# SmashingDocs ### Based on [SmarfDoc](https://github.com/RickCarlino/smarf_doc) by [Rick Carlino](https://github.com/RickCarlino/) ## Gem Installation in Rails In your gemfile add the following to your test group: `gem 'smashing_docs', '~> 0.0.3'` Installation differs for RSpec/Minitest, so scroll to the appropriate section for guidance. ## Automatic Installation (RSpec or Minitest!) After you bundle, run: `rails generate smashing_documentation:install` SmashingDocs will be configured to run on all your controller tests with the default template. If you're using RSpec and you haven't required `rails_helper` in your tests, do that now. `require 'rails_helper'` #### To generate your docs Run `rails g smashing_documentation:build_docs`, and your docs will be waiting for you in the `smashing_docs` folder. ## Manual RSpec Installation Add this to your `rails_helper.rb` It should go outside of other blocks (Do not place it inside the `RSpec.configure` block). ```ruby SmashingDocs.config do |c| c.template_file = 'smashing_docs/template.md' c.output_file = 'smashing_docs/api_docs.md' c.auto_push = false c.run_all = true end ``` Add the following content to `spec_helper.rb` inside the `RSpec.configure` block `config.after(:suite) { SmashingDocs.finish! }` It should look like this ```ruby RSpec.configure do |config| # Existing code config.after(:each, type: :controller) do SmashingDocs.run!(request, response, true) end # config.after(:suite) { SmashingDocs.finish! } end ``` #### To run on only select tests Set the `c.run_all` line to `false` in `rails_helper.rb` ```ruby SmashingDocs.config do |c| c.template_file = 'smashing_docs/template.md' c.output_file = 'smashing_docs/api_docs.md' c.auto_push = false c.run_all = false end ``` Then just add `SmashingDocs.run!(request, response)` to the tests you want to run ```ruby it "responds with 200" do get :index expect(response).to be_success SmashingDocs.run!(request, response) end ``` ## Manual Minitest Installation Add the code from below to `test_helper.rb`: ```ruby class ActiveSupport::TestCase # Already existing code SmashingDocs.config do |c| c.template_file = 'smashing_docs/template.md' c.output_file = 'smashing_docs/api_docs.md' c.auto_push = false c.run_all = true end # More code end class ActionController::TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase def teardown SmashingDocs.run!(request, response, true) end end MiniTest::Unit.after_tests { SmashingDocs.finish! } ``` #### To run on only select tests Set the `c.run_all` line to `false` in `test_helper.rb` ```ruby SmashingDocs.config do |c| c.template_file = 'smashing_docs/template.md' c.output_file = 'smashing_docs/api_docs.md' c.auto_push = false c.run_all = false end ``` Then just add `SmashingDocs.run!(request, response)` to specific tests ```ruby def get_index get :index assert response.status == 200 SmashingDocs.run!(request, response) end ``` ## Setting a template If you copied the code from above, SmashingDocs will look for a template file located in `smashing_docs/template.md` This template may be customized to fit your needs. ```erb <%= request.method %> <%= request.path %> <%= request.params %> <%= response.body %> <%= information[:note] %> ``` ## Where to find the docs By default, the docs are output to `api_docs.md` in the root of the Rails project. You can change this by altering the config in `test_helper.rb` or `rails_helper.rb`. ## Additional Features #### Skipping documentation on tests To leave certain tests out of the documentation, just add `SmashingDocs.skip` to the test. ```ruby it "responds with 200" do SmashingDocs.skip # test code end ``` #### Adding information, e.g. notes SmashingDocs will log all requests and responses by default, but you can add some **optional** parameters as well. ```ruby it "responds with 200" do SmashingDocs.information(:note, "This endpoint only responds on Tuesdays") # test code end ``` You can store any information with `:note`, `:message`, or any other key you can think of. To access information in the template, just use `<%= information[:key] %>` #### Auto-Push Docs to Your Project Wiki SmashingDocs can automatically push your generated docs to your project wiki. **To enable this feature** 1. Clone your wiki repo from Github into the same parent folder as your app Your folder structure should be ../projects/my_rails_app ../projects/my_rails_app.wiki 2. Set auto_push to true in `spec_helper.rb` or `test_helper.rb` ``` ruby SmashingDocs.config do |c| # configs c.auto_push = true end ``` 3. Build your docs with `rails g smashing_documentation:build_docs`