# # Autogenerated by Thrift # # DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # module Apache module Hadoop module Hbase module Thrift # TCell - Used to transport a cell value (byte[]) and the timestamp it was # stored with together as a result for get and getRow methods. This promotes # the timestamp of a cell to a first-class value, making it easy to take # note of temporal data. Cell is used all the way from HStore up to HTable. class TCell include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union VALUE = 1 TIMESTAMP = 2 FIELDS = { VALUE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'value', :binary => true}, TIMESTAMP => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::I64, :name => 'timestamp'} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # An HColumnDescriptor contains information about a column family # such as the number of versions, compression settings, etc. It is # used as input when creating a table or adding a column. class ColumnDescriptor include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union NAME = 1 MAXVERSIONS = 2 COMPRESSION = 3 INMEMORY = 4 BLOOMFILTERTYPE = 5 BLOOMFILTERVECTORSIZE = 6 BLOOMFILTERNBHASHES = 7 BLOCKCACHEENABLED = 8 TIMETOLIVE = 9 FIELDS = { NAME => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'name', :binary => true}, MAXVERSIONS => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'maxVersions', :default => 3}, COMPRESSION => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'compression', :default => %q"NONE"}, INMEMORY => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'inMemory', :default => false}, BLOOMFILTERTYPE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'bloomFilterType', :default => %q"NONE"}, BLOOMFILTERVECTORSIZE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'bloomFilterVectorSize', :default => 0}, BLOOMFILTERNBHASHES => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'bloomFilterNbHashes', :default => 0}, BLOCKCACHEENABLED => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'blockCacheEnabled', :default => false}, TIMETOLIVE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'timeToLive', :default => -1} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # A TRegionInfo contains information about an HTable region. class TRegionInfo include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union STARTKEY = 1 ENDKEY = 2 ID = 3 NAME = 4 VERSION = 5 FIELDS = { STARTKEY => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'startKey', :binary => true}, ENDKEY => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'endKey', :binary => true}, ID => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::I64, :name => 'id'}, NAME => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'name', :binary => true}, VERSION => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::BYTE, :name => 'version'} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # A Mutation object is used to either update or delete a column-value. class Mutation include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union ISDELETE = 1 COLUMN = 2 VALUE = 3 FIELDS = { ISDELETE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'isDelete', :default => false}, COLUMN => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'column', :binary => true}, VALUE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'value', :binary => true} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # A BatchMutation object is used to apply a number of Mutations to a single row. class BatchMutation include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union ROW = 1 MUTATIONS = 2 FIELDS = { ROW => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'row', :binary => true}, MUTATIONS => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'mutations', :element => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Apache::Hadoop::Hbase::Thrift::Mutation}} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # Holds row name and then a map of columns to cells. class TRowResult include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union ROW = 1 COLUMNS = 2 FIELDS = { ROW => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'row', :binary => true}, COLUMNS => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'columns', :key => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :binary => true}, :value => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Apache::Hadoop::Hbase::Thrift::TCell}} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # An IOError exception signals that an error occurred communicating # to the Hbase master or an Hbase region server. Also used to return # more general Hbase error conditions. class IOError < ::Thrift::Exception include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union def initialize(message=nil) super() self.message = message end MESSAGE = 1 FIELDS = { MESSAGE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'message'} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # An IllegalArgument exception indicates an illegal or invalid # argument was passed into a procedure. class IllegalArgument < ::Thrift::Exception include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union def initialize(message=nil) super() self.message = message end MESSAGE = 1 FIELDS = { MESSAGE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'message'} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end # An AlreadyExists exceptions signals that a table with the specified # name already exists class AlreadyExists < ::Thrift::Exception include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union def initialize(message=nil) super() self.message = message end MESSAGE = 1 FIELDS = { MESSAGE => {:type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'message'} } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end end end end end