#See the getting started guide for a description of this file and what it does. #to run this file make sure you are following the project layout in the getting started guide Dir.glob('./../../templates/**.rb') do |file| require_relative file end require 'convection' region 'us-east-1' prefix = ENV['USER'] || 'anon-' name "#{prefix}-convection-demo" module Templates INSTANCE1 = Convection.template { ec2_instance('FooInstance') { image_id 'ami-c02b04a8' } } INSTANCE2 = Convection.template { ec2_instance('BarInstance') { image_id 'ami-c02b04a8' } } INSTANCE3 = Convection.template { ec2_instance('BazInstance') { image_id 'ami-c02b04a8' } } VPC1 = Convection.template { ec2_vpc('FooVpc') { network '' } } VPC2 = Convection.template { ec2_vpc('BarVpc') { network '' } } end stack 'vpc1', Templates::VPC1 stack 'vpc2', Templates::VPC2 stack_group 'vpcs', %w(vpc1 vpc2) stack 'instance1', Templates::INSTANCE1 stack 'instance2', Templates::INSTANCE2 stack_group 'primary-instances', %w(instance1 instance2) stack 'instance3', Templates::INSTANCE3