# Geong Thrift based Geocoding RPC. using the ruby [Geocoder](https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder "Geocoder") library. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'geong' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install geong ## Usage ### Run Server $ geong_server ### Ruby Client require "geong" client = Geong::Client.new(host: "") client.open client.coordinates "toko-tower" => client.address("") => "Tokyo, 13 , Japan" ## Configure You can give the configuration script by using the -c option. $ geong_server -p 19090 -c config.rb ### Thrift Configuration If you want to change the server settings, please use the Geong::Server.configure block in configuration script. Configuration DSL supported following methods. * logger(default: Logger.new(STDERR)) This option is available only if the default server. * port(default: 9090) This option is available only if the default transport. * num_threads(default: 20) This option is available only if the default transport. * transport(default: Thrift::ServerSocket) * transport_factory(default: Thrift::FramedTransportFactory) * protocol_factory(default: nil) * server(default: Thrift::NonblockingServer) * processor(readOnly) create geong processor ### Example. Using ThinHTTPServer # server(config.rb) require "thrift/server/thin_http_server" Geong::Server.configure do server Thrift::ThinHTTPServer.new(processor, {port: 8080}) end # client require "geong" options = {transport: Thrift::HTTPClientTransport.new("")} client = Geong::Client.new(options) client.open client.coordinates("TokyoTower") ### Geocoder Configuration you can customize the Geocoder in the config file. use Geocoder.configure method. # config.rb Geocoder.configure( # geocoding service (see below for supported options): :lookup => :yandex, # IP address geocoding service (see below for supported options): :ip_lookup => :maxmind, # to use an API key: :api_key => "...", # geocoding service request timeout, in seconds (default 3): :timeout => 5, # set default units to kilometers: :units => :km, # caching (see below for details): :cache => Redis.new, :cache_prefix => "..." ) If have you using Redis, if you want to have a expiration in the cache, please set as follows. Geong::Cache.redis has been added two options that default_ttl_seconds and default_ttl_miliseconds. Other options are the same as Redis.new. # config.rb Geocoder.configure( cache: Geong::Cache.redis(default_ttl_seconds: 100) ) ## Other Languages Thrift file is located in the following path. Please create a binding from below if you want to use other languages. thrift/geocoder.thrift ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/geong/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request