module CounterCulture module Extensions extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # this holds all configuration data def after_commit_counter_cache config = @after_commit_counter_cache || [] if superclass.respond_to?(:after_commit_counter_cache) && superclass.after_commit_counter_cache config = superclass.after_commit_counter_cache + config end config end # called to configure counter caches def counter_culture(relation, options = {}) unless @after_commit_counter_cache include AfterCommitAction unless include?(AfterCommitAction) # initialize callbacks only once after_create :_update_counts_after_create before_destroy :_update_counts_after_destroy, unless: :destroyed_for_counter_culture? if respond_to?(:before_real_destroy) && instance_methods.include?(:paranoia_destroyed?) before_real_destroy :_update_counts_after_destroy, if: -> (model) { !model.paranoia_destroyed? } end after_update :_update_counts_after_update, unless: :destroyed_for_counter_culture? if respond_to?(:before_restore) before_restore :_update_counts_after_create, if: -> (model) { model.deleted? } end if defined?(Discard::Model) && include?(Discard::Model) before_discard :_update_counts_after_destroy, if: ->(model) { !model.discarded? } before_undiscard :_update_counts_after_create, if: ->(model) { model.discarded? } end # we keep a list of all counter caches we must maintain @after_commit_counter_cache = [] end if options[:column_names] && !options[:column_names].is_a?(Hash) raise ":column_names must be a Hash of conditions and column names" end # add the counter to our collection @after_commit_counter_cache <<, relation, options) end # checks all of the declared counter caches on this class for correctnes based # on original data; if the counter cache is incorrect, sets it to the correct # count # # options: # { :exclude => list of relations to skip when fixing counts, # :only => only these relations will have their counts fixed } # returns: a list of fixed record as an array of hashes of the form: # { :entity => which model the count was fixed on, # :id => the id of the model that had the incorrect count, # :what => which column contained the incorrect count, # :wrong => the previously saved, incorrect count, # :right => the newly fixed, correct count } # def counter_culture_fix_counts(options = {}) raise "No counter cache defined on #{name}" unless @after_commit_counter_cache options[:exclude] = Array(options[:exclude]) if options[:exclude] options[:exclude] = options[:exclude].try(:map) {|x| x.is_a?(Enumerable) ? x : [x] } options[:only] = [options[:only]] if options[:only] && !options[:only].is_a?(Enumerable) options[:only] = options[:only].try(:map) {|x| x.is_a?(Enumerable) ? x : [x] } @after_commit_counter_cache.flat_map do |counter| next if options[:exclude] && options[:exclude].include?(counter.relation) next if options[:only] && !options[:only].include?(counter.relation) reconciler =, options.slice(:skip_unsupported, :batch_size, :touch)) reconciler.reconcile! reconciler.changes end.compact end end private # called by after_create callback def _update_counts_after_create self.class.after_commit_counter_cache.each do |counter| # increment counter cache counter.change_counter_cache(self, :increment => true) end end # called by after_destroy callback def _update_counts_after_destroy self.class.after_commit_counter_cache.each do |counter| # decrement counter cache counter.change_counter_cache(self, :increment => false) end end # called by after_update callback def _update_counts_after_update self.class.after_commit_counter_cache.each do |counter| # figure out whether the applicable counter cache changed (this can happen # with dynamic column names) counter_cache_name_was = counter.counter_cache_name_for(counter.previous_model(self)) counter_cache_name = counter.counter_cache_name_for(self) if counter.first_level_relation_changed?(self) || (counter.delta_column && counter.attribute_changed?(self, counter.delta_column)) || counter_cache_name != counter_cache_name_was # increment the counter cache of the new value counter.change_counter_cache(self, :increment => true, :counter_column => counter_cache_name) # decrement the counter cache of the old value counter.change_counter_cache(self, :increment => false, :was => true, :counter_column => counter_cache_name_was) end end end # check if record is soft-deleted def destroyed_for_counter_culture? if respond_to?(:paranoia_destroyed?) paranoia_destroyed? elsif defined?(Discard::Model) && self.class.include?(Discard::Model) discarded? else false end end end end