module RelatonIeee class IeeeBibliography GH_URL = "".freeze INDEX_FILE = "index-v1.yaml".freeze class << self # # Search IEEE bibliography item by reference. # # @param code [String] # # @return [RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliographicItem] # def search(code) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength ref = code.sub(/Std\s/i, "") # .gsub(/[\s,:\/]/, "_").squeeze("_").upcase index = Relaton::Index.find_or_create :ieee, url: "#{GH_URL}", file: INDEX_FILE row = { |r| r[:id] } return unless row resp = Faraday.get "#{GH_URL}#{row[:file]}" return unless resp.status == 200 hash = YAML.safe_load resp.body hash["fetched"] = IeeeBibliographicItem.from_hash hash rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed raise RelatonBib::RequestError, "Could not access #{GH_URL}" end # # Get IEEE bibliography item by reference. # # @param code [String] the IEEE standard Code to look up (e..g "528-2019") # @param year [String] the year the standard was published (optional) # @param opts [Hash] options # # @return [Hash, NilClass] returns { ret: RelatonBib::BibliographicItem } # if document is found else returns NilClass # def get(code, _year = nil, _opts = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength Util.warn "(#{code}) Fetching from Relaton repository ..." item = search(code) if item Util.warn "(#{code}) Found: `#{}`" item else Util.warn "(#{code}) Not found." nil end end end end end