require 'digest' class MongoSync def initialize(connection) @connection = connection @remote_dump_base = fetch(:remote_dump_base) @local_dump_base = fetch(:local_dump_base) @production_db = fetch(:production_db) @development_db = fetch(:development_db) @staging_db = fetch(:staging_db) @from_db = fetch(:from_db) @collection = fetch(:collection) || 'full' @collection_ids = fetch(:collection_ids) @hipchat_client = fetch(:hipchat_client) fail "Incomplete configuration: missing remote_dump_base" unless @remote_dump_base fail "Incomplete configuration: missing local_dump_base" unless @local_dump_base fail "Incomplete configuration: missing production_db" unless @production_db fail "Incomplete configuration: missing development_db" unless @development_db fail "Incomplete configuration: missing from_db" unless @from_db fail "Incomplete configuration: missing collection" if @collection_ids && @collection.nil? end # the first part of the dump dir, without the timestamp... for example "mydatabase-full" def dump_dir_part str = [@from_db, @collection].join('-') if @collection_ids str = [str, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@collection_ids)].join('-') end str end ## Remote def remote_setup! @connection.execute :mkdir, '-p', @remote_dump_base end def remote_cleanup! pattern = File.join(@remote_dump_base, '*') if @connection.test "find #{pattern} -mtime +1" @connection.execute :find, pattern, "-mtime +1 -exec rm {} \\;" end end def remote_mongodump! dump_dir = [dump_dir_part,'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')].join('-') args = ['-d', @from_db, '-o', File.join(@remote_dump_base, dump_dir)] args += ['-c', @collection] unless 'full' == @collection args += ['-q', collection_ids_arg] if @collection_ids @connection.execute :mongodump, *args dump_dir end def collection_ids_arg '\'{_id: {$in: [%s]}}\'' % @collection_ids.split(',').map{|id| 'ObjectId("%s")' % id}.join(',') end def staging_mongorestore!( remote_dump_dir ) full_path_to_remote_dump_dir = if remote_dump_dir == File.basename(remote_dump_dir) File.join(@remote_dump_base, remote_dump_dir, @production_db) else remote_dump_dir end args = [] args << '--drop' if drop_collection? args += ['-d', @staging_db, full_path_to_remote_dump_dir] @connection.execute :mongorestore, *args end def last_remote_dump previous_remote_dump_dirs_wildcard = File.join @remote_dump_base, '%s*/%s' % [dump_dir_part, @production_db] if @connection.test( "ls -td #{previous_remote_dump_dirs_wildcard}" ) dump_candidate = @connection.capture(:ls, '-td', previous_remote_dump_dirs_wildcard).split("\n")[0] dump_prompt(:use_remote_dump_dir, dump_candidate) if 'y' == fetch(:use_remote_dump_dir) dump_candidate else nil end else nil end end def last_remote_dump_tgz previous_remote_dump_tgz_wildcard = '%s*.tgz' % File.join( @remote_dump_base, dump_dir_part ) if @connection.test "ls -t #{previous_remote_dump_tgz_wildcard}" dump_candidate = @connection.capture(:ls, '-t', previous_remote_dump_tgz_wildcard).split("\n")[0] dump_prompt(:use_remote_dump_tgz, dump_candidate) if 'y' == fetch(:use_remote_dump_tgz) dump_candidate else nil end else nil end end def remote_archive!( dump_dir ) tar_filename = '%s.tgz' % dump_dir @connection.within( @remote_dump_base ) do @connection.execute :tar, '-czvf', tar_filename, dump_dir end File.join @remote_dump_base, tar_filename end ## Local def local_setup! @connection.execute :mkdir, '-p', @local_dump_base end def local_cleanup! pattern = File.join(@local_dump_base, '*') if @connection.test "find #{pattern} -mtime +1" @connection.execute :find, pattern, "-mtime +1 -exec rm {} \\;" end end def last_local_dump pattern = File.join(@local_dump_base, '%s*.tgz' % dump_dir_part) if @connection.test "ls #{pattern}" local_dump_candidate = @connection.capture(:ls, '-td', pattern).split("\n")[0] dump_prompt(:use_local_dump, local_dump_candidate) if 'y' == fetch(:use_local_dump) local_dump_candidate else nil end else nil end end def local_unarchive!(local_tgz) local_dump_dir = File.join @local_dump_base, File.basename(local_tgz, '.tgz') if @connection.test("ls #{local_dump_dir}") # warn "Skipping untar and instead using previously unpacked dump_dir #{local_dump_dir}" else @connection.within( @local_dump_base ) do @connection.execute :tar, '-xzvf', local_tgz end end end def local_mongorestore!(local_dump_dir) db_dump_path = File.join local_dump_dir, @from_db @connection.within( @local_dump_base ) do args = [] args << '--drop' if drop_collection? args += ['-d', @development_db, db_dump_path] @connection.execute :mongorestore, *args end end # don't drop the collection if it's importing partially def drop_collection? @collection_ids.nil? end ## Hipchat def hipchat_notify!( room, user, msg, opts = {} ) return unless @hipchat_client @hipchat_client[room].send(user, msg, opts) end ## Utility def dump_prompt_message( gvar, filename ) dump_tstamp = filename[/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2})/, 1] dump_time =*dump_tstamp.split('-')) fmt = if dump_time.strftime('%D') =='%D') 'today at %I:%M %p' elsif dump_time.strftime('%D') == ( - 24 * 60 * 60).strftime('%D') 'yesterday at %I:%M %p' else '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p' end dump_time_human = dump_time.strftime(fmt) local_remote = gvar.to_s =~ /local/ ? 'local' : 'remote' 'Use %s dump from %s? "%s"? (y/n)' % [local_remote, dump_time_human, filename] end def dump_prompt( gvar, filename ) return false unless filename until fetch(gvar) =~ /\A[yn]\Z/ @connection.ask(gvar, dump_prompt_message(gvar, filename)) end end end