module JsonResource using JsonResource::Refinements module Model TRUE_VALUES = [true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE', 'on', 'ON'].to_set BIGDECIMAL_PRECISION = 18 def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_attribute :attributes, :collections, :objects, :inflection base.attributes = {} base.collections = {} base.objects = {} base.inflection = :lower_camelcase end module ClassMethods def from_json(obj, defaults: {}, root: nil) return unless json = parse(obj) json = json_dig(json, *root) if root attrs = {} self.attributes.each do |name, options| if path = attribute_path(name) value = json_dig(json, *path) if !value.nil? && type = attribute_type(name) value = cast_to(type, value, name) end attrs[name] = value end end instance = new(defaults.merge(attrs.compact)) self.objects.each do |name, options| if path = object_path(name) and obj = json_dig(json, *path) instance.public_send("#{name}=", object_class(name).from_json(obj)) end end self.collections.each do |name, options| collection = if path = collection_path(name) and obj = json_dig(json, *path) instance.public_send("#{name}=", collection_class(name).collection_from_json(obj)) else [] end end instance end def collection_from_json(obj, defaults: {}, root: nil) json = parse(obj) json = json_dig(json, *root) if root { |hsh| from_json(hsh, defaults: defaults) }.compact end def basename name.sub(/^.*::/, '') end [:attribute, :object, :collection].each do |method_name| define_method "#{method_name}_names" do send("#{method_name}s").keys end end protected def attribute(name, options = {}) self.attributes = attributes.merge(name.to_sym => options.symbolize_keys) attribute_accessor_method name end def has_attributes(*args) options = args.extract_options! args.each { |arg| attribute arg, options } end def has_object(name, options = {}) self.objects = objects.merge(name.to_sym => options.symbolize_keys) attr_accessor name end def has_collection(name, options = {}) self.collections = collections.merge(name.to_sym => options.symbolize_keys) define_method "#{name}" do instance_variable_get("@#{name}") or instance_variable_set("@#{name}", []) end define_method "#{name}=" do |assignment| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", assignment) if assignment end end private def attribute_accessor_method(name) define_method("#{name}") { self[name] } define_method("#{name}=") { |value| self[name] = value } end [:attribute, :object, :collection].each do |method_name| define_method "#{method_name}_options" do |name| send(method_name.to_s.pluralize).try(:[], name) end define_method "#{method_name}_path" do |name| options = send("#{method_name}_options", name) Array(options.try(:[], :path)).presence || [inflect(name)] end end def attribute_type(name) attributes[name] && attributes[name][:type] end def object_class(name) if objects[name] && class_name = objects[name][:class_name] class_name.constantize else name.to_s.classify.constantize end end def collection_class(name) if collections[name] && class_name = collections[name][:class_name] class_name.constantize else name.to_s.singularize.classify.constantize end end def cast_to(type, value, name) # only called for non-nil values case type when :string then value when :integer then value.to_i when :float then value.to_f when :boolean then cast_to_boolean(value) when :decimal then cast_to_big_decimal(value, **attribute_options(name)) when :date then value.presence && Date.parse(value) when :time then value.presence && Time.parse(value) else raise JsonResource::TypeCastError, "don't know how to cast #{value.inspect} to #{type}" end end def cast_to_boolean(value) if value.is_a?(String) && value.blank? nil else TRUE_VALUES.include?(value) end end def cast_to_big_decimal(value, scale: nil, precision: nil, **) cast_value = case value when ::Float precision ||= BIGDECIMAL_PRECISION float_precision = precision.to_i > ::Float::DIG + 1 ? ::Float::DIG + 1 : precision.to_i BigDecimal(value, float_precision) when ::Numeric BigDecimal(value, precision || BIGDECIMAL_PRECISION) when ::String begin value.to_d rescue ArgumentError BigDecimal(0) end else value.respond_to?(:to_d) ? value.to_d : BigDecimal(value.to_s) end scale ? cast_value.round(scale) : cast_value end def parse(obj) case obj when Hash, Array then obj when String then JSON.parse(obj) else raise JsonResource::ParseError, "cannot parse #{obj.inspect}" end end def inflect(string) string = string.to_s case inflection when :lower_camelcase string.camelcase(:lower) when :upper_camelcase string.camelcase(:upper) when :dasherize string.underscore.dasherize when nil, :underscore string.underscore else string.public_send(inflection) end end def json_dig(obj, *path) path.inject(obj) do |receiver, key| next nil if receiver.nil? if key.respond_to?(:match) and idx = key.match(/\A\[(?\d+)\]\z/).try(:[], :idx) receiver[idx.to_i] else receiver[key] end end end end def initialize(attrs = {}) self.attributes = attrs if attrs super() end def valid? true end def attributes=(attrs) attrs.each do |attr, value| self.public_send("#{attr}=", value) end end def attributes @attributes ||= {} end def [](attr_name) attributes[attr_name.to_sym] end def []=(attr_name, value) attributes[attr_name.to_sym] = value end end end