# Onfido

A wrapper for Onfido's [API](https://onfido.com/documentation#introduction). You should always refer to the documentation for valid API calls.

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  [1]: https://gitter.im/hvssle/onfido
  [2]: https://badges.gitter.im/gitterHQ/developers.png

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'onfido'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install onfido

## Usage

There are 3 configuration options for Onfido, including  your `api_key`, throwing exceptions for failed responses and logging the requests. By default, `throws_exceptions` is set to `true`. If set to `false`, the response body will be returned instead.

  Onfido.configure do |config|
    config.api_key = 'MY_API_KEY'
    config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
    config.throws_exceptions = false

Assuming you have a valid key, you can conveniently make API calls by using an instance of the `API` class.

  api = Onfido::API.new

### Making calls to Onfido's resources

All resources share the same interface when making API calls. For creating a resource you can use `.create`, for finding one `.find` and for fetching all records for a resource `.all`.

**Note:** *All param keys should be a symbol e.g. `{type: 'express', reports: [{name: 'identity'}]}`*

### Applicant

To create an applicant, you can simply use


To find an existing applicant


To get all applicants


### Document

To upload a document for an applicant, you can simply use

  api.document.create('applicant_id', {file: 'http://example.com', type: 'passport')

The file can both be a `File` object or a link to an image.

### Check

To create a check for an applicant, you can simply use

  api.check.create('applicant_id', {type: 'express', reports: [{name: 'identity'}]})

To find an existing check for an applicant

  api.check.find('applicant_id', 'check_id')

To get all checks for an applicant


### Report

To find an existing report for a check

  api.report.find('check_id', 'report_id')

To get all reports for a check


### Address Picker

To search for addresses by postcode

  api.address.all('SE1 4NG')

## Error Handling

By default, Onfido will attempt to raise errors returned by the API automatically.

If you set the `throws_exceptions` to false, it will simply return the response body. This allows you to handle errors manually.

If you rescue Onfido::RequestError, you are provided with the error message itself as well as the type of error, response code and fields that have errored. Here's how you might do that:

  def create_applicant
  rescue Onfido::RequestError => e
    e.type # returns 'validation_error'
    e.fields # returns {"email": {"messages": ["invalid format"]}
    e.response_code # returns '401'

### Roadmap

- Improve test coverage with more scenarios
- Add custom errors based on the response code.
- Improve documentation

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( https://github.com/hvssle/onfido/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request