module Rpush module Client module ActiveModel module Apns module Notification APNS_DEFAULT_EXPIRY = APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE = 10 APNS_PRIORITY_CONSERVE_POWER = 5 APNS_PRIORITIES = [APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE, APNS_PRIORITY_CONSERVE_POWER] MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTESIZE = 2048 module ClassMethods def max_payload_bytesize MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTESIZE end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.instance_eval do validates :device_token, presence: true validates :badge, numericality: true, allow_nil: true validates :priority, inclusion: { in: APNS_PRIORITIES }, allow_nil: true validates_with Rpush::Client::ActiveModel::Apns::DeviceTokenFormatValidator validates_with Rpush::Client::ActiveModel::Apns::NotificationPayloadSizeValidator base.const_set('APNS_DEFAULT_EXPIRY', APNS_DEFAULT_EXPIRY) unless base.const_defined?('APNS_DEFAULT_EXPIRY') base.const_set('APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE', APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE) unless base.const_defined?('APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE') base.const_set('APNS_PRIORITY_CONSERVE_POWER', APNS_PRIORITY_CONSERVE_POWER) unless base.const_defined?('APNS_PRIORITY_CONSERVE_POWER') end end def device_token=(token) write_attribute(:device_token, token.delete(" <>")) unless token.nil? end MDM_KEY = '__rpush_mdm__' def mdm=(magic) = (data || {}).merge(MDM_KEY => magic) end MUTABLE_CONTENT_KEY = '__rpush_mutable_content__' def mutable_content=(bool) return unless bool = (data || {}).merge(MUTABLE_CONTENT_KEY => true) end CONTENT_AVAILABLE_KEY = '__rpush_content_available__' def content_available=(bool) return unless bool = (data || {}).merge(CONTENT_AVAILABLE_KEY => true) end def as_json(options = nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity json = if data && data.key?(MDM_KEY) json['mdm'] = data[MDM_KEY] else json['aps'] = json['aps']['alert'] = alert if alert json['aps']['badge'] = badge if badge json['aps']['sound'] = sound if sound json['aps']['category'] = category if category json['aps']['url-args'] = url_args if url_args json['aps']['thread-id'] = thread_id if thread_id if data && data[MUTABLE_CONTENT_KEY] json['aps']['mutable-content'] = 1 end if data && data[CONTENT_AVAILABLE_KEY] json['aps']['content-available'] = 1 end if data non_aps_attributes = data.reject { |k, _| k == CONTENT_AVAILABLE_KEY || k == MUTABLE_CONTENT_KEY } non_aps_attributes.each { |k, v| json[k.to_s] = v } end end json end def to_binary(options = {}) frame_payload = payload frame_id = options[:for_validation] ? 0 : send(options.fetch(:id_attribute, :id)) frame = "" frame << [1, 32, device_token].pack("cnH*") frame << [2, frame_payload.bytesize, frame_payload].pack("cna*") frame << [3, 4, frame_id].pack("cnN") frame << [4, 4, expiry ? + expiry.to_i : 0].pack("cnN") frame << [5, 1, priority_for_frame].pack("cnc") [2, frame.bytesize].pack("cN") + frame end private def priority_for_frame # It is an error to use APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE for a notification that only contains content-available. if as_json['aps'].try(:keys) == ['content-available'] APNS_PRIORITY_CONSERVE_POWER else priority || APNS_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE end end end end end end end