/* * exception-test.js: Tests for exception data gathering in winston. * * (C) 2010 Charlie Robbins * MIT LICENSE * */ var path = require('path'), vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'), winston = require('../lib/winston'), helpers = require('./helpers'); vows.describe('winston/exception').addBatch({ "When using the winston exception module": { "the getProcessInfo() method": { topic: winston.exception.getProcessInfo(), "should respond with the appropriate data": function (info) { helpers.assertProcessInfo(info); } }, "the getOsInfo() method": { topic: winston.exception.getOsInfo(), "should respond with the appropriate data": function (info) { helpers.assertOsInfo(info); } }, "the getTrace() method": { topic: winston.exception.getTrace(new Error()), "should have the appropriate info": function (trace) { helpers.assertTrace(trace); } }, "the getAllInfo() method": { topic: winston.exception.getAllInfo(new Error()), "should have the appropriate info": function (info) { assert.isObject(info); assert.isArray(info.stack); helpers.assertDateInfo(info.date); helpers.assertProcessInfo(info.process); helpers.assertOsInfo(info.os); helpers.assertTrace(info.trace); } } } }).export(module);