module Bebox class NodeWizard include Bebox::Logger include Bebox::WizardsHelper include Bebox::VagrantHelper # Create a new node def create_new_node(project_root, environment) # Ask the hostname for node hostname = ask_not_existing_hostname(project_root, environment) # Ask IP for node ip = ask_ip(environment) # Node creation node =, project_root, hostname, ip) output = node.create ok 'Node created!.' return output end # Removes an existing node def remove_node(project_root, environment, hostname) # Ask for a node to remove nodes = Bebox::Node.list(project_root, environment, 'nodes') if nodes.count > 0 hostname = choose_option(nodes, 'Choose the node to remove:') else error "There are no nodes in the '#{environment}' environment to remove. No changes were made." return true end # Ask for deletion confirmation return warn('No changes were made.') unless confirm_action?('Are you sure that you want to delete the node?') # Node deletion node =, project_root, hostname, nil) output = node.remove ok 'Node removed!.' return output end # Associate a role with a node in a environment def set_role(project_root, environment) roles = Bebox::Role.list(project_root) nodes = Bebox::Node.list(project_root, environment, 'nodes') node = choose_option(nodes, 'Choose an existing node:') role = choose_option(roles, 'Choose an existing role:') output = Bebox::Provision.associate_node_role(project_root, environment, node, role) ok 'Role associated to node!.' return output end # Prepare the nodes in a environment def prepare(project_root, environment) # Check already prepared nodes nodes_to_prepare = check_nodes_to_prepare(project_root, environment) # Output the nodes to be prepared if nodes_to_prepare.count > 0 title 'Preparing nodes:' nodes_to_prepare.each{|node| msg(node.hostname)} linebreak # For all environments regenerate the deploy file Bebox::Node.regenerate_deploy_file(project_root, environment, nodes_to_prepare) # If environment is 'vagrant' Prepare and Up the machines if environment == 'vagrant' Bebox::VagrantHelper.generate_vagrantfile(nodes_to_prepare) nodes_to_prepare.each{|node| prepare_vagrant(node)} Bebox::VagrantHelper.up_vagrant_nodes(project_root) end # For all the environments do the preparation nodes_to_prepare.each do |node| node.prepare ok 'Node prepared!.' end else warn 'There are no nodes to prepare. No changes were made.' end return true end # Check the nodes already prepared and ask confirmation to re-do-it def check_nodes_to_prepare(project_root, environment) nodes_to_prepare = [] nodes = Bebox::Node.nodes_in_environment(project_root, environment, 'nodes') prepared_nodes = Bebox::Node.list(project_root, environment, 'prepared_nodes') nodes.each do |node| if prepared_nodes.include?(node.hostname) checkpoint_status = "(start: #{node.checkpoint_parameter_from_file('prepared_nodes', 'started_at')} - end: #{node.checkpoint_parameter_from_file('prepared_nodes', 'finished_at')})" message = "The node '#{node.hostname}' was already prepared #{checkpoint_status}.\nDo you want to re-prepare it?" nodes_to_prepare << node if confirm_action?(message) else nodes_to_prepare << node end end nodes_to_prepare end # Check if there's an existing node in a environment def node_exists?(project_root, environment, node_name) File.exists?("#{project_root}/.checkpoints/environments/#{environment}/nodes/#{node_name}.yml") end # Keep asking for a hostname that not exist def ask_not_existing_hostname(project_root, environment) hostname = ask_hostname(project_root, environment) # Check if the node not exist if node_exists?(project_root, environment, hostname) error 'A hostname with that name already exist. Try a new one.' ask_hostname(project_root, environment) else return hostname end end # Ask for the hostname def ask_hostname(project_root, environment) write_input('Write the hostname for the node:', nil, /\.(.*)/, 'Enter valid hostname. Ex.') end # Ask for the ip until is valid def ask_ip(environment) ip = write_input('Write the IP address for the node:', nil, /\.(.*)/, 'Enter a valid IP address. Ex.') # If the environment is not vagrant don't check ip free return ip if environment != 'vagrant' # Check if the ip address is free if free_ip?(ip) return ip else error 'The IP address is not free. Try a new one.' ask_ip(environment) end end # Validate if the IP address is free def free_ip?(ip) `ping -q -c 1 -W 3000 #{ip}` ($?.exitstatus == 0) ? false : true end end end