module VER class Syntax class Processor <, :theme, :lineno, :stack, :tags) def start_parsing(syntax_name) self.stack = [] self.tags ={|h,k| h[k] = [] } @tag_stack = [] end def end_parsing(syntax_name) tags.each do |name, indices| tag_name = theme.get(name) || name textarea.tag_add(tag_name, *indices) end @tag_stack.uniq! @tag_stack.each_cons(2){|under, over| textarea.tag_raise(under, over) } stack.clear end def new_line(line) self.lineno += 1 end def open_tag(name, pos) stack << [name, lineno, pos] if tag_name = theme.get(name) if stack.size > 1 below_name = stack[-2][0] below = theme.get(below_name) return if !below || below.empty? @tag_stack << tag_name << below end end end def close_tag(name, mark) from_name, from_lineno, pos = stack.pop tags[name] << "#{from_lineno}.#{pos}" << "#{lineno}.#{mark}" rescue RuntimeError => exception # if you modify near the end of the textarea, sometimes the last tag # cannot be closed because the contents of the textarea changed since # the last highlight was issued. # this will cause Tk to raise an error that doesn't have a message and # is of no major consequences. # We swallow that exception to avoid confusion. raise exception unless exception.message.empty? end end end end