# Usman Simple User & Feature Permission Management with APIs. Usman is a mountable plugin and it requires another full pluggin named kuppayam to run. Kuppayam offers usman the UI skin with basic modules for running like Polymorphic Image and Document Models etc. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'usman' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```bash $ gem install usman ``` # Usage ## Installing the kuppayam & usman migrations Usman uses kuppayam skins and hence it requires the basic migrations from kuppayam to run Run the below command to copy the migrations from the kuppayam engine. ```bash $ bundle exec rake railties:install:migrations ``` This will copy migrations from kuppayam and usman engines which will have migrations to create images, documents, users, features and permissions respectively. ## Mount the engine Mount usman engine in your application routes.rb ``` mount Usman::Engine => "/" ``` open browser and go to /sign_in url ## Railties order Specify the railties order if required in main application.rb `` config.autoload_paths << "app/services" config.railties_order = [:main_app, Usman::Engine, Kuppayam::Engine, :all] ``` # Seeding Data run rake task for loading dummy data for users and features to start with. ```bash $ bundle exec rake usman:import:dummy:all verbose=false ``` ["users", "features", "permissions", "roles"] You could also do it individually but the above command will run in the following order - users, features, permissions, roles. This order is important as features need users to be imported first. ```bash $ bundle exec rake usman:import:dummy:users verbose=false $ bundle exec rake usman:import:dummy:features verbose=false $ bundle exec rake usman:import:dummy:permissions verbose=false $ bundle exec rake usman:import:dummy:roles verbose=false ``` # Import Data You could override the seed files with your data. just create db/import_data in your project folder and create the following files filled with your data in the required format (checkout the dummy csvs in usman db/import_data/dummy/features.csv) for the columns required for e.g: create users.csv in db/import_data/ foler and fill data in it and run ```bash $ bundle exec rake usman:import:users verbose=false ``` ## Testing the gem cd spec/dummy rails db:create db:migrate rails s -p ## Running rspec rails db:create db:migrate RAILS_ENV # run rspec from the rails root folder and not from dummy folder as spec helper has been linked to dummy. rspec ## Contributing Visit - https://github.com/right-solutions/usman Feel free to submit a patch ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).