## Examples Provided that you are in a lono project and have a `my-stack` lono template definition. To update a stack you can simply run: lono cfn update my-stack The above command will generate and use the template in `output/templates/my-stack.json` and parameters in `output/params/my-stack.txt`. The template by convention defaults to the name of the stack. In turn, the params by convention defaults to the name of the template. Here are examples of overriding the template and params name conventions. lono cfn update my-stack --template different1 The template used is `output/templates/different1.json` and the parameters used is `output/params/different1.json`. lono cfn update my-stack --param different2 The template used is `output/templates/my-stack.json` and the parameters used is `output/params/different2.json`. lono cfn update my-stack --template different3 --param different4 The template used is `output/templates/different3.json` and the parameters used is `output/params/different4.json`.