupdel #{@options[:deploy_user]}" end end shell.with_stat('Adding deploy user') do # create the user. shell.sudo_exec "useradd -mU -s /bin/bash #{@options[:deploy_user]}" shell.sudo_exec "printf \"#{@options[:deploy_password]}\\n#{@options[:deploy_password]}\\n\" | passwd #{@options[:deploy_user]}" # add the user's group to the admin user. shell.sudo_exec "usermod -G #{@options[:deploy_user]} -a #{@options[:admin_user]}" # set the permissions on the user's home directory. # it should be /home/deploy or some such, but let's not assume so. @options[:deploy_home] = shell.exec("eval echo \"~#{@options[:deploy_user]}\"").split("\n").first.strip shell.sudo_exec "chown #{@options[:deploy_user]}:#{@options[:deploy_user]} #{@options[:deploy_home]} && chmod 755 #{@options[:deploy_home]}" end end end end end