module RakeNBake class Version HISTORY_FILE = "history.rdoc" def self.current_history history_file unless File.exists? history_file history_file, "w" do |f| f.puts "== 0.0.0 (#{ "%d %B %Y"})" end end history_file end def self.latest_version latest_version_string = current_history(HISTORY_FILE)[/== ([\d\.]*)/, 1] || "0.0.0" @latest_version ||= latest_version_string.split(".").map(&:to_i) def @latest_version.to_s join "." end @latest_version end def self.update_to version add_history_header version update_gem version if gem? commit version tag version branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD`[%r{.*/(.*)}, 1] puts "To push the new tag, use 'git push origin #{branch} --tags'" end def self.add_history_header(version, history_file = HISTORY_FILE) history = current_history history_file history_file, "w" do |f| f.puts "== #{version} (#{ "%d %B %Y"})" f.puts f.print history end puts "Added version to history.rdoc" end def self.update_gem version path = Dir.glob('*.gemspec').first text = path, "w") do |file| file.puts text.sub(/(.*version\s*=\s*)(['|"].*['|"])/, "\\1'#{version}'") end puts "Added version to .gemfile" end def self.commit version `git add . && git commit -m 'increment version to #{version}'` puts "Committed change" end def self.tag version `git tag #{version}` puts "Tagged with #{version}" end def self.gem? !Dir.glob('*.gemspec').empty? end end end