require 'spec_helper' describe "Product Images", type: :feature do stub_authorization! let(:file_path) { Rails.root + "../../spec/support/ror_ringer.jpeg" } let(:product) { create(:product) } before do # Ensure attachment style keys are symbolized before running all tests # Otherwise this would result in this error: # undefined method `processors' for \"48x48>\ Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:styles].symbolize_keys! end context "uploading, editing, and deleting an image", js: true do it "should allow an admin to upload and edit an image for a product" do Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment].delete :storage create(:product) visit spree.admin_path click_nav "Products" click_icon(:edit) click_link "Images" click_link "new_image_link" within_fieldset 'New Image' do attach_file('image_attachment', file_path) end click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content("successfully created!") # Icons are hidden, so hover to have them pop-up find('tbody > tr').hover within_row(1) do within ".actions" do click_icon :edit end end fill_in "image_alt", with: "ruby on rails t-shirt" click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content "successfully updated!" expect(page).to have_field "image[alt]", with: "ruby on rails t-shirt" find('tbody > tr').hover accept_alert do click_icon :trash end expect(page).not_to have_field "image[alt]", with: "ruby on rails t-shirt" end end context 'Via the upload zone', js: true do before do create(:variant, product: product) end it "uploads an image with ajax and appends it to the images table" do visit spree.admin_product_images_path(product) expect(page).to have_content("No images found") within_fieldset 'Upload Images' do # Can also pass multiple files in the array, but SQLite gives a deadlock on insert attach_file('image_attachment', [file_path], visible: false) end expect(page).not_to have_content("No images found") within("table.index") do expect(page).to have_css "tbody tr", count: 1 within("tbody") do expect(page).to have_xpath "//img[contains(@src,'ror_ringer')]" expect(page).to have_content "All" end # Change the image to the other variant targetted_select2 "Size: S", from: "#s2id_image_viewable_id" click_icon :check expect(page).to have_content "Size: S" end expect(Spree::Image.last.viewable).to eq(product.master) end end it "should see variant images and allow for inline changing the image's variant", js: true do variant = create(:variant) variant.images.create!(attachment: visit spree.admin_product_images_path(variant.product) expect(page).not_to have_content("No Images Found.") within("table.index") do expect(page).to have_content(variant.options_text) # ensure no duplicate images are displayed expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", count: 1) # ensure variant header is displayed within("thead") do expect(page).to have_content("Variant") end within("tbody") do expect(page).to have_content("Size: S") end # Do an inline change of variant and alt targetted_select2 "All", from: "#s2id_image_viewable_id" fill_in 'image[alt]', with: 'ruby on rails t-shirt' click_icon :check expect(page).to have_content "All" expect(page).to have_field "image[alt]", with: "ruby on rails t-shirt" # test escape find("#image_alt").click # to focus fill_in 'image[alt]', with: 'red shirt' find("#image_alt").send_keys(:escape) expect(page).to have_field "image[alt]", with: "ruby on rails t-shirt" # And then go back to Size S variant, but using Enter key targetted_select2 "Size: S", from: "#s2id_image_viewable_id" find("#s2id_image_viewable_id").send_keys(:return) expect(page).to have_content "Size: S" expect(page).to have_field "image[alt]", with: "ruby on rails t-shirt" end end it "should not see variant column when product has no variants" do product = create(:product) product.images.create!(attachment: visit spree.admin_product_images_path(product) expect(page).not_to have_content("No Images Found.") within("table.index") do # ensure no duplicate images are displayed expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", count: 1) # ensure variant header is not displayed within("thead") do expect(page).not_to have_content("Variant") end # ensure correct cell count expect(page).to have_css("thead th", count: 4) end end end