#Use this file to set/override Jasmine configuration options #You can remove it if you don't need it. #This file is loaded *after* jasmine.yml is interpreted. # #Example: using a different boot file. #Jasmine.configure do |config| # config.boot_dir = '/absolute/path/to/boot_dir' # config.boot_files = lambda { ['/absolute/path/to/boot_dir/file.js'] } #end # require 'faye' require 'faye/authentication' require 'rack' FAYE_SECRET_KEY = 'macaroni' # Start faye web server. fork do Faye::WebSocket.load_adapter('thin') faye = Faye::RackAdapter.new(:mount => '/faye') faye.add_extension Faye::Authentication::Extension.new(FAYE_SECRET_KEY) Rack::Handler::Thin.run faye, :Port => 9296 end.tap do |id| parent = $$ at_exit { Process.kill("KILL", id) if $$ == parent # Only if the parent process exits } end