shared_examples "a ticket store interacting with sessions" do describe "#store_service_session_lookup" do it "should raise CASException if the Service Ticket is nil" do expect { subject.store_service_session_lookup(nil, "controller") }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /No service_ticket specified/) end it "should raise CASException if the controller is nil" do expect { subject.store_service_session_lookup("service_ticket", nil) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /No controller specified/) end it "should store the ticket without any errors" do expect { subject.store_service_session_lookup(service_ticket, mock_controller_with_session(nil, session)) }.to_not raise_exception end end describe "#get_session_for_service_ticket" do context "the service ticket is nil" do it "should raise CASException" do expect { subject.get_session_for_service_ticket(nil) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /No service_ticket specified/) end end context "the service ticket is associated with a session" do before do subject.store_service_session_lookup(service_ticket, mock_controller_with_session(nil, session))! end it "should return the session_id and session for the given service ticket" do result_session_id, result_session = subject.get_session_for_service_ticket(service_ticket) result_session_id.should == session.session_id result_session.session_id.should == session.session_id == end end context "the service ticket is not associated with a session" do it "should return nils if there is no session for the given service ticket" do subject.get_session_for_service_ticket(service_ticket).should == [nil, nil] end end end describe "#process_single_sign_out" do context "the service ticket is nil" do it "should raise CASException" do expect { subject.process_single_sign_out(nil) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /No service_ticket specified/) end end context "the service ticket is associated with a session" do before do subject.store_service_session_lookup(service_ticket, mock_controller_with_session(nil, session))! subject.process_single_sign_out(service_ticket) end context "the session" do it "should be destroyed" do ActiveRecord::SessionStore.session_class.find_by_session_id(session.session_id).should be_nil end end it "should destroy session for the given service ticket" do subject.process_single_sign_out(service_ticket) end end context "the service ticket is not associated with a session" do it "should run without error if there is no session for the given service ticket" do expect { subject.process_single_sign_out(service_ticket) }.to_not raise_error end end end describe "#cleanup_service_session_lookup" do context "the service ticket is nil" do it "should raise CASException" do expect { subject.cleanup_service_session_lookup(nil) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /No service_ticket specified/) end end it "should run without error" do expect { subject.cleanup_service_session_lookup(service_ticket) }.to_not raise_exception end end end shared_examples "a ticket store" do let(:ticket_store) { } let(:service_url) { "" } let(:session) do ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.create!(:session_id => "session#{rand(1000)}", :data => {}) end subject { ticket_store } context "when dealing with sessions, Service Tickets, and Single Sign Out" do context "and the service ticket is a String" do it_behaves_like "a ticket store interacting with sessions" do let(:service_ticket) { "ST-ABC#{rand(1000)}" } end end context "and the service ticket is a ServiceTicket" do it_behaves_like "a ticket store interacting with sessions" do let(:service_ticket) {"ST-ABC#{rand(1000)}", service_url) } end end context "and the service ticket is a ProxyTicket" do it_behaves_like "a ticket store interacting with sessions" do let(:service_ticket) {"ST-ABC#{rand(1000)}", service_url) } end end end context "when dealing with Proxy Granting Tickets and their IOUs" do let(:pgt) { "my_pgt_#{rand(1000)}" } let(:pgt_iou) { "my_pgt_iou_#{rand(1000)}" } describe "#save_pgt_iou" do it "should raise CASClient::CASException if the pgt_iou is nil" do expect { subject.save_pgt_iou(nil, pgt) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /Invalid pgt_iou/) end it "should raise CASClient::CASException if the pgt is nil" do expect { subject.save_pgt_iou(pgt_iou, nil) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /Invalid pgt/) end end describe "#retrieve_pgt" do before do subject.save_pgt_iou(pgt_iou, pgt) end it "should return the stored pgt" do subject.retrieve_pgt(pgt_iou).should == pgt end it "should raise CASClient::CASException if the pgt_iou isn't in the store" do expect { subject.retrieve_pgt("not_my"+pgt_iou) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /Invalid pgt_iou/) end it "should not return the stored pgt a second time" do subject.retrieve_pgt(pgt_iou).should == pgt expect { subject.retrieve_pgt(pgt_iou) }.to raise_exception(CASClient::CASException, /Invalid pgt_iou/) end end end end