* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 and 2011 Frank G. Bennett, Jr. All Rights
* Reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* Attribution License Version 1.0 (the “License”); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at:
* http://bitbucket.org/fbennett/citeproc-js/src/tip/LICENSE.
* The License is based on the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 but
* Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover use of software over a
* computer network and provide for limited attribution for the
* Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
* consistent with Exhibit B.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS”
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
* the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is the citation formatting software known as
* "citeproc-js" (an implementation of the Citation Style Language
* [CSL]), including the original test fixtures and software located
* under the ./std subdirectory of the distribution archive.
* The Original Developer is not the Initial Developer and is
* __________. If left blank, the Original Developer is the Initial
* Developer.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Frank G. Bennett,
* Jr. All portions of the code written by Frank G. Bennett, Jr. are
* Copyright (c) 2009 and 2010 Frank G. Bennett, Jr. All Rights Reserved.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
* terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (the [AGPLv3]
* License), in which case the provisions of [AGPLv3] License are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of the [AGPLv3] License
* and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the
* CPAL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
* replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the
* [AGPLv3] License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a
* recipient may use your version of this file under either the CPAL
* or the [AGPLv3] License.”
if (!Array.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (obj) {
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i += 1) {
if (this[i] === obj) {
return i;
return -1;
var CSL = {
GENDERS: ["masculine", "feminine"],
PREVIEW: "Just for laughs.",
END: 1,
SEEN: 6,
LITERAL: true,
POSITION_TEST_VARS: ["position", "first-reference-note-number", "near-note"],
AREAS: ["citation", "citation_sort", "bibliography", "bibliography_sort"],
MULTI_FIELDS: ["publisher", "publisher-place", "title","container-title", "collection-title", "institution", "authority","edition"],
CITE_FIELDS: ["first-reference-note-number", "locator"],
MINIMAL_NAME_FIELDS: ["literal", "family"],
SWAPPING_PUNCTUATION: [".", "!", "?", ":",","],
TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION: [":", ".", ";", "!", "?", " "],
SPLICE_PUNCTUATION: [".", "!", "?", ":", ";", ","],
NONE: 0,
COLLAPSE_VALUES: ["citation-number", "year", "year-suffix"],
DATE_PARTS: ["year", "month", "day"],
DATE_PARTS_ALL: ["year", "month", "day", "season"],
DATE_PARTS_INTERNAL: ["year", "month", "day", "year_end", "month_end", "day_end"],
NAME_PARTS: ["family", "given", "dropping-particle", "non-dropping-particle", "suffix", "literal"],
DECORABLE_NAME_PARTS: ["given", "family", "suffix"],
PARALLEL_MATCH_VARS: ["container-title"],
PARALLEL_TYPES: ["legal_case", "legislation", "bill"],
PARALLEL_COLLAPSING_MID_VARSET: ["volume", "container-title", "section"],
SUFFIX_PUNCTUATION: /^\s*[.;:,\(\)]/,
NUMBER_REGEXP: /(?:^\d+|\d+$)/,
NAME_INITIAL_REGEXP: /^([A-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u042f])([a-zA-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f]*|)/,
ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0386-\u03fb\u1f00-\u1ffe]/,
ROMANESQUE_NOT_REGEXP: /[^a-zA-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0386-\u03fb\u1f00-\u1ffe]/g,
STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /^[&a-zA-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0386-\u03fb\u1f00-\u1ffe]/,
ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /[.;:&a-zA-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0386-\u03fb\u1f00-\u1ffe]$/,
ALL_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /^[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0386-\u03fb\u1f00-\u1ffe]+$/,
VIETNAMESE_SPECIALS: /[\u00c0-\u00c3\u00c8-\u00ca\u00cc\u00cd\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d9\u00da\u00dd\u00e0-\u00e3\u00e8-\u00ea\u00ec\u00ed\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f9\u00fa\u00fd\u0101\u0103\u0110\u0111\u0128\u0129\u0168\u0169\u01a0\u01a1\u01af\u01b0\u1ea0-\u1ef9]/,
VIETNAMESE_NAMES: /^(?:(?:[.AaBbCcDdEeGgHhIiKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYy \u00c0-\u00c3\u00c8-\u00ca\u00cc\u00cd\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d9\u00da\u00dd\u00e0-\u00e3\u00e8-\u00ea\u00ec\u00ed\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f9\u00fa\u00fd\u0101\u0103\u0110\u0111\u0128\u0129\u0168\u0169\u01a0\u01a1\u01af\u01b0\u1ea0-\u1ef9]{2,6})(\s+|$))+$/,
NOTE_FIELDS_REGEXP: /\{:[\-a-z]+:[^\}]+\}/g,
NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP: /\{:([\-a-z]+):\s*([^\}]+)\}/,
DISPLAY_CLASSES: ["block", "left-margin", "right-inline", "indent"],
NUMERIC_VARIABLES: ["edition", "volume", "number-of-volumes", "number", "issue", "citation-number"],
DATE_VARIABLES: ["issued", "event-date", "accessed", "container", "original-date"],
TAG_ESCAPE: function (str) {
var mx, lst, len, pos, m, buf1, buf2, idx, ret, myret;
mx = str.match(/()/g);
lst = str.split(//g);
myret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
myret.push(mx[pos - 1]);
lst = myret.slice();
len = lst.length - 1;
for (pos = len; pos > 1; pos += -2) {
m = lst[pos].match(/<\/span>/);
if (m) {
idx = lst[pos].indexOf("");
buf1 = lst[pos].slice(0, idx);
buf2 = lst[pos].slice(idx + 7);
lst[pos - 1] += buf1 + "";
lst[pos] = buf2;
} else {
buf1 = lst.slice(0, pos - 1);
if (pos < (lst.length - 1)) {
buf2 = lst[pos - 1] + lst[pos];
} else {
buf2 = lst[pos - 1] + lst[pos] + lst[pos + 1];
lst = buf1.push(buf2).concat(lst.slice(pos + 2));
return lst;
TAG_USEALL: function (str) {
var ret, open, close, end;
ret = [""];
open = str.indexOf("<");
close = str.indexOf(">");
while (open > -1 && close > -1) {
if (open > close) {
end = open + 1;
} else {
end = close + 1;
if (open < close && str.slice(open + 1, close).indexOf("<") === -1) {
ret[ret.length - 1] += str.slice(0, open);
ret.push(str.slice(open, close + 1));
str = str.slice(end);
} else {
ret[ret.length - 1] += str.slice(0, close + 1);
str = str.slice(end);
open = str.indexOf("<");
close = str.indexOf(">");
ret[ret.length - 1] += str;
return ret;
SKIP_WORDS: ["but", "or", "yet", "so", "for", "and", "nor", "a", "an", "the", "at", "by", "from", "in", "into", "of", "on", "to", "with", "up", "down", "as", "via", "onto", "over", "till"],
SUFFIX_CHARS: "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z",
[ "", "i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix" ],
[ "", "x", "xx", "xxx", "xl", "l", "lx", "lxx", "lxxx", "xc" ],
[ "", "c", "cc", "ccc", "cd", "d", "dc", "dcc", "dccc", "cm" ],
[ "", "m", "mm", "mmm", "mmmm", "mmmmm"]
af: "af_ZA",
ar: "ar_AR",
bg: "bg_BG",
ca: "ca_AD",
cs: "cs_CZ",
da: "da_DK",
de: "de_DE",
el: "el_GR",
en: "en_US",
es: "es_ES",
et: "et_EE",
fr: "fr_FR",
he: "he_IL",
hu: "hu_HU",
is: "is_IS",
it: "it_IT",
ja: "ja_JP",
km: "km_KH",
ko: "ko_KR",
mn: "mn_MN",
nb: "nb_NO",
nl: "nl_NL",
pl: "pl_PL",
pt: "pt_PT",
ro: "ro_RO",
ru: "ru_RU",
sk: "sk_SK",
sl: "sl_SI",
sr: "sr_RS",
sv: "sv_SE",
th: "th_TH",
tr: "tr_TR",
uk: "uk_UA",
vi: "vi_VN",
zh: "zh_CN"
"\u00AA": "\u0061",
"\u00B2": "\u0032",
"\u00B3": "\u0033",
"\u00B9": "\u0031",
"\u00BA": "\u006F",
"\u02B0": "\u0068",
"\u02B1": "\u0266",
"\u02B2": "\u006A",
"\u02B3": "\u0072",
"\u02B4": "\u0279",
"\u02B5": "\u027B",
"\u02B6": "\u0281",
"\u02B7": "\u0077",
"\u02B8": "\u0079",
"\u02E0": "\u0263",
"\u02E1": "\u006C",
"\u02E2": "\u0073",
"\u02E3": "\u0078",
"\u02E4": "\u0295",
"\u1D2C": "\u0041",
"\u1D2D": "\u00C6",
"\u1D2E": "\u0042",
"\u1D30": "\u0044",
"\u1D31": "\u0045",
"\u1D32": "\u018E",
"\u1D33": "\u0047",
"\u1D34": "\u0048",
"\u1D35": "\u0049",
"\u1D36": "\u004A",
"\u1D37": "\u004B",
"\u1D38": "\u004C",
"\u1D39": "\u004D",
"\u1D3A": "\u004E",
"\u1D3C": "\u004F",
"\u1D3D": "\u0222",
"\u1D3E": "\u0050",
"\u1D3F": "\u0052",
"\u1D40": "\u0054",
"\u1D41": "\u0055",
"\u1D42": "\u0057",
"\u1D43": "\u0061",
"\u1D44": "\u0250",
"\u1D45": "\u0251",
"\u1D46": "\u1D02",
"\u1D47": "\u0062",
"\u1D48": "\u0064",
"\u1D49": "\u0065",
"\u1D4A": "\u0259",
"\u1D4B": "\u025B",
"\u1D4C": "\u025C",
"\u1D4D": "\u0067",
"\u1D4F": "\u006B",
"\u1D50": "\u006D",
"\u1D51": "\u014B",
"\u1D52": "\u006F",
"\u1D53": "\u0254",
"\u1D54": "\u1D16",
"\u1D55": "\u1D17",
"\u1D56": "\u0070",
"\u1D57": "\u0074",
"\u1D58": "\u0075",
"\u1D59": "\u1D1D",
"\u1D5A": "\u026F",
"\u1D5B": "\u0076",
"\u1D5C": "\u1D25",
"\u1D5D": "\u03B2",
"\u1D5E": "\u03B3",
"\u1D5F": "\u03B4",
"\u1D60": "\u03C6",
"\u1D61": "\u03C7",
"\u2070": "\u0030",
"\u2071": "\u0069",
"\u2074": "\u0034",
"\u2075": "\u0035",
"\u2076": "\u0036",
"\u2077": "\u0037",
"\u2078": "\u0038",
"\u2079": "\u0039",
"\u207A": "\u002B",
"\u207B": "\u2212",
"\u207C": "\u003D",
"\u207D": "\u0028",
"\u207E": "\u0029",
"\u207F": "\u006E",
"\u2120": "\u0053\u004D",
"\u2122": "\u0054\u004D",
"\u3192": "\u4E00",
"\u3193": "\u4E8C",
"\u3194": "\u4E09",
"\u3195": "\u56DB",
"\u3196": "\u4E0A",
"\u3197": "\u4E2D",
"\u3198": "\u4E0B",
"\u3199": "\u7532",
"\u319A": "\u4E59",
"\u319B": "\u4E19",
"\u319C": "\u4E01",
"\u319D": "\u5929",
"\u319E": "\u5730",
"\u319F": "\u4EBA",
"\u02C0": "\u0294",
"\u02C1": "\u0295",
"\u06E5": "\u0648",
"\u06E6": "\u064A"
SUPERSCRIPTS_REGEXP: new RegExp("[\u00AA\u00B2\u00B3\u00B9\u00BA\u02B0\u02B1\u02B2\u02B3\u02B4\u02B5\u02B6\u02B7\u02B8\u02E0\u02E1\u02E2\u02E3\u02E4\u1D2C\u1D2D\u1D2E\u1D30\u1D31\u1D32\u1D33\u1D34\u1D35\u1D36\u1D37\u1D38\u1D39\u1D3A\u1D3C\u1D3D\u1D3E\u1D3F\u1D40\u1D41\u1D42\u1D43\u1D44\u1D45\u1D46\u1D47\u1D48\u1D49\u1D4A\u1D4B\u1D4C\u1D4D\u1D4F\u1D50\u1D51\u1D52\u1D53\u1D54\u1D55\u1D56\u1D57\u1D58\u1D59\u1D5A\u1D5B\u1D5C\u1D5D\u1D5E\u1D5F\u1D60\u1D61\u2070\u2071\u2074\u2075\u2076\u2077\u2078\u2079\u207A\u207B\u207C\u207D\u207E\u207F\u2120\u2122\u3192\u3193\u3194\u3195\u3196\u3197\u3198\u3199\u319A\u319B\u319C\u319D\u319E\u319F\u02C0\u02C1\u06E5\u06E6]", "g"),
locale: {},
locale_opts: {},
locale_dates: {}
CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION_REGEXP = new RegExp("^([" + CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).join("") + "])(.*)");
CSL.CLOSURES = new RegExp(".*[\\]\\)]");
var console;
if ("object" === typeof console && "function" === typeof console.log) {
CSL.debug = function (str) {
console.log("CSL: " + str);
CSL.error = function (str) {
console.log("CSL error: " + str);
} else {
CSL.debug = function () {};
CSL.error = function (str) {
throw "CSL error: " + str;
CSL.getSortCompare = function () {
var strcmp;
try {
var Components;
var localeService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/nslocaleservice;1"]
var collationFactory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/collation-factory;1"]
var collation = collationFactory.CreateCollation(localeService.getApplicationLocale());
strcmp = function(a, b) {
return collation.compareString(1, a, b);
CSL.debug("Using collation sort");
} catch (e) {
strcmp = function (a, b) {
return a.localeCompare(b);
var isKana = /^[\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff]/;
var sortCompare = function (a, b) {
var ak = isKana.exec(a);
var bk = isKana.exec(b);
if (ak || bk) {
if (!ak) {
return -1;
} else if (!bk) {
return 1;
} else if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else if (a > b) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return strcmp(a, b);
return sortCompare;
CSL.Output = {};
CSL.Output.Queue = function (state) {
this.levelname = ["top"];
this.state = state;
this.queue = [];
this.empty = new CSL.Token("empty");
var tokenstore = {};
tokenstore.empty = this.empty;
this.formats = new CSL.Stack(tokenstore);
this.current = new CSL.Stack(this.queue);
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.pop = function () {
var drip = this.current.value();
if (drip.length) {
return drip.pop();
} else {
return drip.blobs.pop();
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.getToken = function (name) {
var ret = this.formats.value()[name];
return ret;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.mergeTokenStrings = function (base, modifier) {
var base_token, modifier_token, ret, key;
base_token = this.formats.value()[base];
modifier_token = this.formats.value()[modifier];
ret = base_token;
if (modifier_token) {
if (!base_token) {
base_token = new CSL.Token(base, CSL.SINGLETON);
base_token.decorations = [];
ret = new CSL.Token(base, CSL.SINGLETON);
key = "";
for (key in base_token.strings) {
if (base_token.strings.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret.strings[key] = base_token.strings[key];
for (key in modifier_token.strings) {
if (modifier_token.strings.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret.strings[key] = modifier_token.strings[key];
ret.decorations = base_token.decorations.concat(modifier_token.decorations);
return ret;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.addToken = function (name, modifier, token) {
var newtok, attr;
newtok = new CSL.Token("output");
if ("string" === typeof token) {
token = this.formats.value()[token];
if (token && token.strings) {
for (attr in token.strings) {
if (token.strings.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
newtok.strings[attr] = token.strings[attr];
newtok.decorations = token.decorations;
if ("string" === typeof modifier) {
newtok.strings.delimiter = modifier;
this.formats.value()[name] = newtok;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.pushFormats = function (tokenstore) {
if (!tokenstore) {
tokenstore = {};
tokenstore.empty = this.empty;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.popFormats = function (tokenstore) {
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.startTag = function (name, token) {
var tokenstore = {};
tokenstore[name] = token;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.endTag = function () {
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.openLevel = function (token, ephemeral) {
var blob, curr, x, has_ephemeral;
if ("object" === typeof token) {
blob = new CSL.Blob(token);
} else if ("undefined" === typeof token) {
blob = new CSL.Blob(this.formats.value().empty, false, "empty");
} else {
if (!this.formats.value() || !this.formats.value()[token]) {
throw "CSL processor error: call to nonexistent format token \"" + token + "\"";
blob = new CSL.Blob(this.formats.value()[token], false, token);
curr = this.current.value();
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.closeLevel = function (name) {
if (name && name !== this.current.value().levelname) {
CSL.error("Level mismatch error: wanted " + name + " but found " + this.current.value().levelname);
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.append = function (str, tokname, notSerious) {
var token, blob, curr;
var useblob = true;
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return false;
if ("number" === typeof str) {
str = "" + str;
if (!notSerious
&& this.state.tmp.element_trace
&& this.state.tmp.element_trace.value() === "suppress-me") {
return false;
blob = false;
if (!tokname) {
token = this.formats.value().empty;
} else if (tokname === "literal") {
token = true;
useblob = false;
} else if ("string" === typeof tokname) {
token = this.formats.value()[tokname];
} else {
token = tokname;
if (!token) {
throw "CSL processor error: unknown format token name: " + tokname;
if (token.strings && "undefined" === typeof token.strings.delimiter) {
token.strings.delimiter = "";
if ("string" === typeof str && str.length) {
str = str.replace(/ ([:;?!\u00bb])/g, "\u202f$1").replace(/\u00ab /g, "\u00ab\u202f");
this.last_char_rendered = str.slice(-1);
str = str.replace(/\s+'/g, " \'").replace(/^'/g, " \'");
this.state.tmp.term_predecessor = true;
blob = new CSL.Blob(token, str);
curr = this.current.value();
if ("string" === typeof blob.blobs) {
if (this.state.tmp.strip_periods) {
blob.blobs = blob.blobs.replace(/\./g, "");
this.state.tmp.term_predecessor = true;
if (!notSerious) {
if ("string" === typeof str) {
if (blob.strings["text-case"]) {
blob.blobs = CSL.Output.Formatters[blob.strings["text-case"]](this.state, str);
this.state.fun.flipflopper.init(str, blob);
} else if (useblob) {
} else {
return true;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.string = function (state, myblobs, blob) {
var i, ilen, j, jlen, b;
var txt_esc = CSL.getSafeEscape(this.state.opt.mode, this.state.tmp.area);
var blobs = myblobs.slice();
var ret = [];
if (blobs.length === 0) {
return ret;
var blob_delimiter = "";
if (blob) {
blob_delimiter = blob.strings.delimiter;
} else {
state.tmp.count_offset_characters = false;
state.tmp.offset_characters = 0;
if (blob && blob.new_locale) {
blob.old_locale = state.opt.lang;
state.opt.lang = blob.new_locale;
var blobjr, use_suffix, use_prefix, params;
for (i = 0, ilen = blobs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
blobjr = blobs[i];
if (blobjr.strings.first_blob) {
state.tmp.count_offset_characters = blobjr.strings.first_blob;
if ("string" === typeof blobjr.blobs) {
if ("number" === typeof blobjr.num) {
} else if (blobjr.blobs) {
b = blobjr.blobs;
var blen = b.length;
if (!state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
for (j = 0, jlen = blobjr.decorations.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
params = blobjr.decorations[j];
if (state.normalDecorIsOrphan(blobjr, params)) {
b = state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]](state, b);
if (b && b.length) {
b = txt_esc(blobjr.strings.prefix) + b + txt_esc(blobjr.strings.suffix);
if (state.tmp.count_offset_characters) {
state.tmp.offset_characters += (blen + blobjr.strings.suffix.length + blobjr.strings.prefix.length);
} else if (blobjr.blobs.length) {
var addtoret = state.output.string(state, blobjr.blobs, blobjr);
ret = ret.concat(addtoret);
if (blobjr.strings.first_blob) {
state.registry.registry[state.tmp.count_offset_characters].offset = state.tmp.offset_characters;
state.tmp.count_offset_characters = false;
var span_split = 0;
for (i = 0, ilen = ret.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("string" === typeof ret[i]) {
span_split = (parseInt(i, 10) + 1);
if (blob && (blob.decorations.length || blob.strings.suffix || blob.strings.prefix)) {
span_split = ret.length;
var mytype = "string";
for (var q = 0, qlen = ret.length; q < qlen; q += 1) {
if (typeof ret[q] !== "string") {
mytype = typeof ret[q];
var blobs_start = state.output.renderBlobs(ret.slice(0, span_split), blob_delimiter);
if (blobs_start && blob && (blob.decorations.length || blob.strings.suffix || blob.strings.prefix)) {
if (!state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
for (i = 0, ilen = blob.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
params = blob.decorations[i];
if (["@bibliography", "@display"].indexOf(params[0]) > -1) {
if (state.normalDecorIsOrphan(blobjr, params)) {
blobs_start = state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]](state, blobs_start);
b = blobs_start;
use_suffix = blob.strings.suffix;
if (b && b.length) {
use_prefix = blob.strings.prefix;
b = txt_esc(use_prefix) + b + txt_esc(use_suffix);
if (state.tmp.count_offset_characters) {
state.tmp.offset_characters += (use_prefix.length + use_suffix.length);
blobs_start = b;
if (!state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
for (i = 0, ilen = blob.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
params = blob.decorations[i];
if (["@bibliography", "@display"].indexOf(params[0]) === -1) {
blobs_start = state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]].call(blob, state, blobs_start);
var blobs_end = ret.slice(span_split, ret.length);
if (!blobs_end.length && blobs_start) {
ret = [blobs_start];
} else if (blobs_end.length && !blobs_start) {
ret = blobs_end;
} else if (blobs_start && blobs_end.length) {
ret = [blobs_start].concat(blobs_end);
if ("undefined" === typeof blob) {
this.queue = [];
this.current.mystack = [];
if (state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
ret = state.output.renderBlobs(ret);
} else if ("boolean" === typeof blob) {
ret = state.output.renderBlobs(ret);
if (blob && blob.new_locale) {
state.opt.lang = blob.old_locale;
if (blob) {
return ret;
} else {
return ret;
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.clearlevel = function () {
var blob, pos, len;
blob = this.current.value();
len = blob.blobs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
CSL.Output.Queue.prototype.renderBlobs = function (blobs, delim) {
var state, ret, ret_last_char, use_delim, i, blob, pos, len, ppos, llen, pppos, lllen, res, str, params, txt_esc;
txt_esc = CSL.getSafeEscape(this.state.opt.mode, this.state.tmp.area);
if (!delim) {
delim = "";
state = this.state;
ret = "";
ret_last_char = [];
use_delim = "";
len = blobs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (blobs[pos].checkNext) {
blobs[pos].checkNext(blobs[(pos + 1)]);
var doit = true;
for (pos = blobs.length - 1; pos > 0; pos += -1) {
if (blobs[pos].checkLast) {
if (doit && blobs[pos].checkLast(blobs[pos - 1])) {
doit = false;
} else {
doit = true;
len = blobs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
blob = blobs[pos];
if (ret) {
use_delim = delim;
if (blob && "string" === typeof blob) {
ret += txt_esc(use_delim);
ret += blob;
if (state.tmp.count_offset_characters) {
state.tmp.offset_characters += (use_delim.length);
} else if (blob.status !== CSL.SUPPRESS) {
str = blob.formatter.format(blob.num, blob.gender);
var strlen = str.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").length;
this.append(str, "empty", true);
var str_blob = this.pop();
var count_offset_characters = state.tmp.count_offset_characters;
var str = this.string(state, [str_blob], false);
state.tmp.count_offset_characters = count_offset_characters;
if (blob.strings["text-case"]) {
str = CSL.Output.Formatters[blob.strings["text-case"]](this.state, str);
if (!state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
llen = blob.decorations.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
params = blob.decorations[ppos];
if (state.normalDecorIsOrphan(blob, params)) {
str = state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]](state, str);
str = blob.strings.prefix + str + blob.strings.suffix;
var addme = "";
if (blob.status === CSL.END) {
addme = blob.range_prefix;
} else if (blob.status === CSL.SUCCESSOR) {
addme = blob.successor_prefix;
} else if (blob.status === CSL.START) {
addme = "";
} else if (blob.status === CSL.SEEN) {
addme = blob.splice_prefix;
ret += addme;
ret += str;
if (state.tmp.count_offset_characters) {
state.tmp.offset_characters += (addme.length + blob.strings.prefix.length + strlen + blob.strings.suffix.length);
return ret;
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeEmptyBlobs = function (myblobs, endOnly) {
var res, i, ilen, j, jlen, tmpblobs;
if ("string" === typeof myblobs || !myblobs.length) {
for (i = myblobs.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeEmptyBlobs(myblobs[i].blobs, endOnly);
for (i = myblobs.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (!myblobs[i].blobs.length) {
tmpblobs = myblobs.slice(i + 1);
for (j = i, jlen = myblobs.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
for (j = 0, jlen = tmpblobs.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (endOnly) {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixChars = function(myblob, chr) {
if (!chr) {
if ("object" === typeof myblob) {
if ((CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.indexOf(chr) > -1 &&
CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).indexOf(myblob.strings.prefix.slice(0, 1)) > -1)) {
myblob.strings.prefix = myblob.strings.prefix.slice(1);
} else if ("object" === typeof myblob.blobs) {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixChars(myblob.blobs[0], chr);
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixSpaces = function(myblob, chr) {
if ("object" === typeof myblob) {
if (" " === chr && " " === myblob.strings.prefix.slice(0, 1)) {
myblob.strings.prefix = myblob.strings.prefix.slice(1);
} else if ("object" === typeof myblob.blobs) {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixSpaces(myblob.blobs[0], chr);
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsideSuffixSpaces = function(myblob, chr) {
if ("object" === typeof myblob) {
if (" " === chr && " " === myblob.strings.suffix.slice(-1)) {
myblob.strings.suffix = myblob.strings.suffix.slice(0, -1);
} else if ("object" === typeof myblob.blobs) {
if (!chr) {
chr = myblob.strings.suffix.slice(-1);
chr = CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsideSuffixSpaces(myblob.blobs[myblob.blobs.length - 1], chr);
} else {
chr = myblob.strings.suffix.slice(-1);
return chr;
CSL.Output.Queue.adjustPunctuation = function (state, myblobs, stk, finish) {
var chr, suffix, dpref, blob, delimiter, suffixX, dprefX, blobX, delimiterX, prefix, prefixX, dsuffX, dsuff, slast, dsufff, dsufffX, lastchr, firstchr, exposed_suffixes, exposed, j, jlen, i, ilen;
if (!stk) {
stk = [{suffix: "", delimiter: ""}];
slast = stk.length - 1;
delimiter = stk[slast].delimiter;
dpref = stk[slast].dpref;
dsuff = stk[slast].dsuff;
dsufff = stk[slast].dsufff;
prefix = stk[slast].prefix;
suffix = stk[slast].suffix;
blob = stk[slast].blob;
if ("string" === typeof myblobs) {
if (suffix) {
if (blob &&
TERMS.indexOf(myblobs.slice(-1)) > -1 &&
TERMS.slice(1).indexOf(suffix) > -1 &&
blob.strings.suffix !== " ") {
blob.strings.suffix = blob.strings.suffix.slice(1);
lastchr = myblobs.slice(-1);
firstchr = myblobs.slice(0,1);
} else {
if (dpref) {
for (j = 0, jlen = myblobs.length - 1; j < jlen; j += 1) {
var t = myblobs[j].strings.suffix.slice(-1);
if (TERMS.indexOf(t) === -1 ||
TERMS.indexOf(dpref) === -1) {
if (dpref !== " " || dpref !== myblobs[j].strings.suffix.slice(-1)) {
myblobs[j].strings.suffix += dpref;
if (suffix === " ") {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsideSuffixSpaces(myblobs[myblobs.length - 1], " ");
var lst = [];
var doblob;
for (i = 0, ilen = myblobs.length - 1; i < ilen; i += 1) {
doblob = myblobs[i];
var following_prefix = myblobs[i + 1].strings.prefix;
chr = false;
var ret = CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsideSuffixSpaces(doblob, chr);
if (!dsuff) {
} else {
chr = false;
for (i = 1, ilen = myblobs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
doblob = myblobs[i];
chr = "";
var preceding_suffix = myblobs[i - 1].strings.suffix;
if (dsuff === " ") {
chr = dsuff;
} else if (preceding_suffix) {
chr = preceding_suffix.slice(-1);
} else if (lst[i - 1]) {
chr = lst[i - 1];
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixSpaces(doblob, chr);
if (dsufff) {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixSpaces(myblobs[0], " ");
} else if (prefix === " ") {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixSpaces(myblobs[0], " ");
for (i = 0, ilen = myblobs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
doblob = myblobs[i];
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeNearsidePrefixChars(doblob, lastchr);
if (i === 0) {
if (prefix) {
if (doblob.strings.prefix.slice(0, 1) === " ") {
if (dsufff) {
if (doblob.strings.prefix) {
if (i === 0) {
if (doblob.strings.prefix.slice(0, 1) === " ") {
if (dsuff) {
if (i > 0) {
if (doblob.strings.prefix.slice(0, 1) === " ") {
if (i < (myblobs.length - 1)) {
var nextprefix = myblobs[i + 1].strings.prefix;
if (!delimiter) {
if (nextprefix) {
var nxtchr = nextprefix.slice(0, 1);
if (SWAPS.indexOf(nxtchr) > -1) {
myblobs[i + 1].strings.prefix = nextprefix.slice(1);
if (TERMS.indexOf(nxtchr) === -1 ||
(TERMS.indexOf(nxtchr) > -1 &&
TERMS.indexOf(doblob.strings.suffix.slice(-1)) === -1)) {
doblob.strings.suffix += nxtchr;
} else if (nxtchr === " " &&
doblob.strings.suffix.slice(-1) === " ") {
doblob.strings.suffix = doblob.strings.suffix.slice(0, -1);
if (i === (myblobs.length - 1)) {
if (suffix) {
if (doblob.strings.suffix &&
(TERMS.slice(1).indexOf(suffix) > -1 &&
TERMS.indexOf(doblob.strings.suffix.slice(-1)) > -1)) {
blob.strings.suffix = blob.strings.suffix.slice(1);
if ("string" === typeof doblob.blobs && doblob.blobs) {
for (var ppos = doblob.decorations.length - 1; ppos > -1; ppos += -1) {
var params = doblob.decorations[ppos];
if (params[0] === "@strip-periods" && params[1] === "true") {
doblob.blobs = state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]](state, doblob.blobs);
doblob.decorations = doblob.decorations.slice(0, ppos).concat(doblob.decorations.slice(ppos + 1));
if (state.getOpt('punctuation-in-quote')) {
var decorations = doblob.decorations;
for (j = 0, jlen = decorations.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (decorations[j][0] === '@quotes' && decorations[j][1] === 'true') {
var swapchar = doblob.strings.suffix.slice(0, 1);
var swapblob = false;
if (SWAPS.indexOf(swapchar) > -1) {
swapblob = doblob;
} else if (SWAPS.indexOf(suffix) > -1 && i === (myblobs.length - 1)) {
swapchar = suffix;
swapblob = blob;
} else {
swapchar = false;
if (swapchar) {
if ("string" === typeof doblob.blobs) {
if (SWAPS.indexOf(doblob.blobs.slice(-1)) === -1 ||
(TERMS.indexOf(doblob.blobs.slice(-1)) > -1 &&
SWAPS.indexOf(swapchar) > -1 &&
TERMS.indexOf(swapchar) === -1)) {
doblob.blobs += swapchar;
} else {
if (SWAPS.indexOf(doblob.blobs.slice(-1)[0].strings.suffix.slice(-1)) === -1 ||
(TERMS.indexOf(doblob.blobs.slice(-1)[0].strings.suffix.slice(-1)) > -1 &&
SWAPS.indexOf(swapchar) > -1 &&
TERMS.indexOf(swapchar) === -1)) {
doblob.blobs.slice(-1)[0].strings.suffix += swapchar;
swapblob.strings.suffix = swapblob.strings.suffix.slice(1);
if (i === (myblobs.length - 1)) {
if (doblob.strings.suffix) {
suffixX = doblob.strings.suffix.slice(0, 1);
blobX = doblob;
} else {
suffixX = stk[stk.length - 1].suffix;
blobX = stk[stk.length - 1].blob;
} else {
if (doblob.strings.suffix) {
suffixX = doblob.strings.suffix.slice(0, 1);
blobX = doblob;
} else {
suffixX = "";
blobX = false;
if (SWAPS.concat([" "]).indexOf(suffixX) === -1) {
suffixX = "";
blobX = false;
if (doblob.strings.delimiter &&
doblob.blobs.length > 1) {
dprefX = doblob.strings.delimiter.slice(0, 1);
if (SWAPS.concat([" "]).indexOf(dprefX) > -1) {
doblob.strings.delimiter = doblob.strings.delimiter.slice(1);
} else {
dprefX = "";
} else {
dprefX = "";
if (doblob.strings.prefix) {
if (doblob.strings.prefix.slice(-1) === " ") {
prefixX = " ";
} else {
prefixX = "";
} else {
if (i === 0) {
prefixX = prefix;
} else {
prefixX = "";
if (dsuff) {
dsufffX = dsuff;
} else {
if (i === 0) {
dsufffX = dsufff;
} else {
dsufffX = "";
if (doblob.strings.delimiter) {
if (doblob.strings.delimiter.slice(-1) === " " &&
"object" === typeof doblob.blobs && doblob.blobs.length > 1) {
dsuffX = doblob.strings.delimiter.slice(-1);
} else {
dsuffX = "";
} else {
dsuffX = "";
delimiterX = doblob.strings.delimiter;
stk.push({suffix: suffixX, dsuff:dsuffX, blob:blobX, delimiter:delimiterX, prefix:prefixX, dpref: dprefX, dsufff: dsufffX});
lastchr = CSL.Output.Queue.adjustPunctuation(state, doblob.blobs, stk);
if (myblobs && myblobs.length) {
var last_suffix = myblobs[myblobs.length - 1].strings.suffix;
if (last_suffix) {
lastchr = last_suffix.slice(-1);
if (stk.length > 1) {
state.tmp.last_chr = lastchr;
return lastchr;
CSL.compareAmbigConfig = function(a, b) {
var ret, pos, len, ppos, llen;
if (a.names.length !== b.names.length) {
return 1;
} else {
for (pos = 0, len = a.names.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (a.names[pos] !== b.names[pos]) {
return 1;
} else {
for (ppos = 0, llen = a.names[pos]; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
if (a.givens[pos][ppos] !== b.givens[pos][ppos]) {
return 1;
return 0;
CSL.cloneAmbigConfig = function (config, oldconfig, tainters) {
var i, ilen, j, jlen, k, klen, param;
var ret = {};
ret.names = [];
ret.givens = [];
ret.year_suffix = false;
ret.disambiguate = false;
for (i = 0, ilen = config.names.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
param = config.names[i];
if (oldconfig && (!oldconfig.names[i] || oldconfig.names[i] !== param)) {
for (j = 0, jlen = tainters.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
this.tmp.taintedItemIDs[tainters[j].id] = true;
oldconfig = false;
ret.names[i] = param;
for (i = 0, ilen = config.givens.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
param = [];
for (j = 0, jlen = config.givens[i].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (oldconfig && oldconfig.givens[i][j] !== config.givens[i][j]) {
for (k = 0, klen = tainters.length; k < klen; k += 1) {
this.tmp.taintedItemIDs[tainters[k].id] = true;
oldconfig = false;
if (tainters && tainters.length > 1) {
if (tainters.length == 2 || (oldconfig && oldconfig.year_suffix !== config.year_suffix)) {
for (i = 0, ilen = tainters.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var oldYS = this.registry.registry[tainters[i].id].disambig.year_suffix;
if (tainters && (false === oldYS || oldYS != i)) {
this.tmp.taintedItemIDs[tainters[i].id] = true;
oldconfig = false;
ret.year_suffix = config.year_suffix;
ret.disambiguate = config.disambiguate;
return ret;
CSL.getAmbigConfig = function () {
var config, ret;
config = this.tmp.disambig_request;
if (!config) {
config = this.tmp.disambig_settings;
ret = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(config);
return ret;
CSL.getMaxVals = function () {
return this.tmp.names_max.mystack.slice();
CSL.getMinVal = function () {
return this.tmp["et-al-min"];
CSL.tokenExec = function (token, Item, item) {
var next, maybenext, exec, pos, len, debug;
debug = false;
next = token.next;
maybenext = false;
if (token.evaluator) {
next = token.evaluator(token, this, Item, item);
len = token.execs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
exec = token.execs[pos];
maybenext = exec.call(token, this, Item, item);
if (maybenext) {
next = maybenext;
return next;
CSL.expandMacro = function (macro_key_token) {
var mkey, start_token, key, end_token, navi, macroxml, newoutput, mergeoutput, end_of_macro;
mkey = macro_key_token.postponed_macro;
if (this.build.macro_stack.indexOf(mkey) > -1) {
throw "CSL processor error: call to macro \"" + mkey + "\" would cause an infinite loop";
} else {
macro_key_token.tokentype = CSL.START;
CSL.Node.group.build.call(macro_key_token, this, this[this.build.area].tokens, true);
macroxml = this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(this.cslXml, 'macro', mkey);
if (!this.sys.xml.getNodeValue(macroxml)) {
throw "CSL style error: undefined macro \"" + mkey + "\"";
navi = new this.getNavi(this, macroxml);
CSL.buildStyle.call(this, navi);
end_of_macro = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.END);
CSL.Node.group.build.call(end_of_macro, this, this[this.build.area].tokens, true);
CSL.XmlToToken = function (state, tokentype) {
var name, txt, attrfuncs, attributes, decorations, token, key, target;
name = state.sys.xml.nodename(this);
if (state.build.skip && state.build.skip !== name) {
if (!name) {
txt = state.sys.xml.content(this);
if (txt) {
state.build.text = txt;
if (!CSL.Node[state.sys.xml.nodename(this)]) {
throw "Undefined node name \"" + name + "\".";
attrfuncs = [];
attributes = state.sys.xml.attributes(this);
decorations = CSL.setDecorations.call(this, state, attributes);
token = new CSL.Token(name, tokentype);
if (tokentype !== CSL.END || name === "if" || name === "else-if" || name === "layout") {
for (key in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (tokentype === CSL.END && key !== "@language" && key !== "@locale") {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
try {
CSL.Attributes[key].call(token, state, "" + attributes[key]);
} catch (e) {
if (e === "TypeError: Cannot call method \"call\" of undefined") {
throw "Unknown attribute \"" + key + "\" in node \"" + name + "\" while processing CSL file";
} else {
throw "CSL processor error, " + key + " attribute: " + e;
token.decorations = decorations;
target = state[state.build.area].tokens;
CSL.Node[name].build.call(token, state, target);
CSL.DateParser = function () {
var jiy_list, jiy, jiysplitter, jy, jmd, jr, pos, key, val, yearlast, yearfirst, number, rangesep, fuzzychar, chars, rex, rexdash, rexdashslash, rexslashdash, seasonstrs, seasonrexes, seasonstr, monthstrs, monthstr, mrexes, seasonrex, len, jiymatchstring, jiymatcher;
jiy_list = [
["\u660E\u6CBB", 1867],
["\u5927\u6B63", 1911],
["\u662D\u548C", 1925],
["\u5E73\u6210", 1988]
jiy = {};
len = jiy_list.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
key = jiy_list[pos][0];
val = jiy_list[pos][1];
jiy[key] = val;
jiymatchstring = [];
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
val = jiy_list[pos][0];
jiymatchstring = jiymatchstring.join("|");
jiysplitter = "(?:" + jiymatchstring + ")(?:[0-9]+)";
jiysplitter = new RegExp(jiysplitter);
jiymatcher = "(?:" + jiymatchstring + ")(?:[0-9]+)";
jiymatcher = new RegExp(jiymatcher, "g");
jmd = /(\u6708|\u5E74)/g;
jy = /\u65E5/;
jr = /\u301c/g;
yearlast = "(?:[?0-9]{1,2}%%NUMD%%){0,2}[?0-9]{4}(?![0-9])";
yearfirst = "[?0-9]{4}(?:%%NUMD%%[?0-9]{1,2}){0,2}(?![0-9])";
number = "[?0-9]{1,3}";
rangesep = "[%%DATED%%]";
fuzzychar = "[?~]";
chars = "[a-zA-Z]+";
rex = "(" + yearfirst + "|" + yearlast + "|" + number + "|" + rangesep + "|" + fuzzychar + "|" + chars + ")";
rexdash = new RegExp(rex.replace(/%%NUMD%%/g, "-").replace(/%%DATED%%/g, "-"));
rexdashslash = new RegExp(rex.replace(/%%NUMD%%/g, "-").replace(/%%DATED%%/g, "\/"));
rexslashdash = new RegExp(rex.replace(/%%NUMD%%/g, "\/").replace(/%%DATED%%/g, "-"));
seasonstrs = [];
seasonrexes = [];
len = seasonstrs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
seasonrex = new RegExp(seasonstrs[pos] + ".*");
this.mstrings = "january february march april may june july august september october november december spring summer fall winter spring summer";
this.mstrings = this.mstrings.split(" ");
this.setOrderDayMonth = function() {
this.monthguess = 1;
this.dayguess = 0;
this.setOrderMonthDay = function() {
this.monthguess = 0;
this.dayguess = 1;
this.resetMonths = function() {
var i, ilen, j, jlen;
this.msets = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.mstrings.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.mabbrevs = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.msets.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
for (j = 0, jlen = this.msets[i].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
this.mabbrevs[i].push(this.msets[i][0].slice(0, 3));
this.mrexes = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.mabbrevs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.mrexes.push(new RegExp("(?:" + this.mabbrevs[i].join("|") + ")"));
this.addMonths = function(lst) {
var i, ilen, j, jlen, k, klen, jkey, kkey;
if ("string" === typeof lst) {
lst = lst.split(/\s+/);
if (lst.length !== 12 && lst.length !== 16) {
CSL.debug("month [+season] list of "+lst.length+", expected 12 or 16. Ignoring.");
var othermatch = [];
var thismatch = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = lst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var abbrevlen = false;
var skip = false;
var insert = 3;
var extend = {};
for (j = 0, jlen = this.mabbrevs.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
extend[j] = {};
if (j === i) {
for (k = 0, klen = this.mabbrevs[i].length; k < klen; k += 1) {
if (this.mabbrevs[i][k] === lst[i].slice(0, this.mabbrevs[i][k].length)) {
skip = true;
} else {
for (k = 0, klen = this.mabbrevs[j].length; k < klen; k += 1) {
abbrevlen = this.mabbrevs[j][k].length;
if (this.mabbrevs[j][k] === lst[i].slice(0, abbrevlen)) {
while (this.msets[j][k].slice(0, abbrevlen) === lst[i].slice(0, abbrevlen)) {
if (abbrevlen > lst[i].length || abbrevlen > this.msets[j][k].length) {
CSL.debug("unable to disambiguate month string in date parser: "+lst[i]);
} else {
abbrevlen += 1;
insert = abbrevlen;
extend[j][k] = abbrevlen;
for (jkey in extend) {
if (extend.hasOwnProperty(jkey)) {
for (kkey in extend[jkey]) {
if (extend[jkey].hasOwnProperty(kkey)) {
abbrevlen = extend[jkey][kkey];
jkey = parseInt(jkey, 10);
kkey = parseInt(kkey, 10);
this.mabbrevs[jkey][kkey] = this.msets[jkey][kkey].slice(0, abbrevlen);
if (!skip) {
this.mabbrevs[i].push(lst[i].slice(0, insert));
this.mrexes = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.mabbrevs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.mrexes.push(new RegExp("(?:" + this.mabbrevs[i].join("|") + ")"));
this.parse = function (txt) {
var slash, dash, lst, l, m, number, note, thedate, slashcount, range_delim, date_delim, ret, delim_pos, delims, isrange, suff, date, breakme, item, delim, element, mm, slst, mmpos, i, ilen, j, jlen, k, klen;
m = txt.match(jmd);
if (m) {
txt = txt.replace(jy, "");
txt = txt.replace(jmd, "-");
txt = txt.replace(jr, "/");
txt = txt.replace("-/", "/");
txt = txt.replace(/-$/,"");
slst = txt.split(jiysplitter);
lst = [];
mm = txt.match(jiymatcher);
var mmx = [];
for (pos = 0, len = mm.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
mmx = mmx.concat(mm[pos].match(/([^0-9]+)([0-9]+)/).slice(1));
for (pos = 0, len = slst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (pos !== (len - 1)) {
mmpos = (pos * 2);
lst.push(mmx[mmpos + 1]);
l = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < l; pos += 3) {
lst[pos + 1] = jiy[lst[pos]] + parseInt(lst[pos + 1], 10);
lst[pos] = "";
txt = lst.join("");
txt = txt.replace(/\s*-\s*$/, "").replace(/\s*-\s*\//, "/");
txt = txt.replace(/\.\s*$/, "");
txt = txt.replace(/\.(?! )/, "");
slash = txt.indexOf("/");
dash = txt.indexOf("-");
txt = txt.replace(/([A-Za-z])\./g, "$1");
number = "";
note = "";
thedate = {};
if (txt.slice(0, 1) === "\"" && txt.slice(-1) === "\"") {
thedate.literal = txt.slice(1, -1);
return thedate;
if (slash > -1 && dash > -1) {
slashcount = txt.split("/");
if (slashcount.length > 3) {
range_delim = "-";
date_delim = "/";
lst = txt.split(rexslashdash);
} else {
range_delim = "/";
date_delim = "-";
lst = txt.split(rexdashslash);
} else {
txt = txt.replace("/", "-");
range_delim = "-";
date_delim = "-";
lst = txt.split(rexdash);
ret = [];
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = lst[pos];
m = item.match(/^\s*([\-\/]|[a-zA-Z]+|[\-~?0-9]+)\s*$/);
if (m) {
delim_pos = ret.indexOf(range_delim);
delims = [];
isrange = false;
if (delim_pos > -1) {
delims.push([0, delim_pos]);
delims.push([(delim_pos + 1), ret.length]);
isrange = true;
} else {
delims.push([0, ret.length]);
suff = "";
for (i = 0, ilen = delims.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
delim = delims[i];
date = ret.slice(delim[0], delim[1]);
for (j = 0, jlen = date.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
element = date[j];
if (element.indexOf(date_delim) > -1) {
this.parseNumericDate(thedate, date_delim, suff, element);
if (element.match(/[0-9]{4}/)) {
thedate[("year" + suff)] = element.replace(/^0*/, "");
breakme = false;
for (k = 0, klen = this.mrexes.length; k < klen; k += 1) {
if (element.toLocaleLowerCase().match(this.mrexes[k])) {
thedate[("month" + suff)] = "" + (parseInt(k, 10) + 1);
breakme = true;
if (breakme) {
if (element.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
number = parseInt(element, 10);
if (element.toLocaleLowerCase().match(/^bc/) && number) {
thedate[("year" + suff)] = "" + (number * -1);
number = "";
if (element.toLocaleLowerCase().match(/^ad/) && number) {
thedate[("year" + suff)] = "" + number;
number = "";
breakme = false;
for (k = 0, klen = seasonrexes.length; k < klen; k += 1) {
if (element.toLocaleLowerCase().match(seasonrexes[k])) {
thedate[("season" + suff)] = "" + (parseInt(k, 10) + 1);
breakme = true;
if (breakme) {
if (element === "~" || element === "?" || element === "c" || element.match(/^cir/)) {
thedate.circa = "" + 1;
if (element.toLocaleLowerCase().match(/(?:mic|tri|hil|eas)/) && !thedate[("season" + suff)]) {
note = element;
if (number) {
thedate[("day" + suff)] = number;
number = "";
if (note && !thedate[("season" + suff)]) {
thedate[("season" + suff)] = note;
note = "";
suff = "_end";
if (isrange) {
for (j = 0, jlen = CSL.DATE_PARTS_ALL.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (thedate[item] && !thedate[(item + "_end")]) {
thedate[(item + "_end")] = thedate[item];
} else if (!thedate[item] && thedate[(item + "_end")]) {
thedate[item] = thedate[(item + "_end")];
if (!thedate.year) {
thedate = { "literal": txt };
if (this.use_array) {
return thedate;
this.returnAsArray = function () {
this.use_array = true;
this.returnAsKeys = function () {
this.use_array = false;
this.toArray = function (thedate) {
var i, ilen, part;
thedate["date-parts"] = [];
var slicelen = 0;
for (i = 0, ilen = 3; i < ilen; i += 1) {
part = ["year", "month", "day"][i];
if (!thedate[part]) {
slicelen += 1;
delete thedate[part];
for (i = 0, ilen = slicelen; i < ilen; i += 1) {
part = ["year_end", "month_end", "day_end"][i];
if (thedate[part] && thedate["date-parts"].length === 1) {
delete thedate[part];
this.parseNumericDate = function (ret, delim, suff, txt) {
var lst, i, ilen;
lst = txt.split(delim);
for (i = 0, ilen = lst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (lst[i].length === 4) {
ret[("year" + suff)] = lst[i].replace(/^0*/, "");
if (!i) {
lst = lst.slice(1);
} else {
lst = lst.slice(0, i);
for (i = 0, ilen = lst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
lst[i] = parseInt(lst[i], 10);
if (lst.length === 1) {
ret[("month" + suff)] = "" + lst[0];
} else if (lst.length === 2) {
if (lst[this.monthguess] > 12) {
ret[("month" + suff)] = "" + lst[this.dayguess];
ret[("day" + suff)] = "" + lst[this.monthguess];
} else {
ret[("month" + suff)] = "" + lst[this.monthguess];
ret[("day" + suff)] = "" + lst[this.dayguess];
CSL.Engine = function (sys, style, lang, forceLang) {
var attrs, langspec, localexml, locale;
this.processor_version = "1.0.197";
this.csl_version = "1.0";
this.sys = sys;
this.sys.xml = new CSL.System.Xml.Parsing();
if ("string" !== typeof style) {
style = "";
this.parallel = new CSL.Parallel(this);
this.transform = new CSL.Transform(this);
this.setAbbreviations = function (nick) {
this.setParseNames = function (val) {
this.opt['parse-names'] = val;
this.opt = new CSL.Engine.Opt();
this.tmp = new CSL.Engine.Tmp();
this.build = new CSL.Engine.Build();
this.fun = new CSL.Engine.Fun();
this.configure = new CSL.Engine.Configure();
this.citation_sort = new CSL.Engine.CitationSort();
this.bibliography_sort = new CSL.Engine.BibliographySort();
this.citation = new CSL.Engine.Citation(this);
this.bibliography = new CSL.Engine.Bibliography();
this.output = new CSL.Output.Queue(this);
this.dateput = new CSL.Output.Queue(this);
this.cslXml = this.sys.xml.makeXml(style);
attrs = this.sys.xml.attributes(this.cslXml);
if ("undefined" === typeof attrs["@sort-separator"]) {
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(this.cslXml, "sort-separator", ", ");
this.opt["initialize-with-hyphen"] = true;
this.opt.xclass = sys.xml.getAttributeValue(this.cslXml, "class");
this.opt.styleID = this.sys.xml.getStyleId(this.cslXml);
if (lang) {
lang = lang.replace("_", "-");
if (this.opt["default-locale"][0]) {
this.opt["default-locale"][0] = this.opt["default-locale"][0].replace("_", "-");
if (lang && forceLang) {
this.opt["default-locale"] = [lang];
if (lang && !forceLang && this.opt["default-locale"][0]) {
lang = this.opt["default-locale"][0];
if (this.opt["default-locale"].length === 0) {
if (!lang) {
lang = "en-US";
if (!lang) {
lang = this.opt["default-locale"][0];
langspec = CSL.localeResolve(lang);
this.opt.lang = langspec.best;
this.opt["default-locale"][0] = langspec.best;
this.locale = {};
this.registry = new CSL.Registry(this);
this.disambiguate = new CSL.Disambiguation(this);
this.splice_delimiter = false;
this.fun.dateparser = new CSL.DateParser();
this.fun.flipflopper = new CSL.Util.FlipFlopper(this);
this.fun.page_mangler = CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler.getFunction(this);
CSL.Engine.prototype.setCloseQuotesArray = function () {
var ret;
ret = [];
this.opt.close_quotes_array = ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.buildTokenLists = function (area) {
var area_nodes, navi;
area_nodes = this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(this.cslXml, area);
if (!this.sys.xml.getNodeValue(area_nodes)) {
navi = new this.getNavi(this, area_nodes);
this.build.area = area;
CSL.buildStyle.call(this, navi);
CSL.Engine.prototype.setStyleAttributes = function () {
var dummy, attr, key, attributes, attrname;
dummy = {};
dummy.name = this.sys.xml.nodename(this.cslXml);
attributes = this.sys.xml.attributes(this.cslXml);
for (attrname in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(attrname)) {
CSL.Attributes[attrname].call(dummy, this, attributes[attrname]);
CSL.buildStyle = function (navi) {
if (navi.getkids()) {
CSL.buildStyle.call(this, navi);
} else {
if (navi.getbro()) {
CSL.buildStyle.call(this, navi);
} else {
while (navi.nodeList.length > 1) {
if (navi.remember()) {
CSL.buildStyle.call(this, navi);
CSL.Engine.prototype.getNavi = function (state, myxml) {
this.sys = state.sys;
this.state = state;
this.nodeList = [];
this.nodeList.push([0, myxml]);
this.depth = 0;
CSL.Engine.prototype.getNavi.prototype.remember = function () {
var node;
this.depth += -1;
node = this.nodeList[this.depth][1][(this.nodeList[this.depth][0])];
CSL.XmlToToken.call(node, this.state, CSL.END);
return this.getbro();
CSL.Engine.prototype.getNavi.prototype.getbro = function () {
var sneakpeek;
sneakpeek = this.nodeList[this.depth][1][(this.nodeList[this.depth][0] + 1)];
if (sneakpeek) {
this.nodeList[this.depth][0] += 1;
return true;
} else {
return false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.getNavi.prototype.getkids = function () {
var currnode, sneakpeek, pos, node, len;
currnode = this.nodeList[this.depth][1][this.nodeList[this.depth][0]];
sneakpeek = this.sys.xml.children(currnode);
if (this.sys.xml.numberofnodes(sneakpeek) === 0) {
CSL.XmlToToken.call(currnode, this.state, CSL.SINGLETON);
return false;
} else {
for (pos in sneakpeek) {
if (true) {
node = sneakpeek[pos];
if ("date" === this.sys.xml.nodename(node)) {
currnode = CSL.Util.fixDateNode.call(this, currnode, pos, node);
sneakpeek = this.sys.xml.children(currnode);
CSL.XmlToToken.call(currnode, this.state, CSL.START);
this.depth += 1;
this.nodeList.push([0, sneakpeek]);
return true;
CSL.Engine.prototype.getNavi.prototype.getNodeListValue = function () {
return this.nodeList[this.depth][1];
CSL.Engine.prototype.getTerm = function (term, form, plural, gender, mode) {
if (term && term.match(/[A-Z]/) && term === term.toUpperCase()) {
CSL.debug("Warning: term key is in uppercase form: "+term);
term = term.toLowerCase();
var ret = CSL.Engine.getField(CSL.LOOSE, this.locale[this.opt.lang].terms, term, form, plural, gender);
if (!ret && term === "range-delimiter") {
ret = "\u2013";
if (typeof ret === "undefined" && mode === CSL.STRICT) {
throw "Error in getTerm: term \"" + term + "\" does not exist.";
} else if (mode === CSL.TOLERANT) {
ret = false;
if (ret) {
this.tmp.cite_renders_content = true;
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.getDate = function (form) {
if (this.locale[this.opt.lang].dates[form]) {
return this.locale[this.opt.lang].dates[form];
} else {
return false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.getOpt = function (arg) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof this.locale[this.opt.lang].opts[arg]) {
return this.locale[this.opt.lang].opts[arg];
} else {
return this.locale[this.opt.lang].opts[arg];
CSL.Engine.prototype.getVariable = function (Item, varname, form, plural) {
return CSL.Engine.getField(CSL.LOOSE, Item, varname, form, plural);
CSL.Engine.prototype.getDateNum = function (ItemField, partname) {
if ("undefined" === typeof ItemField) {
return 0;
} else {
return ItemField[partname];
CSL.Engine.getField = function (mode, hash, term, form, plural, gender) {
var ret, forms, f, pos, len, hashterm;
ret = "";
if ("undefined" === typeof hash[term]) {
if (mode === CSL.STRICT) {
throw "Error in getField: term \"" + term + "\" does not exist.";
} else {
return undefined;
if (gender && hash[term][gender]) {
hashterm = hash[term][gender];
} else {
hashterm = hash[term];
forms = [];
if (form === "symbol") {
forms = ["symbol", "short"];
} else if (form === "verb-short") {
forms = ["verb-short", "verb"];
} else if (form !== "long") {
forms = [form];
forms = forms.concat(["long"]);
len = forms.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
f = forms[pos];
if ("string" === typeof hashterm || "number" === typeof hashterm) {
ret = hashterm;
} else if ("undefined" !== typeof hashterm[f]) {
if ("string" === typeof hashterm[f] || "number" === typeof hashterm[f]) {
ret = hashterm[f];
} else {
if ("number" === typeof plural) {
ret = hashterm[f][plural];
} else {
ret = hashterm[f][0];
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.configureTokenLists = function () {
var dateparts_master, area, pos, token, dateparts, part, ppos, pppos, len, llen, lllen;
dateparts_master = ["year", "month", "day"];
len = CSL.AREAS.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
area = CSL.AREAS[pos];
llen = this[area].tokens.length - 1;
for (ppos = llen; ppos > -1; ppos += -1) {
token = this[area].tokens[ppos];
if ("date" === token.name && CSL.END === token.tokentype) {
dateparts = [];
if ("date-part" === token.name && token.strings.name) {
lllen = dateparts_master.length;
for (pppos = 0; pppos < lllen; pppos += 1) {
part = dateparts_master[pppos];
if (part === token.strings.name) {
if ("date" === token.name && CSL.START === token.tokentype) {
token.dateparts = dateparts;
token.next = (ppos + 1);
if (token.name && CSL.Node[token.name].configure) {
CSL.Node[token.name].configure.call(token, this, ppos);
this.version = CSL.version;
return this.state;
CSL.Engine.prototype.retrieveItems = function (ids) {
var ret, pos, len;
ret = [];
len = ids.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(this.retrieveItem("" + ids[pos]));
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.retrieveItem = function (id) {
var Item, m, pos, len, mm;
Item = this.sys.retrieveItem("" + id);
if (Item.type === "bill" && Item.number && !Item.volume && Item.page) {
Item.volume = Item.number;
Item.number = undefined;
if (this.opt.development_extensions && Item.note) {
m = CSL.NOTE_FIELDS_REGEXP.exec(Item.note);
if (m) {
for (pos = 0, len = m.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
mm = CSL.NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP.exec(m[pos]);
if (!Item[mm[1]]) {
if (CSL.DATE_VARIABLES.indexOf(mm[1]) > -1) {
Item[mm[1]] = {raw:mm[2]};
} else {
Item[mm[1]] = mm[2].replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
return Item;
CSL.Engine.prototype.dateParseArray = function (date_obj) {
var ret, field, dpos, ppos, dp, exts, llen, pos, len, pppos, lllen;
ret = {};
for (field in date_obj) {
if (field === "date-parts") {
dp = date_obj["date-parts"];
if (dp.length > 1) {
if (dp[0].length !== dp[1].length) {
CSL.error("CSL data error: element mismatch in date range input.");
exts = ["", "_end"];
llen = dp.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
lllen = CSL.DATE_PARTS.length;
for (pppos = 0; pppos < lllen; pppos += 1) {
ret[(CSL.DATE_PARTS[pppos] + exts[ppos])] = dp[ppos][pppos];
} else if (date_obj.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
if (field === "literal" && "object" === typeof date_obj.literal && "string" === typeof date_obj.literal.part) {
CSL.debug("Warning: fixing up weird literal date value");
ret.literal = date_obj.literal.part;
} else {
ret[field] = date_obj[field];
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.setOpt = function (token, name, value) {
if (token.name === "style") {
this.opt[name] = value;
} else if (["citation", "bibliography"].indexOf(token.name) > -1) {
this[token.name].opt[name] = value;
} else if (["name-form", "name-delimiter", "names-delimiter"].indexOf(name) === -1) {
token.strings[name] = value;
CSL.Engine.prototype.fixOpt = function (token, name, localname) {
if ("citation" === token.name || "bibliography" === token.name) {
if (! this[token.name].opt[name] && "undefined" !== this.opt[name]) {
this[token.name].opt[name] = this.opt[name];
if ("name" === token.name || "names" === token.name) {
if ("undefined" === typeof token.strings[localname] && "undefined" !== typeof this[this.build.area].opt[name]) {
token.strings[localname] = this[this.build.area].opt[name];
CSL.substituteOne = function (template) {
return function (state, list) {
if (!list) {
return "";
} else {
return template.replace("%%STRING%%", list);
CSL.substituteTwo = function (template) {
return function (param) {
var template2 = template.replace("%%PARAM%%", param);
return function (state, list) {
if (!list) {
return "";
} else {
return template2.replace("%%STRING%%", list);
CSL.Mode = function (mode) {
var decorations, params, param, func, val, args;
decorations = {};
params = CSL.Output.Formats[mode];
for (param in params) {
if (true) {
if ("@" !== param.slice(0, 1)) {
decorations[param] = params[param];
func = false;
val = params[param];
args = param.split('/');
if (typeof val === "string" && val.indexOf("%%STRING%%") > -1) {
if (val.indexOf("%%PARAM%%") > -1) {
func = CSL.substituteTwo(val);
} else {
func = CSL.substituteOne(val);
} else if (typeof val === "boolean" && !val) {
func = CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough;
} else if (typeof val === "function") {
func = val;
} else {
throw "CSL.Compiler: Bad " + mode + " config entry for " + param + ": " + val;
if (args.length === 1) {
decorations[args[0]] = func;
} else if (args.length === 2) {
if (!decorations[args[0]]) {
decorations[args[0]] = {};
decorations[args[0]][args[1]] = func;
return decorations;
CSL.setDecorations = function (state, attributes) {
var ret, key, pos;
ret = [];
if (true) {
if (attributes[key]) {
ret.push([key, attributes[key]]);
delete attributes[key];
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.normalDecorIsOrphan = function (blob, params) {
if (params[1] === "normal") {
var use_param = false;
var all_the_decor;
if (this.tmp.area === "citation") {
all_the_decor = [this.citation.opt.layout_decorations].concat(blob.alldecor);
} else {
all_the_decor = blob.alldecor;
for (var k = all_the_decor.length - 1; k > -1; k += -1) {
for (var n = all_the_decor[k].length - 1; n > -1; n += -1) {
if (all_the_decor[k][n][0] === params[0]) {
if (all_the_decor[k][n][1] !== "normal") {
use_param = true;
if (!use_param) {
return true;
return false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.setOutputFormat = function (mode) {
this.opt.mode = mode;
this.fun.decorate = CSL.Mode(mode);
if (!this.output[mode]) {
this.output[mode] = {};
this.output[mode].tmp = {};
CSL.Engine.prototype.setLangTagsForCslSort = function (tags) {
var i, ilen;
this.opt['locale-sort'] = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = tags.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
CSL.Engine.prototype.setLangTagsForCslTransliteration = function (tags) {
var i, ilen;
this.opt['locale-pri'] = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = tags.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
CSL.Engine.prototype.setLangTagsForCslTranslation = function (tags) {
var i, ilen;
this.opt['locale-sec'] = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = tags.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
CSL.Engine.prototype.setOriginalCreatorNameFormsOption = function (arg) {
if (arg) {
this.opt["locale-show-original-names"] = true;
} else {
this.opt["locale-show-original-names"] = false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.setOriginalCreatorNameFormatOption = function (arg) {
if (arg) {
this.opt["locale-use-original-name-format"] = true;
} else {
this.opt["locale-use-original-name-format"] = false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.setSuppressTitleTransliterationOption = function (arg) {
if (arg) {
this.opt["locale-suppress-title-transliteration"] = true;
} else {
this.opt["locale-suppress-title-transliteration"] = false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.setAutoVietnameseNamesOption = function (arg) {
if (arg) {
this.opt["auto-vietnamese-names"] = true;
} else {
this.opt["auto-vietnamese-names"] = false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.turnOffDevelopmentExtensions = function (arg) {
this.opt.development_extensions = false;
CSL.Engine.prototype.turnOnDevelopmentExtensions = function (arg) {
this.opt.development_extensions = true;
CSL.Engine.Opt = function () {
this.has_disambiguate = false;
this.mode = "html";
this.dates = {};
this["locale-sort"] = [];
this["locale-pri"] = [];
this["locale-sec"] = [];
this["default-locale"] = [];
this["locale-use-original-name-format"] = false;
this["noun-genders"] = {};
this.update_mode = CSL.NONE;
this.bib_mode = CSL.NONE;
this.sort_citations = false;
this["et-al-min"] = 0;
this["et-al-use-first"] = 1;
this["et-al-use-last"] = false;
this["et-al-subsequent-min"] = false;
this["et-al-subsequent-use-first"] = false;
this["demote-non-dropping-particle"] = "display-and-sort";
this["parse-names"] = true;
this.citation_number_slug = false;
this.max_number_of_names = 0;
this.trigraph = "Aaaa00:AaAa00:AaAA00:AAAA00";
this.development_extensions = true;
CSL.Engine.Tmp = function () {
this.names_max = new CSL.Stack();
this.names_base = new CSL.Stack();
this.givens_base = new CSL.Stack();
this.value = [];
this.namepart_decorations = {};
this.namepart_type = false;
this.area = "citation";
this.can_substitute = new CSL.Stack(0, CSL.LITERAL);
this.element_rendered_ok = false;
this.element_trace = new CSL.Stack("style");
this.nameset_counter = 0;
this.term_sibling = new CSL.Stack([false, false, false], CSL.LITERAL);
this.term_predecessor = false;
this.jump = new CSL.Stack(0, CSL.LITERAL);
this.decorations = new CSL.Stack();
this.tokenstore_stack = new CSL.Stack();
this.last_suffix_used = "";
this.last_names_used = [];
this.last_years_used = [];
this.years_used = [];
this.names_used = [];
this.taintedItemIDs = false;
this.taintedCitationIDs = false;
this.initialize_with = new CSL.Stack();
this.disambig_request = false;
this["name-as-sort-order"] = false;
this.suppress_decorations = false;
this.disambig_settings = new CSL.AmbigConfig();
this.bib_sort_keys = [];
this.prefix = new CSL.Stack("", CSL.LITERAL);
this.suffix = new CSL.Stack("", CSL.LITERAL);
this.delimiter = new CSL.Stack("", CSL.LITERAL);
this.cite_locales = [];
this.cite_affixes = false;
this.strip_periods = 0;
CSL.Engine.Fun = function () {
this.match = new CSL.Util.Match();
this.suffixator = new CSL.Util.Suffixator(CSL.SUFFIX_CHARS);
this.romanizer = new CSL.Util.Romanizer();
this.ordinalizer = new CSL.Util.Ordinalizer();
this.long_ordinalizer = new CSL.Util.LongOrdinalizer();
CSL.Engine.Build = function () {
this["alternate-term"] = false;
this.in_bibliography = false;
this.in_style = false;
this.skip = false;
this.postponed_macro = false;
this.layout_flag = false;
this.name = false;
this.form = false;
this.term = false;
this.macro = {};
this.macro_stack = [];
this.text = false;
this.lang = false;
this.area = "citation";
this.substitute_level = new CSL.Stack(0, CSL.LITERAL);
this.render_nesting_level = 0;
this.render_seen = false;
CSL.Engine.Configure = function () {
this.fail = [];
this.succeed = [];
CSL.Engine.Citation = function (state) {
this.opt = {};
this.tokens = [];
this.srt = new CSL.Registry.Comparifier(state, "citation_sort");
this.opt.collapse = [];
this.opt["disambiguate-add-names"] = false;
this.opt["disambiguate-add-givenname"] = false;
this.opt["disambiguate-add-year-suffix"] = false;
this.opt["givenname-disambiguation-rule"] = "none";
this.opt["near-note-distance"] = 5;
this.opt.topdecor = [];
this.opt.layout_decorations = [];
this.opt.layout_prefix = "";
this.opt.layout_suffix = "";
this.opt.layout_delimiter = "";
CSL.Engine.Bibliography = function () {
this.opt = {};
this.tokens = [];
this.opt.collapse = [];
this.opt.topdecor = [];
this.opt.layout_decorations = [];
this.opt.layout_prefix = "";
this.opt.layout_suffix = "";
this.opt.layout_delimiter = "";
this.opt["line-spacing"] = 1;
this.opt["entry-spacing"] = 1;
CSL.Engine.BibliographySort = function () {
this.tokens = [];
this.opt = {};
this.opt.sort_directions = [];
this.keys = [];
this.opt.topdecor = [];
CSL.Engine.CitationSort = function () {
this.tokens = [];
this.opt = {};
this.opt.sort_directions = [];
this.keys = [];
this.opt.topdecor = [];
CSL.Engine.prototype.setCitationId = function (citation, force) {
var ret, id, direction;
ret = false;
if (!citation.citationID || force) {
id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000000000);
while (true) {
direction = 0;
if (!this.registry.citationreg.citationById[id]) {
citation.citationID = id.toString(32);
} else if (!direction && id < 50000000000000) {
direction = 1;
} else {
direction = -1;
if (direction === 1) {
id += 1;
} else {
id += -1;
ret = "" + id;
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[citation.citationID] = citation;
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.restoreProcessorState = function (citations) {
var i, ilen, j, jlen, item, Item, newitem, citationList, itemList, sortedItems;
citationList = [];
itemList = [];
if (!citations) {
citations = [];
var indexNumbers = [];
var citationIds = {};
for (i = 0, ilen = citations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (citationIds[citations[i].citationID]) {
this.setCitationId(citations[i], true);
citationIds[citations[i].citationID] = true;
var oldCitations = citations.slice();
function (a,b) {
if (a.properties.index < b.properties.index) {
return -1;
} else if (a.properties.index > b.properties.index) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
for (i = 0, ilen = oldCitations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
oldCitations[i].properties.index = i;
for (i = 0, ilen = oldCitations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
sortedItems = [];
for (j = 0, jlen = oldCitations[i].citationItems.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
item = oldCitations[i].citationItems[j];
if ("undefined" === typeof item.sortkeys) {
item.sortkeys = [];
Item = this.retrieveItem("" + item.id);
newitem = [Item, item];
oldCitations[i].citationItems[j].item = Item;
itemList.push("" + item.id);
if (!oldCitations[i].properties.unsorted) {
oldCitations[i].sortedItems = sortedItems;
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[oldCitations[i].citationID] = oldCitations[i];
for (i = 0, ilen = citations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
citationList.push(["" + citations[i].citationID, citations[i].properties.noteIndex]);
var ret = [];
if (citations && citations.length) {
ret = this.processCitationCluster(citations[0], [], citationList.slice(1));
} else {
this.registry = new CSL.Registry(this);
this.tmp = new CSL.Engine.Tmp();
return ret;
CSL.Engine.prototype.updateItems = function (idList, nosort) {
var debug = false;
if (!nosort) {
return this.registry.getSortedIds();
CSL.Engine.prototype.updateUncitedItems = function (idList, nosort) {
var debug = false;
this.registry.init(idList, true);
if (!nosort) {
return this.registry.getSortedIds();
CSL.Engine.prototype.getCitationLabel = function (Item) {
var label = "";
var params = this.getTrigraphParams();
var config = params[0];
var myname = this.getTerm("reference", "short", 0);
myname = myname.replace(".", "");
myname = myname.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + myname.slice(1);
for (var i = 0, ilen = CSL.CREATORS.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var n = CSL.CREATORS[i];
if (Item[n]) {
var names = Item[n];
if (names.length > params.length) {
config = params[params.length - 1];
} else {
config = params[names.length - 1];
for (var j = 0, jlen = names.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (j === config.authors.length) {
var name = this.transform.name(this, names[j], this.opt["locale-pri"]);
if (name && name.family) {
myname = name.family;
myname = myname.replace(/^([ \'\u2019a-z]+\s+)/, "");
} else if (name && name.literal) {
myname = name.literal;
var m = myname.toLowerCase().match(/^(a\s+|the\s+|an\s+)/);
if (m) {
myname = myname.slice(m[1].length);
myname = myname.replace(CSL.ROMANESQUE_NOT_REGEXP, "", "g");
if (!myname) {
myname = myname.slice(0, config.authors[j]);
if (myname.length > 1) {
myname = myname.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + myname.slice(1).toLowerCase();
} else if (myname.length === 1) {
myname = myname.toUpperCase();
label += myname;
var year = "0000";
if (Item.issued) {
var dp = Item.issued["date-parts"];
if (dp && dp[0] && dp[0][0]) {
year = "" + dp[0][0];
year = year.slice((config.year * -1));
label = label + year;
return label;
CSL.Engine.prototype.getTrigraphParams = function () {
var params = [];
var ilst = this.opt.trigraph.split(":");
if (!this.opt.trigraph || this.opt.trigraph[0] !== "A") {
throw "Bad trigraph definition: "+this.opt.trigraph;
for (var i = 0, ilen = ilst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var str = ilst[i];
var config = {authors:[], year:0};
for (var j = 0, jlen = str.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
switch (str[j]) {
case "A":
case "a":
config.authors[config.authors.length - 1] += 1;
case "0":
config.year += 1;
throw "Invalid character in trigraph definition: "+this.opt.trigraph;
return params;
CSL.Engine.prototype.makeBibliography = function (bibsection) {
var debug, ret, params, maxoffset, item, len, pos, tok, tokk, tokkk, entry_ids, entry_strings, bibliography_errors;
debug = false;
if (!this.bibliography.tokens.length) {
return false;
if ("string" === typeof bibsection) {
this.opt.citation_number_slug = bibsection;
bibsection = false;
ret = CSL.getBibliographyEntries.call(this, bibsection);
entry_ids = ret[0];
entry_strings = ret[1];
params = {
"maxoffset": 0,
"entryspacing": this.bibliography.opt["entry-spacing"],
"linespacing": this.bibliography.opt["line-spacing"],
"second-field-align": false,
"entry_ids": entry_ids,
"bibliography_errors": this.tmp.bibliography_errors.slice()
if (this.bibliography.opt["second-field-align"]) {
params["second-field-align"] = this.bibliography.opt["second-field-align"];
maxoffset = 0;
len = this.registry.reflist.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = this.registry.reflist[pos];
if (item.offset > params.maxoffset) {
params.maxoffset = item.offset;
if (this.bibliography.opt.hangingindent) {
params.hangingindent = this.bibliography.opt.hangingindent;
params.bibstart = this.fun.decorate.bibstart;
params.bibend = this.fun.decorate.bibend;
this.opt.citation_number_slug = false;
return [params, entry_strings];
CSL.getBibliographyEntries = function (bibsection) {
var ret, input, include, anymatch, allmatch, bib_entry, res, len, pos, item, llen, ppos, spec, lllen, pppos, bib_layout, topblobs, all_item_ids, entry_item_ids, debug, collapse_parallel, i, siblings, skips, sortedItems, eyetem, chr, entry_item_data;
ret = [];
entry_item_data = [];
this.tmp.area = "bibliography";
this.tmp.last_rendered_name = false;
this.tmp.bibliography_errors = [];
this.tmp.bibliography_pos = 0;
input = this.retrieveItems(this.registry.getSortedIds());
this.tmp.disambig_override = true;
function eval_string(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
return false;
function eval_list(a, lst) {
lllen = lst.length;
for (pppos = 0; pppos < lllen; pppos += 1) {
if (eval_string(a, lst[pppos])) {
return true;
return false;
function eval_spec(a, b) {
if ((a === "none" || !a) && !b) {
return true;
if ("string" === typeof b) {
return eval_string(a, b);
} else if (!b) {
return false;
} else {
return eval_list(a, b);
skips = {};
all_item_ids = [];
len = input.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = input[pos];
if (skips[item.id]) {
if (bibsection) {
include = true;
if (bibsection.include) {
include = false;
llen = bibsection.include.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
spec = bibsection.include[ppos];
if (eval_spec(spec.value, item[spec.field])) {
include = true;
} else if (bibsection.exclude) {
anymatch = false;
llen = bibsection.exclude.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
spec = bibsection.exclude[ppos];
if (eval_spec(spec.value, item[spec.field])) {
anymatch = true;
if (anymatch) {
include = false;
} else if (bibsection.select) {
include = false;
allmatch = true;
llen = bibsection.select.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
spec = bibsection.select[ppos];
if (!eval_spec(spec.value, item[spec.field])) {
allmatch = false;
if (allmatch) {
include = true;
if (bibsection.quash) {
allmatch = true;
llen = bibsection.quash.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
spec = bibsection.quash[ppos];
if (!eval_spec(spec.value, item[spec.field])) {
allmatch = false;
if (allmatch) {
include = false;
if (!include) {
bib_entry = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.START);
bib_entry.decorations = [["@bibliography", "entry"]].concat(this[this.build.area].opt.layout_decorations);
this.output.startTag("bib_entry", bib_entry);
this.output.current.value().item_id = item.id;
sortedItems = [[{id: "" + item.id}, item]];
entry_item_ids = [];
if (this.registry.registry[item.id].master) {
collapse_parallel = true;
this.output.queue[0].strings.delimiter = ", ";
entry_item_ids.push("" + CSL.getCite.call(this, item));
skips[item.id] = true;
siblings = this.registry.registry[item.id].siblings;
for (ppos = 0, llen = siblings.length; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
i = this.registry.registry[item.id].siblings[ppos];
eyetem = this.retrieveItem(i);
entry_item_ids.push("" + CSL.getCite.call(this, eyetem));
skips[eyetem.id] = true;
} else if (!this.registry.registry[item.id].siblings) {
entry_item_ids.push("" + CSL.getCite.call(this, item));
this.tmp.bibliography_pos += 1;
if (this.output.queue[0].blobs.length && this.output.queue[0].blobs[0].blobs.length) {
if (collapse_parallel) {
topblobs = this.output.queue[0].blobs;
collapse_parallel = false;
} else {
topblobs = this.output.queue[0].blobs[0].blobs;
llen = topblobs.length - 1;
for (ppos = llen; ppos > -1; ppos += -1) {
if (topblobs[ppos].blobs && topblobs[ppos].blobs.length !== 0) {
chr = this.bibliography.opt.layout_suffix.slice(0, 1);
if (chr && topblobs[ppos].strings.suffix.slice(-1) === chr) {
topblobs[ppos].strings.suffix = topblobs[ppos].strings.suffix.slice(0, -1);
topblobs[ppos].strings.suffix += this.bibliography.opt.layout_suffix;
topblobs[0].strings.prefix = this.bibliography.opt.layout_prefix + topblobs[0].strings.prefix;
CSL.Output.Queue.adjustPunctuation(this, this.output.queue);
res = this.output.string(this, this.output.queue)[0];
if (!res) {
res = "\n[CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]\n";
this.tmp.disambig_override = false;
return [all_item_ids, ret];
CSL.Engine.prototype.previewCitationCluster = function (citation, citationsPre, citationsPost, newMode) {
var oldMode = this.opt.mode;
var ret = this.processCitationCluster(citation, citationsPre, citationsPost, CSL.PREVIEW);
return ret[1];
CSL.Engine.prototype.appendCitationCluster = function (citation) {
var citationsPre = [];
var len = this.registry.citationreg.citationByIndex.length;
for (var pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
var c = this.registry.citationreg.citationByIndex[pos];
citationsPre.push(["" + c.citationID, c.properties.noteIndex]);
return this.processCitationCluster(citation, citationsPre, [])[1];
CSL.Engine.prototype.processCitationCluster = function (citation, citationsPre, citationsPost, flag) {
var c, i, ilen, j, jlen, k, klen, n, nlen, key, Item, item, noteCitations, textCitations;
this.debug = false;
this.tmp.citation_errors = [];
var return_data = {"bibchange": false};
this.registry.return_data = return_data;
var oldCitationList;
var oldItemList;
var oldAmbigs;
if (flag === CSL.PREVIEW) {
oldCitationList = this.registry.citationreg.citationByIndex.slice();
oldItemList = this.registry.reflist.slice();
var newCitationList = citationsPre.concat([["" + citation.citationID, citation.properties.noteIndex]]).concat(citationsPost);
var newItemIds = {};
var newItemIdsList = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = newCitationList.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
c = this.registry.citationreg.citationById[newCitationList[i][0]];
for (j = 0, jlen = c.citationItems.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
newItemIds[c.citationItems[j].id] = true;
newItemIdsList.push("" + c.citationItems[j].id);
oldAmbigs = {};
for (i = 0, ilen = oldItemList.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (!newItemIds[oldItemList[i].id]) {
var oldAkey = this.registry.registry[oldItemList[i].id].ambig;
var ids = this.registry.ambigcites[oldAkey];
if (ids) {
for (j = 0, jlen = ids.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
oldAmbigs[ids[j]] = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.registry.registry[ids[j]].disambig);
this.tmp.taintedItemIDs = {};
this.tmp.taintedCitationIDs = {};
var sortedItems = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = citation.citationItems.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
item = citation.citationItems[i];
Item = this.retrieveItem("" + item.id);
var newitem = [Item, item];
citation.citationItems[i].item = Item;
citation.sortedItems = sortedItems;
var citationByIndex = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = citationsPre.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
c = citationsPre[i];
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[c[0]].properties.noteIndex = c[1];
for (i = 0, ilen = citationsPost.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
c = citationsPost[i];
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[c[0]].properties.noteIndex = c[1];
this.registry.citationreg.citationByIndex = citationByIndex;
this.registry.citationreg.citationsByItemId = {};
if (this.opt.update_mode === CSL.POSITION) {
textCitations = [];
noteCitations = [];
var update_items = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = citationByIndex.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
citationByIndex[i].properties.index = i;
for (j = 0, jlen = citationByIndex[i].sortedItems.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
item = citationByIndex[i].sortedItems[j];
if (!this.registry.citationreg.citationsByItemId[item[1].id]) {
this.registry.citationreg.citationsByItemId[item[1].id] = [];
update_items.push("" + item[1].id);
if (this.registry.citationreg.citationsByItemId[item[1].id].indexOf(citationByIndex[i]) === -1) {
if (this.opt.update_mode === CSL.POSITION) {
if (citationByIndex[i].properties.noteIndex) {
} else {
if (!this.opt.citation_number_sort && sortedItems && sortedItems.length > 1 && this.citation_sort.tokens.length > 0) {
for (i = 0, ilen = sortedItems.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys = CSL.getSortKeys.call(this, sortedItems[i][0], "citation_sort");
if (this.opt.grouped_sort && !citation.properties.unsorted) {
for (i = 0, ilen = sortedItems.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var sortkeys = sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys;
this.tmp.authorstring_request = true;
var mydisambig = this.registry.registry[sortedItems[i][0].id].disambig;
this.tmp.authorstring_request = true;
CSL.getAmbiguousCite.call(this, sortedItems[i][0], mydisambig);
var authorstring = this.registry.authorstrings[sortedItems[i][0].id];
this.tmp.authorstring_request = false;
sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys = [authorstring].concat(sortkeys);
var lastauthor = false;
var thiskey = false;
var thisauthor = false;
for (i = 0, ilen = sortedItems.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys[0] !== lastauthor) {
thisauthor = sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys[0];
thiskey = sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys[1];
sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys[0] = "" + thiskey + i;
lastauthor = thisauthor;
if (!citation.properties.unsorted) {
var citations;
if (this.opt.update_mode === CSL.POSITION) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) {
citations = [textCitations, noteCitations][i];
var first_ref = {};
var last_ref = {};
for (j = 0, jlen = citations.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
var onecitation = citations[j];
if (!onecitation.properties.noteIndex) {
onecitation.properties.noteIndex = 0;
for (k = 0, klen = citations[j].sortedItems.length; k < klen; k += 1) {
item = citations[j].sortedItems[k];
if (flag === CSL.PREVIEW) {
if (onecitation.citationID != citation.citationID) {
if ("undefined" === typeof first_ref[item[1].id]) {
first_ref[item[1].id] = onecitation.properties.noteIndex;
last_ref[item[1].id] = onecitation.properties.noteIndex;
} else {
last_ref[item[1].id] = onecitation.properties.noteIndex;
var oldvalue = {};
oldvalue.position = item[1].position;
oldvalue["first-reference-note-number"] = item[1]["first-reference-note-number"];
oldvalue["near-note"] = item[1]["near-note"];
item[1]["first-reference-note-number"] = 0;
item[1]["near-note"] = false;
if ("undefined" === typeof first_ref[item[1].id]) {
first_ref[item[1].id] = onecitation.properties.noteIndex;
last_ref[item[1].id] = onecitation.properties.noteIndex;
item[1].position = CSL.POSITION_FIRST;
} else {
var ibidme = false;
var suprame = false;
if (j > 0 && parseInt(k, 10) === 0) {
var items = citations[(j - 1)].sortedItems;
var useme = false;
if ((citations[(j - 1)].sortedItems[0][1].id == item[1].id && citations[j - 1].properties.noteIndex >= (citations[j].properties.noteIndex - 1)) || citations[(j - 1)].sortedItems[0][1].id == this.registry.registry[item[1].id].parallel) {
useme = true;
for (n = 0, nlen = items.slice(1).length; n < nlen; n += 1) {
var itmp = items.slice(1)[n];
if (!this.registry.registry[itmp[1].id].parallel || this.registry.registry[itmp[1].id].parallel == this.registry.registry[itmp[1].id]) {
useme = false;
if (useme) {
ibidme = true;
} else {
suprame = true;
} else if (k > 0 && onecitation.sortedItems[(k - 1)][1].id == item[1].id) {
ibidme = true;
} else {
suprame = true;
var prev_locator, curr_locator;
if (ibidme) {
if (k > 0) {
prev_locator = onecitation.sortedItems[(k - 1)][1].locator;
} else {
prev_locator = citations[(j - 1)].sortedItems[0][1].locator;
curr_locator = item[1].locator;
if (ibidme && prev_locator && !curr_locator) {
ibidme = false;
suprame = true;
if (ibidme) {
if (!prev_locator && curr_locator) {
} else if (!prev_locator && !curr_locator) {
item[1].position = CSL.POSITION_IBID;
} else if (prev_locator && curr_locator === prev_locator) {
item[1].position = CSL.POSITION_IBID;
} else if (prev_locator && curr_locator && curr_locator !== prev_locator) {
} else {
ibidme = false; // just to be clear
suprame = true;
if (suprame) {
item[1].position = CSL.POSITION_SUBSEQUENT;
if (first_ref[item[1].id] != onecitation.properties.noteIndex) {
item[1]["first-reference-note-number"] = first_ref[item[1].id];
if (onecitation.properties.noteIndex) {
var note_distance = parseInt(onecitation.properties.noteIndex, 10) - parseInt(last_ref[item[1].id], 10);
if (item[1].position !== CSL.POSITION_FIRST
&& note_distance <= this.citation.opt["near-note-distance"]) {
item[1]["near-note"] = true;
last_ref[item[1].id] = onecitation.properties.noteIndex;
if (onecitation.citationID != citation.citationID) {
for (n = 0, nlen = CSL.POSITION_TEST_VARS.length; n < nlen; n += 1) {
var param = CSL.POSITION_TEST_VARS[n];
if (item[1][param] !== oldvalue[param]) {
this.tmp.taintedCitationIDs[onecitation.citationID] = true;
if (this.opt.citation_number_sort && sortedItems && sortedItems.length > 1 && this.citation_sort.tokens.length > 0) {
for (i = 0, ilen = sortedItems.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
sortedItems[i][1].sortkeys = CSL.getSortKeys.call(this, sortedItems[i][0], "citation_sort");
if (!citation.properties.unsorted) {
for (key in this.tmp.taintedItemIDs) {
if (this.tmp.taintedItemIDs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
citations = this.registry.citationreg.citationsByItemId[key];
if (citations) {
for (i = 0, ilen = citations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.tmp.taintedCitationIDs[citations[i].citationID] = true;
var ret = [];
if (flag === CSL.PREVIEW) {
try {
ret = this.process_CitationCluster.call(this, citation.sortedItems, citation.citationID);
} catch (e) {
CSL.error("Error running CSL processor for preview: "+e);
this.registry.citationreg.citationByIndex = oldCitationList;
this.registry.citationreg.citationById = {};
for (i = 0, ilen = oldCitationList.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[oldCitationList[i].citationID] = oldCitationList[i];
var oldItemIds = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = oldItemList.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
oldItemIds.push("" + oldItemList[i].id);
for (key in oldAmbigs) {
if (oldAmbigs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.registry.registry[key].disambig = oldAmbigs[key];
} else {
var obj;
for (key in this.tmp.taintedCitationIDs) {
if (this.tmp.taintedCitationIDs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key == citation.citationID) {
var mycitation = this.registry.citationreg.citationById[key];
this.tmp.citation_pos = mycitation.properties.index;
this.tmp.citation_note_index = mycitation.properties.noteIndex;
this.tmp.citation_id = "" + mycitation.citationID;
obj = [];
obj.push(this.process_CitationCluster.call(this, mycitation.sortedItems, mycitation.citationID));
this.tmp.citation_pos += 1;
this.tmp.taintedItemIDs = false;
this.tmp.taintedCitationIDs = false;
this.tmp.citation_pos = citation.properties.index;
this.tmp.citation_note_index = citation.properties.noteIndex;
this.tmp.citation_id = "" + citation.citationID;
obj = [];
obj.push(this.process_CitationCluster.call(this, sortedItems));
ret.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[0] > b[0]) {
return 1;
} else if (a[0] < b[0]) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
return_data.citation_errors = this.tmp.citation_errors.slice();
return [return_data, ret];
CSL.Engine.prototype.process_CitationCluster = function (sortedItems, citationID) {
var str;
str = CSL.getCitationCluster.call(this, sortedItems, citationID);
return str;
CSL.Engine.prototype.makeCitationCluster = function (rawList) {
var inputList, newitem, str, pos, len, item, Item;
inputList = [];
len = rawList.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = rawList[pos];
Item = this.retrieveItem("" + item.id);
newitem = [Item, item];
if (inputList && inputList.length > 1 && this.citation_sort.tokens.length > 0) {
len = inputList.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
rawList[pos].sortkeys = CSL.getSortKeys.call(this, inputList[pos][0], "citation_sort");
this.tmp.citation_errors = [];
str = CSL.getCitationCluster.call(this, inputList);
return str;
CSL.getAmbiguousCite = function (Item, disambig) {
var use_parallels, ret;
if (disambig) {
this.tmp.disambig_request = disambig;
} else {
this.tmp.disambig_request = false;
this.tmp.area = "citation";
use_parallels = this.parallel.use_parallels;
this.parallel.use_parallels = false;
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = true;
this.tmp.just_looking = true;
CSL.getCite.call(this, Item, {position: 1});
CSL.Output.Queue.adjustPunctuation(this, this.output.queue);
ret = this.output.string(this, this.output.queue);
this.tmp.just_looking = false;
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = false;
this.parallel.use_parallels = use_parallels;
return ret;
CSL.getSpliceDelimiter = function (last_collapsed, pos) {
if (last_collapsed && ! this.tmp.have_collapsed && "string" === typeof this.citation.opt["after-collapse-delimiter"]) {
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = this.citation.opt["after-collapse-delimiter"];
} else if (this.tmp.have_collapsed && this.opt.xclass === "in-text") {
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = ", ";
} else if (this.tmp.cite_locales[pos - 1]) {
var alt_affixes = this.tmp.cite_affixes[this.tmp.cite_locales[pos - 1]];
if (alt_affixes && alt_affixes.delimiter) {
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = alt_affixes.delimiter;
if (!this.tmp.splice_delimiter) {
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = "";
return this.tmp.splice_delimiter;
CSL.getCitationCluster = function (inputList, citationID) {
var result, objects, myparams, len, pos, item, last_collapsed, params, empties, composite, compie, myblobs, Item, llen, ppos, obj, preceding_item, txt_esc, error_object;
this.tmp.last_primary_names_string = false;
txt_esc = CSL.Output.Formats[this.opt.mode].text_escape;
this.tmp.area = "citation";
result = "";
objects = [];
this.tmp.last_suffix_used = "";
this.tmp.last_names_used = [];
this.tmp.last_years_used = [];
this.tmp.backref_index = [];
this.tmp.cite_locales = [];
if (citationID) {
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[citationID].properties.backref_index = false;
this.registry.citationreg.citationById[citationID].properties.backref_citation = false;
myparams = [];
len = inputList.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
Item = inputList[pos][0];
item = inputList[pos][1];
last_collapsed = this.tmp.have_collapsed;
params = {};
if (pos > 0) {
CSL.getCite.call(this, Item, item, "" + inputList[(pos - 1)][0].id);
} else {
this.tmp.term_predecessor = false;
CSL.getCite.call(this, Item, item);
if (!this.tmp.cite_renders_content) {
error_object = {
citationID: "" + this.tmp.citation_id,
index: this.tmp.citation_pos,
noteIndex: this.tmp.citation_note_index,
itemID: "" + Item.id,
citationItems_pos: pos,
if (pos === (inputList.length - 1)) {
params.splice_delimiter = CSL.getSpliceDelimiter.call(this, last_collapsed, pos);
if (item && item["author-only"]) {
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = true;
if (pos > 0) {
preceding_item = inputList[pos - 1][1];
if (preceding_item.suffix && pos > 0 && preceding_item.suffix.slice(-1) === ".") {
var spaceidx = params.splice_delimiter.indexOf(" ");
if (spaceidx > -1) {
params.splice_delimiter = params.splice_delimiter.slice(spaceidx);
} else {
params.splice_delimiter = "";
params.suppress_decorations = this.tmp.suppress_decorations;
params.have_collapsed = this.tmp.have_collapsed;
empties = 0;
myblobs = this.output.queue.slice();
var fakeblob = {
strings: {
suffix: this.citation.opt.layout_suffix,
delimiter: this.citation.opt.layout_delimiter
var suffix = this.citation.opt.layout_suffix;
var last_locale = this.tmp.cite_locales[this.tmp.cite_locales.length - 1];
if (last_locale && this.tmp.cite_affixes[last_locale] && this.tmp.cite_affixes[last_locale].suffix) {
suffix = this.tmp.cite_affixes[last_locale].suffix;
if (CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).indexOf(suffix.slice(0, 1)) > -1) {
suffix = suffix.slice(0, 1);
var delimiter = this.citation.opt.layout_delimiter;
if (!delimiter) {
delimiter = "";
if (CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).indexOf(delimiter.slice(0, 1)) > -1) {
delimiter = delimiter.slice(0, 1);
var mystk = [
suffix: "",
delimiter: delimiter,
blob: fakeblob
var use_layout_suffix = suffix;
for (pos = 0, len = myblobs.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
CSL.Output.Queue.purgeEmptyBlobs(this.output.queue, true);
for (pos = 0, len = myblobs.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.output.queue = [myblobs[pos]];
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = myparams[pos].suppress_decorations;
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = myparams[pos].splice_delimiter;
if (myblobs[pos].parallel_delimiter) {
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = myblobs[pos].parallel_delimiter;
this.tmp.have_collapsed = myparams[pos].have_collapsed;
if (pos === (myblobs.length - 1)) {
mystk[0].suffix = use_layout_suffix;
CSL.Output.Queue.adjustPunctuation(this, this.output.queue, mystk);
composite = this.output.string(this, this.output.queue);
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = false;
if ("string" === typeof composite) {
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = false;
return composite;
if ("object" === typeof composite && composite.length === 0 && !item["suppress-author"]) {
composite.push("[CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]");
if (objects.length && "string" === typeof composite[0]) {
var tmpstr = composite.pop();
if (tmpstr && tmpstr.slice(0, 1) === ",") {
} else {
objects.push(txt_esc(this.tmp.splice_delimiter) + tmpstr);
} else {
compie = composite.pop();
if ("undefined" !== typeof compie) {
llen = composite.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
obj = composite[ppos];
if ("string" === typeof obj) {
objects.push(txt_esc(this.tmp.splice_delimiter) + obj);
compie = composite.pop();
if ("undefined" !== typeof compie) {
if (objects.length === 0 && !inputList[pos][1]["suppress-author"]) {
empties += 1;
result += this.output.renderBlobs(objects);
if (result) {
if (CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.indexOf(this.tmp.last_chr) > -1
&& this.tmp.last_chr === use_layout_suffix.slice(0, 1)) {
use_layout_suffix = use_layout_suffix.slice(1);
result = txt_esc(this.citation.opt.layout_prefix) + result + txt_esc(use_layout_suffix);
if (!this.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
len = this.citation.opt.layout_decorations.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
params = this.citation.opt.layout_decorations[pos];
if (params[1] === "normal") {
result = this.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]](this, result);
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = false;
return result;
CSL.getCite = function (Item, item, prevItemID) {
var next, error_object;
this.tmp.cite_renders_content = false;
this.parallel.StartCite(Item, item, prevItemID);
CSL.citeStart.call(this, Item, item);
next = 0;
this.nameOutput = new CSL.NameOutput(this, Item, item);
while (next < this[this.tmp.area].tokens.length) {
next = CSL.tokenExec.call(this, this[this.tmp.area].tokens[next], Item, item);
CSL.citeEnd.call(this, Item, item);
if (!this.tmp.cite_renders_content && !this.tmp.just_looking) {
if (this.tmp.area === "bibliography") {
error_object = {
index: this.tmp.bibliography_pos,
itemID: "" + Item.id,
return "" + Item.id;
CSL.citeStart = function (Item, item) {
this.tmp.same_author_as_previous_cite = false;
this.tmp.lastchr = "";
if (this.tmp.area === "citation" && this.citation.opt.collapse && this.citation.opt.collapse.length) {
this.tmp.have_collapsed = true;
} else {
this.tmp.have_collapsed = false;
this.tmp.render_seen = false;
if (this.tmp.disambig_request && ! this.tmp.disambig_override) {
this.tmp.disambig_settings = this.tmp.disambig_request;
} else if (this.registry.registry[Item.id] && ! this.tmp.disambig_override) {
this.tmp.disambig_request = this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig;
this.tmp.disambig_settings = this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig;
} else {
this.tmp.disambig_settings = new CSL.AmbigConfig();
if (this.tmp.area === 'bibliography' && this.opt["disambiguate-add-names"] && this.registry.registry[Item.id] && this.tmp.disambig_override) {
this.tmp.disambig_request = this.tmp.disambig_settings;
this.tmp.disambig_request.names = this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.names.slice();
this.tmp.disambig_settings.names = this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.names.slice();
this.tmp.names_used = [];
this.tmp.nameset_counter = 0;
this.tmp.years_used = [];
this.tmp.splice_delimiter = this[this.tmp.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
this.bibliography_sort.keys = [];
this.citation_sort.keys = [];
this.tmp.has_done_year_suffix = false;
this.tmp.last_cite_locale = false;
if (!this.tmp.just_looking && item && !item.position && this.registry.registry[Item.id]) {
this.tmp.disambig_restore = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig);
CSL.citeEnd = function (Item, item) {
if (this.tmp.disambig_restore) {
this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.names = this.tmp.disambig_restore.names;
this.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.givens = this.tmp.disambig_restore.givens;
this.tmp.disambig_restore = false;
this.tmp.last_suffix_used = this.tmp.suffix.value();
this.tmp.last_years_used = this.tmp.years_used.slice();
this.tmp.last_names_used = this.tmp.names_used.slice();
this.tmp.cut_var = false;
this.tmp.disambig_request = false;
CSL.Node = {};
CSL.Node.bibliography = {
build: function (state, target) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.fixOpt(this, "names-delimiter", "delimiter");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-delimiter", "delimiter");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-form", "form");
state.fixOpt(this, "and", "and");
state.fixOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-last", "delimiter-precedes-last");
state.fixOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-et-al", "delimiter-precedes-et-al");
state.fixOpt(this, "initialize-with", "initialize-with");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-as-sort-order", "name-as-sort-order");
state.fixOpt(this, "sort-separator", "sort-separator");
state.fixOpt(this, "and", "and");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-min", "et-al-min");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-use-first", "et-al-use-first");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-use-last", "et-al-use-last");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-min", "et-al-subsequent-min");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-use-first", "et-al-subsequent-use-first");
state.build.area_return = state.build.area;
state.build.area = "bibliography";
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
state.build.area = state.build.area_return;
CSL.Node.choose = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.jump.push(undefined, CSL.LITERAL);
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
func = function (state, Item) {
configure: function (state, pos) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
} else {
CSL.localeResolve = function (langstr) {
var ret, langlst;
ret = {};
langlst = langstr.split(/[\-_]/);
ret.base = CSL.LANG_BASES[langlst[0]];
if ("undefined" === typeof ret.base) {
CSL.debug("Warning: unknown locale "+langstr+", setting to en-US");
return {base:"en-US", best:"en-US", bare:"en"};
if (langlst.length === 1 || langlst[1] === "x") {
ret.best = ret.base.replace("_", "-");
} else {
ret.best = langlst.slice(0, 2).join("-");
ret.base = ret.base.replace("_", "-");
ret.bare = langlst[0];
return ret;
CSL.localeParse = function (arg) {
return arg;
CSL.Engine.prototype.localeConfigure = function (langspec) {
var localexml;
localexml = this.sys.xml.makeXml(this.sys.retrieveLocale("en-US"));
this.localeSet(localexml, "en-US", langspec.best);
if (langspec.best !== "en-US") {
if (langspec.base !== langspec.best) {
localexml = this.sys.xml.makeXml(this.sys.retrieveLocale(langspec.base));
this.localeSet(localexml, langspec.base, langspec.best);
localexml = this.sys.xml.makeXml(this.sys.retrieveLocale(langspec.best));
this.localeSet(localexml, langspec.best, langspec.best);
this.localeSet(this.cslXml, "", langspec.best);
this.localeSet(this.cslXml, langspec.bare, langspec.best);
if (langspec.base !== langspec.best) {
this.localeSet(this.cslXml, langspec.base, langspec.best);
this.localeSet(this.cslXml, langspec.best, langspec.best);
CSL.Engine.prototype.localeSet = function (myxml, lang_in, lang_out) {
var blob, locale, nodes, attributes, pos, ppos, term, form, termname, styleopts, attr, date, attrname, len, genderform, target;
lang_in = lang_in.replace("_", "-");
lang_out = lang_out.replace("_", "-");
if (!this.locale[lang_out]) {
this.locale[lang_out] = {};
this.locale[lang_out].terms = {};
this.locale[lang_out].opts = {};
this.locale[lang_out].dates = {};
locale = this.sys.xml.makeXml();
if (this.sys.xml.nodeNameIs(myxml, 'locale')) {
locale = myxml;
} else {
nodes = this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(myxml, "locale");
for (pos = 0, len = this.sys.xml.numberofnodes(nodes); pos < len; pos += 1) {
blob = nodes[pos];
if (this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(blob, 'lang', 'xml') === lang_in) {
locale = blob;
nodes = this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(locale, 'term');
for (pos = 0, len = this.sys.xml.numberofnodes(nodes); pos < len; pos += 1) {
term = nodes[pos];
termname = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'name');
if (termname === "sub verbo") {
termname = "sub-verbo";
if ("undefined" === typeof this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname]) {
this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname] = {};
form = "long";
genderform = false;
if (this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'form')) {
form = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'form');
if (this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'gender-form')) {
genderform = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'gender-form');
if (this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'gender')) {
this.opt["noun-genders"][termname] = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(term, 'gender');
if (genderform) {
this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][genderform] = {};
this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][genderform][form] = [];
target = this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][genderform];
} else {
this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][form] = [];
target = this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname];
if (this.sys.xml.numberofnodes(this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(term, 'multiple'))) {
target[form][0] = this.sys.xml.getNodeValue(term, 'single');
target[form][1] = this.sys.xml.getNodeValue(term, 'multiple');
} else {
target[form] = this.sys.xml.getNodeValue(term);
for (termname in this.locale[lang_out].terms) {
if (this.locale[lang_out].terms.hasOwnProperty(termname)) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = 2; i < ilen; i += 1) {
genderform = CSL.GENDERS[i];
if (this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][genderform]) {
for (form in this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname]) {
if (!this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][genderform][form]) {
this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][genderform][form] = this.locale[lang_out].terms[termname][form];
nodes = this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(locale, 'style-options');
for (pos = 0, len = this.sys.xml.numberofnodes(nodes); pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (true) {
styleopts = nodes[pos];
attributes = this.sys.xml.attributes(styleopts);
for (attrname in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(attrname)) {
if (attributes[attrname] === "true") {
this.locale[lang_out].opts[attrname.slice(1)] = true;
} else {
this.locale[lang_out].opts[attrname.slice(1)] = false;
nodes = this.sys.xml.getNodesByName(locale, 'date');
for (pos = 0, len = this.sys.xml.numberofnodes(nodes); pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (true) {
date = nodes[pos];
this.locale[lang_out].dates[this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(date, "form")] = date;
CSL.Node.citation = {
build: function (state, target) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.fixOpt(this, "names-delimiter", "delimiter");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-delimiter", "delimiter");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-form", "form");
state.fixOpt(this, "and", "and");
state.fixOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-last", "delimiter-precedes-last");
state.fixOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-et-al", "delimiter-precedes-et-al");
state.fixOpt(this, "initialize-with", "initialize-with");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-as-sort-order", "name-as-sort-order");
state.fixOpt(this, "sort-separator", "sort-separator");
state.fixOpt(this, "and", "and");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-min", "et-al-min");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-use-first", "et-al-use-first");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-use-last", "et-al-use-last");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-min", "et-al-subsequent-min");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-use-first", "et-al-subsequent-use-first");
state.build.area_return = state.build.area;
state.build.area = "citation";
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
state.opt.grouped_sort = state.opt.xclass === "in-text"
&& state.citation.opt.collapse
&& state.citation.opt.collapse.length
&& state.opt.update_mode !== CSL.POSITION
&& state.opt.update_mode !== CSL.NUMERIC;
if (state.opt.grouped_sort
&& state.citation_sort.opt.sort_directions.length) {
var firstkey = state.citation_sort.opt.sort_directions[0].slice();
state.citation_sort.opt.sort_directions = [firstkey].concat(state.citation_sort.opt.sort_directions);
state.citation.srt = new CSL.Registry.Comparifier(state, "citation_sort");
state.build.area = state.build.area_return;
CSL.Node.date = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, date_obj, tok, len, pos, part, dpx, parts, mypos, start, end;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
state.build.date_parts = [];
state.build.date_variables = this.variables;
if (!state.build.sort_flag) {
CSL.Util.substituteStart.call(this, state, target);
func = function (state, Item) {
var key, dp;
state.tmp.element_rendered_ok = false;
state.tmp.donesies = [];
state.tmp.dateparts = [];
dp = [];
if (this.variables.length
&& !(state.tmp.just_looking
&& this.variables[0] !== "issued")) {
date_obj = Item[this.variables[0]];
if ("undefined" === typeof date_obj) {
date_obj = {"date-parts": [[0]] };
if (date_obj.raw) {
date_obj = state.fun.dateparser.parse(date_obj.raw);
state.tmp.date_object = state.dateParseArray(date_obj);
len = this.dateparts.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
part = this.dateparts[pos];
if ("undefined" !== typeof state.tmp.date_object[(part + "_end")]) {
} else if (part === "month" && "undefined" !== typeof state.tmp.date_object.season_end) {
dpx = [];
parts = ["year", "month", "day"];
len = parts.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (dp.indexOf(parts[pos]) > -1) {
dp = dpx.slice();
if (state.tmp.area.slice(-5) !== "_sort" && ("" + Item.volume) === "" + state.tmp.date_object.year && this.dateparts.length === 1 && this.dateparts[0] === "year") {
for (key in state.tmp.date_object) {
if (state.tmp.date_object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key.slice(0, 4) === "year" && state.tmp.citeblob.can_suppress_identical_year) {
delete state.tmp.date_object[key];
mypos = 2;
len = dp.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
part = dp[pos];
start = state.tmp.date_object[part];
end = state.tmp.date_object[(part + "_end")];
if (start !== end) {
mypos = pos;
state.tmp.date_collapse_at = dp.slice(mypos);
} else {
state.tmp.date_object = false;
func = function (state, Item) {
state.output.startTag("date", this);
if (state.build.sort_flag && (this.tokentype === CSL.END || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON)) {
tok = new CSL.Token("key", CSL.SINGLETON);
tok.dateparts = state.build.date_parts.slice();
tok.variables = state.build.date_variables;
CSL.Node.key.build.call(tok, state, target);
if (!state.build.sort_flag && (this.tokentype === CSL.END || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON)) {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
if (!state.build.sort_flag) {
CSL.Util.substituteEnd.call(this, state, target);
CSL.Node["date-part"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, pos, len, decor, first_date, value, value_end, real, have_collapsed, invoked, precondition, known_year, bc, ad, bc_end, ad_end, ready, curr, dcurr, number, num, formatter, item;
if (!this.strings.form) {
this.strings.form = "long";
func = function (state, Item) {
if (!state.tmp.date_object) {
first_date = true;
value = "";
value_end = "";
if (state.tmp.date_object.literal && "year" === this.strings.name) {
state.output.append(state.tmp.date_object.literal, this);
if (state.tmp.date_object) {
value = state.tmp.date_object[this.strings.name];
value_end = state.tmp.date_object[(this.strings.name + "_end")];
if ("year" === this.strings.name && value === 0 && !state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
value = false;
real = !state.tmp.suppress_decorations;
have_collapsed = state.tmp.have_collapsed;
invoked = state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse === "year-suffix" || state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse === "year-suffix-ranged";
precondition = state.opt["disambiguate-add-year-suffix"];
if (real && precondition && invoked) {
known_year = state.tmp.last_years_used.length >= state.tmp.years_used.length;
if (known_year && have_collapsed) {
if (state.tmp.last_years_used[(state.tmp.years_used.length - 1)] === value) {
value = false;
if ("undefined" !== typeof value) {
bc = false;
ad = false;
bc_end = false;
ad_end = false;
if ("year" === this.strings.name) {
if (parseInt(value, 10) < 500 && parseInt(value, 10) > 0) {
ad = state.getTerm("ad");
if (parseInt(value, 10) < 0) {
bc = state.getTerm("bc");
value = (parseInt(value, 10) * -1);
if (value_end) {
if (parseInt(value_end, 10) < 500 && parseInt(value_end, 10) > 0) {
ad_end = state.getTerm("ad");
if (parseInt(value_end, 10) < 0) {
bc_end = state.getTerm("bc");
value_end = (parseInt(value_end, 10) * -1);
var monthnameid = ""+state.tmp.date_object.month;
while (monthnameid.length < 2) {
monthnameid = "0"+monthnameid;
monthnameid = "month-"+monthnameid;
var gender = state.opt["noun-genders"][monthnameid];
if (this.strings.form) {
value = CSL.Util.Dates[this.strings.name][this.strings.form](state, value, gender);
if ("month" === this.strings.name) {
if (state.tmp.strip_periods) {
value = value.replace(/\./g, "");
} else {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === this.decorations[i][0] && "true" === this.decorations[i][1]) {
value = value.replace(/\./g, "");
if (value_end) {
value_end = CSL.Util.Dates[this.strings.name][this.strings.form](state, value_end, gender);
if (state.tmp.strip_periods) {
value_end = value_end.replace(/\./g, "");
} else {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === this.decorations[i][0] && "true" === this.decorations[i][1]) {
value_end = value_end.replace(/\./g, "");
if (state.tmp.date_collapse_at.length) {
ready = true;
len = state.tmp.date_collapse_at.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = state.tmp.date_collapse_at[pos];
if (state.tmp.donesies.indexOf(item) === -1) {
ready = false;
if (ready) {
if ("" + value_end !== "0") {
if (state.dateput.queue.length === 0) {
first_date = true;
state.dateput.append(value_end, this);
if (first_date) {
state.dateput.current.value()[0].strings.prefix = "";
state.output.append(value, this);
curr = state.output.current.value();
curr.blobs[(curr.blobs.length - 1)].strings.suffix = "";
state.output.append(this.strings["range-delimiter"], "empty");
dcurr = state.dateput.current.value();
curr.blobs = curr.blobs.concat(dcurr);
state.dateput.string(state, state.dateput.queue);
state.tmp.date_collapse_at = [];
} else {
state.output.append(value, this);
if (state.tmp.date_collapse_at.indexOf(this.strings.name) > -1) {
if ("" + value_end !== "0") {
if (state.dateput.queue.length === 0) {
first_date = true;
state.dateput.append(value_end, this);
if (first_date) {
state.dateput.current.value().blobs[0].strings.prefix = "";
if (bc) {
if (ad) {
} else {
state.output.append(value, this);
if (bc) {
if (ad) {
} else if ("month" === this.strings.name) {
if (state.tmp.date_object.season) {
value = "" + state.tmp.date_object.season;
if (value && value.match(/^[1-4]$/)) {
state.tmp.term_sibling.replace([false, false, true]);
state.output.append(state.getTerm(("season-0" + value)), this);
} else if (value) {
state.output.append(value, this);
state.tmp.value = [];
if ((value || state.tmp.have_collapsed) && !state.opt.has_year_suffix && "year" === this.strings.name && !state.tmp.just_looking) {
if (state.registry.registry[Item.id] && state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix !== false && !state.tmp.has_done_year_suffix) {
state.tmp.has_done_year_suffix = true;
num = parseInt(state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix, 10);
number = new CSL.NumericBlob(num, this);
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
this.splice_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
formatter = new CSL.Util.Suffixator(CSL.SUFFIX_CHARS);
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse === "year-suffix-ranged") {
number.range_prefix = state.getTerm("range-delimiter");
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"]) {
number.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
} else {
number.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
state.output.append(number, "literal");
if ("undefined" === typeof this.strings["range-delimiter"]) {
this.strings["range-delimiter"] = "\u2013";
CSL.Node["else-if"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, tryposition;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
if (this.locale) {
state.opt.lang = this.locale;
if (! this.evaluator) {
this.evaluator = state.fun.match.any;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (this.locale_default) {
state.output.current.value().old_locale = this.locale_default;
state.opt.lang = this.locale_default;
var next = this[state.tmp.jump.value()];
return next;
if (this.locale_default) {
state.opt.lang = this.locale_default;
configure: function (state, pos) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
this.fail = state.configure.fail.slice(-1)[0];
this.succeed = this.next;
state.configure.fail[(state.configure.fail.length - 1)] = pos;
} else if (this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
this.fail = this.next;
this.succeed = state.configure.succeed.slice(-1)[0];
state.configure.fail[(state.configure.fail.length - 1)] = pos;
} else {
this.succeed = state.configure.succeed.slice(-1)[0];
this.fail = this.next;
CSL.Node["else"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
configure: function (state, pos) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.configure.fail[(state.configure.fail.length - 1)] = pos;
CSL.Node["#comment"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
CSL.Node["et-al"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
if (state.build.area === "citation" || state.build.area === "bibliography") {
state.build.etal_node = this;
if ("string" === typeof this.strings.term) {
state.build.etal_term = this.strings.term;
CSL.Node.group = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, execs;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
CSL.Util.substituteStart.call(this, state, target);
if (state.build.substitute_level.value()) {
state.build.substitute_level.replace((state.build.substitute_level.value() + 1));
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.term_sibling.push([false, false, false], CSL.LITERAL);
func = function (state, Item) {
state.output.startTag("group", this);
execs = [];
this.execs = execs.concat(this.execs);
if (this.strings["has-publisher-and-publisher-place"]) {
state.build["publisher-special"] = true;
var outer_area = state.build.area.replace(/_sort$/, "");
if ("string" === typeof state[outer_area].opt["name-delimiter"]) {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (Item["publisher"] && Item["publisher-place"]) {
var publisher_lst = Item["publisher"].split(/;\s*/);
var publisher_place_lst = Item["publisher-place"].split(/;\s*/);
if (publisher_lst.length > 1
&& publisher_lst.length === publisher_place_lst.length) {
state.publisherOutput = new CSL.PublisherOutput(state);
state.publisherOutput["publisher-list"] = publisher_lst;
state.publisherOutput["publisher-place-list"] = publisher_place_lst;
state.publisherOutput.group_tok = this;
} else {
if (state.build["publisher-special"]) {
state.build["publisher-special"] = false;
var outer_area = state.build.area.replace(/_sort$/, "");
if ("string" === typeof state[outer_area].opt["name-delimiter"]) {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (state.publisherOutput) {
var outer_area = state.tmp.area.replace("_sort", "");
state.publisherOutput.name_delimiter = state[outer_area].opt["name-delimiter"];
state.publisherOutput.delimiter_precedes_last = state[outer_area].opt["delimiter-precedes-last"];
state.publisherOutput.and = state[outer_area].opt["and"];
state.publisherOutput = false;
func = function (state, Item) {
var flag = state.tmp.term_sibling.value();
if (!flag[2] && (flag[1] || (!flag[1] && !flag[0]))) {
if (state.output.current.value().blobs) {
if ((flag[2] || (!flag[1] && flag[0])) && state.tmp.term_sibling.mystack.length > 1) {
state.tmp.term_sibling.replace([false, false, true]);
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
if (state.build.substitute_level.value()) {
state.build.substitute_level.replace((state.build.substitute_level.value() - 1));
CSL.Util.substituteEnd.call(this, state, target);
CSL.Node["if"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
if (this.locale) {
state.opt.lang = this.locale;
if (!this.evaluator) {
this.evaluator = state.fun.match.any;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (this.locale_default) {
state.output.current.value().old_locale = this.locale_default;
state.opt.lang = this.locale_default;
var next = this[state.tmp.jump.value()];
return next;
if (this.locale_default) {
state.opt.lang = this.locale_default;
configure: function (state, pos) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
this.fail = state.configure.fail.slice(-1)[0];
this.succeed = this.next;
} else if (this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
this.fail = this.next;
this.succeed = state.configure.succeed.slice(-1)[0];
} else {
this.succeed = state.configure.succeed.slice(-1)[0];
this.fail = this.next;
CSL.Node.info = {
build: function (state, target) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.build.skip = "info";
} else {
state.build.skip = false;
CSL.Node.institution = {
build: function (state, target) {
if ([CSL.SINGLETON, CSL.START].indexOf(this.tokentype) > -1) {
if ("string" === typeof state.build.name_delimiter) {
this.strings.delimiter = state.build.name_delimiter;
var func = function (state, Item) {
var myand, and_default_prefix, and_suffix;
if ("text" === this.strings.and) {
myand = state.getTerm("and", "long", 0);
} else if ("symbol" === this.strings.and) {
myand = "&";
if (state.nameOutput.name.and_term) {
myand = state.getTerm("and", "long", 0);
and_default_prefix = " ";
and_suffix = " ";
} else {
and_default_prefix = "";
and_suffix = "";
this.and = {};
this.and.single = new CSL.Blob("empty", myand);
this.and.single.strings.suffix = and_suffix;
this.and.multiple = new CSL.Blob("empty", myand);
this.and.multiple.strings.suffix = and_suffix;
if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "always") {
this.and.single.strings.prefix = this.strings.delimiter;
this.and.multiple.strings.prefix = this.strings.delimiter;
} else if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "contextual") {
this.and.single.strings.prefix = and_default_prefix;
this.and.multiple.strings.prefix = this.strings.delimiter;
} else {
this.and.single.strings.prefix = and_default_prefix;
this.and.multiple.strings.prefix = and_default_prefix;
state.nameOutput.institution = this;
configure: function (state, pos) {
if ([CSL.SINGLETON, CSL.START].indexOf(this.tokentype) > -1) {
state.build.has_institution = true;
CSL.Node["institution-part"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func;
if ("long" === this.strings.name) {
if (this.strings["if-short"]) {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.nameOutput.institutionpart["long-with-short"] = this;
} else {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.nameOutput.institutionpart["long"] = this;
} else if ("short" === this.strings.name) {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.nameOutput.institutionpart["short"] = this;
CSL.Node.key = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, i, ilen;
var debug = false;
var start_key = new CSL.Token("key", CSL.START);
start_key.strings["et-al-min"] = this.strings["et-al-min"];
start_key.strings["et-al-use-first"] = this.strings["et-al-use-first"];
start_key.strings["et-al-use-last"] = this.strings["et-al-use-last"];
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.done_vars = [];
func = function (state, Item) {
var sort_direction = [];
if (this.strings.sort_direction === CSL.DESCENDING) {
} else {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.sort_key_flag = true;
if (this.strings["et-al-min"]) {
state.tmp["et-al-min"] = this.strings["et-al-min"];
if (this.strings["et-al-use-first"]) {
state.tmp["et-al-use-first"] = this.strings["et-al-use-first"];
if ("boolean" === typeof this.strings["et-al-use-last"]) {
state.tmp["et-al-use-last"] = this.strings["et-al-use-last"];
if (this.variables.length) {
var variable = this.variables[0];
if (variable === "citation-number" && state.build.area === "citation_sort") {
state.opt.citation_number_sort = true;
if (CSL.CREATORS.indexOf(variable) > -1) {
var names_start_token = new CSL.Token("names", CSL.START);
names_start_token.tokentype = CSL.START;
names_start_token.variables = this.variables;
CSL.Node.names.build.call(names_start_token, state, target);
var name_token = new CSL.Token("name", CSL.SINGLETON);
name_token.tokentype = CSL.SINGLETON;
name_token.strings["name-as-sort-order"] = "all";
name_token.strings["sort-separator"] = " ";
name_token.strings["et-al-use-last"] = this.strings["et-al-use-last"];
name_token.strings["et-al-min"] = this.strings["et-al-min"];
name_token.strings["et-al-use-first"] = this.strings["et-al-use-first"];
CSL.Node.name.build.call(name_token, state, target);
var institution_token = new CSL.Token("institution", CSL.SINGLETON);
institution_token.tokentype = CSL.SINGLETON;
CSL.Node.institution.build.call(institution_token, state, target);
var names_end_token = new CSL.Token("names", CSL.END);
names_end_token.tokentype = CSL.END;
CSL.Node.names.build.call(names_end_token, state, target);
} else {
var single_text = new CSL.Token("text", CSL.SINGLETON);
single_text.dateparts = this.dateparts;
if (CSL.NUMERIC_VARIABLES.indexOf(variable) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item) {
var num, m;
num = false;
if ("citation-number" === variable) {
num = state.registry.registry[Item.id].seq.toString();
} else {
num = Item[variable];
if (num) {
num = CSL.Util.padding(num);
state.output.append(num, this);
} else if (variable === "citation-label") {
func = function (state, Item) {
var trigraph = state.getCitationLabel(Item);
state.output.append(trigraph, this);
} else if (CSL.DATE_VARIABLES.indexOf(variable) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item) {
var dp, elem, value, e, yr, prefix, i, ilen, num;
dp = Item[variable];
if ("undefined" === typeof dp) {
dp = {"date-parts": [[0]] };
if (!dp.year) {
state.tmp.empty_date = true;
if ("undefined" === typeof this.dateparts) {
this.dateparts = ["year", "month", "day"];
if (dp.raw) {
dp = state.fun.dateparser.parse(dp.raw);
} else if (dp["date-parts"]) {
dp = state.dateParseArray(dp);
if ("undefined" === typeof dp) {
dp = {};
for (i = 0, ilen = CSL.DATE_PARTS_INTERNAL.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
value = 0;
e = elem;
if (e.slice(-4) === "_end") {
e = e.slice(0, -4);
if (dp[elem] && this.dateparts.indexOf(e) > -1) {
value = dp[elem];
if (elem.slice(0, 4) === "year") {
yr = CSL.Util.Dates[e].numeric(state, value);
prefix = "Y";
if (yr[0] === "-") {
prefix = "X";
yr = yr.slice(1);
yr = 9999 - parseInt(yr, 10);
state.output.append(CSL.Util.Dates[elem.slice(0, 4)].numeric(state, (prefix + yr)));
} else {
state.output.append(CSL.Util.Dates[e]["numeric-leading-zeros"](state, value));
if (state.registry.registry[Item.id] && state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix) {
num = state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix.toString();
num = CSL.Util.padding(num);
} else {
num = CSL.Util.padding("0");
} else if ("title" === variable) {
state.transform.init("empty", "title");
func = state.transform.getOutputFunction(this.variables);
} else {
func = function (state, Item) {
var varval = Item[variable];
state.output.append(varval, "empty");
} else { // macro
var token = new CSL.Token("text", CSL.SINGLETON);
token.postponed_macro = this.postponed_macro;
var tlen = target.length;
var keypos = false;
CSL.expandMacro.call(state, token);
for (i = 0, ilen = target.slice(tlen).length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var tok = target.slice(tlen)[i];
if (tok && tok.name === "text" && tok.dateparts) {
keypos = i;
if (keypos) {
var saveme = target[(parseInt(keypos, 10) + parseInt(tlen, 10))];
for (i = (target.length - 1); i > tlen; i += -1) {
var gtok = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.END);
var end_key = new CSL.Token("key", CSL.END);
func = function (state, Item) {
var keystring = state.output.string(state, state.output.queue);
if ("" === keystring) {
keystring = undefined;
if ("string" !== typeof keystring || state.tmp.empty_date) {
keystring = undefined;
state.tmp.empty_date = false;
state.tmp.value = [];
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp["et-al-min"] = undefined;
state.tmp["et-al-use-first"] = undefined;
state.tmp["et-al-use-last"] = undefined;
state.tmp.sort_key_flag = false;
CSL.Node.label = {
build: function (state, target) {
var debug = false;
if (this.strings.term) {
var plural = false;
if (!this.strings.form) {
this.strings.form = "long";
var func = function (state, Item, item) {
var termtxt = CSL.evaluateLabel(this, state, Item, item);
state.output.append(termtxt, this);
} else {
if (!state.build.name_label) {
state.build.name_label = {};
if (!state.build.name_flag) {
state.build.name_label.before = this;
} else {
state.build.name_label.after = this;
CSL.Node.layout = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, prefix_token, suffix_token, tok;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START && !state.tmp.cite_affixes) {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.done_vars = [];
state.tmp.rendered_name = false;
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.sort_key_flag = false;
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.nameset_counter = 0;
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.citeblob = state.output.queue[state.output.queue.length - 1];
if (state.build.area === "citation") {
prefix_token = new CSL.Token("text", CSL.SINGLETON);
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var sp;
if (item && item.prefix) {
sp = "";
if (item.prefix.match(CSL.ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
sp = " ";
state.output.append((item.prefix + sp), this);
var my_tok;
if (this.locale_raw) {
my_tok = new CSL.Token("dummy", CSL.START);
my_tok.locale = this.locale_raw;
my_tok.strings.delimiter = this.strings.delimiter;
my_tok.strings.suffix = this.strings.suffix;
if (!state.tmp.cite_affixes) {
state.tmp.cite_affixes = {};
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.build.layout_flag = true;
if (!this.locale_raw) {
state[state.tmp.area].opt.topdecor = [this.decorations];
state[(state.tmp.area + "_sort")].opt.topdecor = [this.decorations];
state[state.build.area].opt.layout_prefix = this.strings.prefix;
state[state.build.area].opt.layout_suffix = this.strings.suffix;
state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter = this.strings.delimiter;
state[state.build.area].opt.layout_decorations = this.decorations;
if (state.tmp.cite_affixes) {
tok = new CSL.Token("else", CSL.START);
CSL.Node["else"].build.call(tok, state, target);
} // !this.locale_raw
if (this.locale_raw) {
if (!state.build.layout_locale_flag) {
var choose_tok = new CSL.Token("choose", CSL.START);
CSL.Node.choose.build.call(choose_tok, state, target);
my_tok.name = "if";
CSL.Attributes["@locale"].call(my_tok, state, this.locale_raw);
CSL.Node["if"].build.call(my_tok, state, target);
} else {
my_tok.name = "else-if";
CSL.Attributes["@locale"].call(my_tok, state, this.locale_raw);
CSL.Node["else-if"].build.call(my_tok, state, target);
state.tmp.cite_affixes[my_tok.locale] = {};
state.tmp.cite_affixes[my_tok.locale].delimiter = this.strings.delimiter;
state.tmp.cite_affixes[my_tok.locale].suffix = this.strings.suffix;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
if (this.locale_raw) {
if (!state.build.layout_locale_flag) {
my_tok.name = "if";
my_tok.tokentype = CSL.END;
CSL.Attributes["@locale"].call(my_tok, state, this.locale_raw);
CSL.Node["if"].build.call(my_tok, state, target);
state.build.layout_locale_flag = true;
} else {
my_tok.name = "else-if";
my_tok.tokentype = CSL.END;
CSL.Attributes["@locale"].call(my_tok, state, this.locale_raw);
CSL.Node["else-if"].build.call(my_tok, state, target);
if (!this.locale_raw) {
if (state.tmp.cite_affixes) {
tok = new CSL.Token("else", CSL.END);
CSL.Node["else"].build.call(tok, state, target);
tok = new CSL.Token("choose", CSL.END);
CSL.Node.choose.build.call(tok, state, target);
state.build_layout_locale_flag = true;
if (state.build.area === "citation") {
suffix_token = new CSL.Token("text", CSL.SINGLETON);
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var sp;
if (item && item.suffix) {
sp = "";
if (item.suffix.match(CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
sp = " ";
state.output.append((sp + item.suffix), this);
func = function (state, Item) {
if (state.tmp.area === "bibliography") {
if (state.bibliography.opt["second-field-align"]) {
state.build.layout_flag = false;
state.build.layout_locale_flag = false;
} // !this.layout_raw
CSL.Node.macro = {
build: function (state, target) {}
CSL.NameOutput = function(state, Item, item, variables) {
this.debug = false;
this.state = state;
this.Item = Item;
this.item = item;
this.nameset_base = 0;
this._author_is_first = false;
this._please_chop = false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.init = function (names) {
if (this.nameset_offset) {
this.nameset_base = this.nameset_base + this.nameset_offset;
this.nameset_offset = 0;
this.names = names;
this.variables = names.variables;
if (this.nameset_base === 0 && this.variables[0] === "author") {
this._author_is_first = true;
this.state.tmp.value = [];
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (this.Item[this.variables[i]] && this.Item[this.variables[i]].length) {
this.state.tmp.value = this.state.tmp.value.concat(this.Item[this.variables[i]]);
this["et-al"] = undefined;
this["with"] = undefined;
this.name = undefined;
this.institutionpart = {};
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.reinit = function (names) {
if (!this._hasValues()) {
this.nameset_offset = 0;
this.variables = names.variables;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._hasValues = function () {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
if (this.Item[v]) {
return true;
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.outputNames = function () {
var i, ilen;
var variables = this.variables;
this.variable_offset = {};
if (this.family) {
this.family_decor = CSL.Util.cloneToken(this.family);
this.family_decor.strings.prefix = "";
this.family_decor.strings.suffix = "";
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.family.execs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.family.execs[i].call(this.family_decor, this.state, this.Item);
} else {
this.family_decor = false;
if (this.given) {
this.given_decor = CSL.Util.cloneToken(this.given);
this.given_decor.strings.prefix = "";
this.given_decor.strings.suffix = "";
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.given.execs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.given.execs[i].call(this.given_decor, this.state, this.Item);
} else {
this.given_decor = false;
if (this.name.strings.form === "count") {
if (this.state.tmp.area.slice(-5) === "_sort" || this.names_count != 0) {
this.state.output.append(this.names_count, "empty");
} else {
this.state.tmp.term_sibling.value()[1] = true;
this.state.tmp.term_sibling.value()[2] = false;
var blob_list = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = variables[i];
var institution_sets = [];
var institutions = false;
for (var j = 0, jlen = this.institutions[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
institution_sets.push(this.joinPersonsAndInstitutions([this.persons[v][j], this.institutions[v][j]]));
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
var pos = this.nameset_base + this.variable_offset[v];
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
pos += 1;
institutions = this.joinInstitutionSets(institution_sets, pos);
var varblob = this.joinFreetersAndInstitutionSets([this.freeters[v], institutions]);
if (varblob) {
varblob = this._applyLabels(varblob, v);
if (this.common_term) {
this.state.output.current.value().strings.delimiter = this.names.strings.delimiter;
for (i = 0, ilen = blob_list.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.state.output.append(blob_list[i], "literal", true);
var blob = this.state.output.pop();
this.state.output.append(blob, this.names);
this.state.tmp.name_node = this.state.output.current.value();
this.variables = [];
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._applyLabels = function (blob, v) {
var txt;
if (!this.label) {
return blob;
var plural = 0;
var num = this.freeters_count[v] + this.institutions_count[v];
if (num > 1) {
plural = 1;
} else {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.persons[v].length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
num += this.persons_count[v][i];
if (num > 1) {
plural = 1;
if (this.label.before) {
if ("number" === typeof this.label.before.strings.plural) {
plural = this.label.before.strings.plural;
txt = this._buildLabel(v, plural, "before");
this.state.output.append(txt, this.label.before, true);
this.state.output.append(blob, "literal", true);
blob = this.state.output.pop();
if (this.label.after) {
if ("number" === typeof this.label.after.strings.plural) {
plural = this.label.after.strings.plural;
txt = this._buildLabel(v, plural, "after");
this.state.output.append(blob, "literal", true);
this.state.output.append(txt, this.label.after, true);
blob = this.state.output.pop();
return blob;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._buildLabel = function (term, plural, position) {
if (this.common_term) {
term = this.common_term;
var ret = false;
var node = this.label[position];
if (node) {
ret = CSL.castLabel(this.state, node, term, plural);
return ret;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._collapseAuthor = function () {
var myqueue, mystr, oldchars;
if ((this.item && this.item["suppress-author"] && this._author_is_first)
|| (this.state[this.state.tmp.area].opt.collapse
&& this.state[this.state.tmp.area].opt.collapse.length)) {
if (this.state.tmp.authorstring_request) {
mystr = "";
myqueue = this.state.tmp.name_node.blobs.slice(-1)[0].blobs;
oldchars = this.state.tmp.offset_characters;
if (myqueue) {
mystr = this.state.output.string(this.state, myqueue, false);
this.state.tmp.offset_characters = oldchars;
this.state.registry.authorstrings[this.Item.id] = mystr;
} else if (!this.state.tmp.just_looking
&& !this.state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
mystr = "";
myqueue = this.state.tmp.name_node.blobs.slice(-1)[0].blobs;
oldchars = this.state.tmp.offset_characters;
if (myqueue) {
mystr = this.state.output.string(this.state, myqueue, false);
if (mystr === this.state.tmp.last_primary_names_string) {
this.state.tmp.offset_characters = oldchars;
} else {
this.state.tmp.last_primary_names_string = mystr;
if (this.variables.indexOf("author") > -1 && this.item && this.item["suppress-author"]) {
this.state.tmp.offset_characters = oldchars;
this.state.tmp.have_collapsed = false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.isPerson = function (value) {
if (value.literal
|| (!value.given && value.family && value.isInstitution)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.truncatePersonalNameLists = function () {
var v, i, ilen, j, jlen, chopvar, values;
this.freeters_count = {};
this.persons_count = {};
this.institutions_count = {};
for (v in this.freeters) {
if (this.freeters.hasOwnProperty(v)) {
this.freeters_count[v] = this.freeters[v].length;
this.freeters[v] = this._truncateNameList(this.freeters, v);
for (v in this.persons) {
if (this.persons.hasOwnProperty(v)) {
this.institutions_count[v] = this.institutions[v].length;
this._truncateNameList(this.institutions, v);
this.persons[v] = this.persons[v].slice(0, this.institutions[v].length);
this.persons_count[v] = [];
for (j = 0, jlen = this.persons[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
this.persons_count[v][j] = this.persons[v][j].length;
this.persons[v][j] = this._truncateNameList(this.persons, v, j);
if (this.etal_min === 1 && this.etal_use_first === 1
&& !(this.state.tmp.area === "bibliography_sort"
|| this.state.tmp.area === "citation_sort"
|| this.state.tmp.just_looking)) {
chopvar = v;
} else {
chopvar = false;
if (chopvar || this._please_chop) {
for (i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
v = this.variables[i];
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
if (this._please_chop === v) {
this.freeters[v] = this.freeters[v].slice(1);
this.freeters_count[v] += -1;
this._please_chop = false;
} else if (chopvar && !this._please_chop) {
this.freeters[v] = this.freeters[v].slice(0, 1);
this.freeters_count[v] = 1;
this.institutions[v] = [];
this.persons[v] = [];
this._please_chop = chopvar;
for (i = 0, ilen = this.persons[v].length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (this.persons[v][i].length) {
if (this._please_chop === v) {
this.persons[v][i] = this.persons[v][i].slice(1);
this.persons_count[v][i] += -1;
this._please_chop = false;
} else if (chopvar && !this._please_chop) {
this.freeters[v] = this.persons[v][i].slice(0, 1);
this.freeters_count[v] = 1;
this.institutions[v] = [];
this.persons[v] = [];
values = [];
this._please_chop = chopvar;
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
if (this._please_chop === v) {
this.institutions[v] = this.institutions[v].slice(1);
this.institutions_count[v] += -1;
this._please_chop = false;
} else if (chopvar && !this._please_chop) {
this.institutions[v] = this.institutions[v].slice(0, 1);
this.institutions_count[v] = 1;
values = [];
this._please_chop = chopvar;
for (i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
this.nameset_offset += 1;
for (i = 0, ilen = this.persons[v].length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (this.persons[v][i].length) {
this.nameset_offset += 1;
this.institutions[v][i] = this._splitInstitution(this.institutions[v][i], v, i);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._truncateNameList = function (container, variable, index) {
var lst;
if ("undefined" === typeof index) {
lst = container[variable];
} else {
lst = container[variable][index];
if (this.state.opt.max_number_of_names
&& lst.length > 50
&& lst.length > (this.state.opt.max_number_of_names + 2)) {
lst = lst.slice(0, this.state.opt.max_number_of_names + 2);
return lst;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.divideAndTransliterateNames = function () {
var i, ilen;
var Item = this.Item;
var variables = this.variables;
this.varnames = variables.slice();
this.freeters = {};
this.persons = {};
this.institutions = {};
for (i = 0, ilen = variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = variables[i];
this.variable_offset[v] = this.nameset_offset;
var values = this._normalizeVariableValue(Item, v);
if (this.name.strings["suppress-min"] && values.length >= this.name.strings["suppress-min"]) {
values = [];
if (this.name.strings["suppress-max"] && values.length <= this.name.strings["suppress-max"]) {
values = [];
this._getFreeters(v, values);
this._getPersonsAndInstitutions(v, values);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._normalizeVariableValue = function (Item, variable) {
var names, name, i, ilen;
if ("string" === typeof Item[variable]) {
names = [{literal: Item[variable]}];
} else if (!Item[variable]) {
names = [];
} else {
names = Item[variable].slice();
for (i = 0, ilen = names.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
names[i] = this.state.transform.name(this.state, names[i], this.state.opt["locale-pri"]);
names[i] = this._normalizeNameInput(names[i]);
return names;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._getFreeters = function (v, values) {
this.freeters[v] = [];
for (var i = values.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (this.isPerson(values[i])) {
} else {
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
this.nameset_offset += 1;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._getPersonsAndInstitutions = function (v, values) {
this.persons[v] = [];
this.institutions[v] = [];
var persons = [];
var has_affiliates = false;
var first = true;
for (var i = values.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (this.isPerson(values[i])) {
} else {
has_affiliates = true;
if (!first) {
persons = [];
first = false;
if (has_affiliates) {
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._clearValues = function (values) {
for (var i = values.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._splitInstitution = function (value, v, i) {
var ret = {};
if (value.literal.slice(0,1) === '"' && value.literal.slice(-1) === '"') {
ret["long"] = [value.literal.slice(1,-1)];
} else {
ret["long"] = this._trimInstitution(value.literal.split(/\s*,\s*/), v, i);
var str = this.state.transform.institution[value.literal];
if (str) {
if (str.slice(0,1) === '"' && str.slice(-1) === '"') {
ret["short"] = [str.slice(1,-1)];
} else {
ret["short"] = this._trimInstitution(str.split(/\s*,\s*/), v, i);
} else {
ret["short"] = false;
return ret;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._trimInstitution = function (subunits, v, i) {
var s;
var use_first = this.institution.strings["use-first"];
if (!use_first) {
if (this.persons[v][i].length === 0) {
use_first = this.institution.strings["substitute-use-first"];
if (!use_first) {
use_first = 0;
var append_last = this.institution.strings["use-last"];
if (!append_last) {
append_last = 0;
if (use_first || append_last) {
s = subunits.slice();
subunits = subunits.slice(0, use_first);
s = s.slice(use_first);
if (append_last) {
if (append_last > s.length) {
append_last = s.length;
if (append_last) {
subunits = subunits.concat(s.slice((s.length - append_last)));
return subunits;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.joinPersons = function (blobs, pos) {
var ret;
if (this.etal_spec[pos] === 1) {
ret = this._joinEtAl(blobs, "name");
} else if (this.etal_spec[pos] === 2) {
ret = this._joinEllipsis(blobs, "name");
} else {
ret = this._joinAnd(blobs, "name");
return ret;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.joinInstitutionSets = function (blobs, pos) {
var ret;
if (this.etal_spec[pos] === 1) {
ret = this._joinEtAl(blobs, "institution");
} else if (this.etal_spec[pos] === 2) {
ret = this._joinEllipsis(blobs, "institution");
} else {
ret = this._joinAnd(blobs, "institution");
return ret;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.joinPersonsAndInstitutions = function (blobs) {
return this._join(blobs, this.name.strings.delimiter);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.joinFreetersAndInstitutionSets = function (blobs) {
var ret = this._join(blobs, "[never here]", this["with"].single, this["with"].multiple);
return ret;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._joinEtAl = function (blobs, tokenname) {
var blob = this._join(blobs, this.name.strings.delimiter);
this.state.output.current.value().strings.delimiter = "";
this.state.output.append(blob, "literal", true);
if (blobs.length > 1) {
this.state.output.append(this["et-al"].multiple, "literal", true);
} else if (blobs.length === 1) {
this.state.output.append(this["et-al"].single, "literal", true);
return this.state.output.pop();
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._joinEllipsis = function (blobs, tokenname) {
return this._join(blobs, this.name.strings.delimiter, this.name.ellipsis.single, this.name.ellipsis.multiple, tokenname);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._joinAnd = function (blobs, tokenname) {
return this._join(blobs, this[tokenname].strings.delimiter, this[tokenname].and.single, this[tokenname].and.multiple, tokenname);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._join = function (blobs, delimiter, single, multiple, tokenname) {
var i, ilen;
if (!blobs) {
return false;
for (i = blobs.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (!blobs[i] || blobs[i].length === 0 || !blobs[i].blobs.length) {
blobs = blobs.slice(0, i).concat(blobs.slice(i + 1));
if (!blobs.length) {
return false;
} else if (single && blobs.length === 2) {
blobs = [blobs[0], single, blobs[1]];
} else {
var delimiter_offset;
if (multiple) {
delimiter_offset = 2;
} else {
delimiter_offset = 1;
for (i = 0, ilen = blobs.length - delimiter_offset; i < ilen; i += 1) {
blobs[i].strings.suffix += delimiter;
if (blobs.length > 1) {
var blob = blobs.pop();
if (multiple) {
} else {
if (single && multiple) {
this.state.output.current.value().strings.delimiter = "";
for (i = 0, ilen = blobs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.state.output.append(blobs[i], false, true);
return this.state.output.pop();
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._getToken = function (tokenname) {
var token = this[tokenname];
if (tokenname === "institution") {
var newtoken = new CSL.Token();
return newtoken;
return token;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.disambigNames = function () {
var pos = this.nameset_base;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
this._runDisambigNames(this.freeters[v], pos);
pos += 1;
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
pos += 1;
for (var j = 0, jlen = this.persons[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (this.persons[v][j].length) {
this._runDisambigNames(this.persons[v][j], pos);
pos += 1;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._runDisambigNames = function (lst, pos) {
var chk, myform, myinitials, param, i, ilen, paramx;
for (i = 0, ilen = lst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.state.registry.namereg.addname("" + this.Item.id, lst[i], i);
chk = this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos];
if ("undefined" === typeof chk) {
chk = this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos][i];
if ("undefined" === typeof chk) {
myform = this.name.strings.form;
myinitials = this.name.strings["initialize-with"];
param = this.state.registry.namereg.evalname("" + this.Item.id, lst[i], i, 0, myform, myinitials);
myform = this.name.strings.form;
myinitials = this.name.strings["initialize-with"];
paramx = this.state.registry.namereg.evalname("" + this.Item.id, lst[i], i, 0, myform, myinitials);
if (this.state.tmp.disambig_request) {
var val = this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos][i];
if (val === 1 &&
this.state.opt["givenname-disambiguation-rule"] === "by-cite" &&
"undefined" === typeof this.name.strings["initialize-with"]) {
val = 2;
param = val;
if (this.state.opt["disambiguate-add-givenname"]) {
param = this.state.registry.namereg.evalname("" + this.Item.id, lst[i], i, param, this.name.strings.form, this.name.strings["initialize-with"]);
} else {
param = paramx;
if (!this.state.tmp.just_looking && this.item && this.item.position === CSL.POSITION_FIRST) {
param = paramx;
if (!this.state.tmp.sort_key_flag) {
this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos][i] = param;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.setCommonTerm = function () {
var variables = this.variables;
var varnames = variables.slice();
this.common_term = varnames.join("");
if (!this.common_term) {
return false;
var has_term = false;
if (this.label) {
if (this.label.before) {
has_term = this.state.getTerm(this.common_term, this.label.before.strings.form, 0);
} else if (this.label.after) {
has_term = this.state.getTerm(this.common_term, this.label.after.strings.form, 0);
if (!this.state.locale[this.state.opt.lang].terms[this.common_term]
|| !has_term
|| this.variables.length < 2) {
this.common_term = false;
var freeters_offset = 0;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length - 1; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
var vv = this.variables[i + 1];
if (this.freeters[v].length || this.freeters[vv].length) {
if (this.etal_spec[this.variable_offset[v]] !== this.etal_spec[this.variable_offset[vv]]
|| !this._compareNamesets(this.freeters[v], this.freeters[vv])) {
this.common_term = false;
freeters_offset += 1;
for (var j = 0, jlen = this.persons[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (this.etal_spec[this.variable_offset[v] + freeters_offset + j + 1] !== this.etal_spec[this.variable_offset + freeters_offset + j + 1]
|| !this._compareNamesets(this.persons[v][j], this.persons[vv][j])) {
this.common_term = false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._compareNamesets = function (base_nameset, nameset) {
if (base_nameset.length !== nameset.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0, ilen = nameset.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var name = nameset[i];
for (var j = 0, jlen = CSL.NAME_PARTS.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
var part = CSL.NAME_PARTS[j];
if (!base_nameset[i] || base_nameset[i][part] != nameset[i][part]) {
return false;
return true;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.constrainNames = function () {
this.names_count = 0;
var pos = this.nameset_base;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
this.state.tmp.names_max.push(this.freeters[v].length, "literal");
this._imposeNameConstraints(this.freeters, this.freeters_count, v, pos);
this.names_count += this.freeters[v].length;
pos += 1;
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
this.state.tmp.names_max.push(this.institutions[v].length, "literal");
this._imposeNameConstraints(this.institutions, this.institutions_count, v, pos);
this.persons[v] = this.persons[v].slice(0, this.institutions[v].length);
this.names_count += this.institutions[v].length;
pos += 1;
for (var j = 0, jlen = this.persons[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (this.persons[v][j].length) {
this.state.tmp.names_max.push(this.persons[v][j].length, "literal");
this._imposeNameConstraints(this.persons[v], this.persons_count[v], j, pos);
this.names_count += this.persons[v][j].length;
pos += 1;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._imposeNameConstraints = function (lst, count, key, pos) {
var display_names = lst[key];
var discretionary_names_length = this.state.tmp["et-al-min"];
if (this.state.tmp.suppress_decorations) {
if (this.state.tmp.disambig_request) {
discretionary_names_length = this.state.tmp.disambig_request.names[pos];
} else if (count[key] >= this.etal_min) {
discretionary_names_length = this.etal_use_first;
} else {
if (this.state.tmp.disambig_request
&& this.state.tmp.disambig_request.names[pos] > this.etal_use_first) {
if (count[key] < this.etal_min) {
discretionary_names_length = count[key];
} else {
discretionary_names_length = this.state.tmp.disambig_request.names[pos];
} else if (count[key] >= this.etal_min) {
discretionary_names_length = this.etal_use_first;
if (this.etal_use_last && discretionary_names_length > (this.etal_min - 2)) {
discretionary_names_length = this.etal_min - 2;
var sane = this.etal_min >= this.etal_use_first;
var overlength = count[key] > discretionary_names_length;
if (discretionary_names_length > count[key]) {
discretionary_names_length = display_names.length;
if (sane && overlength) {
if (this.etal_use_last) {
lst[key] = display_names.slice(0, discretionary_names_length).concat(display_names.slice(-1));
} else {
lst[key] = display_names.slice(0, discretionary_names_length);
this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.names[pos] = lst[key].length;
if (!this.state.tmp.disambig_request) {
this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos] = [];
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.getEtAlConfig = function () {
var item = this.item;
this["et-al"] = {};
this.state.output.append(this.etal_term, this.etal_style, true);
this["et-al"].single = this.state.output.pop();
this["et-al"].single.strings.suffix = this.etal_suffix;
this["et-al"].single.strings.prefix = this.etal_prefix_single;
this.state.output.append(this.etal_term, this.etal_style, true);
this["et-al"].multiple = this.state.output.pop();
this["et-al"].multiple.strings.suffix = this.etal_suffix;
this["et-al"].multiple.strings.prefix = this.etal_prefix_multiple;
if ("undefined" === typeof item) {
item = {};
if (item.position) {
if (this.name.strings["et-al-subsequent-min"]) {
this.etal_min = this.name.strings["et-al-subsequent-min"];
} else {
this.etal_min = this.name.strings["et-al-min"];
if (this.name.strings["et-al-subsequent-use-first"]) {
this.etal_use_first = this.name.strings["et-al-subsequent-use-first"];
} else {
this.etal_use_first = this.name.strings["et-al-use-first"];
} else {
if (this.state.tmp["et-al-min"]) {
this.etal_min = this.state.tmp["et-al-min"];
} else {
this.etal_min = this.name.strings["et-al-min"];
if (this.state.tmp["et-al-use-first"]) {
this.etal_use_first = this.state.tmp["et-al-use-first"];
} else {
this.etal_use_first = this.name.strings["et-al-use-first"];
if ("boolean" === typeof this.state.tmp["et-al-use-last"]) {
this.etal_use_last = this.state.tmp["et-al-use-last"];
} else {
this.etal_use_last = this.name.strings["et-al-use-last"];
if (!this.state.tmp["et-al-min"]) {
this.state.tmp["et-al-min"] = this.etal_min;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.renderAllNames = function () {
var pos = this.nameset_base;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
this.freeters[v] = this._renderPersonalNames(this.freeters[v], pos);
pos += 1;
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
pos += 1;
for (var j = 0, jlen = this.institutions[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
this.persons[v][j] = this._renderPersonalNames(this.persons[v][j], pos);
pos += 1;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.renderInstitutionNames = function () {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
for (var j = 0, jlen = this.institutions[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
var institution, institution_short, institution_long, short_style, long_style;
switch (this.institution.strings["institution-parts"]) {
case "short":
if (this.institutions[v][j]["short"].length) {
short_style = this._getShortStyle();
institution = [this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["short"], short_style)];
} else {
long_style = this._getLongStyle(v, j);
institution = [this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["long"], long_style)];
case "short-long":
long_style = this._getLongStyle(v, j);
short_style = this._getShortStyle();
institution_short = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["short"], short_style);
institution_long = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["long"], long_style);
institution = [institution_short, institution_long];
case "long-short":
long_style = this._getLongStyle(v, j);
short_style = this._getShortStyle();
institution_short = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["short"], short_style);
institution_long = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["long"], long_style);
institution = [institution_long, institution_short];
long_style = this._getLongStyle(v, j);
institution = [this._renderOneInstitutionPart(this.institutions[v][j]["long"], long_style)];
this.institutions[v][j] = this._join(institution, "");
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderOneInstitutionPart = function (blobs, style) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = blobs.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (blobs[i]) {
this.state.output.append(blobs[i], style, true);
blobs[i] = this.state.output.pop();
return this._join(blobs, this.name.strings.delimiter);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderPersonalNames = function (values, pos) {
var ret = false;
if (values.length) {
var names = [];
for (var i = 0, ilen = values.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var val = values[i];
names.push(this._renderOnePersonalName(val, pos, i));
ret = this.joinPersons(names, pos);
return ret;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderOnePersonalName = function (value, pos, i) {
var name = value;
var dropping_particle = this._droppingParticle(name, pos);
var family = this._familyName(name);
var non_dropping_particle = this._nonDroppingParticle(name);
var given = this._givenName(name, pos, i);
var suffix = this._nameSuffix(name);
if (this._isShort(pos, i)) {
dropping_particle = false;
given = false;
suffix = false;
var sort_sep = this.name.strings["sort-separator"];
if (!sort_sep) {
sort_sep = "";
var suffix_sep;
if (name["comma-suffix"]) {
suffix_sep = ", ";
} else {
suffix_sep = " ";
var romanesque = name.family.match(CSL.ROMANESQUE_REGEXP);
var blob, merged, first, second;
if (!romanesque) {
blob = this._join([non_dropping_particle, family, given], "");
} else if (name["static-ordering"]) { // entry likes sort order
blob = this._join([non_dropping_particle, family, given], " ");
} else if (this.state.tmp.sort_key_flag) {
if (this.state.opt["demote-non-dropping-particle"] === "never") {
first = this._join([non_dropping_particle, family, dropping_particle], " ");
merged = this._join([first, given], sort_sep);
blob = this._join([merged, suffix], suffix_sep);
} else {
second = this._join([given, dropping_particle, non_dropping_particle], " ");
merged = this._join([family, second], sort_sep);
blob = this._join([merged, suffix], suffix_sep);
} else if (this.name.strings["name-as-sort-order"] === "all" || (this.name.strings["name-as-sort-order"] === "first" && i === 0)) {
if (["always", "display-and-sort"].indexOf(this.state.opt["demote-non-dropping-particle"]) > -1) {
second = this._join([given, dropping_particle], (name["comma-dropping-particle"] + " "));
second = this._join([second, non_dropping_particle], " ");
if (second && this.given) {
second.strings.prefix = this.given.strings.prefix;
second.strings.suffix = this.given.strings.suffix;
if (family && this.family) {
family.strings.prefix = this.family.strings.prefix;
family.strings.suffix = this.family.strings.suffix;
merged = this._join([family, second], sort_sep);
blob = this._join([merged, suffix], sort_sep);
} else {
first = this._join([non_dropping_particle, family], " ");
if (first && this.family) {
first.strings.prefix = this.family.strings.prefix;
first.strings.suffix = this.family.strings.suffix;
second = this._join([given, dropping_particle], (name["comma-dropping-particle"] + " "));
if (second && this.given) {
second.strings.prefix = this.given.strings.prefix;
second.strings.suffix = this.given.strings.suffix;
merged = this._join([first, second], sort_sep);
blob = this._join([merged, suffix], sort_sep);
} else { // plain vanilla
if (name["dropping-particle"] && name.family && !name["non-dropping-particle"]) {
if (["'","\u02bc","\u2019"].indexOf(name["dropping-particle"].slice(-1)) > -1) {
family = this._join([dropping_particle, family], "");
dropping_particle = false;
second = this._join([dropping_particle, non_dropping_particle, family], " ");
second = this._join([second, suffix], suffix_sep);
if (second && this.family) {
second.strings.prefix = this.family.strings.prefix;
second.strings.suffix = this.family.strings.suffix;
if (given && this.given) {
given.strings.prefix = this.given.strings.prefix;
given.strings.suffix = this.given.strings.suffix;
if (second.strings.prefix) {
name["comma-dropping-particle"] = "";
blob = this._join([given, second], (name["comma-dropping-particle"] + " "));
return blob;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._isShort = function (pos, i) {
if (0 === this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos][i]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._normalizeNameInput = function (value) {
var name = {
"comma-dropping-particle": "",
return name;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._stripPeriods = function (tokname, str) {
var decor_tok = this[tokname + "_decor"];
if (str) {
if (this.state.tmp.strip_periods) {
str = str.replace(/\./g, "");
} else if (decor_tok) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = decor_tok.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === decor_tok.decorations[i][0] && "true" === decor_tok.decorations[i][1]) {
str = str.replace(/\./g, "");
return str;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._nonDroppingParticle = function (name) {
var str = this._stripPeriods("family", name["non-dropping-particle"]);
if (this.state.output.append(str, this.family_decor, true)) {
return this.state.output.pop();
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._droppingParticle = function (name, pos) {
var str = this._stripPeriods("given", name["dropping-particle"]);
if (name["dropping-particle"] && name["dropping-particle"].match(/^et.?al[^a-z]$/)) {
if (this.name.strings["et-al-use-last"]) {
this.etal_spec[pos] = 2;
} else {
this.etal_spec[pos] = 1;
name["comma-dropping-particle"] = "";
} else if (this.state.output.append(str, this.given_decor, true)) {
return this.state.output.pop();
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._familyName = function (name) {
var str = this._stripPeriods("family", name.family);
if (this.state.output.append(str, this.family_decor, true)) {
return this.state.output.pop();
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._givenName = function (name, pos, i) {
if (name.family && 1 === this.state.tmp.disambig_settings.givens[pos][i] && !name.block_initialize) {
var initialize_with = this.name.strings["initialize-with"];
name.given = CSL.Util.Names.initializeWith(this.state, name.given, initialize_with);
} else {
name.given = CSL.Util.Names.unInitialize(this.state, name.given);
var str = this._stripPeriods("given", name.given);
if (this.state.output.append(str, this.given_decor, true)) {
return this.state.output.pop();
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._nameSuffix = function (name) {
var str = this._stripPeriods("family", name.suffix);
if (this.state.output.append(str, "empty", true)) {
return this.state.output.pop();
return false;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._getLongStyle = function (v, i) {
var long_style, short_style;
if (this.institutions[v][i]["short"].length) {
if (this.institutionpart["long-with-short"]) {
long_style = this.institutionpart["long-with-short"];
} else {
long_style = this.institutionpart["long"];
} else {
long_style = this.institutionpart["long"];
if (!long_style) {
long_style = new CSL.Token();
return long_style;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._getShortStyle = function () {
var short_style;
if (this.institutionpart["short"]) {
short_style = this.institutionpart["short"];
} else {
short_style = new CSL.Token();
return short_style;
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._parseName = function (name) {
var m, idx;
if (!name["parse-names"] && "undefined" !== typeof name["parse-names"]) {
return name;
if (name.family && !name.given && name.isInstitution) {
name.literal = name.family;
name.family = undefined;
name.isInstitution = undefined;
var noparse;
if (name.family
&& (name.family.slice(0, 1) === '"' && name.family.slice(-1) === '"')
|| (!name["parse-names"] && "undefined" !== typeof name["parse-names"])) {
name.family = name.family.slice(1, -1);
noparse = true;
name["parse-names"] = 0;
} else {
noparse = false;
if (!name["non-dropping-particle"] && name.family && !noparse) {
m = name.family.match(/^((?:[a-z][ \'\u2019a-z]*[\s+|\'\u2019]|[DVL][^ ]\s+[a-z]*\s*|[DVL][^ ][^ ]\s+[a-z]*\s*))/);
if (m) {
name.family = name.family.slice(m[1].length);
name["non-dropping-particle"] = m[1].replace(/\s+$/, "");
if (!name.suffix && name.given) {
m = name.given.match(/(\s*,!*\s*)/);
if (m) {
idx = name.given.indexOf(m[1]);
var possible_suffix = name.given.slice(idx + m[1].length);
var possible_comma = name.given.slice(idx, idx + m[1].length).replace(/\s*/g, "");
if (possible_suffix.length <= 3) {
if (possible_comma.length === 2) {
name["comma-suffix"] = true;
name.suffix = possible_suffix;
} else if (!name["dropping-particle"] && name.given) {
name["dropping-particle"] = possible_suffix;
name["comma-dropping-particle"] = ",";
name.given = name.given.slice(0, idx);
if (!name["dropping-particle"] && name.given) {
m = name.given.match(/(\s+)([a-z][ \'\u2019a-z]*)$/);
if (m) {
name.given = name.given.slice(0, (m[1].length + m[2].length) * -1);
name["dropping-particle"] = m[2];
CSL.NameOutput.prototype.setEtAlParameters = function () {
var i, ilen, j, jlen;
if (!this.etal_spec) {
this.etal_spec = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.variables.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var v = this.variables[i];
if (this.freeters[v].length) {
this._setEtAlParameter("freeters", v);
if (this.institutions[v].length) {
this._setEtAlParameter("institutions", v);
for (j = 0, jlen = this.persons[v].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
this._setEtAlParameter("persons", v, j);
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._setEtAlParameter = function (type, v, j) {
var lst, count;
if ("undefined" === typeof j) {
lst = this[type][v];
count = this[type + "_count"][v];
} else {
lst = this[type][v][j];
count = this[type + "_count"][v][j];
if (lst.length < count && !this.state.tmp.sort_key_flag) {
if (this.etal_use_last) {
} else {
} else {
CSL.evaluateLabel = function (node, state, Item, item) {
var myterm;
if ("locator" === node.strings.term) {
if (item && item.label) {
if (item.label === "sub verbo") {
myterm = "sub-verbo";
} else {
myterm = item.label;
if (!myterm) {
myterm = "page";
} else {
myterm = node.strings.term;
var plural = node.strings.plural;
if ("number" !== typeof plural) {
if ("locator" == node.strings.term) {
if (item) {
plural = CSL.evaluateStringPluralism(item.locator);
} else if (Item[node.strings.term]) {
plural = CSL.evaluateStringPluralism(Item[node.strings.term]);
if ("number" !== typeof plural) {
plural = 0;
return CSL.castLabel(state, node, myterm, plural);
CSL.evaluateStringPluralism = function (str) {
if (str && str.match(/(?:[0-9],\s*[0-9]|\s+and\s+|&|[0-9]\s*[\-\u2013]\s*[0-9])/)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
CSL.castLabel = function (state, node, term, plural, mode) {
var ret = state.getTerm(term, node.strings.form, plural, false, mode);
if (state.tmp.strip_periods) {
ret = ret.replace(/\./g, "");
} else {
for (var i = 0, ilen = node.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === node.decorations[i][0] && "true" === node.decorations[i][1]) {
ret = ret.replace(/\./g, "");
return ret;
CSL.PublisherOutput = function (state) {
this.state = state;
this.varlist = [];
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype.render = function () {
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype.composeAndBlob = function () {
this.and_blob = {};
var and_term;
if (this.and === "text") {
and_term = this.state.getTerm("and");
} else if (this.and === "symbol") {
and_term = "&";
var tok = new CSL.Token();
tok.strings.suffix = " ";
tok.strings.prefix = " ";
this.state.output.append(and_term, tok, true);
var no_delim = this.state.output.pop();
tok.strings.prefix = this.name_delimiter;
this.state.output.append(and_term, tok, true);
var with_delim = this.state.output.pop();
if (this.delimiter_precedes_last === "always") {
this.and_blob.single = with_delim;
} else if (this.delimiter_precedes_last === "never") {
this.and_blob.single = no_delim;
this.and_blob.multiple = no_delim;
} else {
this.and_blob.single = no_delim;
this.and_blob.multiple = with_delim;
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype.composeElements = function () {
for (var i = 0, ilen = 2; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var varname = ["publisher", "publisher-place"][i];
for (var j = 0, jlen = this["publisher-list"].length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
var str = this[varname + "-list"][j];
var tok = this[varname + "-token"];
this.state.output.append(str, tok, true);
this[varname + "-list"][j] = this.state.output.pop();
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype.composePublishers = function () {
var blobs;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this["publisher-list"].length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var ordered_list = [];
blobs = [this[this.varlist[0] + "-list"][i], this[this.varlist[1] + "-list"][i]];
this["publisher-list"][i] = this._join(blobs, this.group_tok.strings.delimiter);
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype.joinPublishers = function () {
var blobs = this["publisher-list"];
var delim = this.name_delimiter;
var publishers = this._join(blobs, delim, this.and_blob.single, this.and_blob.multiple, this.group_tok);
this.state.output.append(publishers, "literal");
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype._join = CSL.NameOutput.prototype._join;
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype._getToken = CSL.NameOutput.prototype._getToken;
CSL.PublisherOutput.prototype.clearVars = function () {
this.state.tmp["publisher-list"] = false;
this.state.tmp["publisher-place-list"] = false;
this.state.tmp["publisher-group-token"] = false;
this.state.tmp["publisher-token"] = false;
this.state.tmp["publisher-place-token"] = false;
CSL.Node.name = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, pos, len, attrname;
if ([CSL.SINGLETON, CSL.START].indexOf(this.tokentype) > -1) {
state.fixOpt(this, "name-delimiter", "name_delimiter");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-form", "form");
state.fixOpt(this, "and", "and");
state.fixOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-last", "delimiter-precedes-last");
state.fixOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-et-al", "delimiter-precedes-et-al");
state.fixOpt(this, "initialize-with", "initialize-with");
state.fixOpt(this, "name-as-sort-order", "name-as-sort-order");
state.fixOpt(this, "sort-separator", "sort-separator");
state.fixOpt(this, "and", "and");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-min", "et-al-min");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-use-first", "et-al-use-first");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-use-last", "et-al-use-last");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-min", "et-al-subsequent-min");
state.fixOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-use-first", "et-al-subsequent-use-first");
if (this.strings["et-al-subsequent-min"]
&& (this.strings["et-al-subsequent-min"] !== this.strings["et-al-min"])) {
state.opt.update_mode = CSL.POSITION;
if (this.strings["et-al-subsequent-use-first"]
&& (this.strings["et-al-subsequent-use-first"] !== this.strings["et-al-use-first"])) {
state.opt.update_mode = CSL.POSITION;
state.build.etal_term = "et-al";
state.build.name_delimiter = this.strings.delimiter;
state.build["delimiter-precedes-et-al"] = this.strings["delimiter-precedes-et-al"];
if ("undefined" == typeof this.strings.name_delimiter) {
this.strings.delimiter = ", ";
} else {
this.strings.delimiter = this.strings.name_delimiter;
if ("text" === this.strings.and) {
this.and_term = state.getTerm("and", "long", 0);
} else if ("symbol" === this.strings.and) {
this.and_term = "&";
if (CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP.test(this.and_term)) {
this.and_prefix_single = " ";
this.and_prefix_multiple = ", ";
if ("string" === this.strings.delimiter) {
this.and_prefix_multiple = this.strings.delimiter;
this.and_suffix = " ";
state.build.name_delimiter = this.strings.delimiter;
} else {
this.and_prefix_single = "";
this.and_prefix_multiple = "";
this.and_suffix = "";
if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "always") {
this.and_prefix_single = this.strings.delimiter;
} else if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "never") {
if (this.and_prefix_multiple) {
this.and_prefix_multiple = " ";
if (this.strings["et-al-use-last"]) {
this.ellipsis_term = "\u2026";
this.ellipsis_prefix_single = " ";
this.ellipsis_prefix_multiple = this.strings.delimiter;
this.ellipsis_suffix = " ";
if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-et-al"] === "always") {
this.and_prefix_single = this.strings.delimiter;
} else if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "never") {
if (this.and_prefix_multiple) {
this.and_prefix_multiple = " ";
func = function (state, Item) {
this.and = {};
if (this.strings.and) {
state.output.append(this.and_term, "empty", true);
this.and.single = state.output.pop();
this.and.single.strings.prefix = this.and_prefix_single;
this.and.single.strings.suffix = this.and_suffix;
state.output.append(this.and_term, "empty", true);
this.and.multiple = state.output.pop();
this.and.multiple.strings.prefix = this.and_prefix_multiple;
this.and.multiple.strings.suffix = this.and_suffix;
} else if (this.strings.delimiter) {
this.and.single = new CSL.Blob("empty", this.strings.delimiter);
this.and.single.strings.prefix = "";
this.and.single.strings.suffix = "";
this.and.multiple = new CSL.Blob("empty", this.strings.delimiter);
this.and.multiple.strings.prefix = "";
this.and.multiple.strings.suffix = "";
this.ellipsis = {};
if (this.strings["et-al-use-last"]) {
this.ellipsis.single = new CSL.Blob("empty", this.ellipsis_term);
this.ellipsis.single.strings.prefix = this.ellipsis_prefix_single;
this.ellipsis.single.strings.suffix = this.ellipsis_suffix;
this.ellipsis.multiple = new CSL.Blob("empty", this.ellipsis_term);
this.ellipsis.multiple.strings.prefix = this.ellipsis_prefix_multiple;
this.ellipsis.multiple.strings.suffix = this.ellipsis_suffix;
if ("undefined" === typeof state.tmp["et-al-min"]) {
state.tmp["et-al-min"] = this.strings["et-al-min"];
if ("undefined" === typeof state.tmp["et-al-use-first"]) {
state.tmp["et-al-use-first"] = this.strings["et-al-use-first"];
if ("undefined" === typeof state.tmp["et-al-use-last"]) {
state.tmp["et-al-use-last"] = this.strings["et-al-use-last"];
state.nameOutput.name = this;
state.build.name_flag = true;
CSL.Node["name-part"] = {
build: function (state, target) {
state.build[this.strings.name] = this;
CSL.Node.names = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func, len, pos, attrname;
var debug = false;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
CSL.Util.substituteStart.call(this, state, target);
state.fixOpt(this, "names-delimiter", "delimiter");
if (this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.build.names_flag = true;
func = function (state, Item) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = 3; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var key = ["family", "given", "et-al"][i];
this[key] = state.build[key];
state.build[key] = undefined;
this.label = state.build.name_label;
state.build.name_label = undefined;
var mywith = "with";
var with_default_prefix = "";
var with_suffix = "";
with_default_prefix = " ";
with_suffix = " ";
this["with"] = {};
this["with"].single = new CSL.Blob("empty", mywith);
this["with"].single.strings.suffix = with_suffix;
this["with"].multiple = new CSL.Blob("empty", mywith);
this["with"].multiple.strings.suffix = with_suffix;
if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "always") {
this["with"].single.strings.prefix = this.strings.delimiter;
this["with"].multiple.strings.prefix = this.strings.delimiter;
} else if (this.strings["delimiter-precedes-last"] === "contextual") {
this["with"].single.strings.prefix = with_default_prefix;
this["with"].multiple.strings.prefix = this.strings.delimiter;
} else {
this["with"].single.strings.prefix = with_default_prefix;
this["with"].multiple.strings.prefix = with_default_prefix;
if (state.build.etal_node) {
this.etal_style = state.build.etal_node;
} else {
this.etal_style = "empty";
this.etal_term = state.getTerm(state.build.etal_term, "long", 0);
if (CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP.test(this.etal_term)) {
this.etal_prefix_single = " ";
this.etal_prefix_multiple = state.build.name_delimiter;
if (state.build["delimiter-precedes-et-al"] === "always") {
this.etal_prefix_single = state.build.name_delimiter;
} else if (state.build["delimiter-precedes-et-al"] === "never") {
this.etal_prefix_multiple = " ";
this.etal_suffix = "";
} else {
this.etal_prefix_single = "";
this.etal_prefix_multiple = "";
this.etal_suffix = "";
func = function (state, Item, item) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = 3; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var key = ["family", "given"][i];
state.nameOutput[key] = this[key];
state.nameOutput["with"] = this["with"];
state.nameOutput.label = this.label;
state.nameOutput.etal_style = this.etal_style;
state.nameOutput.etal_term = this.etal_term;
state.nameOutput.etal_prefix_single = this.etal_prefix_single;
state.nameOutput.etal_prefix_multiple = this.etal_prefix_multiple;
state.nameOutput.etal_suffix = this.etal_suffix;
state.tmp["et-al-use-first"] = undefined;
state.tmp["et-al-min"] = undefined;
state.tmp["et-al-use-last"] = undefined;
func = function (state, Item) {
if (!state.tmp.can_substitute.pop()) {
state.tmp.can_substitute.replace(false, CSL.LITERAL);
state.tmp.can_block_substitute = false;
state.build.name_flag = false;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END || this.tokentype === CSL.SINGLETON) {
CSL.Util.substituteEnd.call(this, state, target);
CSL.Node.number = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func;
CSL.Util.substituteStart.call(this, state, target);
if (this.strings.form === "roman") {
this.formatter = state.fun.romanizer;
} else if (this.strings.form === "ordinal") {
this.formatter = state.fun.ordinalizer;
} else if (this.strings.form === "long-ordinal") {
this.formatter = state.fun.long_ordinalizer;
if ("undefined" === typeof this.successor_prefix) {
this.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
if ("undefined" === typeof this.splice_prefix) {
this.splice_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
func = function (state, Item) {
var varname, num, number, m, j, jlen;
varname = this.variables[0];
if (varname === "page-range" || varname === "page-first") {
varname = "page";
num = Item[varname];
if ("undefined" !== typeof num) {
if (this.variables[0] === "page-first") {
m = num.split(/\s*(?:&|,|-)\s*/);
num = m[0];
var prefixes = num.split(/[0-9]+/);
var all_with_spaces = true;
for (var i = 1, ilen = prefixes.length - 1; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (prefixes[i].indexOf(" ") === -1) {
all_with_spaces = false;
if (state.tmp.area !== "citation_sort"
&& state.tmp.area !== "bibliography_sort"
&& all_with_spaces
&& !num.match(/[^\- 0-9,&]/)) {
var nums = num.match(/[0-9]+/g);
var range_ok = true;
for (i = prefixes.length - 2; i > 0; i += -1) {
if (prefixes && prefixes[i].indexOf("-") > -1) {
var start = parseInt(nums[i - 1], 10);
var end = parseInt(nums[i], 10);
if (start >= end || start < (end - 1000)) {
range_ok = false;
var replacement = [];
for (j = start, jlen = end + 1; j < jlen; j += 1) {
nums = nums.slice(0, i - 1).concat(replacement).concat(nums.slice(i + 1));
if (range_ok) {
nums = nums.sort(function (a,b) {
a = parseInt(a, 10);
b = parseInt(b, 10);
if (a > b) {
return 1;
} else if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
for (i = nums.length; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (nums[i] === nums[i + 1]) {
nums = nums.slice(0, i).concat(nums.slice(i + 1));
for (i = 0, ilen = nums.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
num = parseInt(nums[i], 10);
number = new CSL.NumericBlob(num, this);
number.gender = state.opt["noun-genders"][varname];
if (i > 0) {
number.successor_prefix = " & ";
number.range_prefix = "-";
number.splice_prefix = ", ";
state.output.append(number, "literal");
} else {
state.output.append(num, this);
} else if (!all_with_spaces || prefixes.length > 2) {
state.output.append(num, this);
} else {
m = num.match(/\s*([0-9]+)(?:[^\-]* |[^\-]*$)/);
if (m) {
num = parseInt(m[1], 10);
number = new CSL.NumericBlob(num, this);
number.gender = state.opt["noun-genders"][varname];
state.output.append(number, "literal");
} else {
state.output.append(num, this);
CSL.Util.substituteEnd.call(this, state, target);
CSL.Node.sort = {
build: function (state, target) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
if (state.build.area === "citation") {
state.parallel.use_parallels = false;
state.opt.sort_citations = true;
state.build.sort_flag = true;
state.build.area_return = state.build.area;
state.build.area = state.build.area + "_sort";
if (this.tokentype === CSL.END) {
state.build.area = state.build.area_return;
state.build.sort_flag = false;
CSL.Node.substitute = {
build: function (state, target) {
var func;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.can_block_substitute = true;
if (state.tmp.value.length) {
state.tmp.can_substitute.replace(false, CSL.LITERAL);
CSL.Node.text = {
build: function (state, target) {
var variable, func, form, plural, id, num, number, formatter, firstoutput, specialdelimiter, label, myname, names, name, year, suffix, term, dp, len, pos, n, m, value, flag;
CSL.Util.substituteStart.call(this, state, target);
if (this.postponed_macro) {
CSL.expandMacro.call(state, this);
} else {
if (!this.variables_real) {
this.variables_real = [];
if (!this.variables) {
this.variables = [];
form = "long";
plural = 0;
if (this.strings.form) {
form = this.strings.form;
if (this.strings.plural) {
plural = this.strings.plural;
if ("citation-number" === this.variables_real[0] || "year-suffix" === this.variables_real[0] || "citation-label" === this.variables_real[0]) {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "citation-number") {
if (state.build.area === "citation") {
state.opt.update_mode = CSL.NUMERIC;
if (state.build.area === "bibliography") {
state.opt.bib_mode = CSL.NUMERIC;
if ("citation-number" === state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse) {
this.range_prefix = state.getTerm("range-delimiter");
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
this.splice_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
func = function (state, Item, item) {
id = "" + Item.id;
if (!state.tmp.just_looking) {
if (item && item["author-only"]) {
term = CSL.Output.Formatters["capitalize-first"](state, state.getTerm("reference", "long", "singular"));
state.output.append(term + " ");
state.tmp.last_element_trace = true;
if (item && item["suppress-author"]) {
if (state.tmp.last_element_trace) {
state.tmp.last_element_trace = false;
num = state.registry.registry[id].seq;
if (state.opt.citation_number_slug) {
state.output.append(state.opt.citation_number_slug, this);
} else {
number = new CSL.NumericBlob(num, this);
state.output.append(number, "literal");
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "year-suffix") {
state.opt.has_year_suffix = true;
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse === "year-suffix-ranged") {
this.range_prefix = state.getTerm("range-delimiter");
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"]) {
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
func = function (state, Item) {
if (state.registry.registry[Item.id] && state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix !== false && !state.tmp.just_looking) {
num = parseInt(state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix, 10);
number = new CSL.NumericBlob(num, this);
formatter = new CSL.Util.Suffixator(CSL.SUFFIX_CHARS);
state.output.append(number, "literal");
firstoutput = false;
len = state.tmp.term_sibling.mystack.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
flag = state.tmp.term_sibling.mystack[pos];
if (!flag[2] && (flag[1] || (!flag[1] && !flag[0]))) {
firstoutput = true;
specialdelimiter = state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
if (firstoutput && specialdelimiter && !state.tmp.sort_key_flag) {
state.tmp.splice_delimiter = state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "citation-label") {
state.opt.has_year_suffix = true;
func = function (state, Item) {
label = Item["citation-label"];
if (!label) {
label = state.getCitationLabel(Item);
suffix = "";
if (state.registry.registry[Item.id] && state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix !== false) {
num = parseInt(state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix, 10);
suffix = state.fun.suffixator.format(num);
label += suffix;
state.output.append(label, this);
} else {
if (this.strings.term) {
term = this.strings.term;
term = state.getTerm(term, form, plural);
func = function (state, Item) {
var myterm;
if (term !== "") {
flag = state.tmp.term_sibling.value();
flag[0] = true;
if (!state.tmp.term_predecessor) {
myterm = CSL.Output.Formatters["capitalize-first"](state, term);
} else {
myterm = term;
if (state.tmp.strip_periods) {
myterm = myterm.replace(/\./g, "");
} else {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === this.decorations[i][0] && "true" === this.decorations[i][1]) {
myterm = myterm.replace(/\./g, "");
state.output.append(myterm, this);
state.build.term = false;
state.build.form = false;
state.build.plural = false;
} else if (this.variables_real.length) {
func = function (state, Item) {
var parallel_variable = this.variables[0];
if (parallel_variable === "title" && form === "short") {
parallel_variable = "shortTitle";
if (CSL.MULTI_FIELDS.indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
if (form === "short") {
state.transform.init(this, this.variables_real[0], this.variables_real[0]);
} else {
state.transform.init(this, this.variables_real[0]);
if (state.build.area.slice(-5) === "_sort") {
state.transform.init(this, this.variables_real[0], this.variables_real[0]);
func = state.transform.getOutputFunction(this.variables);
} else if (form === "short") {
if (["title", "container-title", "collection-title"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
} else {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "container-title") {
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "title") {
} else if (["publisher", "publisher-place", "edition"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
func = state.transform.getOutputFunction(this.variables);
} else if (["title", "container-title", "collection-title"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
func = state.transform.getOutputFunction(this.variables);
} else {
if (["publisher", "publisher-place", "edition"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
func = state.transform.getOutputFunction(this.variables);
if (this.variables_real[0] === "container-title") {
var xfunc = function (state, Item, item) {
if (Item['container-title'] && state.tmp.citeblob.has_volume) {
state.tmp.citeblob.can_suppress_identical_year = true;
} else {
if (CSL.CITE_FIELDS.indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
if (item && item[this.variables[0]]) {
var locator = "" + item[this.variables[0]];
locator = locator.replace(/--*/g,"\u2013");
state.output.append(locator, this);
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "page-first") {
func = function (state, Item) {
var idx, value;
value = state.getVariable(Item, "page", form);
if (value) {
value = value.replace("\u2013", "-", "g");
idx = value.indexOf("-");
if (idx > -1) {
value = value.slice(0, idx);
state.output.append(value, this);
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "page") {
func = function (state, Item) {
var value = state.getVariable(Item, "page", form);
if (value) {
value = state.fun.page_mangler(value);
state.output.append(value, this);
} else if ("volume") {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (this.variables[0]) {
var value = state.getVariable(Item, this.variables[0], form);
if (value) {
state.tmp.citeblob.has_volume = true;
state.output.append(value, this);
} else {
func = function (state, Item) {
if (this.variables[0]) {
var value = state.getVariable(Item, this.variables[0], form);
if (value) {
state.output.append(value, this);
func = function (state, Item) {
} else if (this.strings.value) {
func = function (state, Item) {
var flag;
flag = state.tmp.term_sibling.value();
flag[0] = true;
state.output.append(this.strings.value, this);
CSL.Util.substituteEnd.call(this, state, target);
CSL.Attributes = {};
CSL.Attributes["@class"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt["class"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@version"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt.version = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@value"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings.value = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@name"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings.name = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@form"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings.form = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@date-parts"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["date-parts"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@range-delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["range-delimiter"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@macro"] = function (state, arg) {
this.postponed_macro = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@term"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "sub verbo") {
this.strings.term = "sub-verbo";
} else {
this.strings.term = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@xmlns"] = function (state, arg) {};
CSL.Attributes["@lang"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg) {
state.build.lang = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@type"] = function (state, arg) {
var types, ret, func, len, pos;
func = function (state, Item) {
types = arg.split(/\s+/);
ret = [];
len = types.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(Item.type === types[pos]);
return ret;
CSL.Attributes["@variable"] = function (state, arg) {
var variables, pos, len, func, output, variable, varlen, needlen, ret, myitem, key, flag;
this.variables = arg.split(/\s+/);
this.variables_real = arg.split(/\s+/);
if ("label" === this.name && this.variables[0]) {
this.strings.term = this.variables[0];
} else if (["names", "date", "text", "number"].indexOf(this.name) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item) {
variables = this.variables_real.slice();
for (var i = this.variables.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
len = variables.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (state.tmp.done_vars.indexOf(variables[pos]) === -1) {
if (state.tmp.can_block_substitute) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var mydate;
output = false;
len = this.variables.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
variable = this.variables[pos];
if (variable === "page-first") {
variable = "page";
if (this.strings.form === "short" && !Item[variable]) {
if (variable === "title") {
variable = "shortTitle";
} else if (variable === "container-title") {
variable = "journalAbbreviation";
if (variable === "year-suffix") {
output = true;
if (CSL.DATE_VARIABLES.indexOf(variable) > -1) {
if (Item[variable] && Item[variable].raw) {
output = true;
} else if (Item[variable] && Item[variable].literal) {
output = true;
} else if (Item[variable] && Item[variable]['date-parts'] && Item[variable]['date-parts'].length && this.dateparts && this.dateparts.length) {
varlen = Item[variable]['date-parts'][0].length;
needlen = 4;
if (this.dateparts.indexOf("year") > -1) {
needlen = 1;
} else if (this.dateparts.indexOf("month") > -1) {
needlen = 2;
} else if (this.dateparts.indexOf('day') > -1) {
needlen = 3;
if (varlen >= needlen) {
output = true;
} else if ("locator" === variable) {
if (item && item.locator) {
output = true;
} else if (["citation-number","citation-label"].indexOf(variable) > -1) {
output = true;
} else if ("first-reference-note-number" === variable) {
if (item && item["first-reference-note-number"]) {
output = true;
} else if ("object" === typeof Item[variable]) {
if (Item[variable].length) {
output = true;
} else if ("string" === typeof Item[variable] && Item[variable]) {
output = true;
} else if ("number" === typeof Item[variable]) {
output = true;
if (output) {
flag = state.tmp.term_sibling.value();
if (output) {
if (variable !== "citation-number" || state.tmp.area !== "bibliography") {
state.tmp.cite_renders_content = true;
flag[2] = true;
state.tmp.can_substitute.replace(false, CSL.LITERAL);
} else {
flag[1] = true;
} else if (["if", "else-if"].indexOf(this.name) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var key, x;
ret = [];
len = this.variables.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
variable = this.variables[pos];
x = false;
myitem = Item;
if (item && ["locator", "first-reference-note-number"].indexOf(variable) > -1) {
myitem = item;
if (myitem[variable]) {
if ("number" === typeof myitem[variable] || "string" === typeof myitem[variable]) {
x = true;
} else if ("object" === typeof myitem[variable]) {
for (key in myitem[variable]) {
if (myitem[variable][key]) {
x = true;
} else {
x = false;
return ret;
CSL.Attributes["@lingo"] = function (state, arg) {
CSL.Attributes["@locale"] = function (state, arg) {
var func, ret, len, pos, variable, myitem, langspec, lang, lst, i, ilen, fallback;
if (this.name === "layout") {
this.locale_raw = arg;
} else {
lst = arg.split(/\s+/);
this.locale_bases = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = lst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
lang = CSL.localeParse(lst[i]);
langspec = CSL.localeResolve(lang);
if (lst[i].length === 2) {
lst[i] = langspec;
this.locale_default = state.opt["default-locale"][0];
this.locale = lst[0].best;
this.locale_list = lst.slice();
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var key, res;
ret = [];
if (Item.language) {
lang = CSL.localeParse(Item.language);
langspec = CSL.localeResolve(lang);
res = false;
for (i = 0, ilen = this.locale_list.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (langspec.best === this.locale_list[i].best) {
state.opt.lang = this.locale;
state.tmp.last_cite_locale = this.locale;
state.output.current.value().new_locale = this.locale;
res = true;
if (!res && this.locale_bases.indexOf(langspec.base) > -1) {
state.opt.lang = this.locale;
state.tmp.last_cite_locale = this.locale;
state.output.current.value().new_locale = this.locale;
res = true;
return ret;
CSL.Attributes["@suffix"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings.suffix = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@prefix"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings.prefix = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
if ("name" == this.name) {
this.strings.name_delimiter = arg;
} else {
this.strings.delimiter = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@match"] = function (state, arg) {
var evaluator;
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START || CSL.SINGLETON) {
if ("none" === arg) {
evaluator = state.fun.match.none;
} else if ("any" === arg) {
evaluator = state.fun.match.any;
} else if ("all" === arg) {
evaluator = state.fun.match.all;
} else {
throw "Unknown match condition \"" + arg + "\" in @match";
this.evaluator = evaluator;
CSL.Attributes["@is-uncertain-date"] = function (state, arg) {
var variables, len, pos, func, variable, ret;
variables = arg.split(/\s+/);
len = variables.length;
func = function (state, Item) {
ret = [];
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
variable = variables[pos];
if (Item[variable] && Item[variable].circa) {
} else {
return ret;
CSL.Attributes["@is-numeric"] = function (state, arg) {
var variables, variable, func, val, pos, len, not_numeric_type, ret;
variables = arg.split(/\s+/);
len = variables.length;
func = function (state, Item) {
ret = [];
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
variable = variables[pos];
not_numeric_type = CSL.NUMERIC_VARIABLES.indexOf(variable) === -1;
val = Item[variable];
if (typeof val === "number") {
val = "" + val;
if (not_numeric_type) {
if (val && val.match(/[0-9]$/)) {
} else {
} else if (typeof val === "undefined") {
} else if (typeof val !== "string") {
} else if (val.slice(0, 1) === '"' && val.slice(-1) === '"') {
} else if (val.match(CSL.NUMBER_REGEXP)) {
} else {
return ret;
CSL.Attributes["@names-min"] = function (state, arg) {
var val = parseInt(arg, 10);
if (state.opt.max_number_of_names < val) {
state.opt.max_number_of_names = val;
this.strings["et-al-min"] = val;
CSL.Attributes["@names-use-first"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["et-al-use-first"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@names-use-last"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
this.strings["et-al-use-last"] = true;
} else {
this.strings["et-al-use-last"] = false;
CSL.Attributes["@sort"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "descending") {
this.strings.sort_direction = CSL.DESCENDING;
CSL.Attributes["@plural"] = function (state, arg) {
if ("always" === arg || "true" === arg) {
this.strings.plural = 1;
} else if ("never" === arg || "false" === arg) {
this.strings.plural = 0;
} else if ("contextual" === arg) {
this.strings.plural = false;
CSL.Attributes["@locator"] = function (state, arg) {
var func;
var trylabels = arg.replace("sub verbo", "sub-verbo");
trylabels = trylabels.split(/\s+/);
if (["if", "else-if"].indexOf(this.name) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var ret = [];
var label;
if ("undefined" === typeof item || !item.label) {
label = "page";
} else if (item.label === "sub verbo") {
label = "sub-verbo";
} else {
label = item.label;
for (var i = 0, ilen = trylabels.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (trylabels[i] === label) {
} else {
return ret;
CSL.Attributes["@has-publisher-and-publisher-place"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["has-publisher-and-publisher-place"] = true;
CSL.Attributes["@publisher-delimiter-precedes-last"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["publisher-delimiter-precedes-last"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@publisher-delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["publisher-delimiter"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@publisher-and"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["publisher-and"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@newdate"] = function (state, arg) {
CSL.Attributes["@position"] = function (state, arg) {
var tryposition;
state.opt.update_mode = CSL.POSITION;
var factory = function (tryposition) {
return function (state, Item, item) {
if (state.tmp.area === "bibliography" || state.tmp.area === "bibliography_sort") {
return false;
if (item && "undefined" === typeof item.position) {
item.position = 0;
if (item && typeof item.position === "number") {
if (item.position === 0 && tryposition === 0) {
return true;
} else if (tryposition > 0 && item.position >= tryposition) {
return true;
} else if (tryposition === 0) {
return true;
return false;
var near_note_func = function (state, Item, item) {
if (item && item["near-note"]) {
return true;
return false;
var lst = arg.split(/\s+/);
for (var i = 0, ilen = lst.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (lst[i] === "first") {
tryposition = CSL.POSITION_FIRST;
} else if (lst[i] === "subsequent") {
} else if (lst[i] === "ibid") {
tryposition = CSL.POSITION_IBID;
} else if (lst[i] === "ibid-with-locator") {
var func = factory(tryposition);
if (lst[i] === "near-note") {
CSL.Attributes["@disambiguate"] = function (state, arg) {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START && ["if", "else-if"].indexOf(this.name) > -1) {
if (arg === "true") {
state.opt.has_disambiguate = true;
var func = function (state, Item) {
if (state.tmp.disambig_settings.disambiguate) {
return true;
return false;
CSL.Attributes["@givenname-disambiguation-rule"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt["givenname-disambiguation-rule"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@collapse"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg) {
state[this.name].opt.collapse = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@names-delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "names-delimiter", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@name-form"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "name-form", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@name-delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "name-delimiter", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@et-al-min"] = function (state, arg) {
var val = parseInt(arg, 10);
if (state.opt.max_number_of_names < val) {
state.opt.max_number_of_names = val;
state.setOpt(this, "et-al-min", val);
CSL.Attributes["@et-al-use-first"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "et-al-use-first", parseInt(arg, 10));
CSL.Attributes["@et-al-use-last"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
state.setOpt(this, "et-al-use-last", true);
} else {
state.setOpt(this, "et-al-use-last", false);
CSL.Attributes["@et-al-subsequent-min"] = function (state, arg) {
var val = parseInt(arg, 10);
if (state.opt.max_number_of_names < val) {
state.opt.max_number_of_names = val;
state.setOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-min", val);
CSL.Attributes["@et-al-subsequent-use-first"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "et-al-subsequent-use-first", parseInt(arg, 10));
CSL.Attributes["@suppress-min"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["suppress-min"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@suppress-max"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["suppress-max"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@and"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "and", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@delimiter-precedes-last"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-last", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@delimiter-precedes-et-al"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "delimiter-precedes-et-al", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@initialize-with"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "initialize-with", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@name-as-sort-order"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "name-as-sort-order", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@sort-separator"] = function (state, arg) {
state.setOpt(this, "sort-separator", arg);
CSL.Attributes["@year-suffix-delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
state[this.name].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@after-collapse-delimiter"] = function (state, arg) {
state[this.name].opt["after-collapse-delimiter"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@subsequent-author-substitute"] = function (state, arg) {
state[this.name].opt["subsequent-author-substitute"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@disambiguate-add-names"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
state.opt["disambiguate-add-names"] = true;
CSL.Attributes["@disambiguate-add-givenname"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
state.opt["disambiguate-add-givenname"] = true;
CSL.Attributes["@disambiguate-add-year-suffix"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
state.opt["disambiguate-add-year-suffix"] = true;
CSL.Attributes["@second-field-align"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "flush" || arg === "margin") {
state[this.name].opt["second-field-align"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@hanging-indent"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
state[this.name].opt.hangingindent = 2;
CSL.Attributes["@line-spacing"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg && arg.match(/^[.0-9]+$/)) {
state[this.name].opt["line-spacing"] = parseFloat(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@entry-spacing"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg && arg.match(/^[.0-9]+$/)) {
state[this.name].opt["entry-spacing"] = parseFloat(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@near-note-distance"] = function (state, arg) {
state[this.name].opt["near-note-distance"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@page-range-format"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt["page-range-format"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@text-case"] = function (state, arg) {
var func = function (state, Item) {
this.strings["text-case"] = arg;
if (arg === "title") {
var m = false;
if (Item.language) {
m = Item.language.match(/^\s*([a-z]{2})(?:$|-| )/);
if (state.opt["default-locale"][0].slice(0, 2) === "en") {
if (m && m[1] !== "en") {
this.strings["text-case"] = "passthrough";
} else {
this.strings["text-case"] = "passthrough";
if (m && m[1] === "en") {
this.strings["text-case"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@page-range-format"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt["page-range-format"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@default-locale"] = function (state, arg) {
var lst, len, pos, m, ret;
m = arg.match(/-x-(sort|pri|sec|name)-/g);
if (m) {
for (pos = 0, len = m.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
m[pos] = m[pos].replace(/^-x-/, "").replace(/-$/, "");
lst = arg.split(/-x-(?:sort|pri|sec|name)-/);
ret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(m[pos - 1]);
lst = ret.slice();
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
state.opt[("locale-" + lst[pos])].push(lst[(pos + 1)].replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s*$/g, ""));
if (lst.length) {
state.opt["default-locale"] = lst.slice(0, 1);
} else {
state.opt["default-locale"] = ["en"];
CSL.Attributes["@demote-non-dropping-particle"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt["demote-non-dropping-particle"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@initialize-with-hyphen"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "false") {
state.opt["initialize-with-hyphen"] = false;
CSL.Attributes["@institution-parts"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["institution-parts"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@if-short"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg === "true") {
this.strings["if-short"] = true;
CSL.Attributes["@substitute-use-first"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["substitute-use-first"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@use-first"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings["use-first"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@use-last"] = function (state, arg) {
if (arg.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
this.strings["use-last"] = parseInt(arg, 10);
CSL.Attributes["@reverse-order"] = function (state, arg) {
if ("true" === arg) {
this.strings["reverse-order"] = true;
CSL.Attributes["@display"] = function (state, arg) {
this.strings.cls = arg;
var CSL_E4X;
var DOMParser;
if ("undefined" !== typeof CSL_E4X) {
} else {
CSL.System = {};
CSL.System.Xml = {
"Parsing": XML_PARSING
CSL.Stack = function (val, literal) {
this.mystack = [];
if (literal || val) {
CSL.Stack.prototype.push = function (val, literal) {
if (literal || val) {
} else {
CSL.Stack.prototype.clear = function () {
this.mystack = [];
CSL.Stack.prototype.replace = function (val, literal) {
if (this.mystack.length === 0) {
throw "Internal CSL processor error: attempt to replace nonexistent stack item with " + val;
if (literal || val) {
this.mystack[(this.mystack.length - 1)] = val;
} else {
this.mystack[(this.mystack.length - 1)] = "";
CSL.Stack.prototype.pop = function () {
return this.mystack.pop();
CSL.Stack.prototype.value = function () {
return this.mystack.slice(-1)[0];
CSL.Stack.prototype.length = function () {
return this.mystack.length;
CSL.Util = {};
CSL.Util.Match = function () {
this.any = function (token, state, Item, item) {
var ret = false;
for (var i = 0, ilen = token.tests.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var func = token.tests[i];
var reslist = func.call(token, state, Item, item);
if ("object" !== typeof reslist) {
reslist = [reslist];
for (var j = 0, jlen = reslist.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (reslist[j]) {
ret = true;
if (ret) {
if (ret) {
ret = token.succeed;
} else {
ret = token.fail;
return ret;
this.none = function (token, state, Item, item) {
var ret = true;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.tests.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var func = this.tests[i];
var reslist = func.call(token, state, Item, item);
if ("object" !== typeof reslist) {
reslist = [reslist];
for (var j = 0, jlen = reslist.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (reslist[j]) {
ret = false;
if (!ret) {
if (ret) {
ret = token.succeed;
} else {
ret = token.fail;
return ret;
this.all = function (token, state, Item, item) {
var ret = true;
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.tests.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var func = this.tests[i];
var reslist = func.call(token, state, Item, item);
if ("object" !== typeof reslist) {
reslist = [reslist];
for (var j = 0, jlen = reslist.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
if (!reslist[j]) {
ret = false;
if (!ret) {
if (ret) {
ret = token.succeed;
} else {
ret = token.fail;
return ret;
CSL.Transform = function (state) {
var debug = false, abbreviations, token, fieldname, subsection, opt;
this["container-title"] = {};
this["collection-title"] = {};
this.institution = {};
this.authority = {};
this.title = {};
this.publisher = {};
this["publisher-place"] = {};
this.hereinafter = {};
abbreviations = "default";
function init(t, f, x) {
token = t;
fieldname = f;
subsection = x;
opt = {
abbreviation_fallback: false,
alternative_varname: false,
transform_locale: false,
transform_fallback: false
this.init = init;
function abbreviate(state, Item, altvar, basevalue, mysubsection, use_field) {
var value;
if (!mysubsection) {
return basevalue;
value = "";
if (state.transform[mysubsection]) {
if (state.transform[mysubsection][basevalue]) {
value = state.transform[mysubsection][basevalue];
} else if ("string" != typeof state.transform[mysubsection][basevalue]) {
state.transform[mysubsection][basevalue] = "";
if (!value && Item[altvar] && use_field) {
value = Item[altvar];
if (!value) {
value = basevalue;
return value;
function getTextSubField(Item, field, locale_type, use_default) {
var m, lst, opt, o, oo, pos, key, ret, len, myret, opts;
if (!Item[field]) {
return "";
ret = "";
opts = state.opt[locale_type];
if ("undefined" === typeof opts) {
opts = state.opt["default-locale"];
for (var i = 0, ilen = opts.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
opt = opts[i];
o = opt.split(/[\-_]/)[0];
if (opt && Item.multi && Item.multi._keys[field] && Item.multi._keys[field][opt]) {
ret = Item.multi._keys[field][opt];
} else if (o && Item.multi && Item.multi._keys[field] && Item.multi._keys[field][o]) {
ret = Item.multi._keys[field][o];
if (!ret && use_default) {
ret = Item[field];
return ret;
function setAbbreviationFallback(b) {
opt.abbreviation_fallback = b;
this.setAbbreviationFallback = setAbbreviationFallback;
function setAlternativeVariableName(s) {
opt.alternative_varname = s;
this.setAlternativeVariableName = setAlternativeVariableName;
function setTransformLocale(s) {
opt.transform_locale = s;
this.setTransformLocale = setTransformLocale;
function setTransformFallback(b) {
opt.transform_fallback = b;
this.setTransformFallback = setTransformFallback;
function setAbbreviations(name) {
var vartype, pos, len;
if (name) {
abbreviations = name;
len = CSL.MULTI_FIELDS.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
vartype = CSL.MULTI_FIELDS[pos];
this[vartype] = state.sys.getAbbreviations(abbreviations, vartype);
this.setAbbreviations = setAbbreviations;
function publisherCheck (varname, primary, tok) {
if (state.publisherOutput && primary) {
if (["publisher","publisher-place"].indexOf(varname) === -1) {
return false;
} else {
state.publisherOutput[varname + "-token"] = tok;
var lst = primary.split(/;\s*/);
if (lst.length === state.publisherOutput[varname + "-list"].length) {
state.tmp[varname + "-list"] = lst;
state.tmp[varname + "-token"] = tok;
return true;
return false;
function getOutputFunction(variables) {
var mytoken, mysubsection, myfieldname, abbreviation_fallback, alternative_varname, transform_locale, transform_fallback, getTextSubfield;
mytoken = CSL.Util.cloneToken(token); // the token isn't needed, is it?
mysubsection = subsection;
myfieldname = fieldname;
abbreviation_fallback = opt.abbreviation_fallback;
alternative_varname = opt.alternative_varname;
transform_locale = opt.transform_locale;
transform_fallback = opt.transform_fallback;
if (transform_locale === "locale-sec") {
return function (state, Item) {
var primary, secondary, primary_tok, secondary_tok, key;
if (!variables[0]) {
return null;
if (state.tmp["publisher-list"]) {
if (variables[0] === "publisher") {
state.tmp["publisher-token"] = this;
} else if (variables[0] === "publisher-place") {
state.tmp["publisher-place-token"] = this;
return null;
if (state.opt["locale-suppress-title-transliteration"]
|| !((state.tmp.area === 'bibliography'
|| (state.opt.xclass === "note" &&
state.tmp.area === "citation"))
) {
primary = Item[myfieldname];
} else {
primary = getTextSubField(Item, myfieldname, "locale-pri", transform_fallback);
if (mysubsection) {
primary = abbreviate(state, Item, alternative_varname, primary, mysubsection, true);
secondary = getTextSubField(Item, myfieldname, "locale-sec");
if (secondary && ((state.tmp.area === 'bibliography' || (state.opt.xclass === "note" && state.tmp.area === "citation")))) {
if (mysubsection) {
secondary = abbreviate(state, Item, alternative_varname, secondary, mysubsection, true);
primary_tok = CSL.Util.cloneToken(this);
primary_tok.strings.suffix = "";
secondary_tok = new CSL.Token("text", CSL.SINGLETON);
secondary_tok.strings.suffix = "]" + this.strings.suffix;
secondary_tok.strings.prefix = " [";
state.output.append(primary, primary_tok);
state.output.append(secondary, secondary_tok);
} else {
state.output.append(primary, this);
return null;
} else {
return function (state, Item) {
var primary;
if (!variables[0]) {
return null;
primary = getTextSubField(Item, myfieldname, transform_locale, transform_fallback);
if (publisherCheck(variables[0], primary, this)) {
return null;
} else {
state.output.append(primary, this);
return null;
this.getOutputFunction = getOutputFunction;
function output(state, basevalue, token_short, token_long, use_fallback) {
var shortvalue;
shortvalue = state.transform.institution[basevalue];
if (shortvalue) {
state.output.append(shortvalue, token_short);
} else {
if (use_fallback) {
state.output.append(basevalue, token_long);
this.output = output;
function getStaticOrder (name, refresh) {
var static_ordering_val = false;
if (!refresh && name["static-ordering"]) {
static_ordering_val = true;
} else if (!(name.family.replace('"', '', 'g') + name.given).match(CSL.ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
static_ordering_val = true;
} else if (name.multi && name.multi.main && name.multi.main.slice(0,2) == 'vn') {
static_ordering_val = true;
} else {
if (state.opt['auto-vietnamese-names']
&& (CSL.VIETNAMESE_NAMES.exec(name.family + " " + name.given)
&& CSL.VIETNAMESE_SPECIALS.exec(name.family + name.given))) {
static_ordering_val = true;
return static_ordering_val;
function getName (state, name, langTags) {
var i, ret, optLangTag, ilen, key, langTag;
if (state.tmp.area.slice(-5) === "_sort") {
langTags = state.opt["locale-sort"];
if ("string" === typeof langTags) {
langTags = [langTags];
if (!name.family) {
name.family = "";
if (!name.given) {
name.given = "";
var static_ordering_freshcheck = false;
var block_initialize = false;
var transliterated = false;
var static_ordering_val = getStaticOrder(name);
if (langTags && name.multi) {
for (i = 0, ilen = langTags.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
langTag = langTags[i];
if (name.multi._key[langTag]) {
name = name.multi._key[langTag];
transliterated = true;
if (!state.opt['locale-use-original-name-format']) {
static_ordering_freshcheck = true;
} else {
if ((name.family.replace('"','','g') + name.given).match(CSL.ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
block_initialize = true;
name = {
if (static_ordering_freshcheck &&
!getStaticOrder(name, true)) {
name["static-ordering"] = false;
if (!name.literal && (!name.given && name.family && name.isInstitution)) {
name.literal = name.family;
if (name.literal) {
delete name.family;
delete name.given;
return name;
this.name = getName;
CSL.Parallel = function (state) {
this.state = state;
this.sets = new CSL.Stack([]);
this.try_cite = true;
this.use_parallels = true;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.isMid = function (variable) {
return ["section", "volume", "container-title", "issue", "page", "page-first", "locator"].indexOf(variable) > -1;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.StartCitation = function (sortedItems, out) {
if (this.use_parallels) {
this.sortedItems = sortedItems;
this.sortedItemsPos = -1;
this.in_series = true;
this.delim_counter = 0;
this.delim_pointers = [];
if (out) {
this.out = out;
} else {
this.out = this.state.output.queue;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.StartCite = function (Item, item, prevItemID) {
var position, len, pos, x, curr, master, last_id, prev_locator, curr_locator, is_master, parallel;
if (this.use_parallels) {
if (this.sets.value().length && this.sets.value()[0].itemId == Item.id) {
this.sortedItemsPos += 1;
if (item) {
position = item.position;
this.try_cite = true;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (!Item[x] || CSL.PARALLEL_TYPES.indexOf(Item.type) === -1) {
this.try_cite = false;
if (this.in_series) {
this.in_series = false;
this.cite = {};
this.cite.front = [];
this.cite.mid = [];
this.cite.back = [];
this.cite.front_collapse = {};
this.cite.back_forceme = [];
this.cite.position = position;
this.cite.Item = Item;
this.cite.itemId = "" + Item.id;
this.cite.prevItemID = "" + prevItemID;
this.target = "front";
if (this.sortedItems && this.sortedItemsPos > 0 && this.sortedItemsPos < this.sortedItems.length) {
curr = this.sortedItems[this.sortedItemsPos][1];
last_id = "" + this.sortedItems[(this.sortedItemsPos - 1)][1].id;
master = this.state.registry.registry[last_id].parallel;
prev_locator = false;
if (master == curr.id) {
len = this.sortedItemsPos - 1;
for (pos = len; pos > -1; pos += -1) {
if (this.sortedItems[pos][1].id == Item.id) {
prev_locator = this.sortedItems[pos][1].locator;
curr_locator = this.sortedItems[this.sortedItemsPos][1].locator;
if (!prev_locator && curr_locator) {
} else if (curr_locator === prev_locator) {
curr.position = CSL.POSITION_IBID;
} else {
this.force_collapse = false;
if (this.state.registry.registry[Item.id].parallel) {
this.force_collapse = true;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.StartVariable = function (variable) {
if (this.use_parallels && (this.try_cite || this.force_collapse)) {
this.variable = variable;
this.data = {};
this.data.value = "";
this.data.blobs = [];
var is_mid = this.isMid(variable);
if (this.target === "front" && is_mid) {
this.target = "mid";
} else if (this.target === "mid" && !is_mid && this.cite.Item.title) {
this.target = "back";
} else if (this.target === "back" && is_mid) {
this.try_cite = true;
this.in_series = false;
if (variable === "number") {
} else if (CSL.PARALLEL_COLLAPSING_MID_VARSET.indexOf(variable) > -1) {
} else {
CSL.Parallel.prototype.AppendBlobPointer = function (blob) {
if (this.use_parallels && this.variable && (this.try_cite || this.force_collapse) && blob && blob.blobs) {
this.data.blobs.push([blob, blob.blobs.length]);
CSL.Parallel.prototype.AppendToVariable = function (str, varname) {
if (this.use_parallels && (this.try_cite || this.force_collapse)) {
if (this.target !== "back" || true) {
this.data.value += "::" + str;
} else {
var prev = this.sets.value()[(this.sets.value().length - 1)];
if (prev) {
if (prev[this.variable]) {
if (prev[this.variable].value) {
this.data.value += "::" + str;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.CloseVariable = function (hello) {
if (this.use_parallels && (this.try_cite || this.force_collapse)) {
this.cite[this.variable] = this.data;
if (this.sets.value().length > 0) {
var prev = this.sets.value()[(this.sets.value().length - 1)];
if (this.target === "front") {
if (!(!prev[this.variable] && !this.data.value) && (!prev[this.variable] || this.data.value !== prev[this.variable].value)) {
this.in_series = false;
} else if (this.target === "mid") {
if (CSL.PARALLEL_COLLAPSING_MID_VARSET.indexOf(this.variable) > -1) {
if (prev[this.variable]) {
if (prev[this.variable].value === this.data.value) {
this.cite.front_collapse[this.variable] = true;
} else {
this.cite.front_collapse[this.variable] = false;
} else {
this.cite.front_collapse[this.variable] = false;
} else if (this.target === "back") {
if (prev[this.variable]) {
if (this.data.value !== prev[this.variable].value && this.sets.value().slice(-1)[0].back_forceme.indexOf(this.variable) === -1) {
this.in_series = false;
this.variable = false;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.CloseCite = function () {
var x, pos, len, has_issued, use_journal_info, volume_pos, container_title_pos, section_pos;
if (this.use_parallels) {
use_journal_info = false;
if (!this.cite.front_collapse["container-title"]) {
use_journal_info = true;
if (this.cite.front_collapse.volume === false) {
use_journal_info = true;
if (this.cite.front_collapse.section === false) {
use_journal_info = true;
if (use_journal_info) {
this.cite.use_journal_info = true;
section_pos = this.cite.front.indexOf("section");
if (section_pos > -1) {
this.cite.front = this.cite.front.slice(0,section_pos).concat(this.cite.front.slice(section_pos + 1));
volume_pos = this.cite.front.indexOf("volume");
if (volume_pos > -1) {
this.cite.front = this.cite.front.slice(0,volume_pos).concat(this.cite.front.slice(volume_pos + 1));
container_title_pos = this.cite.front.indexOf("container-title");
if (container_title_pos > -1) {
this.cite.front = this.cite.front.slice(0,container_title_pos).concat(this.cite.front.slice(container_title_pos + 1));
if (!this.in_series && !this.force_collapse) {
if (this.sets.value().length === 0) {
has_issued = false;
for (pos = 0, len = this.cite.back.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
x = this.cite.back[pos];
if (x === "issued" && this.cite.issued && this.cite.issued.value) {
has_issued = true;
if (!has_issued) {
} else {
this.cite.back_forceme = this.sets.value().slice(-1)[0].back_forceme;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.ComposeSet = function (next_output_in_progress) {
var cite, pos, master, len;
if (this.use_parallels) {
if (this.sets.value().length === 1) {
if (!this.in_series) {
this.delim_counter += 1;
} else {
len = this.sets.value().length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
cite = this.sets.value()[pos];
if (pos === 0) {
this.delim_counter += 1;
} else {
if (!cite.Item.title && cite.use_journal_info) {
} else {
this.delim_counter += 1;
if (CSL.POSITION_FIRST === cite.position) {
if (pos === 0) {
this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].master = true;
this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].siblings = [];
} else {
if (cite.prevItemID) {
if (!this.state.registry.registry[cite.prevItemID].parallel) {
this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].parallel = cite.prevItemID;
} else {
this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].parallel = this.state.registry.registry[cite.prevItemID].parallel;
this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].siblings = this.state.registry.registry[cite.prevItemID].siblings;
if (!this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].siblings) {
this.state.registry.registry[cite.itemId].siblings = [];
CSL.debug("WARNING: adding missing siblings array to registry object");
this.in_series = true;
CSL.Parallel.prototype.PruneOutputQueue = function () {
var len, pos, series, ppos, llen, cite;
if (this.use_parallels) {
len = this.sets.mystack.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
series = this.sets.mystack[pos];
if (series.length > 1) {
llen = series.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
cite = series[ppos];
if (ppos === 0) {
this.purgeVariableBlobs(cite, cite.back);
} else if (ppos === (series.length - 1)) {
this.purgeVariableBlobs(cite, cite.front.concat(cite.back_forceme));
} else {
this.purgeVariableBlobs(cite, cite.front.concat(cite.back));
CSL.Parallel.prototype.purgeVariableBlobs = function (cite, varnames) {
var len, pos, varname, b, llen, ppos, out;
if (this.use_parallels) {
out = this.state.output.current.value();
if ("undefined" === typeof out.length) {
out = out.blobs;
for (pos = 0, len = this.delim_pointers.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ppos = this.delim_pointers[pos];
if (ppos !== false) {
out[ppos].parallel_delimiter = ", ";
len = varnames.length - 1;
for (pos = len; pos > -1; pos += -1) {
varname = varnames[pos];
if (cite[varname]) {
llen = cite[varname].blobs.length - 1;
for (ppos = llen; ppos > -1; ppos += -1) {
b = cite[varname].blobs[ppos];
b[0].blobs = b[0].blobs.slice(0, b[1]).concat(b[0].blobs.slice((b[1] + 1)));
CSL.Token = function (name, tokentype) {
this.name = name;
this.strings = {};
this.strings.delimiter = undefined;
this.strings.prefix = "";
this.strings.suffix = "";
this.decorations = false;
this.variables = [];
this.execs = [];
this.tokentype = tokentype;
this.evaluator = false;
this.tests = [];
this.succeed = false;
this.fail = false;
this.next = false;
CSL.Util.cloneToken = function (token) {
var newtok, key, pos, len;
if ("string" === typeof token) {
return token;
newtok = new CSL.Token(token.name, token.tokentype);
for (key in token.strings) {
if (token.strings.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
newtok.strings[key] = token.strings[key];
if (token.decorations) {
newtok.decorations = [];
for (pos = 0, len = token.decorations.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (token.variables) {
newtok.variables = token.variables.slice();
if (token.execs) {
newtok.execs = token.execs.slice();
newtok.tests = token.tests.slice();
return newtok;
CSL.AmbigConfig = function () {
this.maxvals = [];
this.minval = 1;
this.names = [];
this.givens = [];
this.year_suffix = false;
this.disambiguate = 0;
CSL.Blob = function (token, str, levelname) {
var len, pos, key;
this.levelname = levelname;
if (token) {
this.strings = {};
for (key in token.strings) {
if (token.strings.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.strings[key] = token.strings[key];
this.decorations = [];
if (token.decorations === undefined) {
len = 0;
} else {
len = token.decorations.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
} else {
this.strings = {};
this.strings.prefix = "";
this.strings.suffix = "";
this.strings.delimiter = "";
this.decorations = [];
if ("string" === typeof str) {
this.blobs = str;
} else if (str) {
this.blobs = [str];
} else {
this.blobs = [];
this.alldecor = [this.decorations];
CSL.Blob.prototype.push = function (blob) {
if ("string" === typeof this.blobs) {
throw "Attempt to push blob onto string object";
} else {
blob.alldecor = blob.alldecor.concat(this.alldecor);
CSL.NumericBlob = function (num, mother_token) {
this.alldecor = [];
this.num = num;
this.blobs = num.toString();
this.status = CSL.START;
this.strings = {};
if (mother_token) {
this.decorations = mother_token.decorations;
this.strings.prefix = mother_token.strings.prefix;
this.strings.suffix = mother_token.strings.suffix;
this.strings["text-case"] = mother_token.strings["text-case"];
this.successor_prefix = mother_token.successor_prefix;
this.range_prefix = mother_token.range_prefix;
this.splice_prefix = mother_token.splice_prefix;
this.formatter = mother_token.formatter;
if (!this.formatter) {
this.formatter = new CSL.Output.DefaultFormatter();
if (this.formatter) {
this.type = this.formatter.format(1);
} else {
this.decorations = [];
this.strings.prefix = "";
this.strings.suffix = "";
this.successor_prefix = "";
this.range_prefix = "";
this.splice_prefix = "";
this.formatter = new CSL.Output.DefaultFormatter();
CSL.NumericBlob.prototype.setFormatter = function (formatter) {
this.formatter = formatter;
this.type = this.formatter.format(1);
CSL.Output.DefaultFormatter = function () {};
CSL.Output.DefaultFormatter.prototype.format = function (num) {
return num.toString();
CSL.NumericBlob.prototype.checkNext = function (next) {
if (! next || !next.num || this.type !== next.type || next.num !== (this.num + 1)) {
if (this.status === CSL.SUCCESSOR_OF_SUCCESSOR) {
this.status = CSL.END;
if ("object" === typeof next) {
next.status = CSL.SEEN;
} else { // next number is in the sequence
if (this.status === CSL.START || this.status === CSL.SEEN) {
next.status = CSL.SUCCESSOR;
} else if (this.status === CSL.SUCCESSOR || this.status === CSL.SUCCESSOR_OF_SUCCESSOR) {
if (this.range_prefix) {
this.status = CSL.SUPPRESS;
} else {
next.status = CSL.SUCCESSOR;
CSL.NumericBlob.prototype.checkLast = function (last) {
if (this.status === CSL.SEEN
|| (last.num !== (this.num - 1) && this.status === CSL.SUCCESSOR)) {
this.status = CSL.SUCCESSOR;
return true;
return false;
CSL.Util.fixDateNode = function (parent, pos, node) {
var form, variable, datexml, subnode, partname, attr, val, prefix, suffix, children, key, subchildren, kkey, display;
form = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "form");
var lingo = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "lingo");
if (!this.state.getDate(form)) {
return parent;
var dateparts = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "date-parts");
variable = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "variable");
prefix = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "prefix");
suffix = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "suffix");
display = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "display");
datexml = this.sys.xml.nodeCopy(this.state.getDate(form));
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, 'lingo', this.state.opt.lang);
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, 'form', form);
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, 'date-parts', dateparts);
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, 'variable', variable);
if (prefix) {
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, "prefix", prefix);
if (suffix) {
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, "suffix", suffix);
if (display) {
this.sys.xml.setAttribute(datexml, "display", display);
children = this.sys.xml.children(node);
for (key in children) {
subnode = children[key];
if ("date-part" === this.sys.xml.nodename(subnode)) {
partname = this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(subnode, "name");
subchildren = this.sys.xml.attributes(subnode);
for (attr in subchildren) {
if (subchildren.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
if ("@name" === attr) {
if (lingo && lingo !== this.state.opt.lang) {
if (["@suffix", "@prefix", "@form"].indexOf(attr) > -1) {
val = subchildren[attr];
this.sys.xml.setAttributeOnNodeIdentifiedByNameAttribute(datexml, "date-part", partname, attr, val);
if ("year" === this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "date-parts")) {
this.sys.xml.deleteNodeByNameAttribute(datexml, 'month');
this.sys.xml.deleteNodeByNameAttribute(datexml, 'day');
} else if ("year-month" === this.sys.xml.getAttributeValue(node, "date-parts")) {
this.sys.xml.deleteNodeByNameAttribute(datexml, 'day');
return this.sys.xml.insertChildNodeAfter(parent, node, pos, datexml);
CSL.Util.Names = {};
CSL.Util.Names.compareNamesets = CSL.NameOutput.prototype._compareNamesets;
CSL.Util.Names.unInitialize = function (state, name) {
var i, ilen, namelist, punctlist, ret;
if (!name) {
return "";
namelist = name.split(/(?:\-|\s+)/);
punctlist = name.match(/(\-|\s+)/g);
ret = "";
for (i = 0, ilen = namelist.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (CSL.ALL_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP.exec(namelist[i].slice(0,-1))
&& namelist[i]
&& namelist[i] !== namelist[i].toUpperCase()) {
namelist[i] = namelist[i].slice(0, 1) + namelist[i].slice(1, 2).toLowerCase() + namelist[i].slice(2);
ret += namelist[i];
if (i < ilen - 1) {
ret += punctlist[i];
return ret;
CSL.Util.Names.initializeWith = function (state, name, terminator) {
var i, ilen, j, jlen, n, m;
if (!name) {
return "";
if (!terminator) {
terminator = "";
var namelist = name;
if (state.opt["initialize-with-hyphen"] === false) {
namelist = namelist.replace(/\-/g, " ");
namelist = namelist.replace(/\./g, " ").replace(/\s*\-\s*/g, "-").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
namelist = namelist.split(/(\-|\s+)/);
for (i = 0, ilen = namelist.length; i < ilen; i += 2) {
n = namelist[i];
if (!n) {
if (!m && (!n.match(CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP) && n.length > 1 && terminator.match("%s"))) {
m = n.match(/(.)(.*)/);
if (m && m[1] === m[1].toUpperCase()) {
var extra = "";
if (m[2]) {
var s = "";
var lst = m[2].split("");
for (j = 0, jlen = lst.length; j < jlen; j += 1) {
var c = lst[j];
if (c === c.toUpperCase()) {
s += c;
} else {
if (s.length < m[2].length) {
extra = s.toLocaleLowerCase();
namelist[i] = m[1].toLocaleUpperCase() + extra;
if (i < (ilen - 1)) {
if (terminator.match("%s")) {
namelist[i] = terminator.replace("%s", namelist[i]);
} else {
if (namelist[i + 1].indexOf("-") > -1) {
namelist[i + 1] = terminator + namelist[i + 1];
} else {
namelist[i + 1] = terminator;
} else {
if (terminator.match("%s")) {
namelist[i] = terminator.replace("%s", namelist[i]);
} else {
} else if (n.match(CSL.ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
namelist[i] = " " + n;
var ret = CSL.Util.Names.stripRight(namelist.join(""));
ret = ret.replace(/\s*\-\s*/g, "-").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return ret;
CSL.Util.Names.stripRight = function (str) {
var end, pos, len;
end = 0;
len = str.length - 1;
for (pos = len; pos > -1; pos += -1) {
if (str[pos] !== " ") {
end = pos + 1;
return str.slice(0, end);
CSL.Util.Dates = {};
CSL.Util.Dates.year = {};
CSL.Util.Dates.year["long"] = function (state, num) {
if (!num) {
if ("boolean" === typeof num) {
num = "";
} else {
num = 0;
return num.toString();
CSL.Util.Dates.year["short"] = function (state, num) {
num = num.toString();
if (num && num.length === 4) {
return num.substr(2);
CSL.Util.Dates.year.numeric = function (state, num) {
var m, pre;
num = "" + num;
m = num.match(/([0-9]*)$/);
if (m) {
pre = num.slice(0, m[1].length * -1);
num = m[1];
} else {
pre = num;
num = "";
while (num.length < 4) {
num = "0" + num;
return (pre + num);
CSL.Util.Dates.month = {};
CSL.Util.Dates.month.numeric = function (state, num) {
if (num) {
num = parseInt(num, 10);
if (num > 12) {
num = "";
var ret = "" + num;
return ret;
CSL.Util.Dates.month["numeric-leading-zeros"] = function (state, num) {
if (!num) {
num = 0;
num = parseInt(num, 10);
if (num > 12) {
num = 0;
num = "" + num;
while (num.length < 2) {
num = "0" + num;
return num.toString();
CSL.Util.Dates.month["long"] = function (state, num) {
var stub = "month-";
num = parseInt(num, 10);
if (num > 12) {
stub = "season-";
if (num > 16) {
num = num - 16;
} else {
num = num - 12;
num = "" + num;
while (num.length < 2) {
num = "0" + num;
num = stub + num;
return state.getTerm(num, "long", 0);
CSL.Util.Dates.month["short"] = function (state, num) {
var stub = "month-";
num = parseInt(num, 10);
if (num > 12) {
stub = "season-";
if (num > 16) {
num = num - 16;
} else {
num = num - 12;
num = "" + num;
while (num.length < 2) {
num = "0" + num;
num = "month-" + num;
return state.getTerm(num, "short", 0);
CSL.Util.Dates.day = {};
CSL.Util.Dates.day.numeric = function (state, num) {
return num.toString();
CSL.Util.Dates.day["long"] = CSL.Util.Dates.day.numeric;
CSL.Util.Dates.day["numeric-leading-zeros"] = function (state, num) {
if (!num) {
num = 0;
num = num.toString();
while (num.length < 2) {
num = "0" + num;
return num.toString();
CSL.Util.Dates.day.ordinal = function (state, num, gender) {
return state.fun.ordinalizer.format(num, gender);
CSL.Util.Sort = {};
CSL.Util.Sort.strip_prepositions = function (str) {
var m;
if ("string" === typeof str) {
m = str.toLocaleLowerCase();
m = str.match(/^((a|an|the)\s+)/);
if (m) {
str = str.substr(m[1].length);
return str;
CSL.Util.substituteStart = function (state, target) {
var element_trace, display, bib_first, func, choose_start, if_start, nodetypes;
var func = function (state, Item) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === this.decorations[i][0] && "true" === this.decorations[i][1]) {
state.tmp.strip_periods += 1;
nodetypes = ["number", "date", "names"];
if (("text" === this.name && !this.postponed_macro) || nodetypes.indexOf(this.name) > -1) {
element_trace = function (state, Item, item) {
if (state.tmp.element_trace.value() === "author" || "names" === this.name) {
if (item && item["author-only"]) {
} else if (item && item["suppress-author"]) {
} else {
if (item && item["author-only"]) {
} else if (item && item["suppress-author"]) {
display = this.strings.cls;
this.strings.cls = false;
if (state.build.render_nesting_level === 0) {
if (state.build.area === "bibliography" && state.bibliography.opt["second-field-align"]) {
bib_first = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.START);
bib_first.decorations = [["@display", "left-margin"]];
func = function (state, Item) {
if (!state.tmp.render_seen) {
bib_first.strings.first_blob = Item.id;
state.output.startTag("bib_first", bib_first);
} else if (CSL.DISPLAY_CLASSES.indexOf(display) > -1) {
bib_first = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.START);
bib_first.decorations = [["@display", display]];
func = function (state, Item) {
bib_first.strings.first_blob = Item.id;
state.output.startTag("bib_first", bib_first);
state.build.cls = display;
state.build.render_nesting_level += 1;
if (state.build.substitute_level.value() === 1) {
choose_start = new CSL.Token("choose", CSL.START);
CSL.Node.choose.build.call(choose_start, state, target);
if_start = new CSL.Token("if", CSL.START);
func = function (state, Item) {
if (state.tmp.can_substitute.value()) {
return true;
return false;
if_start.evaluator = state.fun.match.any;
CSL.Util.substituteEnd = function (state, target) {
var func, bib_first_end, bib_other, if_end, choose_end, toplevel, hasval, author_substitute, str;
var func = function (state, Item) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.decorations.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if ("@strip-periods" === this.decorations[i][0] && "true" === this.decorations[i][1]) {
state.tmp.strip_periods += -1;
state.build.render_nesting_level += -1;
if (state.build.render_nesting_level === 0) {
if (state.build.cls) {
func = function (state, Item) {
state.build.cls = false;
} else if (state.build.area === "bibliography" && state.bibliography.opt["second-field-align"]) {
bib_first_end = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.END);
func = function (state, Item) {
if (!state.tmp.render_seen) {
state.output.endTag(); // closes bib_first
bib_other = new CSL.Token("group", CSL.START);
bib_other.decorations = [["@display", "right-inline"]];
func = function (state, Item) {
if (!state.tmp.render_seen) {
state.tmp.render_seen = true;
state.output.startTag("bib_other", bib_other);
if (state.build.substitute_level.value() === 1) {
if_end = new CSL.Token("if", CSL.END);
choose_end = new CSL.Token("choose", CSL.END);
CSL.Node.choose.build.call(choose_end, state, target);
toplevel = "names" === this.name && state.build.substitute_level.value() === 0;
hasval = "string" === typeof state[state.build.area].opt["subsequent-author-substitute"];
if (toplevel && hasval) {
author_substitute = new CSL.Token("text", CSL.SINGLETON);
func = function (state, Item) {
var text_esc = CSL.getSafeEscape(state.opt.mode, state.tmp.area);
var printing = !state.tmp.suppress_decorations;
if (printing) {
if (!state.tmp.rendered_name) {
state.tmp.rendered_name = state.output.string(state, state.tmp.name_node.blobs, false);
if (state.tmp.rendered_name) {
if (state.tmp.rendered_name === state.tmp.last_rendered_name) {
str = new CSL.Blob(false, text_esc(state[state.tmp.area].opt["subsequent-author-substitute"]));
state.tmp.name_node.blobs = [str];
state.tmp.last_rendered_name = state.tmp.rendered_name;
if (("text" === this.name && !this.postponed_macro) || ["number", "date", "names"].indexOf(this.name) > -1) {
func = function (state, Item) {
CSL.Util.padding = function (num) {
var m = num.match(/\s*(-{0,1}[0-9]+)/);
if (m) {
num = parseInt(m[1], 10);
if (num < 0) {
num = 99999999999999999999 + num;
num = "" + num;
while (num.length < 20) {
num = "0" + num;
return num;
CSL.Util.LongOrdinalizer = function () {};
CSL.Util.LongOrdinalizer.prototype.init = function (state) {
this.state = state;
CSL.Util.LongOrdinalizer.prototype.format = function (num, gender) {
if (num < 10) {
num = "0" + num;
var ret = CSL.Engine.getField(
"long-ordinal-" + num,
if (!ret) {
ret = this.state.fun.ordinalizer.format(num, gender);
this.state.tmp.cite_renders_content = true;
return ret;
CSL.Util.Ordinalizer = function () {};
CSL.Util.Ordinalizer.prototype.init = function (state) {
this.suffixes = {};
for (var i = 0, ilen = 3; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var gender = [undefined, "masculine", "feminine"][i];
this.suffixes[gender] = [];
for (var j = 1; j < 5; j += 1) {
var ordinal = state.getTerm("ordinal-0" + j, "long", false, gender);
if ("undefined" === typeof ordinal) {
delete this.suffixes[gender];
CSL.Util.Ordinalizer.prototype.format = function (num, gender) {
var str;
num = parseInt(num, 10);
str = num.toString();
if ((num / 10) % 10 === 1 || (num > 10 && num < 20)) {
str += this.suffixes[gender][3];
} else if (num % 10 === 1) {
str += this.suffixes[gender][0];
} else if (num % 10 === 2) {
str += this.suffixes[gender][1];
} else if (num % 10 === 3) {
str += this.suffixes[gender][2];
} else {
str += this.suffixes[gender][3];
return str;
CSL.Util.Romanizer = function () {};
CSL.Util.Romanizer.prototype.format = function (num) {
var ret, pos, n, numstr, len;
ret = "";
if (num < 6000) {
numstr = num.toString().split("");
pos = 0;
n = 0;
len = numstr.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
n = parseInt(numstr[pos], 10);
ret = CSL.ROMAN_NUMERALS[pos][n] + ret;
return ret;
CSL.Util.Suffixator = function (slist) {
if (!slist) {
this.slist = slist.split(",");
CSL.Util.Suffixator.prototype.format = function (N) {
var X, N;
N += 1;
var key = "";
do {
X = ((N % 26) == 0) ? 26 : (N % 26);
key = this.slist[X-1] + key;
N = (N - X) / 26;
} while ( N != 0 );
return key;
CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler = {};
CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler.getFunction = function (state) {
var rangerex, pos, len, stringify, listify, expand, minimize, minimize_internal, chicago, lst, m, b, e, ret, begin, end, ret_func, ppos, llen;
var range_delimiter = state.getTerm("range-delimiter");
rangerex = /([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]+)\s*-\s*([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]+)/;
stringify = function (lst) {
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
if ("object" === typeof lst[pos]) {
lst[pos] = lst[pos].join("");
return lst.join("");
listify = function (str) {
var m, lst, ret;
str = str.replace("\u2013", "-", "g");
m = str.match(/([a-zA-Z]*[0-9]+\s*-\s*[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]+)/g);
lst = str.split(/[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]+\s*-\s*[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]+/);
if (lst.length === 0) {
ret = m;
} else {
ret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(m[pos - 1]);
return ret;
expand = function (str) {
str = "" + str;
lst = listify(str);
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
m = lst[pos].match(rangerex);
if (m) {
if (!m[3] || m[1] === m[3]) {
if (m[4].length < m[2].length) {
m[4] = m[2].slice(0, (m[2].length - m[4].length)) + m[4];
if (parseInt(m[2], 10) < parseInt(m[4], 10)) {
m[3] = range_delimiter + m[1];
lst[pos] = m.slice(1);
if ("string" === typeof lst[pos]) {
lst[pos] = lst[pos].replace("-", range_delimiter);
return lst;
minimize = function (lst) {
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
lst[pos][3] = minimize_internal(lst[pos][1], lst[pos][3]);
if (lst[pos][2].slice(1) === lst[pos][0]) {
lst[pos][2] = range_delimiter;
return stringify(lst);
minimize_internal = function (begin, end) {
b = ("" + begin).split("");
e = ("" + end).split("");
ret = e.slice();
if (b.length === e.length) {
llen = b.length;
for (ppos = 0; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
if (b[ppos] === e[ppos]) {
} else {
return ret.join("");
chicago = function (lst) {
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
if ("object" === typeof lst[pos]) {
m = lst[pos];
begin = parseInt(m[1], 10);
end = parseInt(m[3], 10);
if (begin > 100 && begin % 100 && parseInt((begin / 100), 10) === parseInt((end / 100), 10)) {
m[3] = "" + (end % 100);
} else if (begin >= 10000) {
m[3] = "" + (end % 1000);
if (m[2].slice(1) === m[0]) {
m[2] = range_delimiter;
return stringify(lst);
if (!state.opt["page-range-format"]) {
ret_func = function (str) {
return str;
} else if (state.opt["page-range-format"] === "expanded") {
ret_func = function (str) {
var lst = expand(str);
return stringify(lst);
} else if (state.opt["page-range-format"] === "minimal") {
ret_func = function (str) {
var lst = expand(str);
return minimize(lst);
} else if (state.opt["page-range-format"] === "chicago") {
ret_func = function (str) {
var lst = expand(str);
return chicago(lst);
return ret_func;
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper = function (state) {
var tagdefs, pos, len, p, entry, allTags, ret, def, esc, makeHashes, closeTags, flipTags, openToClose, openToDecorations, okReverse, hashes, allTagsLst, lst;
this.state = state;
this.blob = false;
this.quotechars = ['"', "'"];
tagdefs = [
["", "", "italics", "@font-style", ["italic", "normal","normal"], true],
["", "", "bold", "@font-weight", ["bold", "normal","normal"], true],
["", "", "superscript", "@vertical-align", ["sup", "sup","baseline"], true],
["", "", "subscript", "@vertical-align", ["sub", "sub","baseline"], true],
["", "", "smallcaps", "@font-variant", ["small-caps", "small-caps","normal"], true],
["", "", "passthrough", "@passthrough", ["true", "true","true"], true],
["", "", "passthrough", "@passthrough", ["true", "true","true"], true],
['"', '"', "quotes", "@quotes", ["true", "inner","true"], "'"],
[" '", "'", "quotes", "@quotes", ["inner", "true","true"], '"']
for (pos = 0; pos < 2; pos += 1) {
p = ["-", "-inner-"][pos];
entry = [];
var openq = state.getTerm(("open" + p + "quote"));
var closeq = state.getTerm(("close" + p + "quote"));
entry.push(("quote" + "s"));
entry.push(("@" + "quote" + "s"));
if ("-" === p) {
entry.push(["true", "inner"]);
} else {
entry.push(["inner", "true"]);
if ("-" === p) {
} else {
allTags = function (tagdefs) {
ret = [];
len = tagdefs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
def = tagdefs[pos];
if (ret.indexOf(def[0]) === -1) {
esc = "";
if (["(", ")", "[", "]"].indexOf(def[0]) > -1) {
esc = "\\";
ret.push(esc + def[0]);
if (ret.indexOf(def[1]) === -1) {
esc = "";
if (["(", ")", "[", "]"].indexOf(def[1]) > -1) {
esc = "\\";
ret.push(esc + def[1]);
return ret;
allTagsLst = allTags(tagdefs);
lst = [];
for (pos = 0, len = allTagsLst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (allTagsLst[pos]) {
allTagsLst = lst.slice();
this.allTagsRexMatch = new RegExp("(" + allTagsLst.join("|") + ")", "g");
this.allTagsRexSplit = new RegExp("(?:" + allTagsLst.join("|") + ")");
makeHashes = function (tagdefs) {
closeTags = {};
flipTags = {};
openToClose = {};
openToDecorations = {};
okReverse = {};
len = tagdefs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
closeTags[tagdefs[pos][1]] = true;
flipTags[tagdefs[pos][1]] = tagdefs[pos][5];
openToClose[tagdefs[pos][0]] = tagdefs[pos][1];
openToDecorations[tagdefs[pos][0]] = [tagdefs[pos][3], tagdefs[pos][4]];
okReverse[tagdefs[pos][3]] = [tagdefs[pos][3], [tagdefs[pos][4][2], tagdefs[pos][1]]];
return [closeTags, flipTags, openToClose, openToDecorations, okReverse];
hashes = makeHashes(tagdefs);
this.closeTagsHash = hashes[0];
this.flipTagsHash = hashes[1];
this.openToCloseHash = hashes[2];
this.openToDecorations = hashes[3];
this.okReverseHash = hashes[4];
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype.init = function (str, blob) {
this.txt_esc = CSL.getSafeEscape(this.state.opt.mode, this.state.tmp.area);
str = this._normalizeString(str);
if (!blob) {
this.strs = this.getSplitStrings(str);
this.blob = new CSL.Blob();
} else {
this.blob = blob;
this.strs = this.getSplitStrings(this.blob.blobs);
this.blob.blobs = [];
this.blobstack = new CSL.Stack(this.blob);
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype._normalizeString = function (str) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = 2; i < ilen; i += 1) {
str = str.replace(this.quotechars[i + 2], this.quotechars[0]);
str = str.replace(this.quotechars[i + 4], this.quotechars[1]);
return str;
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype.getSplitStrings = function (str) {
var strs, pos, len, newstr, head, tail, expected_closers, expected_openers, expected_flips, tagstack, badTagStack, posA, sameAsOpen, openRev, flipRev, tag, ibeenrunned, posB, wanted_closer, posC, sep, resplice, params, lenA, lenB, lenC, badTagPos, mx, myret;
mx = str.match(this.allTagsRexMatch);
strs = str.split(this.allTagsRexSplit);
myret = [strs[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = strs.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
myret.push(mx[pos - 1]);
strs = myret.slice();
len = strs.length - 2;
for (pos = len; pos > 0; pos += -2) {
if (strs[(pos - 1)].slice((strs[(pos - 1)].length - 1)) === "\\") {
newstr = strs[(pos - 1)].slice(0, (strs[(pos - 1)].length - 1)) + strs[pos] + strs[(pos + 1)];
head = strs.slice(0, (pos - 1));
tail = strs.slice((pos + 2));
strs = head.concat(tail);
expected_closers = [];
expected_openers = [];
expected_flips = [];
tagstack = [];
badTagStack = [];
lenA = strs.length - 1;
for (posA = 1; posA < lenA; posA += 2) {
tag = strs[posA];
if (this.closeTagsHash[tag]) {
sameAsOpen = this.openToCloseHash[tag];
openRev = expected_closers.indexOf(tag);
flipRev = expected_flips.indexOf(tag);
if (!sameAsOpen || (openRev > -1 && (openRev < flipRev || flipRev === -1))) {
ibeenrunned = false;
lenB = expected_closers.length - 1;
for (posB = lenB; posB > -1; posB += -1) {
ibeenrunned = true;
wanted_closer = expected_closers[posB];
if (tag === wanted_closer) {
if (!ibeenrunned) {
if (this.openToCloseHash[tag]) {
lenC = expected_closers.length - 1;
for (posC = lenC; posC > -1; posC += -1) {
function (a, b) {
if (a < b) {
return 1;
} else if (a > b) {
return -1;
return 0;
len = badTagStack.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
badTagPos = badTagStack[pos];
head = strs.slice(0, (badTagPos - 1));
tail = strs.slice((badTagPos + 2));
sep = strs[badTagPos];
if (sep.length && sep[0] !== "<" && this.openToDecorations[sep] && this.quotechars.indexOf(sep.replace(/\s+/g,"")) === -1) {
params = this.openToDecorations[sep];
sep = this.state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1][0]](this.state);
resplice = strs[(badTagPos - 1)] + sep + strs[(badTagPos + 1)];
strs = head.concat(tail);
len = strs.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 2) {
strs[pos] = strs[pos].replace("'", "\u2019", "g");
strs[pos] = this.txt_esc(strs[pos]);
return strs;
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype.processTags = function () {
var expected_closers, expected_openers, expected_flips, expected_rendering, str, posA, tag, prestr, newblob, blob, sameAsOpen, openRev, flipRev, posB, wanted_closer, newblobnest, param, fulldecor, level, decor, lenA, lenB, posC, lenC;
expected_closers = [];
expected_openers = [];
expected_flips = [];
expected_rendering = [];
str = "";
if (this.strs.length === 1) {
this.blob.blobs = this.strs[0];
} else if (this.strs.length > 2) {
lenA = (this.strs.length - 1);
for (posA = 1; posA < lenA; posA += 2) {
tag = this.strs[posA];
prestr = this.strs[(posA - 1)];
if (prestr) {
newblob = new CSL.Blob(false, prestr);
blob = this.blobstack.value();
if (this.closeTagsHash[tag]) {
sameAsOpen = this.openToCloseHash[tag];
openRev = expected_closers.indexOf(tag);
flipRev = expected_flips.indexOf(tag);
if (!sameAsOpen || (openRev > -1 && (openRev < flipRev || flipRev === -1))) {
lenB = expected_closers.length;
for (posB = lenB; posB > -1; posB += -1) {
wanted_closer = expected_closers[posB];
if (tag === wanted_closer) {
if (this.openToCloseHash[tag]) {
blob = this.blobstack.value();
newblobnest = new CSL.Blob();
param = this.addFlipFlop(newblobnest, this.openToDecorations[tag]);
if (tag === "") {
fulldecor = this.state[this.state.tmp.area].opt.topdecor.concat(this.blob.alldecor).concat([[["@quotes", "inner"]]]);
lenB = fulldecor.length;
for (posB = 0; posB < lenB; posB += 1) {
level = fulldecor[posB];
lenC = level.length;
for (posC = 0; posC < lenC; posC += 1) {
decor = level[posC];
if (["@font-style", "@font-weight", "@font-variant"].indexOf(decor[0]) > -1) {
param = this.addFlipFlop(newblobnest, this.okReverseHash[decor[0]]);
if (this.strs.length > 2) {
str = this.strs[(this.strs.length - 1)];
if (str) {
blob = this.blobstack.value();
newblob = new CSL.Blob(false, str);
return this.blob;
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype.addFlipFlop = function (blob, fun) {
var posA, posB, fulldecor, lenA, decorations, breakme, decor, posC, newdecor, lenC;
posB = 0;
fulldecor = this.state[this.state.tmp.area].opt.topdecor.concat(blob.alldecor).concat([[["@quotes", "inner"]]]);
lenA = fulldecor.length;
for (posA = 0; posA < lenA; posA += 1) {
decorations = fulldecor[posA];
breakme = false;
lenC = decorations.length - 1;
for (posC = lenC; posC > -1; posC += -1) {
decor = decorations[posC];
if (decor[0] === fun[0]) {
if (decor[1] === fun[1][0]) {
posB = 1;
breakme = true;
if (breakme) {
newdecor = [fun[0], fun[1][posB]];
return newdecor;
CSL.Output.Formatters = {};
CSL.getSafeEscape = function(outputModeOpt, outputArea) {
if (["bibliography", "citation"].indexOf(outputArea) > -1) {
return CSL.Output.Formats[outputModeOpt].text_escape;
} else {
return function (txt) { return txt; };
CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough = function (state, string) {
return string;
CSL.Output.Formatters.lowercase = function (state, string) {
var str = CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString(string, CSL.TAG_USEALL);
str.string = str.string.toLowerCase();
return CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString(str);
CSL.Output.Formatters.uppercase = function (state, string) {
var str = CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString(string, CSL.TAG_USEALL);
str.string = str.string.toUpperCase();
return CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString(str);
CSL.Output.Formatters["capitalize-first"] = function (state, string) {
var str = CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString(string, CSL.TAG_ESCAPE);
if (str.string.length) {
str.string = str.string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.string.substr(1);
return CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString(str);
} else {
return "";
CSL.Output.Formatters.sentence = function (state, string) {
var str = CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString(string, CSL.TAG_ESCAPE);
str.string = str.string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.string.substr(1).toLowerCase();
return CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString(str);
CSL.Output.Formatters["capitalize-all"] = function (state, string) {
var str, strings, len, pos;
str = CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString(string, CSL.TAG_ESCAPE);
strings = str.string.split(" ");
len = strings.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (strings[pos].length > 1) {
strings[pos] = strings[pos].slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + strings[pos].substr(1).toLowerCase();
} else if (strings[pos].length === 1) {
strings[pos] = strings[pos].toUpperCase();
str.string = strings.join(" ");
return CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString(str);
CSL.Output.Formatters.title = function (state, string) {
var str, words, isAllUpperCase, newString, lastWordIndex, previousWordIndex, upperCaseVariant, lowerCaseVariant, pos, skip, notfirst, notlast, aftercolon, len, idx, tmp, skipword, ppos, mx, lst, myret;
str = CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString(string, CSL.TAG_ESCAPE);
if (!string) {
return "";
mx = str.string.match(/(\s+)/g);
lst = str.string.split(/\s+/);
myret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
myret.push(mx[pos - 1]);
words = myret.slice();
isAllUpperCase = str.string.toUpperCase() === string && !str.string.match(/[0-9]/);
newString = "";
lastWordIndex = words.length - 1;
previousWordIndex = -1;
for (pos = 0; pos <= lastWordIndex; pos += 2) {
if (words[pos].length !== 0 && words[pos].length !== 1 && !/\s+/.test(words[pos])) {
upperCaseVariant = words[pos].toUpperCase();
lowerCaseVariant = words[pos].toLowerCase();
var totallyskip = false;
if (!isAllUpperCase || (words.length === 1 && words[pos].length < 4)) {
if (words[pos] === upperCaseVariant) {
totallyskip = true;
if (isAllUpperCase || words[pos] === lowerCaseVariant) {
skip = false;
for (var i = 0, ilen = CSL.SKIP_WORDS.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
skipword = CSL.SKIP_WORDS[i];
idx = lowerCaseVariant.indexOf(skipword);
if (idx > -1) {
tmp = lowerCaseVariant.slice(0, idx) + lowerCaseVariant.slice(idx + skipword.length);
if (!tmp.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)) {
skip = true;
notfirst = pos !== 0;
notlast = pos !== lastWordIndex;
if (words[previousWordIndex]) {
aftercolon = words[previousWordIndex].slice(-1) === ":";
} else {
aftercolon = false;
if (!totallyskip) {
if (skip && notfirst && notlast && !aftercolon) {
words[pos] = lowerCaseVariant;
} else {
words[pos] = upperCaseVariant.slice(0, 1) + lowerCaseVariant.substr(1);
previousWordIndex = pos;
str.string = words.join("");
return CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString(str);
CSL.Output.Formatters.doppelString = function (string, rex) {
var ret, pos, len;
ret = {};
ret.array = rex(string);
ret.string = "";
len = ret.array.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 2) {
ret.string += ret.array[pos];
return ret;
CSL.Output.Formatters.undoppelString = function (str) {
var ret, len, pos;
ret = "";
len = str.array.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if ((pos % 2)) {
ret += str.array[pos];
} else {
ret += str.string.slice(0, str.array[pos].length);
str.string = str.string.slice(str.array[pos].length);
return ret;
CSL.Output.Formatters.serializeItemAsRdf = function (Item) {
return "";
CSL.Output.Formatters.serializeItemAsRdfA = function (Item) {
return "";
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"text_escape": function (text) {
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"@bibliography/entry": function (state, str) {
var insert = "";
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insert = state.sys.embedBibliographyEntry(this.item_id) + "\n";
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return "\n\n " + str + "
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return "" + str + "
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return "\u2019";
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"@bibliography/entry": function (state, str) {
return str+"\n";
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return "\n"+str;
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return str;
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return str;
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return "\n "+str;
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"text_escape": function (text) {
return text
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"@strip-periods/false": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@quotes/true": function (state, str) {
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return CSL.Output.Formats.rtf.text_escape(state.getTerm("open-quote"));
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"@quotes/inner": function (state, str) {
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return CSL.Output.Formats.rtf.text_escape("\u2019");
return CSL.Output.Formats.rtf.text_escape(state.getTerm("open-inner-quote")) + str + CSL.Output.Formats.rtf.text_escape(state.getTerm("close-inner-quote"));
"@quotes/false": false,
"bibstart":"{\\rtf ",
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return str;
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return str+"\\tab ";
"@display/right-inline": function (state, str) {
return str+"\n";
"@display/indent": function (state, str) {
return "\n\\tab "+str;
CSL.Output.Formats = new CSL.Output.Formats();
CSL.Registry = function (state) {
var pos, len, ret, i, ilen;
this.debug = false;
this.state = state;
this.registry = {};
this.reflist = [];
this.namereg = new CSL.Registry.NameReg(state);
this.citationreg = new CSL.Registry.CitationReg(state);
this.authorstrings = {};
this.mylist = [];
this.myhash = {};
this.deletes = [];
this.inserts = [];
this.uncited = [];
this.refreshes = {};
this.akeys = {};
this.oldseq = {};
this.return_data = {};
this.ambigcites = {};
this.sorter = new CSL.Registry.Comparifier(state, "bibliography_sort");
this.getSortedIds = function () {
ret = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.reflist.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
ret.push("" + this.reflist[i].id);
return ret;
this.getSortedRegistryItems = function () {
ret = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = this.reflist.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
return ret;
CSL.Registry.prototype.init = function (myitems, uncited_flag) {
var i, ilen;
this.oldseq = {};
if (uncited_flag && this.mylist && this.mylist.length) {
this.uncited = myitems;
for (i = 0, ilen = myitems.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
myitems[i] = "" + myitems[i];
if (!this.myhash[myitems[i]] && this.mylist.indexOf(myitems[i]) === -1) {
} else {
this.mylist = myitems.concat(this.uncited);
this.myhash = {};
for (i = 0, ilen = this.mylist.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.mylist[i] = "" + this.mylist[i];
this.myhash[this.mylist[i]] = true;
this.refreshes = {};
this.touched = {};
CSL.Registry.prototype.dodeletes = function (myhash) {
var otheritems, key, ambig, pos, len, items, kkey, mypos, id;
if ("string" === typeof myhash) {
myhash = {};
myhash[myhash] = true;
for (key in this.registry) {
if (this.registry.hasOwnProperty(key) && !myhash[key]) {
if (this.registry[key].uncited) {
otheritems = this.namereg.delitems(key);
for (kkey in otheritems) {
if (otheritems.hasOwnProperty(kkey)) {
this.refreshes[kkey] = true;
ambig = this.registry[key].ambig;
mypos = this.ambigcites[ambig].indexOf(key);
if (mypos > -1) {
items = this.ambigcites[ambig].slice();
this.ambigcites[ambig] = items.slice(0, mypos).concat(items.slice([(mypos + 1)], items.length));
len = this.ambigcites[ambig].length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
id = "" + this.ambigcites[ambig][pos];
this.refreshes[id] = true;
delete this.registry[key];
this.return_data.bibchange = true;
CSL.Registry.prototype.doinserts = function (mylist) {
var len, pos, item, Item, akey, newitem, abase;
if ("string" === typeof mylist) {
mylist = [mylist];
len = mylist.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = mylist[pos];
if (!this.registry[item]) {
Item = this.state.retrieveItem(item);
akey = CSL.getAmbiguousCite.call(this.state, Item);
this.akeys[akey] = true;
newitem = {
"id": "" + item,
"seq": 0,
"offset": 0,
"sortkeys": false,
"ambig": false,
"rendered": false,
"disambig": false,
"ref": Item
this.registry[item] = newitem;
abase = CSL.getAmbigConfig.call(this.state);
this.registerAmbigToken(akey, item, abase);
this.touched[item] = true;
this.return_data.bibchange = true;
CSL.Registry.prototype.douncited = function () {
var pos, len;
for (pos = 0, len = this.mylist.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.registry[this.mylist[pos]].uncited = false;
for (pos = 0, len = this.uncited.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.registry[this.mylist[pos]].uncited = true;
CSL.Registry.prototype.rebuildlist = function () {
var count, len, pos, item;
this.reflist = [];
len = this.mylist.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = this.mylist[pos];
this.oldseq[item] = this.registry[item].seq;
this.registry[item].seq = (pos + 1);
CSL.Registry.prototype.dorefreshes = function () {
var key, regtoken, Item, old_akey, akey, abase;
for (key in this.refreshes) {
if (this.refreshes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
regtoken = this.registry[key];
delete this.registry[key];
if (!regtoken) {
regtoken.disambig = undefined;
regtoken.sortkeys = undefined;
regtoken.ambig = undefined;
Item = this.state.retrieveItem(key);
if ("undefined" === typeof akey) {
akey = CSL.getAmbiguousCite.call(this.state, Item);
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[key] = true;
this.registry[key] = regtoken;
abase = CSL.getAmbigConfig.call(this.state);
this.registerAmbigToken(akey, key, abase);
this.akeys[akey] = true;
this.touched[key] = true;
CSL.Registry.prototype.setdisambigs = function () {
var akey, leftovers, key, pos, len, id;
this.leftovers = [];
for (akey in this.akeys) {
if (this.akeys.hasOwnProperty(akey)) {
this.akeys = {};
CSL.Registry.prototype.renumber = function () {
var len, pos, item;
len = this.reflist.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
item = this.reflist[pos];
item.seq = (pos + 1);
if (this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs && item.seq != this.oldseq[item.id]) {
if (this.state.opt.update_mode === CSL.NUMERIC) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[item.id] = true;
if (this.state.opt.bib_mode === CSL.NUMERIC) {
this.return_data.bibchange = true;
CSL.Registry.prototype.setsortkeys = function () {
var key;
for (key in this.touched) {
if (this.touched.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.registry[key].sortkeys = CSL.getSortKeys.call(this.state, this.state.retrieveItem(key), "bibliography_sort");
CSL.Registry.prototype.sorttokens = function () {
CSL.Registry.Comparifier = function (state, keyset) {
var sort_directions, len, pos, compareKeys;
var sortCompare = CSL.getSortCompare();
sort_directions = state[keyset].opt.sort_directions;
this.compareKeys = function (a, b) {
len = a.sortkeys.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
var cmp = 0;
if (a.sortkeys[pos] === b.sortkeys[pos]) {
cmp = 0;
} else if ("undefined" === typeof a.sortkeys[pos]) {
cmp = sort_directions[pos][1];
} else if ("undefined" === typeof b.sortkeys[pos]) {
cmp = sort_directions[pos][0];
} else {
cmp = sortCompare(a.sortkeys[pos], b.sortkeys[pos]);
if (0 < cmp) {
return sort_directions[pos][1];
} else if (0 > cmp) {
return sort_directions[pos][0];
if (a.seq > b.seq) {
return 1;
} else if (a.seq < b.seq) {
return -1;
return 0;
compareKeys = this.compareKeys;
this.compareCompositeKeys = function (a, b) {
return compareKeys(a[1], b[1]);
CSL.Registry.prototype.compareRegistryTokens = function (a, b) {
if (a.seq > b.seq) {
return 1;
} else if (a.seq < b.seq) {
return -1;
return 0;
CSL.Registry.prototype.registerAmbigToken = function (akey, id, ambig_config, tainters) {
if (this.registry[id] && this.registry[id].disambig && this.registry[id].disambig.names) {
for (var i = 0, ilen = ambig_config.names.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var new_names_params = ambig_config.names[i];
var old_names_params = this.registry[id].disambig.names[i];
if (new_names_params !== old_names_params) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[id] = true;
if (!this.ambigcites[akey]) {
this.ambigcites[akey] = [];
if (this.ambigcites[akey].indexOf("" + id) === -1) {
this.ambigcites[akey].push("" + id);
this.registry[id].ambig = akey;
var dome = false;
if (tainters) {
this.registry[id].disambig = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig.call(this.state, ambig_config, this.registry[id].disambig, tainters);
} else {
this.registry[id].disambig = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(ambig_config);
CSL.getSortKeys = function (Item, key_type) {
var area, strip_prepositions, use_parallels, len, pos;
area = this.tmp.area;
strip_prepositions = CSL.Util.Sort.strip_prepositions;
this.tmp.area = key_type;
this.tmp.disambig_override = true;
this.tmp.disambig_request = false;
use_parallels = this.parallel.use_parallels;
this.parallel.use_parallels = false;
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = true;
CSL.getCite.call(this, Item);
this.tmp.suppress_decorations = false;
this.parallel.use_parallels = use_parallels;
this.tmp.disambig_override = false;
len = this[key_type].keys.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this[key_type].keys[pos] = strip_prepositions(this[key_type].keys[pos]);
this.tmp.area = area;
return this[key_type].keys;
CSL.Registry.NameReg = function (state) {
var pkey, ikey, skey, floor, ceiling, dagopt, gdropt, ret, pos, items, strip_periods, set_keys, evalname, delitems, addname, key, myitems;
this.state = state;
this.namereg = {};
this.nameind = {};
this.nameindpkeys = {};
this.itemkeyreg = {};
strip_periods = function (str) {
if (!str) {
str = "";
return str.replace(".", " ", "g").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\s+$/,"");
set_keys = function (state, itemid, nameobj) {
pkey = strip_periods(nameobj.family);
skey = strip_periods(nameobj.given);
var m = skey.match(/,\!* [^,]$/);
if (m && m[1] === m[1].toLowerCase()) {
skey = skey.replace(/,\!* [^,]$/, "");
ikey = CSL.Util.Names.initializeWith(state, skey, "%s");
if (state.opt["givenname-disambiguation-rule"] === "by-cite") {
pkey = "" + itemid + pkey;
evalname = function (item_id, nameobj, namenum, request_base, form, initials) {
var pos, len, items, param;
if (state.tmp.area === "bibliography" && !form && "string" !== typeof initials) {
return 2;
nameobj = state.transform.name(state, nameobj, state.opt["locale-pri"]);
set_keys(this.state, "" + item_id, nameobj);
param = 2;
dagopt = state.opt["disambiguate-add-givenname"];
gdropt = state.opt["givenname-disambiguation-rule"];
var gdropt_orig = gdropt;
if (gdropt === "by-cite") {
gdropt = "all-names";
if ("short" === form) {
param = 0;
} else if ("string" === typeof initials) {
param = 1;
if ("undefined" === typeof this.namereg[pkey] || "undefined" === typeof this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey]) {
return param;
if (gdropt_orig === "by-cite" && param < request_base) {
param = request_base;
if (!dagopt) {
return param;
if ("string" === typeof gdropt && gdropt.slice(0, 12) === "primary-name" && namenum > 0) {
return param;
if (!gdropt || gdropt === "all-names" || gdropt === "primary-name") {
if (this.namereg[pkey].count > 1) {
param = 1;
if ((this.namereg[pkey].ikey
&& this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].count > 1)
|| (this.namereg[pkey].count > 1
&& "string" !== typeof initials)) {
param = 2;
} else if (gdropt === "all-names-with-initials" || gdropt === "primary-name-with-initials") {
if (this.namereg[pkey].count > 1) {
param = 1;
if (param === 0) {
pos = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.indexOf("" + item_id);
items = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items;
if (pos > -1) {
items = items.slice(0, pos).concat(items.slice(pos + 1));
for (pos = 0, len = items.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[items[pos]] = true;
pos = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items.indexOf("" + item_id);
items = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items;
if (pos > -1) {
items = items.slice(0, pos).concat(items.slice(pos + 1));
for (pos = 0, len = items.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[items[pos]] = true;
if (this.namereg[pkey].items.indexOf("" + item_id) === -1) {
this.namereg[pkey].items.push("" + item_id);
} else if (param === 1) {
pos = this.namereg[pkey].items.indexOf("" + item_id);
items = this.namereg[pkey].items;
if (pos > -1) {
items = items.slice(0, pos).concat(items.slice(pos + 1));
for (pos = 0, len = items.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[items[pos]] = true;
pos = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items.indexOf("" + item_id);
items = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items;
if (pos > -1) {
items = items.slice(0, pos).concat(items.slice(pos + 1));
for (pos = 0, len = items.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[items[pos]] = true;
if (this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.indexOf("" + item_id) === -1) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.push("" + item_id);
} else if (param === 2) {
pos = this.namereg[pkey].items.indexOf("" + item_id);
items = this.namereg[pkey].items;
if (pos > -1) {
items = items.slice(0, pos).concat(items.slice(pos + 1));
for (pos = 0, len = items.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[items[pos]] = true;
pos = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.indexOf("" + item_id);
items = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items;
if (pos > -1) {
items = items.slice(0, pos).concat(items.slice(pos + 1));
for (pos = 0, len = items.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.tmp.taintedItemIDs[items[pos]] = true;
if (this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items.indexOf("" + item_id) === -1) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items.push("" + item_id);
if (!state.registry.registry[item_id]) {
if (form == "short") {
return 0;
} else if ("string" == typeof initials) {
return 1;
} else {
return param;
delitems = function (ids) {
var i, item, pos, len, posA, posB, id, fullkey, llen, ppos, otherid;
if ("string" === typeof ids || "number" === typeof ids) {
ids = ["" + ids];
ret = {};
len = ids.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
id = "" + ids[pos];
if (!this.nameind[id]) {
for (fullkey in this.nameind[id]) {
if (this.nameind[id].hasOwnProperty(fullkey)) {
key = fullkey.split("::");
pkey = key[0];
ikey = key[1];
skey = key[2];
if ("undefined" === typeof this.namereg[pkey]) {
items = this.namereg[pkey].items;
if (skey && this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey] && this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey]) {
myitems = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items;
posB = myitems.indexOf("" + id);
if (posB > -1) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items = myitems.slice(0, posB).concat(myitems.slice([(posB + 1)]));
if (this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items.length === 1) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items = [];
for (ppos = 0, llen = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items.length; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
ret[this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items[ppos]] = true;
if (ikey && this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey]) {
posB = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.indexOf("" + id);
if (posB > -1) {
items = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.slice();
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items = items.slice(0, posB).concat(items.slice([posB + 1]));
if (this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.length === 1) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items = [];
for (ppos = 0, llen = this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items.length; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
ret[this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items[ppos]] = true;
if (pkey) {
posB = this.namereg[pkey].items.indexOf("" + id);
if (posB > -1) {
items = this.namereg[pkey].items.slice();
this.namereg[pkey].items = items.slice(0, posB).concat(items.slice([posB + 1], items.length));
for (ppos = 0, llen = this.namereg[pkey].items.length; ppos < llen; ppos += 1) {
ret[this.namereg[pkey].items[ppos]] = true;
if (this.namereg[pkey].items.length < 2) {
delete this.namereg[pkey];
delete this.nameind[id][fullkey];
delete this.nameind[id];
delete this.nameindpkeys[id];
return ret;
addname = function (item_id, nameobj, pos) {
nameobj = state.transform.name(state, nameobj, state.opt["locale-pri"]);
set_keys(this.state, "" + item_id, nameobj);
if (pkey) {
if ("undefined" === typeof this.namereg[pkey]) {
this.namereg[pkey] = {};
this.namereg[pkey].count = 0;
this.namereg[pkey].ikey = {};
this.namereg[pkey].items = [];
if (pkey && ikey) {
if ("undefined" === typeof this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey]) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey] = {};
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].count = 0;
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey = {};
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].items = [];
this.namereg[pkey].count += 1;
if (pkey && ikey && skey) {
if ("undefined" === typeof this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey]) {
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey] = {};
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].skey[skey].items = [];
this.namereg[pkey].ikey[ikey].count += 1;
if ("undefined" === typeof this.nameind[item_id]) {
this.nameind[item_id] = {};
this.nameindpkeys[item_id] = {};
if (pkey) {
this.nameind[item_id][pkey + "::" + ikey + "::" + skey] = true;
this.nameindpkeys[item_id][pkey] = this.namereg[pkey];
this.addname = addname;
this.delitems = delitems;
this.evalname = evalname;
CSL.Disambiguation = function (state) {
this.state = state;
this.sys = this.state.sys;
this.registry = state.registry.registry;
this.ambigcites = state.registry.ambigcites;
this.clashes = [1, 0];
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.run = function(akey) {
if (!this.modes.length) {
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.runDisambig = function () {
var pos, len, ppos, llen, pppos, lllen, ismax;
for (pos = 0; pos < this.lists.length; pos += 1) {
this.nnameset = 0;
this.gnameset = 0;
this.gname = 0;
while(this.lists[pos][1].length) {
this.listpos = pos;
if (!this.base) {
this.base = this.lists[pos][0];
if (this.rerun) {
this.rerun = false;
} else {
this.scanItems(this.lists[pos], 0);
ismax = this.incrementDisambig();
this.scanItems(this.lists[pos], 1);
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.scanItems = function (list, phase) {
var pos, len, Item, otherItem, ItemCite, ignore, base;
Item = list[1][0];
this.scanlist = list[1];
this.partners = [];
var tempResult = this.getItemDesc(Item);
this.base = tempResult[0];
if (!phase) {
this.base.disambiguate = false;
this.maxvals = tempResult[1];
this.minval = tempResult[2];
ItemCite = tempResult[3];
this.clashes[phase] = 0;
this.nonpartners = [];
for (pos = 1, len = list[1].length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
otherItem = list[1][pos];
var otherItemData = this.getItemDesc(otherItem);
var otherItemCite = otherItemData[3];
if (ItemCite === otherItemCite) {
this.clashes[phase] += 1;
} else {
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.evalScan = function (ismax) {
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.disNames = function (ismax) {
var pos, len, mybase;
if (this.clashes[1] === 0 && this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[0].id, mybase);
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, []];
} else if (this.clashes[1] === 0) {
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, []];
} else if (this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.partners];
} else if (this.clashes[1] < this.clashes[0]) {
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.partners];
if (this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, this.base);
} else {
this.lists.push([this.base, this.nonpartners]);
} else {
if (ismax || this.advance_mode) {
for (pos = 0, len = this.partners.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[pos].id, this.base);
if (ismax) {
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.nonpartners];
} else {
this.rerun = true;
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.disGivens = function (ismax) {
var pos, len, mybase;
if (this.clashes[1] === 0 && this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
if (this.clashes[0] === 1) {
this.base = this.decrementNames();
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[0].id, this.base);
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, []];
} else if (this.clashes[1] === 0) {
if (this.clashes[0] === 1) {
this.base = this.decrementNames();
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.nonpartners];
} else if (this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
if (this.clashes[0] === 1) {
this.base = this.decrementNames();
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.partners];
} else if (this.clashes[1] < this.clashes[0]) {
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.partners];
if (this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, this.base);
} else {
this.lists.push([this.base, this.nonpartners]);
} else {
this.base = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.oldbase);
if (ismax || this.advance_mode) {
for (pos = 0, len = this.partners.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[pos].id, this.base);
if (ismax) {
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.nonpartners];
} else {
this.rerun = true;
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.disExtraText = function () {
var pos, len, mybase;
if (this.clashes[1] === 0) {
mybase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
mybase.year_suffix = false;
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.partners[0].id, mybase);
if (this.nonpartners.length === 1) {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + this.nonpartners[0].id, mybase);
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base,[]];
} else {
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.nonpartners];
} else {
this.base.disambiguate = false;
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, this.lists[this.listpos][1].slice(1)];
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.disYears = function () {
var pos, len, tokens, token, item;
tokens = [];
for (pos = 0, len = this.lists[this.listpos][1].length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
token = this.registry[this.lists[this.listpos][1][pos].id];
for (pos = 0, len = tokens.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
if (pos === 0) {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + tokens[pos].id, this.base, this.scanlist);
} else {
this.state.registry.registerAmbigToken(this.akey, "" + tokens[pos].id, this.base);
tokens[pos].disambig.year_suffix = ""+pos;
this.lists[this.listpos] = [this.base, []];
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.incrementDisambig = function () {
var val, maxed;
maxed = false;
this.oldbase = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
if (this.advance_mode) {
this.modeindex += 1;
this.advance_mode = false;
if (!maxed && "disNames" === this.modes[this.modeindex]) {
if (this.base.names[this.nnameset] < this.maxvals[this.nnameset]) {
this.base.names[this.nnameset] += 1;
} else {
if (this.nnameset < (this.base.names.length - 1)) {
this.nnameset += 1;
if (this.base.names[this.nnameset] < this.maxvals[this.nnameset]) {
this.base.names[this.nnameset] += 1;
if (this.nnameset === (this.base.names.length - 1) && this.base.names[this.nnameset] === this.maxvals[this.nnameset]) {
if (this.modeindex === (this.modes.length - 1)) {
return true;
} else {
maxed = false;
if (!maxed && "disGivens" === this.modes[this.modeindex]) {
if (this.gname < this.maxvals[this.gnameset]) {
if (this.base.givens[this.gnameset][this.gname] === this.minval) {
this.base.givens[this.gnameset][this.gname] += 1;
this.base.givens[this.gnameset][this.gname] += 1;
this.gname += 1;
} else {
if (this.gnameset < (this.base.givens.length - 1)) {
this.gnameset += 1;
this.gname = 0;
if (this.gname < this.maxvals[this.gnameset]) {
this.base.givens[this.gnameset][this.gname] += 1;
this.gname += 1;
if (!maxed && "disExtraText" === this.modes[this.modeindex]) {
maxed = false;
this.base.disambiguate = true;
if (this.modeindex === (this.modes.length - 1)) {
return true;
} else {
maxed = false;
if (!maxed && "disYears" === this.modes[this.modeindex]) {
maxed = false;
if (!maxed && this.modes[this.modeindex] === "disGivens") {
if ((this.gnameset >= (this.base.names.length - 1) && ("undefined" === typeof this.maxvals[this.gnameset] || this.gname === this.maxvals[this.gnameset])) || this.base.names.length === 0) {
if (this.modeindex === (this.modes.length - 1)) {
maxed = true;
} else {
this.advance_mode = true;
if (!maxed && this.modes[this.modeindex] === "disNames") {
if ((this.nnameset >= (this.base.names.length - 1) && ("undefined" === typeof this.maxvals[this.nnameset] ||this.base.names[this.nnameset] === this.maxvals[this.nnameset])) || this.base.names.length === 0) {
if (this.modeindex === (this.modes.length - 1)) {
maxed = true;
} else {
this.advance_mode = true;
return maxed;
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.getItemDesc = function (Item, forceMax) {
var str, maxvals, minval, base;
str = CSL.getAmbiguousCite.call(this.state, Item, this.base);
maxvals = CSL.getMaxVals.call(this.state);
minval = CSL.getMinVal.call(this.state);
base = CSL.getAmbigConfig.call(this.state);
return [base, maxvals, minval, str];
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.initVars = function (akey) {
var i, ilen, myIds, myItemBundles, myItems;
this.lists = [];
this.base = false;
this.akey = akey;
this.advance_mode = false;
myItemBundles = [];
myIds = this.ambigcites[akey];
if (myIds && myIds.length > 1) {
for (i = 0, ilen = myIds.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
var myItem = this.state.retrieveItem("" + myIds[i]);
myItemBundles.push([this.getItemDesc(myItem), myItem]);
function (a, b) {
if (a[0][1] > b[0][1]) {
return 1;
} else if (a[0][1] < b[0][1]) {
return -1;
} else {
if (a[1].id > b[1].id) {
return 1;
} else if (a[1].id < b[1].id) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
myItems = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = myItemBundles.length; i < ilen; i += 1) {
this.lists.push([this.base, myItems]);
this.modeindex = 0;
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.configModes = function () {
var dagopt, gdropt;
this.modes = [];
if (this.state.opt["disambiguate-add-names"]) {
dagopt = this.state.opt["disambiguate-add-givenname"];
gdropt = this.state.opt["givenname-disambiguation-rule"];
if (dagopt && gdropt === "by-cite") {
if (this.state.opt.has_disambiguate) {
if (this.state.opt["disambiguate-add-year-suffix"]) {
CSL.Disambiguation.prototype.decrementNames = function () {
var base_return, do_me, i, j, pos, len, ppos, llen, ids;
base_return = CSL.cloneAmbigConfig(this.base);
do_me = false;
len = base_return.givens.length - 1;
for (pos = len; pos > -1; pos += -1) {
llen = base_return.givens[pos].length - 1;
for (ppos = llen; ppos > -1; ppos += -1) {
if (base_return.givens[pos][ppos] > this.oldbase.givens[pos][ppos]) {
do_me = true;
if (do_me) {
len = base_return.givens.length - 1;
for (pos = len; pos > -1; pos += -1) {
llen = base_return.givens[pos].length - 1;
for (ppos = llen; ppos > -1; ppos += -1) {
if (base_return.givens[pos][ppos] > this.oldbase.givens[pos][ppos]) {
if (ppos < base_return.names[pos]) {
base_return.names[pos] += -1;
return base_return;
CSL.Registry.CitationReg = function (state) {
this.citationById = {};
this.citationByIndex = [];