module AsposeCellsCloud # class Chart < BaseObject attr_accessor :auto_scaling, :back_wall, :category_axis, :chart_area, :chart_data_table, :chart_object, :depth_percent, :elevation, :first_slice_angle, :floor, :gap_depth, :gap_width, :height_percent, :hide_pivot_field_buttons, :is3_d, :is_rectangular_cornered, :legend, :name, :n_series, :page_setup, :perspective, :pivot_source, :placement, :plot_area, :plot_empty_cells_type, :plot_visible_cells, :print_size, :right_angle_axes, :rotation_angle, :second_category_axis, :second_value_axis, :series_axis, :shapes, :show_data_table, :show_legend, :side_wall, :size_with_window, :style, :title, :type, :value_axis, :walls, :walls_and_gridlines2_d # attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key def self.attribute_map { # True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it's closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart. The RightAngleAxes property must be True. :'auto_scaling' => :'AutoScaling', # :'back_wall' => :'BackWall', # Gets the chart's X axis. The property is read only :'category_axis' => :'CategoryAxis', # Gets the chart area in the worksheet :'chart_area' => :'ChartArea', # Represents the chart data table. :'chart_data_table' => :'ChartDataTable', # Represents the chartShape; :'chart_object' => :'ChartObject', # Represents the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent). :'depth_percent' => :'DepthPercent', # Represents the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees. :'elevation' => :'Elevation', # Gets or sets the angle of the first pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice, in degrees (clockwise from vertical). Applies only to pie, 3-D pie, and doughnut charts, 0 to 360. :'first_slice_angle' => :'FirstSliceAngle', # Returns a Floor object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.\n :'floor' => :'Floor', # Gets or sets the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.The value of this property must be between 0 and 500. :'gap_depth' => :'GapDepth', # Returns or sets the space between bar or column clusters, as a percentage of the bar or column width. The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.\n :'gap_width' => :'GapWidth', # Returns or sets the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 5 and 500 percent). :'height_percent' => :'HeightPercent', # Indicates whether hide the pivot chart field buttons only when the chart is PivotChart :'hide_pivot_field_buttons' => :'HidePivotFieldButtons', # Indicates whether the chart is a 3d chart. :'is3_d' => :'Is3D', # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart displays a data table. :'is_rectangular_cornered' => :'IsRectangularCornered', # Gets the chart legend. :'legend' => :'Legend', # Gets and sets the name of the chart. :'name' => :'Name', # Gets a SeriesCollection collection representing the data series in the chart. :'n_series' => :'NSeries', # Represents the page setup description in this chart. :'page_setup' => :'PageSetup', # Returns or sets the perspective for the 3-D chart view. Must be between 0 and 100.This property is ignored if the RightAngleAxes property is True. :'perspective' => :'Perspective', # The source is the data of the pivotTable.If PivotSource is not empty ,the chart is PivotChart. :'pivot_source' => :'PivotSource', # Represents the way the chart is attached to the cells below it. :'placement' => :'Placement', # Gets the chart's plot area which includes axis tick lables. :'plot_area' => :'PlotArea', # Gets and sets how to plot the empty cells. :'plot_empty_cells_type' => :'PlotEmptyCellsType', # Indicates whether only plot visible cells. :'plot_visible_cells' => :'PlotVisibleCells', # Gets and sets the printed chart size. :'print_size' => :'PrintSize', # True if the chart axes are at right angles.Applies only for 3-D charts(except Column3D and 3-D Pie Charts). :'right_angle_axes' => :'RightAngleAxes', # Represents the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees). :'rotation_angle' => :'RotationAngle', # Gets the chart's second X axis. :'second_category_axis' => :'SecondCategoryAxis', # Gets the chart's second Y axis. :'second_value_axis' => :'SecondValueAxis', # Gets the chart's series axis. :'series_axis' => :'SeriesAxis', # Returns all drawing shapes in this chart. :'shapes' => :'Shapes', # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart displays a data table. :'show_data_table' => :'ShowDataTable', # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart legend will be displayed. Default is true. :'show_legend' => :'ShowLegend', # :'side_wall' => :'SideWall', # True if Microsoft Excel resizes the chart to match the size of the chart sheet window. :'size_with_window' => :'SizeWithWindow', # Gets and sets the builtin style. :'style' => :'Style', # Gets the chart's title. :'title' => :'Title', # Gets or sets a chart's type. :'type' => :'Type', # Gets the chart's Y axis. :'value_axis' => :'ValueAxis', # Returns a Walls object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart. :'walls' => :'Walls', # True if gridlines are drawn two-dimensionally on a 3-D chart. :'walls_and_gridlines2_d' => :'WallsAndGridlines2D' } end # attribute type def self.swagger_types { :'auto_scaling' => :'BOOLEAN', :'back_wall' => :'LinkElement', :'category_axis' => :'LinkElement', :'chart_area' => :'LinkElement', :'chart_data_table' => :'LinkElement', :'chart_object' => :'LinkElement', :'depth_percent' => :'Integer', :'elevation' => :'Integer', :'first_slice_angle' => :'Integer', :'floor' => :'LinkElement', :'gap_depth' => :'Integer', :'gap_width' => :'Integer', :'height_percent' => :'Integer', :'hide_pivot_field_buttons' => :'BOOLEAN', :'is3_d' => :'BOOLEAN', :'is_rectangular_cornered' => :'BOOLEAN', :'legend' => :'LinkElement', :'name' => :'String', :'n_series' => :'LinkElement', :'page_setup' => :'LinkElement', :'perspective' => :'Integer', :'pivot_source' => :'String', :'placement' => :'String', :'plot_area' => :'LinkElement', :'plot_empty_cells_type' => :'String', :'plot_visible_cells' => :'BOOLEAN', :'print_size' => :'String', :'right_angle_axes' => :'BOOLEAN', :'rotation_angle' => :'Integer', :'second_category_axis' => :'LinkElement', :'second_value_axis' => :'LinkElement', :'series_axis' => :'LinkElement', :'shapes' => :'LinkElement', :'show_data_table' => :'BOOLEAN', :'show_legend' => :'BOOLEAN', :'side_wall' => :'LinkElement', :'size_with_window' => :'BOOLEAN', :'style' => :'Integer', :'title' => :'LinkElement', :'type' => :'String', :'value_axis' => :'LinkElement', :'walls' => :'LinkElement', :'walls_and_gridlines2_d' => :'BOOLEAN' } end def initialize(attributes = {}) return if !attributes.is_a?(Hash) || attributes.empty? # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} if attributes[:'AutoScaling'] self.auto_scaling = attributes[:'AutoScaling'] end if attributes[:'BackWall'] self.back_wall = attributes[:'BackWall'] end if attributes[:'CategoryAxis'] self.category_axis = attributes[:'CategoryAxis'] end if attributes[:'ChartArea'] self.chart_area = attributes[:'ChartArea'] end if attributes[:'ChartDataTable'] self.chart_data_table = attributes[:'ChartDataTable'] end if attributes[:'ChartObject'] self.chart_object = attributes[:'ChartObject'] end if attributes[:'DepthPercent'] self.depth_percent = attributes[:'DepthPercent'] end if attributes[:'Elevation'] self.elevation = attributes[:'Elevation'] end if attributes[:'FirstSliceAngle'] self.first_slice_angle = attributes[:'FirstSliceAngle'] end if attributes[:'Floor'] self.floor = attributes[:'Floor'] end if attributes[:'GapDepth'] self.gap_depth = attributes[:'GapDepth'] end if attributes[:'GapWidth'] self.gap_width = attributes[:'GapWidth'] end if attributes[:'HeightPercent'] self.height_percent = attributes[:'HeightPercent'] end if attributes[:'HidePivotFieldButtons'] self.hide_pivot_field_buttons = attributes[:'HidePivotFieldButtons'] end if attributes[:'Is3D'] self.is3_d = attributes[:'Is3D'] end if attributes[:'IsRectangularCornered'] self.is_rectangular_cornered = attributes[:'IsRectangularCornered'] end if attributes[:'Legend'] self.legend = attributes[:'Legend'] end if attributes[:'Name'] = attributes[:'Name'] end if attributes[:'NSeries'] self.n_series = attributes[:'NSeries'] end if attributes[:'PageSetup'] self.page_setup = attributes[:'PageSetup'] end if attributes[:'Perspective'] self.perspective = attributes[:'Perspective'] end if attributes[:'PivotSource'] self.pivot_source = attributes[:'PivotSource'] end if attributes[:'Placement'] self.placement = attributes[:'Placement'] end if attributes[:'PlotArea'] self.plot_area = attributes[:'PlotArea'] end if attributes[:'PlotEmptyCellsType'] self.plot_empty_cells_type = attributes[:'PlotEmptyCellsType'] end if attributes[:'PlotVisibleCells'] self.plot_visible_cells = attributes[:'PlotVisibleCells'] end if attributes[:'PrintSize'] self.print_size = attributes[:'PrintSize'] end if attributes[:'RightAngleAxes'] self.right_angle_axes = attributes[:'RightAngleAxes'] end if attributes[:'RotationAngle'] self.rotation_angle = attributes[:'RotationAngle'] end if attributes[:'SecondCategoryAxis'] self.second_category_axis = attributes[:'SecondCategoryAxis'] end if attributes[:'SecondValueAxis'] self.second_value_axis = attributes[:'SecondValueAxis'] end if attributes[:'SeriesAxis'] self.series_axis = attributes[:'SeriesAxis'] end if attributes[:'Shapes'] self.shapes = attributes[:'Shapes'] end if attributes[:'ShowDataTable'] self.show_data_table = attributes[:'ShowDataTable'] end if attributes[:'ShowLegend'] self.show_legend = attributes[:'ShowLegend'] end if attributes[:'SideWall'] self.side_wall = attributes[:'SideWall'] end if attributes[:'SizeWithWindow'] self.size_with_window = attributes[:'SizeWithWindow'] end if attributes[:'Style'] = attributes[:'Style'] end if attributes[:'Title'] self.title = attributes[:'Title'] end if attributes[:'Type'] self.type = attributes[:'Type'] end if attributes[:'ValueAxis'] self.value_axis = attributes[:'ValueAxis'] end if attributes[:'Walls'] self.walls = attributes[:'Walls'] end if attributes[:'WallsAndGridlines2D'] self.walls_and_gridlines2_d = attributes[:'WallsAndGridlines2D'] end end end end