require 'vagrant-conoha/spec_helper' describe VagrantPlugins::ConoHa::Config do describe 'defaults' do let(:vagrant_public_key) { Vagrant.source_root.join('keys/') } subject do super().tap(&:finalize!) end its(:password) { should be_nil } its(:openstack_compute_url) { should be_nil } its(:openstack_auth_url) { should be_nil } its(:openstack_orchestration_url) { should be_nil } its(:flavor) { should be_nil } its(:image) { should be_nil } its(:server_name) { should be_nil } its(:username) { should be_nil } its(:use_legacy_synced_folders) { should eq(false) } its(:rsync_includes) { should be_nil } its(:rsync_ignore_files) { should be_nil } its(:sync_method) { should be_nil } its(:keypair_name) { should be_nil } its(:public_key_path) { should be_nil } its(:availability_zone) { should be_nil } its(:ssh_username) { should be_nil } its(:floating_ip_pool_always_allocate) { should eq(false) } its(:scheduler_hints) { should be_nil } its(:security_groups) { should be_nil } its(:user_data) { should be_nil } its(:metadata) { should be_nil } end describe 'overriding defaults' do [ :password, :openstack_compute_url, :openstack_auth_url, :flavor, :image, :server_name, :username, :keypair_name, :ssh_username, :floating_ip_pool_always_allocate, :scheduler_hints, :security_groups, :openstack_orchestration_url, :stacks, :user_data, :metadata, :availability_zone, :public_key_path].each do |attribute| it "should not default #{attribute} if overridden" do subject.send("#{attribute}=".to_sym, 'foo') subject.finalize! subject.send(attribute).should == 'foo' end end describe 'use_legacy_synced_folders' do it 'should default to true if sync_method is set' do subject.sync_method = 'rsync' subject.finalize! expect(subject.use_legacy_synced_folders).to eq(true) end it 'should default to true if rsync_includes is non-empty' do subject.rsync_includes = ['some/file'] subject.finalize! expect(subject.use_legacy_synced_folders).to eq(true) end it 'should default to true if rsync_ignore_files is non-empty' do subject.rsync_ignore_files = ['some/file'] subject.finalize! expect(subject.use_legacy_synced_folders).to eq(true) end end it 'should not default rsync_includes if overridden' do inc = 'core' subject.send(:rsync_include, inc) subject.finalize! expect(subject.rsync_includes).to include(inc) expect(subject.use_legacy_synced_folders).to eq(true) end end describe 'merge' do let(:foo_class) do do attr_accessor :networks attr_accessor :floating_ip_pool end end subject { } context 'with original network not empty array' do it 'should overidde the config' do one = one.networks = ['foo'] two = two.networks = ['bar'] result = one.merge(two) result.networks.should =~ ['bar'] end end context 'with original network empty array' do it 'should add the network to the existing list' do one = one.networks = [] two = two.networks = ['bar'] result = one.merge(two) result.networks.should =~ ['bar'] end end context 'with original network not empty array and new empty array' do it 'should keep the original network' do one = one.networks = ['foo'] two = two.networks = [] result = one.merge(two) result.networks.should =~ ['foo'] end end context 'with original network is a string and new empty array' do it 'should keep the original network and wrap it into an array' do one = one.networks = 'foo' two = two.networks = [] result = one.merge(two) result.networks.should =~ ['foo'] end end context 'with original network is a string and new is a string' do it 'should overidde the config and wrap it into an array' do one = one.networks = 'foo' two = two.networks = 'bar' result = one.merge(two) result.networks.should =~ ['bar'] end end context 'with original floating_ip_pool as string' do context 'and new as empty array' do it 'should put original string in a single entry array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = 'pool' two = two.floating_ip_pool = [] result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ ['pool'] end end context 'and new as empty string' do it 'should put original string in a single entry array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = 'pool' two = two.floating_ip_pool = '' result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ [''] end end context 'and new as string' do it 'should put new string in a single entry array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = 'pool' two = two.floating_ip_pool = 'new-pool' result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ ['new-pool'] end end context 'and new as array' do it 'should put new array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = 'pool' two = two.floating_ip_pool = %w(pool-1 pool-2) result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ %w(pool-1 pool-2) end end end context 'with original floating_ip_pool as array' do context 'and new empty' do it 'should put original array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = %w(pool-1 pool-2) two = two.floating_ip_pool = [] result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ %w(pool-1 pool-2) end end context 'and new as string' do it 'should put new string in a single entry array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = %w(pool-1 pool-2) two = two.floating_ip_pool = 'pool' result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ ['pool'] end end context 'and new as array' do it 'should put new array' do one = one.floating_ip_pool = %w(pool-1 pool-2) two = two.floating_ip_pool = %w(new-pool-1 new-pool-2) result = one.merge(two) result.floating_ip_pool.should =~ %w(new-pool-1 new-pool-2) end end end end describe 'validation' do let(:machine) { double('machine') } let(:validation_errors) { subject.validate(machine)['Openstack Provider'] } let(:error_message) { double('error message') } let(:config) { double('config') } let(:ssh) { double('ssh') } before(:each) do error_message.stub(:yellow) { 'Yellowed Error message ' } machine.stub_chain(:env, :root_path).and_return '/' ssh.stub(:private_key_path) { 'private key path' } ssh.stub(:username) { 'ssh username' } config.stub(:ssh) { ssh } machine.stub(:config) { config } subject.username = 'foo' subject.password = 'bar' subject.tenant_name = 'tenant' subject.keypair_name = 'keypair' end subject do super().tap(&:finalize!) end context 'with invalid stack' do it 'should raise an error' do subject.stacks = [ { name: 'test1' } ] I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.invalid_stack').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end it 'should raise an error' do subject.stacks = [ { name: 'test1', tempslate: 'tes1' } ] I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.invalid_stack').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end it 'should not raise an error' do subject.stacks = [ { name: 'test1', template: 'tes1' } ] expect(validation_errors).to be_empty end end context 'with invalid key' do it 'should raise an error' do subject.nonsense1 = true subject.nonsense2 = false I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant.config.common.bad_field', fields: 'nonsense1, nonsense2').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end context 'with no ssh username provider' do it 'should raise an error' do ssh.stub(:username) { nil } subject.ssh_username = nil I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.ssh_username_required').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end context 'with good values' do it 'should validate' do validation_errors.should be_empty end end context 'private_key_path is not set' do context 'keypair_name or public_key_path is set' do it 'should error if not given' do ssh.stub(:private_key_path) { nil } subject.public_key_path = 'public_key' I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.private_key_missing').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end end context 'the password' do it 'should error if not given' do subject.password = nil I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.password_required').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end context 'the username' do it 'should error if not given' do subject.username = nil I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.username_required').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end context 'the tenant name' do it 'should error if not given' do subject.tenant_name = nil I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.tenant_name_required').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end context 'the ssh_timeout' do it 'should error if do not represent an integer' do subject.ssh_timeout = 'timeout' I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.invalid_value_for_parameter', parameter: 'ssh_timeout', value: 'timeout').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end it 'should be parsed as integer if is a string that represent an integer' do subject.ssh_timeout = '100' validation_errors.size.should eq(0) expect(subject.ssh_timeout).to eq(100) end end [:openstack_compute_url, :openstack_auth_url, :openstack_orchestration_url].each do |url| context "the #{url}" do it 'should not validate if the URL is invalid' do subject.send "#{url}=", 'baz' I18n.should_receive(:t).with('vagrant_openstack.config.invalid_uri', key: url, uri: 'baz').and_return error_message validation_errors.first.should == error_message end end end end end