2.0.2 - 2016-08-15 -- * CKEditor has some breaking changes and apparently they didn't find it necessary to use the version numbers as intended. 2.0.1 - 2016-08-02 -- * Upgrade bootstrap v4 from alpha 2 to alpha 3. * The reform gem is no longer used. We now use the Udongo form objects created with Virtus. 2.0.0 - 2016-07-29 -- * The system for setting config variables has changed. Every setting has moved into separate namespaced classes. See the docs configuration section * Fix the form settings subclasses. * Upgrade to rails 5. * Add nl_general. * Add the spec directory to the gem so you can use its factories and concerns. 1.0.4 - 2016-07-23 -- * Add spec for the SnippetForm class. * Add Udongo::Notification and use it in BackendController#translate_notice. * Fix issue with storable config fields that are present in the DB, but are no longer in the storable class. * Flexible image preview no longer makes the URL previewable. * Classes in lib/udongo/**/* are now loaded automatically. * Restyled flexible content widget. * You now get a suggested width when adding a new content column in the flexible content widget. Values are based on previously set column widths. * The codebase had a lot of useless double semicolons, which have been removed. 1.0.3 - 2016-06-06 -- * Bugfix: fix link to non existing css file. 1.0.2 - 2016-06-06 -- * Bugfix: add the vendor directory to the list of gem files. This makes sure the assets in the vendor dir are loaded correctly. 1.0.1 - 2016-06-06 -- * Get rid of the rakismet and marked-rails gems, beacuse they're not being used. * Move mysql2 to the development dependencies in the gemspec. * Rename the minified bootstrap datepicker scss file to a css file. 1.0.0 - 2016-06-05 -- * Complete overhaul of the Storable concern. It's now internally using Virtus to handle reading/writing attributes. You can now also have storable fields within different categories. * Translatable has been revamped to leverage the strenghts of the Storable concern. * Add the English translation files. 0.1.0 - 2016-05-31 -- * Add LinkHelper to provide shorthands for show/edit/destroy links. * Add DatePickerInput to be used with Simple Form inputs (as: :date_picker) * Fix the sortable js to show the correct font-awesome icon. * Let Udongo::EmailVarsParser#replace_vars handle unlimited nested collections as var values. * Cleanup the layout of the following modules: email, email templates, flexible content. * Make it possible to disable the first input field focus for an entire form by adding the 'no-focus' class to that form. * Add Udongo::Cryptography to make encrypting/decrypting values secure and easy. See readme.md for more information. * Make it possible to set the content column width for each responsive breakpoint. * Add the email validator and cleanup the URL validator. * Add DatePicker and DateRangerPicker to use with simple form. * Order logs by created_at descending AND by ID descending. * Fix nasty bug in the storable concern which made it impossible to work with the << operator for strings and arrays. * Bugfix: the link helpers can now also work with decorated objects. 0.0.13 - 2016-05-02 -- * FormSubmission#data_object * Adds support for Spring in engine development * Expands Concerns::PaginationController with a method that handles both arrays and AR collections. * Allow page_number/per_page overrides through an options hash for Concerns::PaginationController#paginate * Add module for e-mail templates. * Add some styles for unordered lists in tables. * Add the Email model which holds all the sent/unsent e-mails. * Add very basic module to show the items in the email table. * Add Concerns::Emailable * Expands FormSubmission to be emailable * Use the project_name config var for the backend template title. * Show the list of available email template vars. * Make the Address model emailable. * Switch plain/html content in the email template translation form. * Don't make the meta slug required. * Hide the search in the backend navigation for now. * Tweak css for the search filter panels. * Add QueuedTask.queue_unless_already_queued which speaks for itself. * Add .icons class for the