## unicorn.rb # # Adds unicorn variables and tasks # Unicorn main tasks are taken from the gem capistrano3-unicorn # Here we are setting up the main negroku default to work with unicorn namespace :load do task :defaults do # Add unicorn to :rbenv_map_bins fetch(:rbenv_map_bins) << 'unicorn' ################################### ## capistrano3/unicorn variables # Defines where the unicorn pid will live. set :unicorn_pid, -> { "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid" } set :unicorn_config_path, -> { "#{shared_path}/config/unicorn.rb" } ################################### ## unicorn.rb template variables # Local path to look for custom config template set :unicorn_template, -> { "config/deploy/#{fetch(:stage)}/unicorn.rb.erb" } # The type of template to use # rails, rails_activerecord set :unicorn_template_type, -> { "rails_activerecord" } # Number of workers (Rule of thumb is 2 per CPU) # Just be aware that every worker needs to cache all classes and thus eat some # of your RAM. set :unicorn_workers, -> { 1 } # Workers timeout in the amount of seconds below, when the master kills it and # forks another one. set :unicorn_workers_timeout, -> { 30 } # The location of the unicorn socket set :unicorn_socket, -> { "#{shared_path}/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock" } # Preload app for fast worker spawn set :unicorn_preload, -> { true } ################################### ## capistrano3/nginx variables # Set the app server socket if nginx is being used set :app_server_socket, -> { fetch(:unicorn_socket) } if was_required? 'capistrano/nginx' end end # Adds some task on complement the capistrano3-unicorn tasks # This tasks are under the negroku namespace for easier identification namespace :negroku do namespace :unicorn do desc "Upload unicorn configuration file" task :setup do on release_roles fetch(:unicorn_roles) do within "#{shared_path}/config" do config_file = fetch(:unicorn_template) unless File.exists?(config_file) config_file = File.expand_path("../../templates/tasks/unicorn_#{fetch(:unicorn_template_type)}.rb.erb", __FILE__) end config = ERB.new(File.read(config_file)).result(binding) upload! StringIO.new(config), '/tmp/unicorn.rb' execute :mv, '/tmp/unicorn.rb', 'unicorn.rb' end end end # Reload or restart unicorn after the application is published after 'deploy:publishing', 'restart' do invoke 'negroku:unicorn:setup' invoke fetch(:unicorn_preload)? 'unicorn:restart' : 'unicorn:reload' end # Ensure the folders needed exist after 'deploy:check', 'deploy:check:directories' do on release_roles fetch(:unicorn_roles) do execute :mkdir, '-pv', "#{shared_path}/config" execute :mkdir, '-pv', "#{shared_path}/tmp/sockets" execute :mkdir, '-pv', "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids" end end define_logs(:unicorn, { error: 'unicorn-error.log', out: 'unicorn-out.log' }) end end