## v0.2.0 * Breaking changes to the way objects are serialized and deserialized. * `has_many` associations are now serialized along with the object. * Deprecated `drafts_on` and `drafts_off` in favor of `drafts_on!` and `drafts_off!`. * Added `Kentouzu.enabled_for_model` and `Kentouzu.enabled_for_model?`. * Added `Kentouzu.active_record_protected_attributes?` to enable handling of attr_accessible. * Attempt to load `protected_attributes` gem if it's available. * Added `Draft.with_source_keys`. * Deprecated `Draft#approve` and `Draft#reject`. * Added override for `save!`. ## v0.1.2 * Added callbacks for `before_draft_save`, `after_draft_save`, and `around_draft_save`. * Fixed a bug where invalid attributes were merged from controller options when saving a draft. ## v0.1.1 * Fixed a bug in the `has_many :drafts` association for Rails 4. Since it uses a lambda for the order scope `self` is the class `has_drafts` was called in. ## v0.1.0 * Rails 4 compatibility. ## v0.0.13 * Fixed 'all_with_reified_drafts` so that the most recent existing draft is pulled, overriding older drafts. ## v0.0.12 * Fixed `all_with_reified_drafts` so that it works with STI. ## v0.0.11 * Save now merges data from Kentouzu.controller_info. ## v0.0.10 * Fixed `all_with_reified_drafts` so that it actually takes a block. ## v0.0.9 * Added `all_with_reified_drafts` method. * Changed `()` to `call` for clarity in overridden `save` method. * Tidied up some formatting. ## v0.0.8 * Fixed bug that occurs when reifying object with STI when type column is blank. * Started adding a dummy test app. ## v0.0.7 * Updated dependencies to allow for Rails 4. ## v0.0.6 * Removed debug output from new save method. ## v0.0.5 * Removed debug output from new save method. ## v0.0.4 * `save` now uses `base_class` instead of just `class`. ## v0.0.3 * Fixed the require in reify. `self.item_type.underscore` instead of `self.item_type.downcase`. * Removed debug output from without_drafts. * Added with_drafts. ## v0.0.2 * Fixed bug in reify. ## v0.0.1 * Initial release.