require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/abstract_test.rb' require 'paging_enumerator' class PagingEnumeratorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_should_count_pages_correctly assert_equal 4, enum(page_size, total_size).page_count end def test_should_page assert_equal( (1..total_size).to_a, iterate(enum(page_size, total_size, true)) # iterate enum ) end def test_should_page_manually assert_equal( (1..page_size).to_a, iterate(enum(page_size, total_size)) # iterate manual_paging enum ) end def test_should_move_to_next_page enum = enum(page_size, total_size) # Iterate the enumeration and inspect the results # and manually move to the next page iterate(enum) enum.next_page! # Iterate the next page and verify that the enum # returned the results from the next page assert_equal( ((page_size + 1)..(page_size * 2)).to_a, iterate(enum) ) end def test_should_not_move_to_next_page enum = enum(page_size, total_size) # Iterate the enumeration and inspect the results assert_equal (1..page_size).to_a, iterate(enum) # Verify that we are able to iterate the same page twice in a row assert_equal (1..page_size).to_a, iterate(enum) end def test_should_move_to_last_page enum = enum(page_size, total_size) # Iterate the enumeration and inspect the results # then manually move to the last page iterate(enum) enum.last_page! assert_equal([10], iterate(enum)) end def test_should_move enum = enum(page_size, total_size) assert_equal(1, enum.move!(2) assert_equal(2, assert_equal(1, enum.first_page) start_val = (page_size - 1) * 2 end_val = (page_size - 1) * 3 assert_equal (start_val..end_val).to_a, iterate(enum) end def test_move_should_respect_upper_boundary enum = enum(page_size, total_size) assert_equal(1, enum.move!(100) # try moving to really high page assert_equal(enum.last_page, end def test_move_should_respect_lower_boundary enum = enum(page_size, total_size) assert_equal(1, enum.move!(-100) # try moving to low page assert_equal(enum.first_page, end def test_should_raise_on_move enum = enum(page_size, total_size, true) assert_equal(1, assert_raises(ArgumentError) { enum.move!(2) } end def test_next_page_should_respect_upper_boundar enum = enum(page_size, total_size) enum.last_page! assert_equal enum.last_page, enum.next_page! assert_equal enum.last_page, end def test_previous_page_should_respect_upper_boundar enum = enum(page_size, total_size) enum.first_page! assert_equal enum.first_page, enum.previous_page! assert_equal enum.first_page, end def test_should_handle_zero_page_size enum(0, 1).each {} end def iterate(enum) results = [] first_page = enum.first_page enum.each do |e| # Verify that the enum.first_page does not change as we iterate assert_equal(first_page, enum.first_page) # Verify that the is correct for the current enum value assert_equal(((e - 1) / enum.page_size) + 1, results << e end results end # Build the PagingEnumerable with a certain page size and # total number of elements. Set up a callback that pages # integers in range 1..total_size. def enum(page_size, total_size, auto = nil), total_size, auto) do |page| lower = page == 1 ? 0 : (page - 1) * page_size upper = lower + page_size - 1 (1..total_size).to_a[lower..upper] end end def page_size 3 end def total_size 10 end end