require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") describe "A route derived from the blocks of #match" do it "should inherit the :controller option." do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/alpha', :controller=>'Alphas') do |alpha| alpha.match('').to(:action=>'normal') end end route_to('/alpha').should have_route(:controller=>'Alphas',:action=>'normal') end it "should inherit the :action option." do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/alpha', :action=>'wierd') do |alpha| alpha.match('').to(:controller=>'Alphas') end end route_to('/alpha').should have_route(:controller=>'Alphas',:action=>'wierd') end it "should inherit the default :action of 'index'" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/alpha', :controller=>'Alphas') do |alpha| alpha.match('').to({}) end end route_to('/alpha').should have_route(:controller=>'Alphas',:action=>'index') end it "should make use of the :params option" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/alpha', :controller=>'Alphas', :params =>{:key=>'value'}) do |alpha| alpha.match('').to(:action=>'normal',:key2=>'value2') end end route_to('/alpha').should have_route(:controller=>'Alphas',:key=>'value',:action=>'normal',:key2=>'value2') end it "should inherit the parameters through many levels" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/alpha', :controller=>'Alphas') do |alpha| alpha.match('/beta', :action=>'normal') do |beta| beta.match('/:id').to(:id=>':id') end end end route_to('/alpha/beta/gamma').should have_route(:controller=>'Alphas',:action=>'normal', :id=>'gamma') end it "allows wrapping of nested routes all having shared argument" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/:language') do |i18n| i18n.match!('/:controller/:action') end end route_to('/fr/hotels/search').should have_route(:controller => 'hotels', :action => "search", :language => "fr") end it "allows wrapping of nested routes all having shared argument" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match(/\/?(.*)?/).to(:language => "[1]") do |l| l.match("/guides/:action/:id").to(:controller => "tour_guides") end end route_to('/en/guides/search/london').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :language => "en", :id => "london") end it "allows wrapping of nested routes all having shared OPTIONAL argument" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match(/\/?(.*)?/).to(:language => "[1]") do |l| l.match("/guides/:action/:id").to(:controller => "tour_guides") end end route_to('/guides/search/london').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "london") end it "allows wrapping of nested routes all having shared argument with PREDEFINED VALUES" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match(/\/?(en|es|fr|be|nl)?/).to(:language => "[1]") do |l| l.match("/guides/:action/:id").to(:controller => "tour_guides") end end route_to('/nl/guides/search/denboss').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "denboss", :language => "nl") route_to('/es/guides/search/barcelona').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "barcelona", :language => "es") route_to('/fr/guides/search/lille').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "lille", :language => "fr") route_to('/en/guides/search/london').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "london", :language => "en") route_to('/be/guides/search/brussels').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "brussels", :language => "be") route_to('/guides/search/brussels').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "brussels") route_to('/se/guides/search/stokholm').should have_route(:controller => 'tour_guides', :action => "search", :id => "stokholm", :language => nil) end end