require 'yaml' require 'net/http' require 'digest/md5' # compatiblity when XmlMini is not available require 'xml' unless defined?(ActiveSupport::XmlMini) require 'rexml/document' # if using as a plugin in /vendor/plugins begin require 'bcrypt' rescue LoadError => e raise "ActsAsTextcaptcha >> please gem install bcrypt-ruby and add `gem \"bcrypt-ruby\"` to your Gemfile (or environment config) #{e}" end module ActsAsTextcaptcha # dont use Railtie if Rails < 3 unless Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie rake_tasks do load "tasks/textcaptcha.rake" end end end module Textcaptcha #:nodoc: # raised if an empty response is ever returned from web service class BadResponse < StandardError; end; def acts_as_textcaptcha(options = nil) cattr_accessor :textcaptcha_config attr_accessor :spam_question, :spam_answers, :spam_answer, :skip_textcaptcha if respond_to?(:accessible_attributes) if accessible_attributes.nil? attr_protected :spam_question attr_protected :skip_textcaptcha else attr_accessible :spam_answer, :spam_answers end end validate :validate_textcaptcha if options.is_a?(Hash) self.textcaptcha_config = options.symbolize_keys! else begin self.textcaptcha_config = YAML.load("#{Rails.root ? Rails.root.to_s : '.'}/config/textcaptcha.yml"))[Rails.env].symbolize_keys! rescue raise 'could not find any textcaptcha options, in config/textcaptcha.yml or model - run rake textcaptcha:config to generate a template config file' end end include InstanceMethods end module InstanceMethods # override this method to toggle textcaptcha spam checking altogether, default is on (true) def perform_textcaptcha? true end # generate textcaptcha question and encrypt possible spam_answers def textcaptcha return if !perform_textcaptcha? || validate_spam_answer self.spam_answer = nil if textcaptcha_config unless BCrypt::Engine.valid_salt?(textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt]) raise "you must specify a valid BCrypt Salt in your acts_as_textcaptcha options, get a salt from irb/console with\nrequire 'bcrypt';BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt\n\n(Please check Gem README for more details)\n" end if textcaptcha_config[:api_key] begin uri_parser = URI.const_defined?(:Parser) ? : URI # URI.parse is deprecated in 1.9.2 response = Net::HTTP.get(uri_parser.parse("{textcaptcha_config[:api_key]}")) if response.empty? raise Textcaptcha::BadResponse else parse_textcaptcha_xml(response) end return rescue SocketError, Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, URI::InvalidURIError, REXML::ParseException, Textcaptcha::BadResponse # rescue from these errors and continue end end # fall back to textcaptcha_config questions if textcaptcha_config[:questions] random_question = textcaptcha_config[:questions][rand(textcaptcha_config[:questions].size)].symbolize_keys! self.spam_question = random_question[:question] self.spam_answers = encrypt_answers(random_question[:answers].split(',').map!{ |answer| md5_answer(answer) }) else self.spam_question = 'ActsAsTextcaptcha >> no API key (or questions) set and/or the textcaptcha service is currently unavailable (answer ok to bypass)' self.spam_answers = 'ok' end end end private def parse_textcaptcha_xml(xml) if defined?(ActiveSupport::XmlMini) parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)['captcha'] self.spam_question = parsed_xml['question']['__content__'] if parsed_xml['answer'].is_a?(Array) self.spam_answers = encrypt_answers(parsed_xml['answer'].collect { |a| a['__content__'] }) else self.spam_answers = encrypt_answers([parsed_xml['answer']['__content__']]) end else parsed_xml = XML::Parser.string(xml).parse self.spam_question = parsed_xml.find('/captcha/question')[0].inner_xml self.spam_answers = encrypt_answers(parsed_xml.find('/captcha/answer').map(&:inner_xml)) end end def validate_spam_answer (spam_answer && spam_answers) ? spam_answers.split('-').include?(encrypt_answer(md5_answer(spam_answer))) : false end def validate_textcaptcha # only spam check on new/unsaved records (ie. no spam check on updates/edits) if !respond_to?('new_record?') || new_record? if !skip_textcaptcha && perform_textcaptcha? && !validate_spam_answer errors.add(:spam_answer, :incorrect_answer, :message => "is incorrect, try another question instead") # regenerate question textcaptcha return false end end true end def encrypt_answers(answers) { |answer| encrypt_answer(answer) }.join('-') end def encrypt_answer(answer) BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(answer, textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt], (textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_cost].to_i || 10)) end def md5_answer(answer) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(answer.to_s.strip.mb_chars.downcase) end end end end