Ru ===== Ruby in your shell! []( Overview -------- Ru brings Ruby's expressiveness, cleanliness, and readability to the command line. It lets you avoid looking up pesky options in man pages and Googling how to write a transformation in bash that would take you approximately 1s to write in Ruby. For example, to center a file's lines, use [String#center]( ```bash ru 'map(:center, 80)' myfile ``` Using traditional tools, this isn't as easy or readable: ```bash awk 'printf "%" int(40+length($0)/2) "s\n", $0' myfile ``` For another example, let's compare summing the lines of a list of integers using Ru vs. a traditional approach: ```bash ru 'map(:to_i).sum' myfile ``` ```bash awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' myfile ``` Any method from Ruby Core and Active Support can be used. Ru also provides new methods to make transformations easier. Here are some variations on the above example: ```bash ru 'map(:to_i, 10).sum' myfile ru 'map(:to_i).reduce(&:+)' myfile ru 'each_line.to_i.to_a.sum' myfile ru 'grep(/^\d+$/).map(:to_i).sum' myfile ru 'reduce(0) { |sum, n| sum + n.to_i }' myfile ru 'each_line.match(/(\d+)/)[1].to_i.to_a.sum' myfile ``` See [Examples](#examples) and [Methods](#methods) for more. Installation ------------ ```bash gem install ru ``` You can now use Ruby in your shell! For example, to sum a list of integers: ```bash $ echo "2\n3" | ru 'map(:to_i).sum' 5 ``` Usage ----- See [Examples](#examples) below, too! Ru reads from stdin: ```bash $ echo "2\n3" | ru 'map(:to_i).sum' 5 $ cat myfile | ru 'map(:to_i).sum' 5 ``` Or from file(s): ```bash $ ru 'map(:to_i).sum' myfile 5 $ ru 'map(:to_i).sum' myfile myfile 10 ``` You can also run Ruby code without any input by prepending a `! `: ```bash $ ru '! 2 + 3' 5 ``` The code argument is run as if it has `$` prepended to it. The result is converted to a string and printed. So, if you run `ru 'map(&:to_i).sum'`, you can think of it as running `puts $`. In addition to the methods provided by Ruby Core and Active Support, Ru provides other methods for performing transformations, like `each_line`, `files`, and `grep`. See [Methods](#methods) for more. Examples -------- Let's compare the readability and conciseness of Ru relative to existing tools: #### Center lines ##### ru ```bash ru 'map(:center, 80)' myfile ``` ##### awk ```bash awk 'printf "%" int(40+length($0)/2) "s\n", $0' myfile ``` ##### sed [Script]( #### Sum a list of integers ##### ru ```bash ru 'map(:to_i).sum' myfile ``` ##### awk ```bash awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' myfile ``` ##### paste ```bash paste -s -d+ myfile | bc ``` #### Print the 5th line ##### ru ```bash ru '[4]' myfile ``` ##### sed ```bash sed '5q;d' myfile ``` #### Print all lines except the first and last ##### ru ```bash ru '[1..-2]' myfile ``` ##### sed ```bash sed '1d;$d' myfile ``` #### Sort an Apache access log by response time (decreasing, with time prepended) ##### ru ```bash ru 'map { |line| [line[/(\d+)( ".+"){2}$/, 1].to_i, line] }, " ")' access.log ``` ##### awk ```bash awk --re-interval '{ match($0, /(([^[:space:]]+|\[[^\]]+\]|"[^"]+")[[:space:]]+){7}/, m); print m[2], $0 }' access.log | sort -nk 1 ``` [Source]( Methods ------- In addition to the methods provided by Ruby Core and Active Support, Ru provides other methods for performing transformations. #### each_line Provides a shorthand for calling methods on each iteration of the input. Best explained by example: ```bash ru '' myfile ``` If you'd like to transform it back into a list, call `to_a`: ```bash ru ', 80)' myfile ``` #### files Converts the lines to `Ru::File` objects (see Ru::File below). ```bash $ echo "foo.txt" | ru ', ""%Y-%m-%d")' 2014-11-08 ``` #### format(format='l') Formats a list of `Ru::File`s. You'll typically call this after calling `files` to transform them into strings: ```bash $ ru 'files.format' 644 tom staff 3 2014-10-26 09:06 bar.txt 644 tom staff 11 2014-11-04 08:29 foo.txt ``` The default format, `'l'`, is shown above. It prints `[omode, owner, group, size, date, name]`. #### grep Selects lines which match the given regex. ```bash $ echo "john\npaul\ngeorge" | ru 'grep(/o[h|r]/)' john george ``` #### map This is the same as `Array#map`, but it adds a new syntax that allows you to easily pass arguments to a method. For example: ```bash $ echo "john\npaul" | ru 'map(:[], 0)' j p $ echo "john\npaul" | ru 'map(:center, 8, ".")' ..john.. ..paul.. ``` Note that the examples above can also be performed with `each_line`: ```bash $ echo "john\npaul" | ru 'each_line[0]' $ echo "john\npaul" | ru ', ".")' ``` Ru::File ------------ The [`files`](#files) method returns an enumerable of `Ru::File`s, which are similar to Ruby Core's [`File`]( Each one has the following methods: * `basename` * `created_at` (alias for ctime) * `ctime` * `extname` * `format` (see the [`format`](#formatformatl) method above) * `ftype` * `gid` * `group` * `mode` * `mtime` * `name` (alias for basename) * `omode` * `owner` * `size` * `to_s` (alias for name) * `uid` * `updated_at` (alias for mtime) * `world_readable?` Testing ------- Ru is tested against Active Support 3 and 4. If you'd like to submit a PR, please be sure to use [Appraisal]( to test your changes in both contexts: ```bash appraisal rspec ``` License ------- Ru is released under the MIT License. Please see the MIT-LICENSE file for details.