*This project is currently in **Beta**. Please open up an issue [here](https://github.com/mxenabled/mx-platform-ruby/issues) to report issues using the MX Platform Ruby library.* # MX Platform Ruby The [MX Platform API](https://www.mx.com/products/platform-api) is a powerful, fully-featured API designed to make aggregating and enhancing financial data easy and reliable. It can seamlessly connect your app or website to tens of thousands of financial institutions. ## Documentation Examples for the API endpoints can be found [here.](https://docs.mx.com/api) ## Requirements - Ruby >= 2.6 ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'mx-platform-ruby' ``` And then execute: ```shell bundle ``` Or install it yourself with: ```shell gem install mx-platform-ruby ``` ## Getting Started In order to make requests, you will need to [sign up](https://dashboard.mx.com/sign_up) for the MX Platform API and get a `Client ID` and `API Key`. Please follow the [installation](#installation) procedure and then run the following code to create your first User: ```ruby require 'mx-platform-ruby' MxPlatformRuby.configure do |config| # Configure with your Client ID/API Key from https://dashboard.mx.com config.username = 'Your Client ID' config.password = 'Your API Key' # Configure environment. 0 for production, 1 for development config.server_index = 1 end api_client = ::MxPlatformRuby::ApiClient.new api_client.default_headers['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json' mx_platform_api = ::MxPlatformRuby::MxPlatformApi.new(api_client) user_create_request_body = MxPlatformRuby::UserCreateRequestBody.new( user: MxPlatformRuby::UserCreateRequest.new( metadata: "Creating a user!" ) ) begin result = api_instance.create_user(user_create_request_body) p result rescue MxPlatformRuby::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling MxPlatformApi->create_user: #{e}" end ``` ## Development This project was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech). To generate this library, verify you have the latest version of the `openapi-generator-cli` found [here.](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator#17---npm) Running the following command in this repo's directory will generate this library using the [MX Platform API OpenAPI spec](https://github.com/mxenabled/openapi/blob/master/openapi/mx_platform_api.yml) with our [configuration and templates.](https://github.com/mxenabled/mx-platform-ruby/tree/master/openapi) ```shell openapi-generator-cli generate \ -i https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mxenabled/openapi/master/openapi/mx_platform_api.yml \ -g ruby \ -c ./openapi/config.yml \ -t ./openapi/templates ``` ## Contributing Please [open an issue](https://github.com/mxenabled/mx-platform-ruby/issues) or [submit a pull request.](https://github.com/mxenabled/mx-platform-ruby/pulls)