# @Pay Ruby Bindings @Pay API bindings for Ruby and a full implementation of @Pay's [**Token Protocol**](http://developer.atpay.com/v3/tokens/protocol/) and **Email Button** generation system. See the [@Pay Developer Site](http://developer.atpay.com/) for additional information. ## Installation `gem install atpay_ruby` If you're using Bundler, you can add `atpay_ruby` to your application's Gemfile. ## Configuration You'll need a **Session** object configured with your API credentials from from `https://dashboard.atpay.com/` (API Settings): ```ruby require 'atpay' ATPAY_SESSION = AtPay::Session.new(partner_id, public_key, private_key) ``` The **Session** is thread-safe and read-only. You can safely use a single instance from a configuration initializer. ## Web Hook Verification Configure **Web Hooks** on the [@Pay Merchant Dashboard](https://dashboard.atpay.com) under "API Settings." Use the **Hook** class to parse incoming requests and verify the **Hook Request Signature**. Requests with an invalid signature should be discarded. `params` is expected to contain the two url-encoded POST variables sent to your **Web Hook Endpoint** from @Pay's servers. See the [Web Hook Developer Documentation](http://developer.atpay.com/v3/hooks/) for additional information. A sample Rails **Web Hook Endpoint**: ```ruby # app/controllers/transactions_controller.rb class TransactionsController < ApplicationController def create hook = AtPay::Hook.new(ATPAY_SESSION, params['details'], params['signature']) render text: hook.details.inspect rescue AtPay::InvalidSignatureError head 403 end end # config/routes.rb resources :transactions, only: [:create] ``` ## Token Overview A **Token** is a value that contains information about a financial transaction (an invoice or a product sales offer, for instance). When a **Token** is sent to `transaction@processor.atpay.com` from an address associated with a **Payment Method**, it will create a **Transaction**. There are two classes of **Token** @Pay processes - the **Invoice Token**, which should be used for sending invoices or transactions applicable to a single recipient, and the **Bulk Token**, which is suitable for email marketing lists. An **Email Button** is a link embedded in an email message. When activated, this link opens a new outgoing email with a recipient, subject, and message body prefilled. By default this email contains one of the two token types. Clicking 'Send' delivers the email to @Pay and triggers **Transaction** processing. The sender will receive a receipt or further instructions. ## Invoice Tokens An **Invoice** token is ideal for sending invoices or for transactions that are only applicable to a single recipient (shopping cart abandonment, specialized offers, etc). The following creates a token for a 20 dollar transaction specifically for the credit card @Pay has associated with 'test@example.com': ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') puts token.to_s ``` ## Bulk Tokens Most merchants will be fine generating **Bulk Email Buttons** manually on the [@Pay Merchant Dashboard](https://dashboard.atpay.com), but for cases where you need to automate the generation of these messages, you can create **Bulk Tokens** without communicating directly with @Pay's servers. A **Bulk Token** is designed for large mailing lists. You can send the same token to any number of recipients. It's ideal for 'deal of the day' type offers, or general marketing. To create a **Bulk Token** for a 30 dollar offer: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Bulk.new(session, 30.00) ``` If a recipient of this token attempts to purchase the product via email but hasn't configured a credit card, they'll receive a message asking them to complete their transaction. You should integrate [@PayJS](http://developer.atpay.com/v3/javascript/) on that page to enable Customers' two-click email transactions in the future. ## General Token Attributes ### Auth Only A **Token** will trigger a funds authorization and a funds capture simultaneously. If you're shipping a physical good, or for some other reason want to delay the capture, use the `auth_only!` method to adjust this behavior: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.auth_only! email(token.to_s) ``` ### Expiration A **Token** expires in 2 weeks unless otherwise specified. Trying to use the **Token** after the expiration results in a polite error message being sent to the sender. To adjust the expiration: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.expires_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # 1 week ``` ### Signup Page When a new Customer or a Customer with expired or invalid credit card details attempts to purchase from an Email, they will be redirected to a Token's **Payment Capture Page**, where they can enter new Credit Card details. By default @Pay will host the **Payment Capture Page**, but you may wish to direct the Customer to a product page on your own site (Enable @Pay Card tokenization on your own page with the [@PayJS](http://developer.atpay.com/v3/javascript/)). To specify a custom URL: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.url = 'https://example.com/invoices/123' ``` #### Requesting Custom Information on a Hosted Signup Page If you opt to use the **Hosted Payment Capture Page** (by not specifying a URL above), you can request further information from your Customer during the purchase on the Web. For instance, the following requests an optional Gift Message: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Bulk.new(session, 20.00) token.request_custom_data!('gift_message', required: false) ``` #### Requesting the URL of a Hosted Signup Page The **Hosted Payment Capture Page** is related directly to a Token. It is created when the token is first received at `transaction@processor.atpay.com` or when the URL is requested from @Pay prior to the first use. To request the URL, you must contact @Pay's server: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') registration = token.register! registration.url => "https://example.secured.atpay.com/{token_identifier}" registration.short => "atpay://{token_identifier}" registration.qrcode_url => "https://dashboard.atpay.com/offers/{token_identifier}.png" ``` NOTE: For high traffic this solution may be inadequate. Contact @Pay for consultation. #### Item Name You can set an **item name** that will display on the **Hosted Payment Capture Page**. ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.name = "A Cool Offer" email(token.to_s, receipient_address) ``` #### Item Details You can set an **item details** that will display on the **Hosted Payment Capture Page**. ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.item_details = "Lorem Ipsum ..." email(token.to_s, receipient_address) ``` #### Address Collection Request the **Hosted Payment Capture Page** collect any combination of shipping or billing address with `requires_shipping_address=` and `requires_billing_address=`: ``` token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.requires_shipping_address = true token.requires_billing_address = true email(token.to_s, receipient_address) ``` ### Set Item Quantity If you are using @Pay's webhook for inventory control, you can specify an initial quantity for the offer you are creating. ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.item_quantity = 3 email(token.to_s, receipient_address) ``` ### Fulfillment Time **Transaction Details** from @Pay may include an **Estimated Fulfillment Time**. @Pay expects **Auth Only** transactions when fulfillment is required. A Transaction should be Captured only when fulfillment is completed. ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.estimated_fulfillment_days = 3 email(token.to_s, receipient_address) ``` ### Custom User Data **Custom User Data** is a token attribute that contains any string that you wish to get back in @Pay’s response on processing the token. It has a limit of 2500 characters. ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') token.custom_user_data = 'some-value' email(token.to_s, receipient_address) ``` ## Button Generation To create a friendly button that wraps your token: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Invoice.new(session, 20.00, 'test@example.com') button = AtPay::Button.new(token.to_s, 20.00, 'My Company', wrap: true).render email(button, recipient_address) ``` Default options are [AtPay::Button::OPTIONS](lib/atpay/button.rb). ## QR Code Generation NOTE: These functions require independent installation of the `qrencoder` and `rasem` gems. As an alternative to the standard Button presentation, a QR code can trigger an outgoing email on a Customer's device. To create a QR code, first create a button, and then use `AtPay::Button::QRCode`: ```ruby token = AtPay::Token::Bulk.new(session, 20.00) button = AtPay::Button.new(token.to_s, 20.00, 'My Company').render qr = AtPay::Button::QRCode.new(button) File.write("code.png", qr.png) # Export PNG File.write("code.svg", qr.svg) # Export SVG ``` ## Command Line Usage The `atpay` utility generates **Invoice Tokens**, **Bulk Tokens**, and **Email Buttons** that you can embed in outgoing email. Run `atpay help` for more details. ```bash $ atpay token invoice --partner_id=X --private_key=X --amount=20.55 --target=test@example.com --user-data=sku-123 => @...@ $ atpay token bulk --partner_id=X --private-key=X --amount=20.55 --url="http://example.com/product" => @...@ $ atpay token invoice --partner_id=X --private_key=X --amount=20.55 --target=test@example.com --user-data=sku-123 | atpay button generic --amount=20.55 --merchant="Mom's" =>

