require 'open-uri' require 'uuidtools' require 'chronic' require 'ri_cal' module Droom class Event < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :start, :finish, :name, :description, :event_set_id, :created_by_id, :uuid, :all_day, :master_id, :url, :start_date, :start_time, :finish_date, :finish_time, :venue, :venue_id, :private, :public, :venue_name, :calendar_id belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => "Droom::User" has_folder #... and subfolders via agenda_categories has_many :invitations, :dependent => :destroy has_many :people, :through => :invitations has_many :group_invitations, :dependent => :destroy has_many :groups, :through => :group_invitations has_many :agenda_categories, :dependent => :destroy has_many :categories, :through => :agenda_categories belongs_to :venue accepts_nested_attributes_for :venue belongs_to :event_set accepts_nested_attributes_for :event_set belongs_to :calendar has_many :scraps belongs_to :master, :class_name => 'Event' has_many :occurrences, :class_name => 'Event', :foreign_key => 'master_id', :dependent => :destroy has_many :recurrence_rules, :dependent => :destroy, :conditions => {:active => true} accepts_nested_attributes_for :recurrence_rules, :allow_destroy => true validates :start, :presence => true, :date => true validates :finish, :date => {:after => :start, :allow_nil => true} validates :uuid, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validates :name, :presence => true before_validation :set_uuid before_save :ensure_slug after_save :update_occurrences scope :primary, where("master_id IS NULL") scope :recurrent, where(:conditions => "master_id IS NOT NULL") ## Event retrieval in various ways # # Events differ from other models in that they are visible to all unless marked 'private'. # The documents attached to them are only visible to all if marked 'public'. # scope :all_private, where("private = 1") scope :not_private, where("private <> 1 OR private IS NULL") scope :all_public, where("public = 1 AND private <> 1 OR private IS NULL") scope :not_public, where("public <> 1 OR private = 1)") # events are visible by default. Private events are made invisible except to the people # invited to them. scope :visible_to, lambda { |person| if person select('droom_events.*') .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN droom_invitations ON = droom_invitations.event_id') .where(["(NOT(droom_events.private = 1) OR droom_invitations.person_id = ?)",]) .group('') else all_public end } scope :after, lambda { |datetime| # datetime. eg calendar.occurrences.after( where(['start > ?', datetime]) } scope :before, lambda { |datetime| # datetime. eg calendar.occurrences.before( where(['start < :date AND (finish IS NULL or finish < :date)', :date => datetime]) } scope :between, lambda { |start, finish| # datetimable objects. eg. Event.between(reader.last_login, where(['start > :start AND start < :finish AND (finish IS NULL or finish < :finish)', :start => start, :finish => finish]) } scope :future_and_current, lambda { where(['(finish > :now) OR (finish IS NULL AND start > :now)', :now =>]) } scope :finished, lambda { where(['(finish < :now) OR (finish IS NULL AND start < :now)', :now =>]) } scope :unbegun, lambda { where(['start > :now', :now =>]) } scope :by_finish, order("finish ASC") scope :coincident_with, lambda { |start, finish| # datetimable objects. where(['(start < :finish AND finish > :start) OR (finish IS NULL AND start > :start AND start < :finish)', {:start => start, :finish => finish}]) } scope :limited_to, lambda { |limit| limit(limit) } scope :at_venue, lambda { |venue| # EventVenue object where(["venue_id = ?",]) } scope :except_these_uuids, lambda { |uuids| # array of uuid strings placeholders ={'?'}.join(',') where(["uuid NOT IN (#{placeholders})", *uuids]) } scope :without_invitations_to, lambda { |person| # Person object select("droom_events.*") .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN droom_invitations ON = droom_invitations.event_id AND droom_invitations.person_id = #{sanitize(}") .group("") .having("COUNT( = 0") } scope :with_documents, select("droom_events.*") .joins("INNER JOIN droom_document_attachments ON = droom_document_attachments.attachee_id AND droom_document_attachments.attachee_type = 'Droom::Event'") .group("") scope :matching, lambda { |fragment| fragment = "%#{fragment}%" where(' like :f OR droom_events.description like :f', :f => fragment) } # All of these class methods also return scopes. # def self.in_the_last(period) # seconds. eg calendar.occurrences.in_the_last(1.week) finish = start = finish - period between(start, finish) end def self.in_year(year) # just a number. eg calendar.occurrences.in_year(2010) start = DateTime.civil(year) finish = start + 1.year between(start, finish) end def self.in_month(year, month) # numbers. eg calendar.occurrences.in_month(2010, 12) start = DateTime.civil(year, month) finish = start + 1.month between(start, finish) end def self.in_week(year, week) # numbers, with a commercial week: eg calendar.occurrences.in_week(2010, 35) start = DateTime.commercial(year, week) finish = start + 1.week between(start, finish) end def self.on_day (year, month, day) # numbers: eg calendar.occurrences.on_day(2010, 12, 12) start = DateTime.civil(year, month, day) finish = start + between(start, finish) end def self.in_span(span) # Chronic::Span between(span.begin, span.end) end def self.falling_within(span) # Chronic::Span coincident_with(span.begin, span.end) end def self.future unbegun.order('start ASC') end def self.past finished.order('start DESC') end ## Instance methods # def invite(person) self.people << person end def attach(doc) self.documents << doc end # We store the start and end points of the event as a single DateTime value to make comparison simple. # The setters for date and time are overridden to pass strings through chronic's natural language parser # and to treat numbers as epoch seconds. These should all work as you'd expect: # # event.start = "Tuesday at 11pm" # event.start = "12/12/1969 at 10pm" # event.start = "1347354111" # event.start = + 1.hour # def start=(value) write_attribute :start, parse_date(value) end def finish=(value) write_attribute :finish, parse_date(value) end # For interface purposes we often want to separate date and time parts. These getters will return the # corresponding Date or Time object. # # The `time_of_day` gem makes time handling a bit more intuitive by concealing the date part of a Time object. # def start_time start.time_of_day if start end def start_date start.to_date if start end def finish_time finish.time_of_day if finish end def finish_date finish.to_date if finish end # And these setters will adjust the current value so that its date or time part corresponds to the given # value. The value is passed through the same parsing mechanism as above, so: # # event.start = "Tuesday at 11pm" -> next Tuesday at 11pm # event.start_time = "8pm" -> next Tuesday at 8pm # event.start_date = "Wednesday" -> next Wednesday at 8pm # event.start_date = "26 February 2016" -> 26/2/16 at 8pm # event.start_time = "18:00" -> 26/2/16 at 6pm # # If the time is set before the date, we default to that time today. Times default to 00:00 in the usual way. # def start_time=(value) self.start = (start_date || + parse_date(value).seconds_since_midnight end def start_date=(value) self.start = parse_date(value).to_date# + start_time end def finish_time=(value) if value && !value.blank? time_portion = parse_date(value).seconds_since_midnight self.finish = (finish_date || start_date || + time_portion end end def finish_date=(value) self.finish = parse_date(value).to_date# + finish_time end def duration if finish finish - start else 0 end end def venue_name if venue end def venue_name=(name) self.venue = Droom::Venue.find_or_create_by_name(name) end def find_or_create_agenda_category(category) agenda_categories.find_or_create_by_category_id( end def categories_for_selection cats ={|c| [,] } cats.unshift(['', '']) cats end def attended_by?(person) person && person.invited_to?(self) end def visible_to?(user_or_person) return true if self.public? return false if self.private?# || Droom.events_private_by_default? return true end def detail_visible_to?(user_or_person) return true if self.public? return false unless user_or_person return true if user_or_person.admin? return true if user_or_person.privileged? return true if user_or_person.person.invited_to?(self) return false if self.private? return true end def has_people? invitations.any? end def has_documents? all_documents.any? end def one_day? all_day? && within_day? end def within_day? (!finish || == || finish == start + end def continuing? finish && start < && finish > end def finished? start < && (!finish || finish < end def recurs? master || occurrences.any? end def recurrence recurrence_rules.first.to_s end def add_recurrence(rule) self.recurrence_rules << Droom::RecurrenceRule.from(rule) end def url_with_protocol url =~ /^https?:\/\// ? url : "http://#{url}" end def url_without_protocol url.sub(/^https?:\/\//, '') end def to_rical RiCal.Event do |cal_event| cal_event.uid = uuid cal_event.summary = name cal_event.description = description if description cal_event.dtstart = (all_day? ? start_date : start) if start cal_event.dtend = (all_day? ? finish_date : finish) if finish cal_event.url = url_with_protocol if url cal_event.rrules = if recurrence_rules.any? cal_event.location = if venue end end def to_ics to_rical.to_s end def as_json(options={}) json = super json[:datestring] = I18n.l start, :format => :natural_with_date json end def as_suggestion { :type => 'event', :prompt => name, :value => name, :id => id } end def as_search_result { :type => 'event', :prompt => name, :value => name, :id => id } end protected def ensure_slug ensure_presence_and_uniqueness_of(:slug, "#{start.strftime("%Y %m %d")} #{name}".parameterize) end def set_uuid self.uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create.to_s if uuid.blank? end # doesn't yet observe exceptions def update_occurrences occurrences.destroy_all if recurrence_rules.any? recurrence_horizon = + 10.years to_rical.occurrences(:before => recurrence_horizon).each do |occ| occurrences.create!({ :name =>, :url => self.url_with_protocol, :description => self.description, :venue => self.venue, :start => occ.dtstart, :finish => occ.dtend, :uuid => nil }) unless occ.dtstart == self.start end end end def parse_date(value) case value when Numeric when String Chronic.parse(value) else value end end end end