# Encoding: UTF-8 [{beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "word=${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:-$TM_CURRENT_WORD}\n(perldoc -u \"$word\" 2>/dev/null || perldoc -u -f \"$word\" 2>/dev/null) | pod2html --q --title \"Perl Documentation - $word\" 2>/dev/null | sed -E 's|||g'\nif [[ -e \"${TM_DIRECTORY}/pod2htmd.tmp\" ]]\n then unlink \"${TM_DIRECTORY}/pod2htmd.tmp\"\nfi\nif [[ -e \"${TM_DIRECTORY}/pod2htmi.tmp\" ]]\n then unlink \"${TM_DIRECTORY}/pod2htmi.tmp\"\nfi", fallbackInput: "word", input: "selection", keyEquivalent: "^h", name: "Documentation for Word / Selection", output: "showAsHTML", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "DA0A5D89-5F16-11D9-B9C3-000D93589AF6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", bundleUUID: "4679B572-6227-11D9-BFB1-000D93589AF6", command: ". \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/webpreview.sh\"\nhtml_header \"Perl Bundle Help\" \"Perl\"\n\nMarkdown.pl <<'EOF'\nby Eric Hsu, Noah Daniels, Martin Vetter and Brad Choate\n\n | \n\n## Release Notes\n\nThe package consists of a syntax highlighting file and a few handy commands:\n\n- Documentation for Word (using perldoc)\n- Perl Validate Syntax\n- Run Script\n- Send to [Affrus](http://www.latenightsw.com/affrus/) (requires Affrus, obviously)\n- Tidy (requires [PerlTidy](http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/), may need to tweak path)\n- Perl to One-liner (strips comments & extra whitespace, requires perltidy)\n- Help (show this file)\n\nRemoved\n\n- Perl Comment Toggle (removed in favor of Source / Toggle Comment)\n- List Subroutines (removed in favor of native function pop-up)\n\n\nTo Do. Fix q, qq to deal with different matched delimiters. \n\t\n- `$i++` coloring. \n- `/dsds/g < /asdfd/g` coloring.\n\n\n## History\n\n- (12-23-05)\n\t- Brad Choate fancied up Validate Syntax command.\n - Added Run Script command.\n - Improved documentation lookup (internal links are converted to refer to perldoc.perl.org queries)\n - Added several snippets for various language constructs.\n\t- \"last\" colored as a control structure.\n\t\n- (12-20-04) \n - Martin Vetter added [] and () to the Perl folding syntax.\n - `__DATA__` now highlights to the end\n - `q` `qq` `qw` `qx` quoting is nicer\n - Known problems: here-docs not quoted, many autoquotes not highlighted right, e.g. hashkeys in => notation.\n - Noah Daniels submitted bug fix to color POD starting with `^=` and not just `^=head1`\n - Noah Daniels also submitted bug fix for `$#foo` being counted as a comment.\n\t\n- (12-8-04) \n - recognizes more syntax (thanks to Xavier Noria for bug report)\n - adjusted `$foo{bar}` so the first brace isn't highlighted\n - `q` `qq` `qw` `qx` quoting recognized\n - POD recognized (from `=head1` to `=cut`)\n - `__END__` `__DATA__`, `__FOO__` all recognized\nadded Perl to One-liner\n\n- (11-25-04)\n - added auto-indent\n - added file test operator syntax highlighting\n\n- (11-5-04)\n - added Perl Error Check, Perl Tidy, and Find Subroutines commands. \n - you can get source for [Perl Tidy](http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/)\n\n- (10-17-04)\n - added \"Perl Comment Toggle\"\n - highlight text and it will toggle the comment status of the line. if there are multiple lines, if will comment or uncomment all of them depending on the first line.\n - removed `//` as comment marker\n - made comments slightly darker\n\n- (10-14-04)\n - added \"Send to Affrus\" command\n - added \"Perldoc Search\" command: highlight a word and get a window of perldoc\n - added .pm to recognized filetypes.\n\n- (0.2)\n - Just a quick hack\n - based on PHP S.D. by (Justin French, Sune Foldager, Allan Odgaard)\n - Doesn't recognize all special variables, just `$1`, `...`, `$9` and `$_`, `@_`. \n\nEOF\n\nhtml_footer", input: "none", name: "Help", output: "showAsHTML", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "EC48C79A-82AA-11D9-8753-000D9332809C"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", captureFormatString: "$1 $3", capturePattern: "^(.*)line (\\d+)(.*)$", command: "require_cmd perltidy 'Perltidy is available from here.'\n\nperltidy -st -dac -mangle | perl -e ' local $/;$_=<>;s/^#(.*?)\\n//;s/\\n//g;print;'\n", input: "selection", lineCaptureRegister: "2", name: "Perl to One-line", output: "replaceSelectedText", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "DA0A6096-5F16-11D9-B9C3-000D93589AF6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n\nrequire \"\#{ENV[\"TM_SUPPORT_PATH\"]}/lib/tm/executor\"\nrequire \"\#{ENV[\"TM_SUPPORT_PATH\"]}/lib/tm/save_current_document\"\n\nTextMate.save_current_document\nTextMate::Executor.make_project_master_current_document\n\nTextMate::Executor.run(ENV[\"TM_PERL\"] || \"perl\", \"-I\#{ENV[\"TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT\"]}\",\n \"-Mexception_handler\", ENV[\"TM_FILEPATH\"], :version_args => [\"-e\", 'printf \"Perl v%vd\", $^V;'])\n", input: "document", keyEquivalent: "@r", name: "Run Script", output: "showAsHTML", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "2F3DB2EF-6B9E-4E5F-87A8-3675680E5C0D"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "saveActiveFile", command: "open -a Affrus \"$TM_FILEPATH\"", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^@p", name: "Send to Affrus", output: "discard", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "DA0A5E1E-5F16-11D9-B9C3-000D93589AF6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd perltidy 'Perltidy is available from here.'\n\nperltidy -st -q\n", input: "selection", keyEquivalent: "^H", name: "Tidy", output: "replaceSelectedText", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "DA0A5F4B-5F16-11D9-B9C3-000D93589AF6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "saveActiveFile", captureFormatString: "$1 $3", capturePattern: "^(.*)line (\\d+)(.*)$", command: ". \"${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/html.sh\"\ncd \"${TM_DIRECTORY}\"\nout=`\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/perlcheckmate.pl\" \"${TM_FILEPATH}\"`\nif [[ $out ]]\n then htmlHeader \"Perl syntax errors for ${TM_FILENAME}\";\n exit_show_html \"$out\";\n htmlFooter\n else exit_show_tool_tip \"No errors!\"\nfi", input: "document", keyEquivalent: "^V", lineCaptureRegister: "2", name: "Validate Syntax", output: "discard", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "DA0A5FEC-5F16-11D9-B9C3-000D93589AF6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "pod2html 2>/dev/null", input: "document", keyEquivalent: "^@p", name: "View POD as HTML", output: "showAsHTML", scope: "source.perl", uuid: "CF2CA4F9-82A7-11D9-8753-000D9332809C"}]