module Rudy module Routines class NoRoutine < Rudy::Error def message; "No routine configuration for #{@obj}"; end end class Base include Rudy::Huxtable def initialize(*args) a, s, r = @@global.accesskey, @@global.secretkey, @@global.region @sdb =, s, r) @rinst =, s, r) @rgrp =, s, r) @rkey =, s, r) @rvol =, s, r) @rsnap =, s, r) init(*args) end def init end def execute raise "Override execute method" end def raise_early_exceptions raise "Must override raise_early_exceptions" end # * +machine_action+ a method on Rudy::Machines, one of: create, destroy, list # * +routine+ Override +routine+ with another routine (default: nil) # * +skip_check+ Don't check that the machine is up and SSH is available (default: false) # * +skip_header+ Don't print machine header (default: false) # * +routine_action+ is an optional block which will be executed for each # machine between the disk routine and after blocks. The block receives # two argument: an instance of Rudy::Machine and one of Rye::Box. def generic_machine_runner(machine_action, routine=nil, skip_check=false, skip_header=false, &routine_action) if @@global.offline rmach = skip_check = true remote_user = Rudy.sysinfo.user else rmach = remote_user = 'root' end routine ||= @routine raise "No routine supplied" unless routine raise "No machine action supplied" unless machine_action unless rmach.respond_to?(machine_action) raise "Unknown machine action #{machine_action}" end # Declare a couple vars so they're available outide the block before_dependencies = after_dependencies = nil enjoy_every_sandwich { # This gets and removes the dependencies from the routines hash. if Rudy::Routines::DependsHelper.has_depends?(:before, routine) before_dependencies = Rudy::Routines::DependsHelper.get(:before, routine) end # We grab the after ones now too, so we don't fool the ScriptHelper # later on in this routine (after keyword is used for scripts too) if Rudy::Routines::DependsHelper.has_depends?(:after, routine) after_dependencies = Rudy::Routines::DependsHelper.get(:after, routine) end # This calls generic_machine_runner for every dependent before routine. execute_dependency(before_dependencies, skip_check, skip_header) } lbox = @@global.localhost ) sconf = fetch_script_config enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.before_local?(routine) # before_local # Runs "before_local" scripts of routines config. puts task_separator("LOCAL SHELL") Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.before_local(routine, sconf, lbox) end } enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.script_local?(routine) # script_local # Runs "script_local" scripts of routines config. # NOTE: This is synonymous with before_local puts task_separator("LOCAL SHELL") Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.script_local(routine, sconf, lbox) end } # Execute the action (create, list, destroy, restart) & apply the block to each machines = [] rmach.send(machine_action) do |machine| machines << machine puts machine_separator(, machine.awsid) unless skip_header unless skip_check msg = preliminary_separator("Checking if instance is running...") Rudy::Utils.waiter(3, 120, STDOUT, msg, 0) { inst = machine.get_instance inst && inst.running? } # Add instance info to machine and save it. This is really important # for the initial startup so the metadata is updated right away. But # it's also important to call here because if a routine was executed # and an unexpected exception occurs before this update is executed # the machine metadata won't contain the DNS information. Calling it # here ensure that the metadata is always up-to-date. machine.update msg = preliminary_separator("Waiting for SSH daemon...") Rudy::Utils.waiter(2, 60, STDOUT, msg, 0) { Rudy::Utils.service_available?(machine.dns_public, 22) } end # TODO: trap rbox errors. We could get an authentication error. opts = { :keys => root_keypairpath, :user => remote_user, :info => @@global.verbose > 0 } begin rbox =, opts) rbox.connect rescue Rye::NoHost => ex STDERR.puts "No host: #{ex.message}" exit 65 end unless skip_check # Set the hostname if specified in the machines config. # :rudy -> change to Rudy's machine name # :default -> leave the hostname as it is # Anything else other than nil -> change to that value # NOTE: This will set hostname every time a routine is # run so we may want to make this an explicit action. enjoy_every_sandwich { hn = current_machine_hostname || :rudy if hn != :default hn = if hn == :rudy print preliminary_separator("Setting hostame to #{hn}... ") rbox.hostname(hn) puts "done" end } end unless has_remote_task?(routine) puts "[no remote tasks]" next end enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::UserHelper.adduser?(routine) # adduser puts task_separator("ADD USER") Rudy::Routines::UserHelper.adduser(routine, machine, rbox) end } enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::UserHelper.authorize?(routine) # authorize puts task_separator("AUTHORIZE USER") Rudy::Routines::UserHelper.authorize(routine, machine, rbox) end } enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.before?(routine) # before puts task_separator("REMOTE SHELL") Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.before(routine, sconf, machine, rbox) end } enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::DiskHelper.disks?(routine) # disk puts task_separator("DISKS") if rbox.ostype == "sunos" puts "Sorry, Solaris disks are not supported yet!" else Rudy::Routines::DiskHelper.execute(routine, machine, rbox) end end } enjoy_every_sandwich { # Startup, shutdown, release, deploy, etc..., rbox) if routine_action } # The "after" blocks are synonymous with "script" blocks. # For some routines, like startup, it makes sense to an # "after" block b/c "script" is ambiguous. In generic # routines, there is no concept of before or after. The # definition is the entire routine so we use "script". # NOTE: If both after and script are supplied they will # both be executed. enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.script?(routine) # script puts task_separator("REMOTE SHELL") # Runs "after" scripts of routines config Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.script(routine, sconf, machine, rbox) end } enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.after?(routine) # after puts task_separator("REMOTE SHELL") # Runs "after" scripts of routines config Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.after(routine, sconf, machine, rbox) end } rbox.disconnect end enjoy_every_sandwich { if Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.after_local?(routine) # after_local puts task_separator("LOCAL SHELL") # Runs "after_local" scripts of routines config Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.after_local(routine, sconf, lbox) end } # This calls generic_machine_runner for every dependent after routine enjoy_every_sandwich { execute_dependency(after_dependencies, skip_check, skip_header) } end def execute_dependency(depends, skip_check, skip_header) return unless depends unless depends.empty? depends.each_with_index do |d, index| puts task_separator("DEPENDENCY: #{d}") routine_dependency = fetch_routine_config(d) unless routine_dependency STDERR.puts " Unknown routine: #{d}".color(:red) next end # NOTE: running routines here means they do not have their own # payload and they must use the list action. I think this is ok # though b/c there should only be a few routines with payloads # (startup, shutdown, reboot) generic_machine_runner(:list, routine_dependency, skip_check, skip_header) end end end # Does the given +routine+ define any remote tasks? def has_remote_task?(routine) any = [Rudy::Routines::DiskHelper.disks?(routine), Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.before?(routine), Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.after?(routine), Rudy::Routines::ScriptHelper.script?(routine), Rudy::Routines::UserHelper.authorize?(routine), Rudy::Routines::UserHelper.adduser?(routine), !@after_dependencies.nil?, !@before_dependencies.nil?] # Throw away all false answers (and nil answers) any = { |success| success } !any.empty? # Returns true if any element contains true end def preliminary_separator(msg) # TODO: Count number messages printed 1/3. ie: # m-us-east-1b-stage-app-01 # (1/3) Checking if instance is running... done # (2/3) Waiting for SSH daemon... done # (3/3) Setting hostame to m-us-east-1b-stage-app-01... done (" -> #{msg}") end def task_separator(title) dashes = 59 - title.size dashes = 0 if dashes < 1 ("%s--- %s %s" % [$/, title, '-'*dashes]) end def machine_separator(name, awsid) ('%s %-63s awsid: %s ' % [$/, name, awsid]).att(:reverse) end def routine_separator(name) # Not used (for now) name = name.to_s dashes = 59 - name.size # dashes = 0 if dashes < 1 #puts '%-40s' % [name.bright] end def enjoy_every_sandwich(&bloc_party) begin rescue => ex STDERR.puts " Error: #{ex.message}".color(:red) STDERR.puts ex.backtrace if Rudy.debug? exit 12 unless keep_going? end end def keep_going? Annoy.pose_question(" Keep going?\a ", /yes|y|ya|sure|you bet!/i, STDERR) end end end end Rudy::Utils.require_glob(RUDY_LIB, 'rudy', 'routines', '*.rb') Rudy::Utils.require_glob(RUDY_LIB, 'rudy', 'routines', 'helpers', '*.rb')