module CloudConnect module Units # Returns all units that match parameters provided in +opts+ list # (if +opts+ is provided) # # @param [Hash] opts the options to filter the units. # @option opts [String] :ret ('id, lat, long, time') Select attributes to fetch # @option opts [String] :unitids List of unit ids # @option opts [String] :fieldids List of field ids # @option opts [String] :unknow Allow unknown position # @option opts [Integer] :id_min Minimum ID # @option opts [Integer] :id_max Maximum ID # @option opts [Integer] :limit Number of elements to fetch (default 25 # @return [Array] Units # @see def units(opts = {}) units = connection.get(connection.build_url("units", opts)).body!{|hash| hash.values.first} units.each{|u| u.extend UnitMethods; u._cloud_connect = self;} end # Search for a specific unit knowing it's modid # # @param [String] modids the comma separated list modids. # Partial modids can be provided using the '*' caracter # @example # find_unit("*3216*") # @return [Array] Unit # @see def find_units(modids) # TODO: Rename unit_search? units = connection.get(connection.build_url("units/search", :modids => modids)).body!{|hash| hash.values.first} units.each{|u| u.extend UnitMethods; u._cloud_connect = self;} end # Return information about a specific unit # # @param [String] unit_id Unit ID # @param [Hash] opts the options to filter the units. # @option opts [String] :ret ('id, lat, long, time') Select attributes to fetch # @option opts [String] :fieldids List of field ids # @option opts [String] :unknow Allow unknown position # @return [Hashie::Mash] Unit info def unit(unit_id=nil, opts = {}) units = connection.get(connection.build_url("units", opts.merge(:unitids => unit_id))).body!{|hash| hash.values.first} units.each{|u| u.extend UnitMethods; u._cloud_connect = self;} units.first end module UnitMethods # @private attr_accessor :_cloud_connect # Return the last known location of a specific unit # # @return [Integer lat, Integer long] Latitude, Longitude def location [lat.to_f / 100_000, lng.to_f / 100_000] end # Send a message to the unit # # @param [Integer] channel # @param [String] content # @param [Hash] opts # @return [Hashie::Mash] The message # @see def send_message(channel, content, opts = {}) raise "Unknown unit id, try providing :ret => 'id' when fetching units from the API." unless id && id > 0 _cloud_connect.send_message(id, channel, content, opts) end end end end